God of Shuratan

Chapter 2301: Turning fighting into jade silk?

Soon the strong who guarded the clan and other forces returned to the top city.

A quarter of an hour has not passed yet.

"Qin Yang, Qin Yang, so arrogant, what do you think will end well!"

"The price of arrogance and ignorance is so heavy, and this is just the beginning, Lorina and the others will die, and the rest of the human race will die too!"

"Qin Yang, who used to be the shortest-lived Chief Great Tianzun in history, is now estimated to be the shortest-lived peak in history!"


The many powerful people who returned to the top city were talking secretly, and they were excited one by one, waiting for the good show!

If Luo Lingna and the others receive the news of Qin Yang's death, their faces will definitely be very exciting!

If Luo Lingna and the others dared to mess around, the many powerful people who returned would not mind to directly destroy them all by violating the rules of the top city!

"The time is up, let's watch your performance next."

"The compass should not be damaged, and it will be returned to this seat at that time. If Qin Yang leaves the treasure, you can figure it out."

The voice of the ghost sounded in the ears of Venerable Demon Ye's mother and many other powerful people. He hoped that they could kill Luo Lingna and the others!

Luo Lingna's displayed strength is strong, if he does not die, it will be a disaster after all!

Qin Yang felt an abnormality in the Jue Dian Manor. The Jue Dian Manor was originally involved in a different space by a mysterious power, and the Jue Dian Manor was returning quickly.

——On the side of Jue Dian City, the rest of the Jue Dian Manor seems to be in place, otherwise it would have been found abnormal!


Spatial fluctuations spread throughout the manor, and the ultimate manor returned.

No strong man immediately rushed into the Manor, Qin Yang also hid and did not immediately come from the Manor. He wanted to see if he could be sure which one of the best killed him!

"Lao Ye, how is your situation there?"

Qin Yang sent a message out.

Although he didn't come out, he had to understand Ye Lao's situation on their side.

If Lorina and the others were also attacked, he still had to bring someone to rescue immediately.

"Xiao Qin, it's okay, why?"

Ye Lao interrogated.

Qin Yang let out a long sigh of relief.

It seems that as he expected, the enemy concentrated on killing him, and did not separate out some of the strong to kill Ye Lao.

"Lao Ye, it's like this—"

Qin Yang told Ye Lao of the situation, Ye Lao was immediately furious, and there were more than 1,900 dead men attacking Qin Yang and them, and the dead men were very strong. There were more than ten dead men of the supreme level. , This is a terrible power!

"Lao Ye, you secretly strengthen your defenses, but don't act rashly. I want to see if I can be sure of the black hand behind the scenes!"

Qin Yang reports.

While telling Ye Lao, Qin Yang also told Luo Lingna and the others the news, and Luo Lingna and the others were terrified!

With so many powerful men attacking Qin Yang and the others, if one is not good, Qin Yang and the others will all die.

"Husband, if you are sure which Jue Dian did it, let's not be polite with him, just kill him!"

"Yes, husband, since the other party made the first move, it is normal for us to counterattack. We can't control that much!

"Husband, are you all right."

Lorina and the others sent messages one after another, and they were extremely angry.

"Well, if the target is determined, we will kill the target directly. Don't act rashly for the time being."

The time passed by every second, although the powerful people of the Monster Night Family and others did not come to Qin Yang’s Jupiter Manor, they all paid attention to the situation here, and at the same time, paid attention to Luolingna and the others. Happening.

Ten minutes passed, and there was no movement in the two Extreme Manor.

After half an hour, there was still no movement in the two absolute top manors!

One hour, two hours...

The strong men endured it until the next morning.

"In all likelihood, Qin Yang and the others should have all died. Although the area of ​​Jue Dian Manor is not small, the two hundred dead men blew themselves up inside. The enclosed space exploded with too much energy, even if Qin Yang and the others formed The battlefield, the battlefield defense is less than 300,000 will definitely die."

"Yes, it should be dead. The power of so many powerful people is too terrifying!"

"Everyone, Qin Yang has become an absolute top. In order to ease the relationship, let's bring gifts to the door together. There is no problem, right?"

"This is a good idea!"

The guardian family, the demon night family, the black spirit family, the snake family, the fox family and many other powers, as well as the poisonous flame Danzun, regrouped, and they brought out a bunch of strange beasts, pulling one by one. The treasure chest moves forward.

The rest of the strong men looked at their team, looking puzzled.

"Friends of Taoism, you are--"

Some strong could not help asking.

The younger brother of Venerable Yaoxian reluctantly said: "Qin Yang and Luo Lingna have become super strong, we thought about it, confrontation is not a good thing, so we discussed it, gave Qin Yang some gifts, and turned the fighting into jade silk. "

The eldest son of Venerable Yaoye said: "I hope Venerable Wuji can spare us."

Many powerful people around were confused. Venerable Yaoxian and Venerable Yaoye were killed by Qin Yang and Luo Lingna. The guardian clan, the Black Spirit clan, and the snake clan also all died. The eldest son of Venerable Monster Ye Is it so easy to bow your head?

Although there is no peak power, the energy of each of their forces is actually extremely powerful, like the Yaozun family, which has developed for a long time and has a very strong foundation!

"These guys don't know what the **** is going on!"

There were also strong human races around, they immediately contacted the other strong human races, and the news reached Ye Lao.

The enemy had such actions, and it was abnormal for Lorina and the others to not respond.

Soon Luo Lingna and the others finished their training, and Ye Lao rushed over with Luo Lingna and a dozen other experts, and more experts from the Human Race Academy stayed in the space treasure of Luo Lingna.

"What do you want to do?"

Ye Lao stopped in front of the team and said coldly.

Luo Lingna's expression changed at this time: "Lao Ye, my husband can't get in touch, let's go to the Manor Manor where my husband is!"

Old Ye and the others changed their faces when they heard Luo Lingna say this.

All are strong, acting is not difficult for them!

"Lao Ye, don't go, let's go over together, we are thinking of Venerable Wuji, giving gifts to Venerable Wuji, and turning the fighting into a jade silk!"

The younger brother of Venerable Yaoxian said.


Ye Lao snorted coldly, he and Luo Lingna accelerated their advance, and the younger brother of Venerable Yaoxian also accelerated their advance.

Many other strong men followed.

"Xiao Qin!"

Elder Ye called out loudly, and at the same time his voice reached the inside of Jue Dian Manor, but there was no response for several seconds.


Luo Lingna shot, she slapped the defensive formation of Jue Dian Manor with a palm, and the defensive enchantment immediately trembled.

It stands to reason that if you are attacked, there should be an immediate response in it, even if you are practicing, it is impossible to be so careless.

But there is still no movement in Jue Dian Manor!

The younger brother of Venerable Yaoxian and other strong people are happy. In this situation, there is a 90% chance that Qin Yang should have died in it.

"what happened?"

A powerhouse of the highest level rushed over, the Holy Light.

Ye Lao said solemnly: "Xiao Qin can't get in touch, there may be an accident, Fellow Holy Light, we need to break through the defensive barrier of this Jue Dian Manor and enter it!"

Venerable Holy Light nodded: "Of course this is fine, but it's best to wait a while, and the rest of the top powers will come soon. Everyone agrees that it is better to act again. After all, this is a top city, and you can't take it casually!"

Old Ye nodded, and in just half a minute, the rest of the top-ranked experts came one after another.

Venerable Chaos said: "Lao Ye, we all agree that you can break the defensive barrier immediately. Do you need our help?"

"Such the best!"

Old Ye nodded, "Luo Lingna, you are all ready to attack, if there are enemies inside, kill them immediately!"

Lorina and their weapons appeared in their hands one by one.

Venerable Chaos said: "There is no problem with defensive enchantments, and they shouldn't have any problems, but if there are really enemies inside, you can take action! Break the rules of the top city, we will also help!"

The others nodded.

"Husband, the situation outside is like this—"

Luo Lingna told Qin Yang about the situation outside, and Qin Yang sighed secretly, in this case, the black hand behind the scenes should not show up!

"Friends of Taoism, let's do it together!"

Venerable Chaos said, the rest of Juejun nodded, and the seven terrifying powers immediately fell on the defensive barrier of Qin Yang's Juejun Manor!

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