God of Shuratan

Chapter 2369: World coins, immortal coins!

Chapter 2369 Realm coins, immortal coins!

"Friends of Taoism, please contact our Holy Alliance, our Holy Alliance will definitely be willing to spend money to redeem us."

One of the two captains captured by the Holy Alliance said.

Qin Yang knew that his name was Venerable Guanghui.

The other is the Judge.

Both of them are responsible for controlling the Golden Team, and they are responsible for this mission, which naturally won the trust of the leader of the Holy Alliance.

Qin Yang smiled and said: "This seat will naturally contact the people of your Holy Alliance, but not now."

"Now you open your own space treasures obediently, and this seat will inspect it. If anyone destroys things in this seat, this seat will not be polite!"

Many powerhouses in the Holy Alliance rolled their eyes secretly.

Those are their things!

"Everyone, cooperate."

Venerable Guanghui said in a deep voice, he opened his space treasure first, and the powerhouse of his team also immediately opened the space treasure.

Although the rest of the strong were unhappy, they quickly opened the space treasures obediently.

Qin Yang's divine consciousness entered the space treasures one by one, and quickly rolled out all the treasures inside, among which there were many good things!

The strength of the Holy Alliance is there, and they have obtained a lot of resources.

And because of self-confidence, many of them have brought in many good things from the outside world, and now those things are naturally cheaper than Qin Yang!

Just the things taken out of the space treasure are worth as much as seven or eight trillion Tianzun coins!

——Qin Yang sold those team tokens before and only obtained 65 trillion Tianzun coins. This will gain even more!

But this number is not particularly exaggerated.

After all, they have 30,000 people!

And they come from a five-star world.

Tianzun Island’s Poisonous Flame Danzun has assets of more than one trillion Tianzun coins, and there are many properties in it. The various treasures on his body add up to four to five hundred billion Tianzun Coins. If it is 30,000 poisonous flame Danzun like this The figures add up to more than 100 million.

The powerhouses of the Holy Alliance are basically from the five-star world, and they are definitely richer than the Venerable Poison Flame. The things on their bodies add up to seven or eight trillion, and they have killed at least ten powerhouses on average.

I got a lot of good things from the others.

"Everyone, you have acknowledged the Lord, but you can dismiss the treasures of the Lord, and give them to this seat one by one!"

Qin Yang said quietly.

Venerable Guanghui changed his expression: "Friends, can we keep this aspect? When you let the strong of our holy alliance redeem, you can count the value in this aspect."

Qin Yang smiled nonchalantly: "The treasures you have are extremely valuable. Are you sure that the strong of the Holy Alliance will bring out so many things to redeem people?"

"You 30,000, each of you counted as two treasures can be dismissed from the master, each only counts as 200 billion Tianzun coins, is that not much? Each person is 400 billion, and 30,000 is 120 million. The value of the treasure you just brought out is much higher!"

There are 400 billion treasures that can be dismissed by each person, which is not much.

Like the Hongmeng sword owned by Qin Yang, it is worth ten trillion!

Honorable Glory, they smiled bitterly.

The treasures on their bodies are not too many. The total of 30,000 people is only seven or eight trillion, but the value of the treasures is really high, because this aspect is related to their lives. Many of them sold their properties outside and invested in them. Up here!

Treasures that can be dismissed, Qin Yang only counts 400 billion per person, but not much!

"Everyone, there are so many treasures that only you can disassociate from the Lord, and there are many treasures that cannot be dismissed from the Lord. Their value may be higher. You think your Holy Alliance will release 300 million Tianzun coins to save you. ?"

Many of the strong men of the Holy Alliance frowned.

They are rich and have many treasures. This is an advantage when they are in the Holy Alliance, which means that their strength is stronger.

Once captured, the advantages immediately become disadvantages.

Too much ransom!

If it is the other forces, like the Tianhu Gang, if there are 30,000 people, the ransom is estimated to be less than two trillion, but the ransom for the strong of the Holy Alliance is ten times.

Spending so much money to redeem them is actually not as good as recruiting the rest of the strong, which is embarrassing for the captured strong!

"Hurry up and don't dawdle."

"Treasures that can be dismissed from the Lord are taken out, and the value of the treasures on your body is much lower, which is one hundred and five billion. It is much more likely that your Holy Alliance will redeem you!"

Qin Yang said quietly.

The 30,000 powerhouses of the Holy Alliance dismissed their own related treasures with a bitter face, and a large number of treasures piled up together.

On average, there are more than two pieces, and the total amount reached 63,000 pieces!

——Many of the ordinary Heavenly Sovereigns who enter it have only one good treasure, but there are only three strong ones in the Holy Alliance, and most of them have four!

Qin Yang said indifferently: "Everyone, I will ask again, whether it is time to remove the confession of the Lord, all the treasures that should be taken out have been taken out, as long as one person is concealed, he is dead, and he has a good relationship. A strong man is also dead!"

"Give you ten seconds!"

"Take it out within ten seconds, don't pursue it!"

Suddenly, a lot of treasures were taken out, and some of the treasures of the strong were not only in the space treasures, but the rest of the body was hidden!

Some powerhouses can clearly remove the treasures of the master, but deliberately did not remove the master!


Ten seconds passed, Qin Yang smiled and nodded, he made a lot of income again!

The treasures obtained at the beginning are worth seven or eight trillion.

The total value of the treasures obtained later reached 130 million.

The value of the treasures obtained from these powerhouses of the Holy Alliance is more than 200 million, which is more than three times the 65 trillion he got from selling tokens before!

Moreover, there are many treasures in the powerhouses of the Holy Alliance that cannot be dismissed from the master, the value is not less than 150 million.

It can be seen that such a power as the Holy Alliance is so rich!

Although the Nether Palace is a five-star world, the Nether Palace is only a five-star world that has just been promoted. It is much different from the world behind the Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance.

"The powerhouses of the Death Alliance have not reaped yet!"

Qin Yang went to harvest the powerhouses of the Death Alliance again!

Ten thousand strong people in the Death Alliance have died. They are completely harvested, and they have obtained more treasures. The total income of the Death Alliance, Qin Yang has even more, reached 250 billion!

"It turned out to be 65 trillion yuan, plus 200 million billion, plus 250 million yuan, for a total of 515 million Tianzun coins. If converted into world coins, it would be 5.15 world coins."

Qin Yang muttered.

The world currency is the currency with the highest value. It is used in transactions between powerful masters of the world. One world currency can buy the worst world device. Such a world device is a defective product in the first world device, but After all, it is a world weapon, and it will be much better than the treasure of the control level!

"Don't change it to a world currency."

"5.15 world coins, too shabby, I am still far from the world master now."

"With my current strength, it is more appropriate to calculate with immortal coins."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart.

Immortal Coin is a currency between Tianzun Coin and Realm Coin. It is mainly circulated and used by strong people with half-step control level, or very wealthy Tianzun level powerhouse for calculation.

An immortal coin is a hundred billion Tianzun coin.

Qin Yang's 515 million Tianzun coins, converted into immortal coins, are 515 immortal coins.

An immortal coin, the value is roughly equivalent to a lower half-step control level treasure!

Five hundred and fifteen immortal coins are quite a lot, and one hundred immortal coins can be used to buy very powerful half-step control treasures.

Qin Yang is now richer than many powerhouses with half-step control!

But thinking of Prisoner Tian, ​​Qin Yang couldn't relax at all.

There are eighty-one realm masters in Prisoner Heaven. Prisoner Heaven needs the Devouring Realm Device to recover. If his little money is used for Prisoner Heaven’s recovery, it would be a drop in the bucket.

"It's a long way to go."

"Why don't these guys have any limits?"

Qin Yang sighed inwardly.

In the next second Qin Yang arrived in front of Venerable Guanghui and Venerable Judge: "Two, I ask you a question, I hope you can answer it truthfully!"

"You are now imprisoned in strength, and the strength of this seat is very strong, and you are in the boundary of this seat, so if you lie, the chance of being discovered by this seat is very high!"

Lord Glory and Lord Judge nodded.

They were shocked. Sure enough, they are now in a realm. Qin Yang actually owns a realm. The background should be very deep!

"Two, who among the powerhouses of your sacred alliance owns a boundary weapon?"

"How many devices did you bring in?"

Qin Yang asked, "Don't lie, if you lie, go and kill 10,000 of your own people! In the future, you won't have to return to the Holy Alliance anymore, just follow this seat with all your heart."

Venerable Guanghui smiled bitterly and said: "Friend Dao, I only know that the leader has a realm weapon. I don’t know if the leader has more realm devices. I don’t know if the rest of the strong in the Holy Alliance possess a realm device. There should be no more!"

"I want it to be very difficult to recognize the master!"

"You have a realm device, you should be clear!"

"It is often the broken world artifact that recognizes the master, so it is much easier to recognize the master, and then slowly restore the world artifact!"

Venerable Judge said: "What Daoist Guanghui said is what I want to say, and I only know this. Daoist, although we are valued by the leader, in fact, in the holy world, our position and the leader are completely inferior. Than!"

"Leader is the banished grandson of the Lord of the Holy World. He has the purest blood. As long as he can grow up, he may even become the Lord of our Holy World in the future! The Lord cultivated him as a successor, we just Get down!"

"You said that as a servant, how can we know many secrets of the master?"

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