God of Shuratan

Chapter 2224: Meet the desolation!

"Old Turtle, Brother Tianji, we can be regarded as solving a serious problem for our human race by killing Venerable Golden Snake."

Qin Yang smiled authentically.

The emperor Tianji... should now be said to be the Venerable Tianji. He smiled and said: "If I have broken through the five changes of the heavens, the snake clan has no strong people with the five changes of the heavens. If we re-rank the race, our human race will definitely rank. It will improve a bit, and it is likely to surpass the snake clan!"

"I am very sure of that."

Qin Yang smiled and said, there are hundreds of Heavenly Dao-level powerhouses in the Human Race Academy. The strength of him and Luo Lingna are not weak now, and these are all bonus points!

The race ranking of the human race was about 100 before. Now if the race ranking is re-ranked, Qin Yang may reach about 50!

Venerable Tianji said in a deep voice: "Brother Qin Yang, the most important thing for us next is to let people join the United Holy League."

Qin Yang nodded slightly. For a long time, the Human Race had been excluded from the United Saint League. (The United Holy League is roughly equivalent to the United Nations)

Joining the United Holy League will have various benefits. The human race has been excluded for a long time, and it will cause great harm to the entire human race.

Old Turtle said: "I'm afraid it will not be easy. The Human Race was stronger than it is now, and I couldn't join the United Holy League! When it was expelled from the United Holy League, the strength of the Human Race was much stronger than it is now. You have to fail. Ready!"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Why is the matter? Didn't it solve a desperate pillar and also killed Venerable Golden Snake?"

Venerable Tianji said: "Brother Qin Yang, we still have to cover up the killing of Venerable Golden Snake. We don't know how he died. When people ask, he may be killed by the wild!"

"You succeeded in taking the road of invincibility, coupled with the destruction of a desperate pillar, such as our human race is on the cusp of the storm, killing the Venerable Golden Serpent, and I have broken through to the level of the five changes of the heavens, let's conceal these two things first !"

Qin Yang sighed lightly: "The strength of our human race is too weak. If the strength is enough, why should we hide it like this."

Venerable Tianji smiled and said: "We can't belittle ourselves. The strength of our human race has now improved a lot! And if you become a powerhouse of the five changes of the heavens, brother Qin, our human race will have two powers of the five changes of the heavens. Up!"

"In addition, the old turtle is on our side, we are three powerhouses of the five changes of heaven!"

Old Turtle said: "Let's talk while walking, it's dangerous here!"

"it is good!"

Qin Yang and Venerable Tianji nodded, and the three of them quickly moved away from the core area. Two minutes later, the expressions of Venerable Tianji and Old Turtle changed suddenly, and they found Huangsha!

And Huang Sha was moving towards them quickly.

Many powerhouses who entered the deserted ancient forbidden land died under the attack of the deserted evil. Among them, there were a lot of powerhouses of the Five Transformations of the Heavenly Dao who were more powerful than the old turtles!

"Brother Qin, Huang Sha is here, you should be careful, I and Gui Lao escape separately!"

Venerable Tianji said in fear.


"Brother Tianji, don't run away."

Qin Yang said that his left eye was opened with a different pupil, and the powerful suction was acting on the Venerable Heavenly Mystery. They did not resist and immediately disappeared.

As soon as they disappeared, Huang Sha had already reached Qin Yang's side.

The desolation can be invisible and invisible, and it can also reveal its form. At this moment, the desolation is in the form of scarlet fog.

If it senses the four changes of the heavens, the powerhouse of the five changes of the heavens, Huang Sha will immediately pounce on it.

Powerful people with the Three Changes of Heaven’s Path have a higher probability of being attacked by Desolation, but the stronger the Desolation, the less interested in weak life forms. It is not good for them to swallow such life forms. !

Qin Yang stood there quietly, motionless, and he did not emit any powerful aura.

Xiao Jing and Tuntian had just entered the space of the left eye with the Venerable Heavenly Mystery.

Huang Sha approached a place only tens of meters away from Qin Yang. It seemed to be sensing Qin Yang's strength. After half a minute, this Huang Sha disappeared. Qin Yang's cultivation was only in the late stage of the Second Transformation of Heaven, and it could not be hooked. interest of!

And it doesn't have any spiritual intelligence, and it's not clear why there was a powerful living body just now, and it disappeared all at once!


Qin Yang let out a long sigh of relief, and when he really encountered Huang Sha, he almost felt happy and sad.

If Elder Turtle and Venerable Heavenly Ji died one of them, it would be considered as the beheading of Venerable Golden Snake, this time the action would be a big loss!

"Brother Tianji, Old Turtle, Huang Sha has left."

"I will take some outside and let you out again."

Qin Yang swiftly moved forward. He only had the cultivation base of the Second Transformation of Heaven, and the strength of the Fourth Transformation of Heaven. In fact, it was relatively safe here. Even if he encountered a very powerful beast attack, his merit saint was extremely defensive. , It is unlikely to be second!

Half an hour later, Qin Yang was already far away from the center of the barren ancient forbidden area, and he asked the old turtle and the Venerable Tianji to go outside.

"Old Turtle, Brother Tianji, be careful yourself."

"I'll stay closed here for a while!"

Qin Yang smiled.

Old Turtle and Venerable Tianji nodded, and when they leave, they will be very low-key, let's take a look at the current heat of the people.

Without strong strength at the cusp of the storm, it is easy to be tragedy.

"Brother Qin, be careful yourself."

"Little friend Qin, take care."

Mr. Gui and the others left, Qin Yang went back to the depths of the barren ancient forbidden land, where he was much safer!

Great Desert City.

Venerable Death rushed over.

Emperor Tianji did not go to the Great Desert City, but the old Guilao went to the Great Desert City again.

Many experts who were still in the Wild City immediately noticed that Old Turtle, Dao Lingxue and the others were still here, and they rushed over immediately.

"Old Gui, you came out so soon, what's the situation with Brother Qin?"

Dao Lingxue quickly said.

Old Turtle smiled and said, "Don't worry, Xiaoyou Qin is okay, Xiaoyou Qin intends to stay in seclusion for some time!"

"Friend Turtle, where is Venerable Golden Snake?"

"Old Turtle, some people say that Fellow Heavenly Mystery Daoist has broken through to the rank of venerable. I wonder if there is such a thing?"

"Old Turtle—"

Many other powerhouses started asking questions about the situation of Venerable Golden Snake and Venerable Heavenly Mystery, which would affect many other things.

For example, some ethnic policies against snakes!

There was a look of horror in Old Turtle’s eyes: "I encountered the desolation half an hour ago, and it was the desolation of the five changes of the heavens. I got rid of Xiaoyou Qin, and the Golden Snake did not chase us behind. As for the Golden Snake now What is unclear."

"Whether the Sect Master has broken through to the level of the Five Transformations of the Heavenly Dao, the old is not sure, it should not be!"

Venerable Death's face was gloomy. He received the news from Mu Jiutian, and naturally knew that Xuantianji must have broken through to the level of the Five Changes of Heaven.

But Gui Lao didn't admit it, and Xuantianji was not there, so he couldn't stand up and say it.

It can't be said that Mu Jiutian sneaked into the Good Fortune Sect secretly!

"Old Turtle, have you really encountered Huangsha?"

The strong asked.

The old turtle nodded slightly: "The old man swears by the gods of the heavens, and he has indeed encountered the desolation, and escaped by luck. If you have the strength of the four changes of the heavens and the five changes of the heavens, it is best not to enter the deserted ancient forbidden land casually! "

Many people looked surprised.

Venerable Death also had some doubts. If Venerable Golden Snake died, could it really be killed by Desolation?

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