God of Shuratan

Chapter 2294: Lorina VS Yaoxian Venerable

Qin Yang frowned and sneered and said, "Venerable Yaoxian, you can think clearly, there is no way out for you to fight for life and death!"

"Think of the rest of your fox clan's powerhouses!"

Venerable Yaoxian still had some worries, but listening to Qin Yang's words, she immediately felt more relieved.

Qin Yang should have said this because he had no confidence in Luo Lingna, otherwise he would not let Luo Lingna enter the duel immediately?

Venerable Yaoxian smiled and said: "Qin Yang, you will not propose a life-and-death battle, and you will regret it again? In the presence of so many powerful people, you can't do such a thing, and everyone will not allow you to do this. War is a trifle!"

"Luo Lingna, maybe your strength is good, but sister is also more confident in her strength, come in!"

"Battle of life and death, sister is sure!"

At this time, many powerful men of the Fox Clan spoke one after another, yelling for Luo Lingna to enter quickly.

From Qin Yang's words, they judged that Qin Yang should have no confidence.

"Qin Yang, what are your ink marks?"

"You have proposed a life-and-death battle, but you dare not go?"

"Even if Luo Lingna's strength is very low, since the life-and-death battle has been proposed, she can do it. Don't waste everyone's time quickly."

"If you don't have the strength, you dare to pretend, now you know you are afraid?"

More powerhouses of the Fox Clan shouted, Qin Yang killed Venerable Yaoye. They were worried at first, but now they are relieved!

Qin Yang either used a forbidden technique and was extremely injured.

Either he was hit hard by Venerable Yaoye!

At this moment, almost all of them are strong support!

"Oh, sister Lorina, come in quickly, sister loves you!"

Venerable Yaoxian smiled.

Qin Yang sneered in his heart. Of course, he had strong confidence in Luo Lingna's strength. He said that deliberately to make Venerable Yaoxian and the others behave arrogantly.

In this way, when Luo Lingna killed Venerable Yaoxian, the rest of the strong would be less disgusted with them.

Otherwise, Venerable Yaoye and Venerable Yaoxian died in their hands one after another, and the rest of the strong would be deeply disgusted and jealous of them!

"Husband, I will win!"

Lorina said confidently.

Qin Yang nodded slightly: "Lingna, I believe you will definitely win, go!"

Luo Lingna flew into the battlefield in an instant, and she was tens of thousands of meters away from Venerable Yaoxian. This distance is equivalent to no powerhouse of their level!

Suddenly, Venerable Yaoxian disappeared.

"Oh, sister Lorina, you have the courage to come in, should you have a special means, want to die with your sister?"

"It's a pity, your strength is too weak, you don't even know where your sister is, you can't do it if you want to be with your sister!"

Venerable Yaoxian laughed, "Qin Yang, didn't you get a lot of things in Tianzun City? A price, two trillion Tianzun coins, sister can make Luo Lingna die without so much pain later, otherwise She will be miserable!"

"My sister might even take off her clothes one by one!"

Hearing the words of Venerable Yaoxian, many male powerhouses' eyes brightened.

"Take off!" "Take off!"

Many powerful fox clan shouted excitedly.

The powerhouses of the other races will be relatively quiet. Although the situation seems very bad for Qin Yang and the others, what if a miracle occurs?

After all, Qin Yang killed Venerable Demon Ye.

Qin Yang said coldly, "Venerable Yaoxian, you're a little overwhelmed!"


Venerable Yaoxian laughed from the battlefield, but she was not seen everywhere. Qin Yang and the others were outside, and it was difficult to judge where Venerable Yaoxian was.

Luo Lingna can tell, but Luo Lingna didn't make a move immediately!

"Brother Qin Yang, elder sister is already very kind, as long as you have two trillion Tianzun coins! If you don't have one, you can ask Ye Lao to borrow, Ye Lao is the best. Isn't it easy to take out two trillion? Only give you half a stick of time."

"If you don't pay for the half-zhuxiang time, my sister will not be polite. Luo Lingna will definitely die miserably."

Venerable Yaoxian would be very proud of feeling that he had the chance to win.

She also believed that threatening Qin Yang, getting two trillion Tianzun coins from Qin Yang should be no problem.

It's hard to say more!

Qin Yang said coldly: "Lingna, since Venerable Yaoxian is so unkind, you don't have to be kind to her and kill her!"

"Good husband."

Luo Lingna nodded to Qin Yang.

Venerable Yaoxian was startled.

Could it be that Luo Lingna is extremely strong?

"Impossible, it should be impossible!"

Venerable Yaoxian himself denied that unless she is a big force, Qin Yang will not rest assured that Luo Lingna will fight her life and death!


Lorina shot, her weapon is a sword.

A sword of the four-changing level of Heaven's Path obtained from it.

The treasure sword came out, and countless sword lights immediately shot towards Venerable Yaoxian.

Venerable Yaoxian thought that she was hiding well, but her strength was much weaker than Lorina. How could she hide her from Lorina?

Venerable Yaoxian attacked and defended more than 28,000. This strength was stronger than Venerable Yan, better than Python, definitely not weak, and in line with her outstanding identity.

But compared with Luo Lingna's 36,000 attacks and 35,000 defenses, Venerable Yaoxian is far behind!


Venerable Yaoxian did not use any special methods to strengthen her defenses. Her defense was at a normal level. The defense of more than 28,000 was not enough to resist more than 36,000 attacks. After breaking her defense, she still had a lot of sword energy. Entered the body of Venerable Yaoxian!

Venerable Yaoxian's blood spurted out of his mouth!

Venerable Yaoxian was injured in one blow!

And the injury is not light!

"Lorina, I want to kill you!"

Venerable Yaoxian was furious, and she instantly used the forbidden technique to improve her strength. Luo Lingna's combat power is so strong, in her opinion, she should have used special means!


With the use of the forbidden technique, the aura from the body of Venerable Yaoxian suddenly increased greatly, her attack power rose from more than 28,000 to about 50,000!

There would have been more than fifty thousand, but some of the power had to suppress the sword energy in the body!


Venerable Yaoxian rushed towards Luo Lingna with murderous aura.

Even if Luo Lingna's defense is over 30,000, Venerable Yaoxian is sure to kill Luo Lingna in a short time!

"Be careful Lorina will die with you!"

The ghost message reminds Venerable Yaoxian.

Venerable Yaoxian calmed down for a moment, Luo Lingna showed a lot more strength than she estimated, this is really worrying.


Venerable Yaoxian lowered some of his attacks and at the same time strengthened his defense a lot.

More than 40,000 points of attack power bombarded Lorina, and the defense around Lorina collapsed after only a short period of time, and a lot of power invaded Lorina's body!

Venerable Yaoxian was overjoyed, but in the next second, Luo Lingna's figure disappeared!

"Venerable Yaoxian, how long can you last in such a state?"

"I believe I can last longer!"

Luo Lingna's voice reached the ears of Venerable Yaoxian, she would use special means to hide her figure!

Luo Lingna is stronger than Venerable Yaoxian, using a half-forbidden technique, Venerable Yaoxian can't find her!

——Actually, if Luo Lingna fully demonstrates her strength, she can directly crush and kill Venerable Yaoxian, but this has a problem. Venerable Yaoxian will definitely destroy a lot of good things in her space treasure before she dies .

Moreover, Venerable Yaoxian might blew herself up and drag her to the funeral!

Luo Lingna's strength is much higher than that of Venerable Yaoxian, but if Venerable Yaoxian blew her on the road, she might die in one to two percent!

For Luo Lingna, the best way is to show weakness first, let Venerable Yaoxian consume his strength and make the final blow!

Venerable Yaoxian is not given the opportunity to destroy the treasure.

Don't give her a chance to blew herself up!

"Your cultivation base is lower, you can hold on for a longer time and dream!"

Venerable Yaoxian sneered, she carefully looked for Luo Lingna's trace.

Many other powerhouses in the outside world are also paying attention to the situation in the battlefield, but even Venerable Chaos, it is impossible to know where Luo Lingna is now!

The extreme battlefield is shrouded by an extremely powerful barrier!

Summoning can be done, but more can’t be done!

"Venerable Yaoxian, the enemy is hiding you, you are bright, pay attention to safety!"

Ghost reminder.

Venerable Yaoxian immediately entered a state of invisibility upon hearing this.

The strong man outside the battlefield was dumbfounded. Looking at the wool, Venerable Yaoxian and Luo Lingna had both entered a state of invisibility.

"Who does Lorina think she is? Is it funny compared to adults?"

"Luo Lingna's cultivation base should be at most the Heavenly Sage level, right? I have to say that her burst of strength is strong, but the cultivation base is so weak, and the time she can persist will definitely be shorter!"

"One hundred percent is Venerable Yaoxian winning!"

The Fox tribe, many of the strong from the other races are talking about it, but the strong from the Fox tribe speaks directly, and many of the strong from the other races just talk in secret!

Qin Yang frowned slightly and said nothing.

"Lorina should lose."

"Eight out of ten."

"Qin Yang and the others are still very strong. Venerable Demon Ye died in Qin Yang's hands, but they were still a little too impatient!"

Several Jue Dian secretly discussed that they were not optimistic about Lorina.

Time passed by every minute.

At the beginning, Venerable Yaoxian was full of confidence, but gradually she was a little panicked, Luo Lingna hadn't appeared yet, she found that she could not hold on anymore!

"How could Lorina last so long."

"Could it be to burn vitality unscrupulously?"

Venerable Yaoxian secretly said in her heart, she guessed it should be like this, otherwise, why does Luo Lingna have a lower cultivation base and hold on for longer?

Where did Venerable Yaoxian know that Luo Lingna just used a half forbidden technique!

Coupled with Lorina's strong resilience, there is no problem in maintaining such a state for three to five hours!

"Buddy girl."

"At that time I will never spare you."

Venerable Yaoxian gritted her teeth, she also had to burn her vitality crazily, and every second would make her live less for a long time!

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