God of Shuratan

Chapter 2329: Heaven and hell

Around Fengtian Ancient Battlefield, there is a million-meter-high Lingshan Mountain.

"Dark Left Envoy, the spiritual energy in the blockade has been accelerating and declining recently. According to our judgment, Long Youmeng's resources such as the Heavenly Dao Stone should have been almost consumed!"

A strong man in the guardian family respectfully and authentically, this strong man has five levels of heavenly changes!

He is one of the top powerhouses who blocked the ancient battlefield of Fengtian.

A total of 108 spiritual mountains, there are a total of four Heavenly Dao Five Transformation level powerhouses participated in the blockade, of which there was no guardian family’s Heavenly Dao Five Transformation level powerhouses, and the guardian family’s two Heavenly Dao five transformation level powerhouses have entered Tianzun Island. .

However, with the help of Venerable Luo, one of the guardians of the Guardian family has a level of the four changes of the heavens, breaking through to the five changes of the heavens!

The other three powerhouses at the Five Change Level of the Heavenly Path, one from the Snake Race, one from the Black Spirit Race, and one from the Golden Crow Race!

The Snake Clan originally had no powers at the Five Transformation Level of the Heavenly Dao, and also received the secret help of Venerable Luo, and there was a powerhouse with the Four Transformations of the Heavenly Dao that broke through to the level of the Five Transformations of Heaven.

In the entire blockade circle, in addition to the four powerhouses of the Heavenly Dao and Five Transformations, there are also thirty-six powerhouses of the Heavenly Dao and Four Transformations.

There are more than one hundred powerhouses of the Three Changes of Heaven!

Such a big deal, apparently, was brought out by the Guardian family. It was the Guardian family who helped the Snake Race and pulled the strong men of the Golden Crow to participate in the blockade, but in fact it was Lord Luo who made a lot of effort, otherwise it would not come out!

Although Qin Yang entered Tianzun Island and many strong guards in the Guardian family chased him in, Lord Luo was not very relieved.

Blockade, extract aura, wait for Fengtian Ancient Battlefield to reduce the aura in the Sword Emperor's Domain to a certain level, the people inside can only come out obediently, Lord Luo wants to capture Hua Wanrou and them all in one fell swoop!

In this way, even if Qin Yang came out of Tianzun Island at that time, he still had a strong bargaining chip on hand.

"Are there any exceptions?"

The dark left envoy asked.

Her cultivation base of the Five Transformations of the Heavenly Path is perfect, and she has a high status in the Skull and Bones. Although the powerhouse of the Guardian Family is also the level of the Five Changes of the Heavenly Path, she can only be respectful.

It is worth mentioning that the guardian family, a powerhouse of the four changes of heaven, has secretly joined the Skull and Bones.

The snake tribe's breakthrough Heavenly Dao Fifth Transformation powerhouse has also secretly joined the Skull and Bones.

The premise for Lord Luo to help them break through is that they must join the Skull and Bones and be loyal to themselves.

"Dark Leftist, there is nothing unusual here."

"We can also solve the abnormalities."

The strong guardian family believes in himself.

The dark left envoy nodded slightly, four powerhouses of the Heavenly Dao Five Transformation level, thirty-six powers of the Heavenly Dao Four Transformation level, and more than one hundred powerhouses of the Heavenly Dao Three Transformation level, and even more under the Heavenly Dao Three Transformation level. The strength of is indeed extremely terrifying.

Even the sword clan, even the sword clan, dare not act rashly at this moment.

Although Jian Tong, Dao Lingxue and the others have now strengthened a lot, and have a stronger voice within the race, they must also consider the impact of their shots.

If it's just such power on the surface, the sword clan and sword clan are not afraid, but according to their investigation, there is still power in secret.

The truth is so!

Jiuzhong Tianmu hasn't died for nine days, and he will visit here after a while!

The Dark Left Envoy and the Bright Right Envoy are all cultivation bases of the Five Transformation Consummation Levels of Heaven, and they will come once in ten or eight years!

The Skull and Bones and the rest of the powerhouses are not far from here. Any changes here will not take long for more powerhouses of the four changes of heaven and the five changes of heaven to support!

What's more important is that the sword clan of the sword clan has suspected that this matter has something to do with Lord Luo, who is the powerhouse of the Chaos clan and the leader of the United Saint League.

The strength of the sword clan is very strong, and it is in the first echelon with the chaos clan, but the strength of the sword clan and the chaos clan is still slightly different!

If the strength of the Chaos Race is one hundred.

The strength of the sword clan is about eighty.

The unity is certainly stronger than the Chaos Race, but the Chaos Race is the strongest race, and Lord Luo, as the leader of the United Holy League, will there be no allies?

One bad thing is a world war!

The dark left envoy said: "Although it is only five hundred thousand years old, Qin Yang and the others will never come out of Tianzun Island, but they must not be careless. Once the blockade is broken, the blockade of hundreds of thousands of years will be in vain!"

"You know the consequences if you broke the president's thing!"

The strong guardian family promised: "Darkness reassures the adults, there will be absolutely no problem, the more power Lingshan absorbs, the stronger the blockade here, and the human race is stronger than the mysterious sky. Now he can't protect himself! "

The situation in the good luck sect is not so good now!

A large number of strong men from the Black Spirit, Snake, and Golden Crow tribes besieged the good luck sect, and they arrested many strong human races, they threatened Xuantianji and they surrendered, otherwise they would kill, and they have killed a lot of them.

And the more time passed, the more people they killed each time, the more pressure they put on Xuan Tianji.

Surrender, a dead end.

Many people died without surrendering.

And there must be a strong person secretly cracking the defensive formation of the good luck sect, and maybe several strong people of the five changes of the heavens will appear directly in front of him!

——The enemy also threatened Xuantianji that they could not escape from the sect, otherwise they would directly behead all the powerful human races they had caught.

These hundreds of thousands of years Xuan Tianji had a hard time passing by, and had endured extremely strong pressure!

"Don't be careless."

"Complete the task, the president will have a big reward!"

The dark left envoy left soon after speaking. She won’t be here for a long time. Even if the 108 spirit mountains have extracted a lot of spiritual power, the environment here is not good for her, so she can’t stay for a long time. It is comfortable and consumes a lot of money.

"Dear fellow daoists, the dark left has caused the adults to come, let us be more vigilant, don't be careless."

The guardian family, a strong man, sent the message to the person in charge of every spirit mountain.

"Friend Booth, here is a copper wall and an iron wall haha."

"The dark left makes adults worry, Qin Yang and the others are limited to Tianzun Island, and the human race is now a powerhouse at the level of Xuantianji, and the sword race and sword race do not dare to mess around, no one has saved them!"

"Aura is accelerating. I think people in 100,000 years will feel uncomfortable, and they will come out obediently in 200,000 years!"

"Friend Booth, come and have a drink!"

The rest of the strong men came over, each with a relaxed expression. In this situation, they don't believe there will be a problem.

Even if Xuan Tianji brought people over, it would not be easy to break their blockade, and as long as Xuan Tianji started to take action, they could immediately besieged and killed. So many powerful people on their side were not going to eat.

"Everyone, it's not easy to guard everyone for a long time. It's okay to relax, but you can't be careless!"

Booth Tianzun sent a message out.

Soon Buzi Tianzun also had fun, and many human women who had been captured were imprisoned in the Lingshan where he was.


In four days, Xiao Junwan and the others rushed to the Fengtiangu battlefield at the fastest speed, and they saw a very tall Lingshan.

There are clear boundaries inside and outside the blockade!

The external aura is lingering, the vegetation is lush, the animals and plants are not affected at all, and the internal vegetation has withered.

And many dead animals can be seen.

Because the strength was not weak during his lifetime, many corpses did not decompose so quickly, but those corpses looked more terrifying.

One side is like hell, and the other side is like heaven.

If the pure aura decreases, the vegetation, animals, etc. inside will not die temporarily, and some will not have died for a long time, but Venerable Booth and the others have poisoned it!

Today, all kinds of toxins are raging in the ancient battlefield of Fengtian.

The strong of the human race were sealed inside and could not leave, and all the creatures of the other races had already left.

"Sister, one hundred and eight Devouring Spirit Mountains block the world here, and many powerful people are participating. If we attack directly, I'm afraid we won't be able to break the ban."

Liu Liyan frowned.

Although the three of them are very strong, they understood on the way here, there are four powerhouses of the Five Transformations of the Heavenly Way!

There are also many figures of the four changes of the heavens and the three changes of the heavens, and there are more powerful ones below the three changes of the heavens!

Among the 108 spirit mountains, Xiao Junwan and the others estimated that there would be no less than three thousand experts at the level of heaven.

"They used poison."

Xiao Junwan said coldly.

Liuliyan and Xuanyuan Mingyue's eyes lit up, yes, they couldn't directly attack, but they had a lot of good things on hand.

Among them are top poisons.

Some of these poisons were given to Qin Yang by the other strong men, and some were refined by Qin Yang himself.

If their strength is average, they may not be able to use top poison, but their strength is very strong.

It is very difficult for the poison to kill the powerhouse of the five changes of the Heavenly Path.

It is not easy to poison the powerhouses of the four changes of the Heavenly Dao.

But their poison to kill the powerhouse of the Three Transformations of Heaven's Path is not a big problem.

"Three sisters, there is a question. Will there be people from our human race in these spirit mountains?"

Xuanyuan Mingyue suddenly thought of a point, if poison is used, the human race inside will most likely die.

Xiao Junwan stared at the huge Lingshan in the distance.

She estimated that there should be a high probability of human beings in such a spirit mountain, especially beautiful women.

On the way here, they heard relevant news.

"We use the special poison refined by the husband, and it will not target the human race, but whether the enemy will kill the human creatures inside before death depends on their good fortune. We can't care about this and not do it."

Xiao Junwan said solemnly.

Xuanyuan Mingyue and Liu Liyan nodded. If they were too scrupulous, they wouldn't have to act.

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