God of Shuratan

Chapter 2205: Jiuxing Intelligence

"Guest, don't know what you need?"

In front of Qin Yang, an old man in the Star Picking Building smiled and said that such an old man was in the Star Picking Building and was the star picker in charge of intelligence.

"I want a place suitable for the strong human race to develop inside!"


"It's best if there is no other place that many strong people know."

Qin Yang said.

The old man's eyes lit up: "Guests are sure? Of course we have recorded such information in the Star Picking Building, but the price of such information is not low!"

Qin Yang said quietly: "Price is not a problem, but intelligence can't be a problem either."

"That's natural, if something goes wrong, wouldn't it smash the golden sign of our star picking tower?"

The old man smiled and said, "Guest, you are also lucky. Some time ago, we just received a nine-star level intelligence. A strong man who died in his life found an ancient ruin in it. As a result, he himself was not suitable for being there. This piece of information was sold to us at the Star Tower."

"Nine Star Intelligence?"

Qin Yang's eyes lit up. This kind of intelligence is the highest level of intelligence in the Star Tower. They need to pay a lot of rewards to the strong people who sell intelligence!

For those who sell intelligence, the advantage that they are not suitable for is not good at a good price. Selling to galaxy picking is safe. If you sell to some other forces, you may get greater benefits, but even greater May be silenced.

"Yes, it is indeed Jiuxing Intelligence!"

"It's a relic left by a human being of the Five Transformations of the Human Race!"

The old man smiled and said, "If you want to buy, you have to think carefully. This ruin may have a great harvest, but it may also die in it!"

Qin Yang thought about it. According to the rules of the Xingxinglou, since it was sold, the ruins must have been checked by the Xingxinglou. It is impossible that other strong people deliberately cheated the human race.


Qin Yang said.

The old man smiled and made an offer. The high price made Xing Jiang frowned, but Qin Yang's expression was calm.

"Friends of Daoist, this price is 30% higher than the price of normal Jiuxing Intelligence." Qin Yang said.

The old man smiled and said: "Guests, you should be aware that we have our own rules of judgment in the Star Picking Building. This ruin is very hidden and not easy to be discovered by the rest of the strong. This can give this ruin some extra points; the other one The ruins are probably the remains of the Golden Age of Human Race."

Qin Yang's eyes flickered.

The golden age of the human race refers to the most prosperous era of the human race. At that time, the strength of the human race was the strongest, and there were many top powerhouses. In this era, the human race powerhouses tend to be richer, some strong people die, and there are a lot of funerals. !

"This is a tomb?"

Qin Yang said in a deep voice.

The old man nodded slightly: "The probability should be a tomb! As we all know, the powerhouses of the Five Transformation Levels of the Ancient Forbidden Lands are not suitable for entry, so building such tombs in the Forbidden Lands is not so easy to be found by the powerful!"

"Guest, this top tomb is worth such an information price!"

Qin Yang nodded slightly: "Yes, I bought the information, and you can't leak this information out of the Star Tower at that time."

"This is natural. If the strong man who sold us the information leaks the information, we will also find the other party to deal with it!"

The old man smiled authentically, this list is not small, and his mention is not less!

Soon Qin Yang settled the expenses, he got a piece of jade slip, and the jade slip recorded the information that he bought at a high price!

If it is really a tomb left by a top human being, then in Qin Yang's view, it is indeed worth the price.

After leaving the Star Picking Tower, Qin Yang's spiritual consciousness quickly entered the jade slip and read the information inside.

According to the records inside, this place should not have been discovered.

"Xueling, if I enter this place, can I count the good or bad?"

Qin Yang asked secretly.

"My son, I can't divination!"

Xue Ling quickly answered, and the answer did not surprise Qin Yang. Divination is not easy on the barren ancient forbidden land. The secret of heaven is covered here, and it also involves the nine-star tomb!

"Xing Jiang, do you need me to follow along?"

Qin Yang asked, he asked Xing Jiang and others to get some information first.

Xing Jiang hurriedly said: "Palace Master, I think you still don't go in. Such ruins may enter inside and be trapped inside for a long time. If you are trapped inside, what will Mrs. Luo and others do? In the past, the combined strength was still very strong."

"Yes, Palace Lord, don't take risks easily. You will have to take the Invincible Road at that time. If you are trapped in there, the Invincible Road will not be easy to walk!"

The other strong said.

"Palace Lord, there are more than a hundred people in the Human Race Academy, and you have to sit outside."

Several people persuaded Qin Yang not to go there. They weren't afraid that Qin Yang would pass by. Qin Yang would give good things to him. They really thought about Qin Yang for fear of Qin Yang's accident.

There is really something good, they will think of Qin Yang first.

Qin Yang nodded slightly: "What you said makes sense. Give you a thousand years of time. Regardless of whether you have gained or not, you can report a letter in the thousand years. If it is dangerous inside, you don't care about any benefits and get out of it immediately!"

"If the millennium time hasn't come out, I will come and look for you at that time!"

Xing Jiang said: "Palace Lord, don't come to us for a thousand years, five thousand years, if we haven't come out for five thousand years, come here again! So many of us will pass by, if something happens, it means the trouble inside is quite big. It may be useless to come in if your strength is insufficient."

Qin Yang shook his head: "Five thousand years is too long."

"In real danger, your bones have rotted for so long."

"Up to three thousand years."

Xing Jiang nodded: "That's OK. Palace Lord, don't worry too much. With so many people working together, the problem is not big! For so long, even if there are powerful traps inside, it should be impossible to have the power of the Five Gods. Change the level!"

"We formed a battle formation, and the defense is still very good!"

Qin Yang exhorted: "Be careful!"

Qin Yang sent Xingjiang and the others out of the city, and then sent them into the deserted ancient forbidden land a lot of distance. Even if a powerful person of the Five Change Level of Heaven and Dao followed the Great Desert City, it should not be possible to follow here. For a powerful person of changing level, the forbidden land is too dangerous!

As for the Five Changes of the Way of Heaven, Qin Yang would definitely find it if he followed it up!

"Give me back alive!"

Qin Yang said in a deep voice, he let the other more than three hundred powerhouses also go outside.

"Palace Master, take care!"

Xing Jiang and the others bowed and saluted, and then formed a battle formation, which looked like a golden giant eagle, and the giant eagle quickly flew forward.

"The tombs of the golden age, hoping to find top-notch good things."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart.

Back in the same way, Qin Yang returned to the Wild City in a short time.

Without leaving immediately, Qin Yang arrived at the Wild Treasure Market in the Wild City, where all kinds of things he got from the Wild City were sold.

But it is estimated that more than 90% of fakes.

If you don't have a certain vision, it is common to pay tuition here.

Qin Yang came over to see if he would have any gains. There was once a strong man who obtained the top treasure of the five changes of the heavenly path in the waste market!

"Guest, come and take a look, I'm all good things."

"Guests, these are definitely first-hand goods from the deserted ancient forbidden land, just unearthed just now!"

"Guest, this clay pot, it is rumored that it may be the treasure of Ruthless Demon Venerable. It possesses the terrifying power of refining heaven and earth!"


Qin Yang moved forward slowly, and the shopkeepers yelled hard, but those things were fake in Qin Yang's eyes. Although some of them were genuine, their value was very average, and they could not be bought with Qin Yang's strength. What's the use.

"Quickly, go over and take a look. Someone found top-notch goodies."

"Come on, you can't even see it after a while."

"I drop a good boy, the gods source actually fired a sharp spear of the Four Transformation Consummation level of the heavens!"

There were discussions around, and many people quickly went to the distance, Qin Yang was taken aback for a moment and immediately followed.

Soon Qin Yang arrived near a stall. There were already a lot of strong people gathered here. In the innermost part, Qin Yang saw a girl from a human race. The girl’s cultivation base was not very high, only the seventh eternal stage. She is still stronger, with the eighth rank!

"You can't be unreasonable, I have already bought this **** source, and the treasure that I opened naturally belongs to me!"

The girl fought **** reason.

The stall owner said coldly: "All the money you spent here has been refunded to you. The things don't belong to you, so hurry up and get out, otherwise you won't have good fruit!"

The girl was very angry: "How can you sell things like this!"

The stall owner hummed: "I won't sell it anymore!"

The treasure of the Four Transformation Consummation level of Heaven is so precious, even if it is shameless, this stall owner never wants to give anything.

The girl stomped her feet in a hurry, and she didn't expect to open such a treasure. If she knew, she would definitely open it after returning home!

Save trouble and trouble.

This stall owner dared to play tricks like this, he must have some support!

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