God of Shuratan

Chapter 1865: Stone of Death

Qin Yang took the lead, and it didn't take long for the group to climb the eternal sacred mountain.

"Husband, is there some changes in the Temple of Eternity?"

Lorina was puzzled.

"There are certain changes. It is estimated that the eternal temple is currently in a locked state, and ordinary people may not be able to enter the eternal temple."

Qin Yang said, he approached the Eternal Temple.

The door of the Eternal Temple did not open, but a beam of light fell on Qin Yang, and Qin Yang's figure instantly plunged into the Eternal Temple.

Luo Lingna and the others immediately arrived at the spot where Qin Yang had just stood, but no light appeared.

"Elder Gu, come and try."

Luo Lingna opened the mouth and said, Gu Yushan nodded, he also arrived at the place Qin Yang had just arrived, and the same light made him disappear.

"It seems that only people of the eternal level can enter. Let's wait outside."

Lorina was a little regretful and authentic.

Chu Yan actually tried it one after another, and none of them was attracted by the beam.


Gu Yushan appeared beside Qin Yang.

"This is the ninth floor of the Eternal Temple. The nine idols are all left behind by the eternal-level powerful, and they are all those with excellent talents among the eternal-level powerful. Powerful of the level."

Qin Yang introduced that Gu Yushan did not come back last time.

"Awesome, but you are even more powerful, the master."

Ancient Yushan Road.

In the Starry Sky Great World, he became an eternal figure within one hundred thousand years, a super Niu Cha, and Qin Yang has become an eternal strong man for more than a thousand years, and is now a second-order eternal figure.

"Seniors, excuse me."

Qin Yang said that strands of divine thoughts were passed on to the nine statues. The nine statues were originally like ordinary statues. After receiving Qin Yang's divine thoughts, the statues quickly released their divine light.

"Young man, you are here again."

"It doesn't seem to be too long."

"Huh? Young man, your cultivation base—"

A loud voice sounded, and the nine statues all looked at Qin Yang and them.

Qin Yang arched his hands and respectfully said: "Qin Yang pays homage to you seniors. I currently have an eternal level of cultivation. I have something to come to ask seniors for help."

Qin Yang said pieces of Heavenly Dao Stones flew out, and these Heavenly Dao Stones were next to the nine statues of God, and the power in the Heavenly Dao Stone was immediately absorbed by the nine statues.

The inheritance was given before, but now that when he wakes up, the nine gods consume a lot of power, absorb the power of the heavenly stone, and they can recover a lot.

"Junior Gu Yushan pays homage to the seniors."

Gu Yushan also hurriedly saluted.

"Now that you can enter it at this time, you all have an eternal level of cultivation. The situation of the human race in the starry sky world should not be very bad, why are you here?"

Qin Yang said in a deep voice: "Seniors, my daughter has just been full moon, she was born under the Destiny Curse, and I have a few children who will be born in a few hundred years. They may also be born under the Destiny Curse. I would like to consult What solutions do you seniors have to crack."

"Destiny Curse, alas!"

"This broken thing again!"

"My child died under this thing."

When Qin Yang talked about this, several idols immediately spoke in indignation. They were talented and more than half had encountered Qin Yang's problem.

Qin Yang said: "Seniors, entering the heavens, if you become a powerful heavenly power level, it is possible to solve them, but I don't have that much time at all, and I don't know if there is a way to crack the curse of destiny in the starry sky world. It's okay to ease it."

"Lao Mu, come on."

"Yes, Brother Mu, you know a lot."

Several statues opened their mouths, and most of the statues looked at one of them. That statue looked like an ordinary old man.

"Qin Yang, if you want to completely break the Destiny Curse with your current strength, it is impossible. Do you know that when you cast the Destiny Curse, nine powerful Heavenly Dao level powers of our human race died at that time, and those nine powers All have at least the four changes of the cultivation base."

"A few of them have reached the Five Changes of Heaven."

"Furthermore, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine powerful human geniuses died that time. Although they do not have the cultivation base of the heavenly path, they are all of the eternal level. Among them, ninety-nine eighty-one reached the eternal level. So many."

A look of horror appeared in Qin Yang's eyes, and so many geniuses died.

"At that time, more than one race of strong men participated in this catastrophe against the human race, and their identities were unknown. After that, the chance of the human genius level strong man appearing greatly reduced, and the strength of the human race gradually declined."

Qin Yang said, "Senior, is there no way to do it?"

"Don't worry, listen to the old man."

"Back then, the top powerhouses of the nine Heavenly Dao-level human races were refined into nine desperate pillars. They are distributed in different places in the heavens. At present, several desperate pillars have been exposed. I don’t know. If the nine desperate pillars are destroyed, the curse of destiny It broke."

"But it's too difficult to do this."

"You don't have such conditions now."

"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine human race's powerful geniuses were refined into nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine stone tablets of desperation. Most of them should be in the heavens, but some were taken to the starry sky. , The human genius used to suppress the starry sky world."

Qin Yang's face was gloomy, what a ruthless method.

"There are a few of these desperate steles, we know where, destroying a piece, we can get a certain amount of power against the heavens. These powers can be absorbed by the person who has been hit by the curse. Although it cannot completely resolve the curse, it can delay the time of death. ."

"But the strong who destroy the Stone of Death will be cursed."

"The strong man who can destroy the stone tablet of death must be a very powerful figure in the human race. Destroying the stone tablet to save others may die. Maybe this is also in the calculation of the enemy."

The old man smiled bitterly, some of them like the strong destroyed the stone monument, and then he didn't make it through behind.

Qin Yang said in a deep voice, "Senior, what kind of curse is it?"

The old man said: "It's also a fate curse. Destroy a stone tablet of death. If the strongman of the first tier cannot break through to the second tier within a thousand years, he will die. If it is the strongman of the second tier, destroy one, and it will not break through three thousand years. It will die even at the third stage of the age!"

Gu Yushan said: "What if you destroy two pieces?"

"Destroying two pieces will shorten the time by half. If you die in a thousand years, you will die in five hundred years. If you die in three thousand years, you will die in 1,500 years!"

Qin Yang said, "Is it still shortened by half?"


Qin Yang asked: "Then if one destroys a piece and absorbs power, how long will the lifespan be extended?"

"By absorbing the power of a stone tablet of despair, the lifespan can be doubled!"

"The lifespan of the deadly curse varies from one thousand to ten thousand years depending on the talents. If you absorb the power of a deadly stone tablet, the lifespan is different from 2,000 to 20,000 years. If you absorb the second piece, the lifespan is four. It’s a thousand to forty thousand years."

"It seems that this gives the human race some opportunities for the strong, but this can be said to be a huge trap, or a trap that many human race strong know that they will also jump into it."

Qin Yang said: "There shouldn't be so many stone tablets now, right?"

"Yes, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine desperate stone tablets may have been reduced by half now, but even if it is so much less, it will not affect the power of the desperate curse. As long as the nine desperate pillars are not damaged, absolutely The fate curse will definitely not disappear."

"Qin Yang, if you have such an idea, I advise you to consider it more."

"It's not easy for the human race to appear as a powerful person like you, if you don't die, at least you can protect the human race from the starry sky world for a long time."

The other powerful idols also persuaded Qin Yang.

Qin Yang said in a deep voice: "Seniors, if I don't even save my daughter, and my Dao heart is damaged, how can I reach a higher level in the future?"

"Please also seniors please tell me the location of the Stone of Death that I know."

"I will think about it carefully."

"By the way, seniors, the powerhouses of other races don't know if they can destroy the Stone of Death?"

The old man said: "The strong of the other races can be destroyed, but if it is destroyed, there will be no power against the sky, and if the stone monument is destroyed, there will be a life curse! In the past, strong humans forced the strong of other races to do this , And no effect."

Qin Yang sighed secretly, if the powerhouses of the other races can, that would be fine.

"Sect Master, Casa Demon Emperor, they are not only the powerhouses of the other races, they are also the powerhouses of the rest of the world. I don't know how they will destroy the Stone of Death.

Gu Yushan sent a message to Qin Yang.

Qin Yang's eyes lit up, but it is certainly possible.

"Seniors, I hope to inform!"

Qin Yang saluted deeply.

Nine gods look at me, I look at you, and finally sighed.

"Qin Yang, in the Starry Sky World, we only know the location of the thirteen desperate tablets. We can tell you all of them, but you should not act rashly."

Passed to Qin Yang's Chaos Origin Purple Fire's powerhouse.

"Good senior."

Qin Yang nodded.

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