God of Shuratan

Chapter 2132: Human Academy's current strength

"Qin Yang, our palace will never let you go, you will definitely die!!"

Gong Xiuli roared like a mad woman, her eyes were bloodshot, and she stared at Qin Yang and them with incomparable hatred.

Qin Yang smiled and nodded: "It's just right, I didn't let your palace abandon your plan, so I will see who can have the last laugh at that time."

"But you won't be able to laugh soon, and you are about to cry!"

In the next second, Qin Yang took Gong Xiuli to the side of the penalty formation.

"Gong Xiuli, you are very honored. This is the punishment formation that I set up after my cultivation reaches the level of the Heavenly Dao. It is specially prepared for you. It is most suitable for you to open it!"


Qin Yang said indifferently, this formation was really made specially by him!

Knowing what Gong Xiuli had done to Xiao Junying at that time, Qin Yang was very angry. He had already planned to let Gong Xiuli enter the penalty formation.

"Heh, that's it?"

Gong Xiuli disdain, "Qin Yang, Qin Yang, you too underestimate this palace, this palace is a powerhouse of the Second Transformation of Heaven, at least the penalty formation of the Second Transformation of Heaven can cause intense pain in this palace."

"In terms of alchemy, you have the level of the second transformation of the heavenly path, do you want to tell this palace that you also have the level of the second transformation of the heavenly path in the formation?"

Qin Yang smiled and said authentically: "Don't worry, you won't be disappointed!"

In terms of formation, Qin Yang is of course also at the level of the Second Change of Heaven.

Moreover, Qin Yang used a lot of good things for this formation, and the effect was leveraged at the second transformation level of Heaven!


Gong Xiuli snorted and walked into the formation by herself. If she didn't take the initiative, she might be drawn in by the whip.

Qin Yang's mind immediately activated the formation.


Gong Xiuli couldn't help but screamed in an instant. Although she had the cultivation level of the Second Transformation of the Heavenly Dao, she was not very powerful at the Second Transformation of the Heavenly Dao level. In particular, it was mainly because of her good family background that she reached the second level of the Tiandao!

Compared with many other powerhouses of the Second Change of Heaven, Gong Xiuli did not suffer so much, and her willpower was not so strong!

"Gong Xiuli, is my husband's formation okay?"

Xiao Junying smiled and said, they were naturally there at the moment, they were happy to see Gong Xiuli in pain.

"So so, just like that!"

Gong Xiuli said coldly.

After getting used to it a bit, Gong Xiuli could barely bear it, but it was still extremely painful.

Shen Yuling smiled and said: "Gong Xiuli, your expression is a bit stiff, please have a smile."

"Huh, that's it."

"At this level, you should temper your will!"

Gong Xiuli said and closed her eyes.

Even if it hurts, Gong Xiuli can't show it right now, otherwise Qin Yang and the others would be happy!

Qin Yang smiled at Xiao Junwan and the others: "Wife, has she forgotten that I am still a pharmacist at the Second Transformation Level of the Heavenly Dao, and I have prepared a good second-level Transformation Elixir for her!"

Xiao Junying's eyes lit up.

Gong Xiuli shook her body.

A pill appeared in front of Qin Yang. With a wave of his hand, the pill went directly into Gong Xiuli's stomach, and it was useless for Gong Xiuli to close her mouth!

The medicinal power of the elixir was released in a short time.


Gong Xiuli screamed again and again. The pill that Qin Yang produced by himself naturally fits the formation very well. When added together, Gong Xiuli's pain would increase four or five times, and it was impossible to hold back with her willpower.

"Gong Xiuli, after all, is a pill of the Second Transformation of Heaven's Path, and the effect of this pill can last for ten years."

Qin Yang said indifferently.

"The surname Qin, you must not die!"

Gong Xiuli roared angrily.

"Huh? If you are still so energetic, then I will add runes to you. It is true that my runes are also at the second level of the Heavenly Dao!"

Qin Yang said that ten or so Zhang Fulu appeared in his hand, which he had prepared in advance!

There are extremely complex and powerful runes on each talisman. Qin Yang activates these runes at the same time, and all the runes on it fly to Gong Xiuli's body, and the pain Gong Xiuli suffers is two or three times stronger!

Nowadays, it is difficult for the powerhouses of the Three Transformations of Heaven to bear such pain.

Gong Xiuli was rolling in pain.

"Jun Ying, have you vented a little bit?"

Qin Yang smiled.


Xiao Junying nodded quickly. Qin Yang arranged all this early, indicating that Qin Yang cared about her very much and Xiao Junying was naturally satisfied.

"Let's go out and visit."

"This penalty formation has the ability to speed up time, so that it speeds up a thousand times. Gong Xiuli will soon be here for ten years."

Qin Yang smiled, and the next second he and Xiao Junying disappeared.

Outside, Qin Yang played with Xiao Junwan and the others for three days. During these three days, they were like a few ordinary practitioners, leaving everything else behind. Qin Yang was wholeheartedly accompanying Xiao Junwan and the others.

"Wife, let's go see Gong Xiuli."

Qin Yang smiled and said, he took Xiao Junwan and the others to the penalty formation once again.

In the punishment formation, Gong Xiuli looks extremely miserable. She has wanted to die countless times, but in this she can't die at all. It is impossible to pass in a coma. The endless pain is entangled every minute and every second. Holding her.

"Qin... Master Qin, kill me, kill me."

"Please kill me."

Gong Xiuli pleaded with great pain. Seeing Qin Yang and the others at this moment, Gong Xiuli felt ecstatic in her heart as if she had seen her relatives.

Qin Yang smiled lightly and said: "Gong Xiuli, you weren't very hard before, why are you begging to die now? It's not like your style!"

"You are the sister of the palace master, the elder of the palace family, how could I just kill you like this, don't worry, you will be alive for a longer period of time, and I will take care of the pill!"

With that said, Qin Yang canceled the time acceleration, and the normal time flow would be fine. Otherwise, even if Qin Yang could refine it by himself, it would not be able to hold a pill of Heavenly Path Two Transformation level for three or four days!

"Master Qin, I know many secrets of the palace, I will tell you all."

"Just beg you to kill me."

Gong Xiuli begged bitterly.

"I know a lot about the secrets of the palace family, not rare."

After Qin Yang left with Xiao Junwan and the others, all four of them were relatively silent.

"Jun Ying, do you sympathize with her?" Qin Yang asked.

Xiao Junwan and the others shook their heads quickly.

Xiao Jun Wan said: "Husband, that's impossible. Jun Ying has suffered a lot in her hands. If it weren't for your husband to save Junying back, Jun Ying might end up in her hands. How could we sympathize with her?"

Xuanyuan Mingyue and Shen Yuling shook their heads quickly.

Xiao Junying didn't speak, and it was her who was least likely to sympathize with Gong Xiuli.

Xiao Junying's humiliation in those years can be vividly remembered.

"By the way, your husband, some powerful people in Fengyuan Pavilion are on the Fengtian Ancient Battlefield, including Feng Linxian's father. Do you want to go there and meet?"

Xiao Jun said gently.

"This...you can definitely see it."

Qin Yang coughed lightly and slept with his daughter. When he arrived at the Fengtian Ancient battlefield, he couldn't justify not seeing Feng Linxian's father.

It's just that Feng Linxian isn't there at the moment. Seeing Feng Linxian's father, Qin Yang was a little embarrassed.

"Husband, let's go back first."

Xiao Junwan suggested.


Qin Yang nodded lightly. He was the Palace Master of the Human Race Academy, and he had to look at what happened to the Human Race Academy.

After half an hour passed, Qin Yang and the others returned to the Human Race Academy.

"Palace Lord!"

When Xing Jiang arrived in front of Qin Yang, he saluted respectfully. Qin Yang looked at him, and Xing Jiang had already had the cultivation level of Heavenly Dao changed.

"See Palace Lord!"

Behind Xing Jiang there were a dozen other strong men, and all of them had a cultivation base of Heavenly Dao level.

These powerhouses were extremely strong at the half-step Heavenly Dao level, and now they have broken through to the Heavenly Dao level, and their combat power exceeds their own cultivation base!

"Xing Jiang, doing a good job."

"You are not bad by yourself."

Qin Yang smiled.

Xing Jiang knelt down and said, "Palace Lord, we can have today, all depends on your cultivation. I swear by the God of Heaven, and swear by God. If you betray the Palace Lord, let me collapse and abandon the heaven and earth!"

"Palace Lord——"

The other strong men also knelt down and swear in unison.

In the half-step Heavenly Dao level, they actually issued the soul oath, but now at the Heavenly Dao level, they re-swear the Heavenly Dao oath, the binding force of the oath will be stronger.

Qin Yang glanced over Xing Jiang and they said solemnly: "Everyone, please, everyone, you are all human beings, and you are all human talents. Now you have all become the powerhouses of the heavens, and even the backbone of the human race!"

"This time the Snake Clan is coming, although you all have some strength, but you dare not stand up, are you aggrieved?"

Xing Jiang and the others shouted in unison: "Suppressed!"

They are really frustrated!

Even if there is a cultivation base of the Heavenly Dao level, it is useless for them to stand out before, their strength is not enough, and if they stand up, it will expose the strength of the Human Race Academy and attract more enemies!

"You are suffocated, you can only hold back."

"Because your current strength is not enough, all of you have only the cultivation base of the Heavenly Dao One Transformation, and the strongest combat power should not have reached the level of the Heavenly Dao Two Transformation!"

"But your own talent is high, you have absorbed power, and your talent potential is higher. Not to mention the four changes of the heavens, it is very possible for you to reach the level of the three changes of the heavens!"

"I hope you can turn this kind of suffocation into motivation, and reach the second change of the heavenly path, the third change of the heavenly path as soon as possible, and even become the powerhouse of the four changes and five changes of the heavenly path!"

Qin Yang said loudly.

"Yes, Palace Lord!"

Xing Jiang shouted in unison.

Qin Yang glanced over the faces of these strong men with smiles. They are all human talents. If they can be cultivated, there will be hope for the human race!

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