God of Shuratan

Chapter 1670: Conditions for killing star sword

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Zai Xingjian smiled on his face, Qin Yang asked the condition that in his view Qin Yang was on the chopping board ready to accept his slaughter.

"First, one trillion Need for Holy Crystal."

"Second, a hundred pieces of jaws suitable for our strong gods!"

"Third, a thousand dominance pills!"

When Zai Xingjian said the first one, Qin Yang's eyes were a lot colder. After finishing the three, Qin Yang could not but slapped Zai Xingjian's face with a slap. This guy really dared to speak.

At the auction where many masters participated in the auction, the original blood demon stone of the size of the human head was bid for the price of ten billion Need for Holy Crystal. Generally, the masters of the master level can't bring out so much money. The opening is actually one trillion Need for Saint Crystal!

There were also a hundred pieces of jailware and a thousand pieces of master's medicine.

When the slaughter is a toy, is the master medicine the jelly bean?


"There is still a fourth?"

Qin Yang said coldly.

Zai Xingjian sneered: "Not only the fourth, but also the fifth! Qin Yang, listen to you. Fourth, you let your parents imprison your cultivation practices in the lower realm, and then they are taken away by the strong of our gods, The strong of our gods guarantee their safety! "

Qin Yang's fists were clenched tightly, and Zaixingjian was too wild!

"What about the fifth?"

Qin Yang is extremely gloomy.

Zai Xingjian said coldly: "The fifth point is that if your human race wins, normally your human race can get a lot of territory from the snake race or the zerg race, you sign the race document, and then our **** god race can take priority Choose some sites! "

Qin Yang smiled angrily, and there was a smile on his face, but it seemed that Zai Xingjian looked at Qin Yang's smile.

"Qin Yang, you have completed these conditions. At that time, our gods will continue to support you. You will not dismantle your platform, otherwise we will lack the support of our gods, and the black spirits will definitely fight against your human race soon. The Zerg or Snake races in a racial **** battle! "

Zai Xingjian sneered, "Oh, yes, the above is the request of our Celestial Clan, below I have two more requirements, you must support Princess Ellie with me at that time, and, drive Feng Ruohai away, he Can no longer be your apprentice! "

"Are you finished?"

Qin Yang is indifferent and authentic.

"For the time being, Qin Yang, please consider carefully, this may be related to the continuation of your human race!"

Zai Xingjian said in a high way, "You don't want to be convinced, who is the strength of your human race today?"

"Behind you will be beaten!"

"To pay tribute to a powerful race!"

Qin Yang took a deep breath and said, "This matter is of great importance. Let me consider it. The Drunken God Ceremony will be held soon. I will reply to you after I wake up!"

Zai Xingjian sneered: "It's not impossible, but you must first drive Feng Ruohai away, it's rare to see him in front of you!"

Qin Yang shook his head: "This is just not good."

"Feng Ruohai is Ai Li's mentor. Now, if you drive away Feng Ruohai, Ai Li will be greatly affected, and she will soon be awakening the ceremony! Ai Li will also participate in the awakening ceremony. If it affects Ai Li, then Lord Lan is just afraid of trying to kill you! "

Zaixingjian frowned, which was a problem.

If Master Turan was extremely dissatisfied with him by then, he would have become a mess if he wanted to marry Princess Elle.

"After the Awakening Ceremony is over, immediately drive away Feng Ruohai!"

"It's a waste, I don't know which point you are looking at!"

Zai Xingjian said coldly, "Qin Yang, I said the five requirements, you better think clearly and make preparations. If the Celestial Clan can not give up its support to you, then your Clan will face the disaster of extinction. . "

"Done talking?"

"When you're done, you can go."

Qin Yang is indifferent and authentic.


Zai Xingjian disappeared with a cold sneer, Qin Yang sneered in his heart, the Celestial Clan really was a lion's mouth, such a thing should be supported by his father Optimus Sect, Optimus Sect is the most powerful character of Celestial Sect!

Although it can be said that Master Qingtian does not completely represent the Celestial Clan, his influence within the Celestial Clan is still extremely strong.

"Qin Yang, now the human race is taking advantage of the Celestial Clan. If the Celestial Clan declares that regardless of the things between the Human Clan and the Hei Ling Clan, the Hei Ling Clan is likely to directly choose to conduct a racial **** battle with the Human Clan. Bad news. "

Qingxuan reminded Qin Yangdao.


Qin Yang nodded slightly, of course he knew this.

So although he was very angry just now, Qin Yang still endured, and he had to wait for Feng Ruohai to awaken the **** ceremony before talking about it.

Feng Ruohai's talent has been greatly improved, and his strength has also gone up. Then his influence in the Celestial Clan can be enhanced a lot!

Green Sword Dao: "The Celestial Clan might just be talking indiscriminately. If they really don't agree to the Celestial Clan, they might not dare to pick out."

"If the Black Spirit tribe wins a lot of luck, the Black Spirit tribe's strength will inevitably increase, and it will challenge the current status of the Celestial Clan! If the Celestial Clan falls from the second to the third, the ethnic luck will be reduced. , Will have a detrimental effect on all the powerful gods! "

Qing Xuan lightly sighed: "Say that, but can we just bet on it? We lost the bet, the entire human race is finished. If the strength of the Tianshen Clan is improved regardless of the time of the Hei Ling Clan, the Tianshen Clan will have less luck. , The impact is acceptable! "

Qin Yang was silent for this reason, so Master Qingtian only dared to let Zai Xingjian come over to the lion to threaten him!

"Let Jun Ying come to control the Dark Lord, etc., and secretly kill some strong gods?"

Qin Yang secretly said that this was done to blame the Hei Ling tribe.

But the risk is quite large.

They will definitely doubt him if they are dominated by Optimus, and it may expose them to darkness.

——As long as the Dynamite Master suspects that he is going to him, with the strength of the Celestial Clan, the Dynamite Master can completely let Qin Yang make their soul vows and Qin Yang they can lie, but violation of the soul vows will affect the practice!

After considering for a while, Qin Yang still dismissed such an idea.

"Well, let's talk after awakening the Great Ceremony!"

Qin Yang secretly said.

The time soon came to the next day. In the early morning, a large number of strong gods surrounded by the heavenly sacred lake. They looked eagerly at the heavenly sacred lake. The Awakening Ceremony was the dragon gate of many strong gods. Chance, if you awaken, then the talent strength may be greatly improved!

"Everyone, today is the day of our god-worship once every 100,000 years, and I wish all young talents participating in the god-waking ceremony to be awakened and inherited from the past--"

Above the platform, Master Qingtian spoke, but he didn't talk too much, and he ended his speech five minutes later.

Qin Yang looked at the Optimus Master, who seemed to be a decent figure.

However, this does not mean that the previous events have nothing to do with the Qingtian master, and relatives in the face of huge interests may turn their backs.

"This seat announces that the Ceremony of Awakening begins."

"All young talents involved, enter the Holy Lake!"

Optimus ruled loudly.

"Ruohai, if you get a strong heritage, don't let people know that if your father is not an accident, it is dangerous for you to be outstanding.

Qin Yang's voice sounded in Feng Ruohai's mind.

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