God of Shuratan

Chapter 2244: Earn this wave of blood!

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The powerful power of the World Tree and Bodhi clone bombarded the space ring.

The owner is dead, and the seal of the time and space ring has been wiped out by the world tree and the Bodhi clone in ten minutes.

Qin Yang's divine sense entered the space ring.

There are countless things in it.

"An empty box, so well received?"

Qin Yang muttered, his consciousness scanned an empty box.

There is nothing in the box, but this box can be said to be the best place in the ring in the entire space.

Qin Yang was a little strange.

With a movement of thought, Qin Yang let the box appear in front of him.

Suddenly he was stunned.

The treasure box is translucent, and you can see a golden key lying quietly inside!

"I go!"

Qin Yang's eyes widened, and he took out the golden key.

The eyes can clearly see this golden key, but his divine consciousness cannot scan it, even if it is in his hand!

"I'm a good boy, there is a golden key in it."

Qin Yang looked strange.

He gave Venerable Samsara a golden key to save his life, Venerable Samsara helped him get the powerhouse of the Black Spirit Clan's Five Transformations in the late stage, and gave him these treasures. There is such a golden key in the treasure!

Doesn't this wave make a lot of money?

The Black Spirit Race is much richer than the powerful people in the late Dao Five Changes that day of the Skull and Bones!

Even if this golden key is removed, the total value of the rest is extremely high.

"If Venerable Samsara knew that there was such a thing, he would be very depressed."

A smile appeared on Qin Yang's face.

Originally, the golden key was given to Venerable Samsara. He was a little unhappy, but now he is in a very good mood.

Earn this wave of blood!

"Venerable Samsara once said that if I have two more golden keys for him, even if I reach the cultivation base of the Four Transformations of Heaven, he will not harvest me."

"Now I have two, and they are safe before the Five Changes of Heaven."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart that Thaksin believed what Samsara said.

What kind of person is Samsara Venerable?

Moreover, the Samsara Venerable collects the mysterious keys. He wants to become the master and control the entire world. It is unlikely that he will affect his mood if his words are not words.

"The Snake Clan has no powerhouses at the Five Transformation Level of the Heavenly Dao, and the Black Spirit Clan does not have any powerhouses at the Five Transformation Level of the Heavenly Dao.

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart.

This matter must be told to Xuantianji.

Half a day passed quickly.

"Palace Lord, we people hope to follow the Lord to Tianzun Island."

"They stay."

Xing Jiang respectfully and authentically.

There were about two hundred people from Human Academy who wanted to go to Tianzun Island with Qin Yang, and many wanted to stay.

"Palace Lord, we have family, so—"

One of the strong men who wanted to stay was a little embarrassed and authentic, his cultivation base of the Three Changes of Heavenly Way.

Qin Yang raised his hand to stop the person from continuing.

"Everyone, this seat does not require you to follow into Tianzun Island. Even if this seat enters, it will be a question of whether you can take you out at that time."

"You have family members who want to stay and there is no problem at all, and you are also needed outside!"

"Is there anything you want to stay, don't force it, you are ready to enter and you cannot come out!"

Qin Yang said solemnly.

"Palace Lord, then I will stay."

"Palace Lord, I will stay here too."

Out of the two hundred people, another fifty people stood up and wanted to stay. They were quite swaying.

"Do you still want to stay?"

"Don't be embarrassed, you may be able to help this seat after following, but this seat does not necessarily need your help, you can think more about your family."

Qin Yang asked.

Thirty more people saluted Qin Yang and stood up, leaving only a hundred and twenty.

It only accounts for more than a quarter of the members of the Human Academy, but the strength of these people accounts for more than 60% of the strength of the Human Academy.

Their average strength is high!

"Everyone, you are all extremely powerful humans now. If your clan brings people into Tianzun Island, you will bear more of the outside world!"

"In addition, if our wives in the Starry Sky World come here, help them more!"

Qin Yang glanced over the more than 300 powerhouses who wanted to stay.

"Yes, Palace Lord."

"Palace Master treasures it!"

More than three hundred strong men knelt down in the same voice.

"The Golden Dragon City will stay here. You usually practice in the Golden Dragon City. It's safer!"

"Even if you don't do anything, if you live here, you can bring a huge deterrent to many powerful men of other races!"

Qin Yang smiled lightly, "Get up, I hope that when I see you again, your cultivation base can be stronger than now!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Yang waved his hand, and all the powerful Human Race Academy who was going to leave with him disappeared.

The next second Qin Yang arrived at Long Youmeng and the others.

"Brother Qin Yang."

Long Youmeng hugged Qin Yang with red eyes, she was reluctant to bear Qin Yang, and a little bit reluctant to bear Luo Lingna and the others.

"Xiaomeng, trust me, I can definitely get out of it."

Qin Yang hugged Dragon Youmeng and smiled.

"Brother Qin Yang, I am waiting for you."

"If you haven't come out in a million years, I will go to you."

Long Youmeng looked up, her beautiful big eyes looked at Qin Yang earnestly.

"it is good."


Qin Yang took Luo Lingna and the others and left quickly.

Two days later, Qin Yang arrived at the site of a guardian family that he had destroyed, which was already in tatters.

When he left, he didn't actually destroy this place, but later there were forces to fight for it, and fierce battles destroyed it.

"I am Qin Yang!"

"The guardian family here, I killed it!"

Qin Yang revealed his figure in the sky, and his powerful aura exploded from his body, spreading far away.

A large number of people here are terrified.

Many of the people who are here have something to do with the destroyed guardian family. They are afraid that Qin Yang will kill them.

"A total of nine guardian families, this seat has killed three, and there are six!"

"I hope that the other six strong guards of the family will be sent to death in the hands of this seat as soon as possible. They are alive and wasting food!"

Qin Yang said loudly.

"Don't be afraid to tell the garbage of the other six guarding families that this seat will go to Tianzun Island."

"If there is a kind, you will enter Tianzun Island and avenge the three strong guardian families who died!"

"If you don't have any seeds, you can nest in your own home and have children. Anyway, you have come here all the time!"

Qin Yang laughed.

After speaking, Qin Yang's figure disappeared.

Immediately Qin Yang appeared here, and the news that Qin Yang was going to Tianzun Island quickly spread.

Qin Yang is now in the entire celestial realm, he is a man of the wind.

In just half an hour, this news reached the other powerful guardians of the family, and the six leaders of them are now gathered together.

Among their spatial treasures, there are many other powerful players in their family.

"Bastard stuff."

One of the chiefs cursed.

"Qin Yang is going to Tianzun Island, do they want to keep up?"

"Is this real or fake?"

"It should be true, let's go to the entrance of Tianzun Island first!"

The six powerhouses set off quickly, and when they arrived at the entrance of Tianzun Island, Qin Yang had already entered Tianzun Island.

Many other strong men are at the entrance, and they have heard the news and come to watch the excitement.

Many strong men have witnessed Qin Yang enter Tianzun Island with their own eyes.

"This fellow Daoist, dare to ask if Qin Yang really entered Tianzun Island? Or did he just get a clone to enter?"

One of the leaders of the six guardian families asked that the object he asked had a cultivation base of the four changes of the heavenly path.

Moreover, this strong man is a strong man of the wolf race, and has a very ordinary relationship with the human race.

"Qin Yang did enter Tianzun Island, his powerful clone, his wife and others also entered Tianzun Island!"

The wolf clan is a strong man.

He didn't need to lie about this matter. There were many strong men who witnessed Qin Yang entering Tianzun Island with his own eyes, and many other strong men could confirm this.

"Look at that!"

"From the words on it, you should be able to tell that it is Qin Yang's deity who entered!"

The wolf clan powerhouse pointed to a mountain in the distance.

The mountain was cut in half, and the stone wall facing this side was very smooth.

There are big characters on it.

"Grandchildren of the guardian family, grandpa entered Tianzun Island, dare to follow?"

"If you don't dare, don't make small moves outside, or grandpa will come out and slaughter you all over the house, and then destroy your race!"

The big characters are extremely arrogant.

Moreover, each of these atmospheres contains powerful soul power, which cannot be made by ordinary clones!

"Damn it!"

"What shall we do now?"

"Follow, or not?"

The leaders of the six guardian families discussed in secret.

After entering Tianzun Island, they have the confidence to kill Qin Yang at that time, but they may be trapped inside and unable to get out.

But they don't enter, wearing turtle hats, they are extremely heartbroken.

What Qin Yang said over there, the words left over here, were like nails buried in their hearts.

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