God of Shuratan

Chapter 1829: Use Zerg Powerhouse

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"Lili, I can only do this with this matter. I promised to replace your father with them. This will not work."

"Many people have died, they caught Lekerman, and it's probably not comfortable to put them in many people's hearts."

"And Lecman's strength is too strong. When they leave, they don't know how many people will die in their hands."

Qin Yang faced Liuli flue.

Liuliyan nodded: "I know, my husband, the father and the ruler of Hongyue are only ten times more powerful than the peak dominance level, and Lei Keman has more than fifty times the strength of the dominance level of the peak dominance, and we have caught more monsters. unequal."

"If you agree, there may be such unequal transactions in the future."

"Rekman they are in our hands, I think the Casa Demon Emperor should not act rashly on their side."

Qin Yang nodded: "It is highly probable that they will not act rashly. They also want to attract us to the Lost Demon River to deal with us."

"And Venerable Burning Gang should cooperate with Casa Demon Emperor, and Venerable Burning Gang should know that if they come in chaos, we will not be polite to the Black Spirits here. The war between the Human Race and the Black Spirits broke out. Ethnically disadvantaged."

Luo Lingna said: "Husband, if this happens, don't we have any action on the Hei Ling tribe?"

Qin Yang sighed: "If there is a war with the Hei Ling clan at this time, it is also very unfavorable for our human race. And before signing a racial document with the Hei Ling clan, if there is no evidence, unless very bad circumstances occur, otherwise We can only tolerate it."

"Wait for me to let the last humanoid supreme weapon recognize the Lord."

"At that time, my strength should be invincible!"

Luo Lingna nodded their heads. If things were going wrong at this time, it would indeed be not conducive to Qin Yang's training and improvement of strength.

Wei Shiyun said: "Fujun, originally in that place, you only need one or two years to let the humanoid supremacy master recognize the Lord. Now that we have left from there, do you need a longer time? Can the treasure be recognized?"


Qin Yang nodded, "So I need to find a new Dongtianfudi, preferably one that is not in the Lost Demon River."

"We are looking for danger, and I plan to let the Zerg powerhouse look for it!"

The Zerg Ning Yanli is in the space treasure of Qin Yang, and many other Zerg strongmen are also in the Qin Yang space treasure. Qin Yang went to Ning Yanli.

Ning Yanli's strength was 18 times the peak dominance level before, but not as strong after the injury, but at this time Ning Yanli has been 27 times the peak dominance level, and the strength has been greatly improved compared to before. .

Ning Yanli's injury has also been fully recovered.

"Master Qin Yang."

Seeing Qin Yang, Ning Yanli quickly saluted, her strength could grow so much, naturally because Qin Yang gave her benefits, she absorbed some of the power of the two realms.

"Ning Yanli, there is something you need to do. You let some Zerg powerhouses leave, and then bring a large number of Zerg powerhouses into the lost demons where we are now. Your task is to find Dongtianfu Land. If you find a powerful Dongtianfu Land, Your benefits will be indispensable at that time."

"Your strength is more than forty times the peak dominance level, no problem."

"Oh by the way, you can still give birth to many Zerg to find!"

"Most of the remaining Zerg powerhouses are also sent to find them."

Qin Yang said, Ning Yanli is the mother of war, and the Zerg is not too strong, and she has no problem if she is born with billions at a time.

Ning Yanli said: "Master Qin Yang, is it inconvenient for the human race to find--"

Qin Yang said quietly: "The chance of the strong human race looking for death is much greater, and this seat does not want to mobilize many people to come in and sacrifice! Do you want to do this thing?"

"Will, willing."

Ning Yanli said quickly, she knew that Qin Yang was not discussing with her at all, and she was unwilling to have absolutely no good fruit to eat.

Ning Yanli “has been fortunate” to experience the punishment formation method newly developed by Qin Yang after half a minute, and she never wants to experience it again.

"That line, let your people go outside to find out, and report to you immediately when there is news!"

"Many Zergs are mobilized to enter it. If they find good things, they cannot be swallowed, otherwise they will face severe punishment!"

"Each of your strong-level masters is responsible for a group of people, acting in groups and performing well, and there will be rewards!"

Qin Yang let Ning Yanli reach the Zerg strong who he had captured, and did not control those Zerg strong. Qin Yang made them obedient and obedient, they may not necessarily listen, but Ning Yanli, as the mother of Zerg, they have also received Ning The strength of Yanli, Ning Yanli made them obedient and they must listen.

Soon Qin Yang sent hundreds of Zerg powerhouses to the outside, and some of them immediately searched in the Lost Demon Land, and the other part hurriedly left the Lost Demon Land. They had to go back and call in many Zerg Powerhouses. Get up much faster.

Here, Ning Yanli became the emperor of the Zerg, with a body length of more than a thousand kilometers, and soon some Zerg with very low strength were born.

These Zergs came out as adults, but their strength was low, and they died immediately after birth.

The rules of heaven and earth on the Lost Earth side are different from the outside world.

Soon the second batch came out, the strength of this batch increased a lot, but immediately died.

After several batches, the death did not reappear.

"Ning Yanli, Zerg, how much can you produce at a time?" Qin Yang asked.

Ning Yanli said: "Senior Qin Yang, now I have enough strength in my body, such a level can produce one billion at a time! If the strength is restored, I can carry out the second production."


"Start now!"

Qin Yang Shen said, as the queen of war, and now has 27 times the peak dominance level, Ning Yanli showed a terrifying scene, a large number of Zerg quickly flew out of her body, and are good at Flying, good at finding Zerg in the sky.

In just half an hour, a billion army of Zerg gathered in front of Qin Yang, vast and mighty.

If you compare the combat power, Qin Yang can easily destroy them, but if you compare the search capabilities, Qin Yang is far less than so many Zerg forces.

"Whether you have given them orders, I let them go outside."

"Master Qin Yang, has given them orders, they will immediately start searching, and if they find them, they will dismiss the news."

Ning Yanli said.

Qin Yang nodded, and immediately one hundred million of the one billion Zerg arrived outside. He also went outside and flew to the rest to release the other Zerg in batches.

Here, Ning Yanli, Qin Yang let her enter the time circle, and Qin Yang gave her a lot of resources for her to recover quickly.

In just one day, Qin Yang sent 20 batches of Zerg to the outside, each batch was 1 billion, which is a staggering 20 billion.

A few days later, the Zerg Powerhouses who set out for the outside world also returned. They brought back a large number of Zerg Powerhouses, and the number of Zergs in the Lost Demon East increased significantly.

Such a large-scale movement, they naturally got the news.

But Venerable Fen Gang did nothing.

The Burning Lord Venerable and the Casa Demon Emperor consume a lot of power. Their consumption is different from that of Ning Yanli. It is not so quickly replenishable, and the Casa Demon Emperor can't go outside the Lost Demon River yet. Lord Zong is also inconvenient to appear.

The rest of the powerful monsters left the Lost Demon River and were easily targeted by Qin Yang.



Master Xuanxuan also knew the situation here. After they listened carefully, they got the news that Liuli ruled them.

If the previous negotiations were a little late, they would not have to give up 3 billion years in the east of the Lost Devil.

"Qin Yang actually let the Zerg strong seek out. The Zerg mother emperor is really powerful in this respect. In addition, before the monsters died a lot, the magic energy between the world and the world increased. Maybe the Zerg really found a lot of good things."

Jason Long Road, he was quite arrogant before, but in view of the current situation, Qin Yang still let him and Bai Zhuo leave them.

Returning to the Chaos clan for a while, Za Shenglong became powerful again, and his dissatisfaction with Qin Yang became stronger and stronger.

"Shenglong Daoyou, now we have a cooperative relationship with Qin Yang. They get good things and strengthen their strength, which is not a bad thing for us! Don’t forget that the monster has killed many of our strongmen, this enemy We have to report."

"Shenglong Daoyou, if you are dissatisfied with Qin Yang, I will talk about this later!"

Shen Xuan, the master of Hyun Xuan, said, "The Casa Demon Emperor can actually summon the strong to come to them from a distance, everyone must be more careful next!"

"The plan to enter the Lost River operation is temporarily suspended."


The rest of the powerful people around him nodded their heads, and Master Hyun-hyun gained a trace of Heavenly Dao rule power. His strength has increased a bit, and now he has 82 times the strength of the peak master level.

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