God of Shuratan

Chapter 2381: Trade with the Reaper Alliance!

Chapter 2381 Deal with Death Alliance!

Soon, 120,000 new recruits imprisoned their own cultivation base, and their strength dropped to an extremely low level. It was nothing as simple as the sound transmission, but it was impossible for a super-powerful force to erupt in a short time!

"Everyone, we have one more thing before the special training!"

Qin Yang smiled and said, he quickly made the strong of a thousand Hydra, a thousand of the Death Alliance, and a thousand of the Holy Alliance appear beside him!

"Your mission is to torture and kill them under the acceleration of time, for a month!"

The elders looked at the strong men in shock, and they recognized that those people were from the Holy Alliance, Death Alliance, and Hydra!

Among the powerhouses joined by the Survivor League, some and the rest are spies from the three major forces, and they are even more shocked.

It turns out that the strong man who lost contact with his own forces is here in the Promise Gate!

"Our Sacred Alliance and the Death Alliance are about to start fighting, the matter is actually done by the Promise Gate, and the strength of the Promise Gate is so strong!"

The Holy Alliance is extremely anxious in the hearts of several spies here.

They want to send the news back, but how can it be sent?

Entering the treasure space of Qin Yang, they found that they had cut off contact with the outside world, and now their cultivation base was imprisoned!

Qin Yang looked at the Great Elder and smiled and said, "Great Elder, the Survivors Alliance is a relatively loose alliance. There must be spies from other forces inside. You should be clear about this?"

The elder nodded.

Qin Yang said: "We can't have problems internally, so we have to work together to solve them. Among them, there are the high-levels of the three forces. Any one of the powerful players must be taken care of, and their lives must not be wasted in vain!"

The elder said in a deep voice, "Sect Master, I understand what you mean. After doing this, even if you are a spy, you have to consider who you will be loyal to in the future!"

Qin Yang chuckled.

"Elder, none of you comes from the Holy World, from the World of Death. You killed the strong of the Holy Alliance, the Death Alliance, and the Hydra. He will undoubtedly die when he returns. The three parties will not be able to spare him, plus We Promise!"

"Take action!"

Soon the 120,000 strong people entered the time magic circle one by one, and they tortured those strong in the time magic circle, and exchanged them after a while.

Some of the spies inside didn't really want to do anything, but there was a strong man from the Promise Gate staring at them. As long as any of them dared to be disobedient, the consequence would be a dead end!

"Asshole, I must kill you when I go back!"

"Grass, grass, come on, let's be more ruthless, see if I'm afraid!"

"When I go back, I will kill your whole family!"

The Holy Alliance, the Death Alliance, and the Hydra were targeted by the strong roaring again and again. Some of the spies who used torture originally thought of the Holy Alliance, the Death Alliance and other forces in their hearts, but gradually their mentality began to change.

So targeting the Holy Alliance, the Death Alliance, the powerhouse of Hydra, can they go back?

Go back to a dead end.

The strength of the Promise Gate is also so strong, it is better to join the Promise Gate altogether, no one knows the identity of their spy anyway!

The spy powerhouses who think so well will torture those powerhouses even harder!

They hope that they will have better performance. Even if they can't join the super team, they will join the golden team anyway!

With time accelerating, the outside world didn't have much time to pass, the 120,000 strong had already been tortured, and the three thousand strong of the three powers had all died!

"Have special training now!"

Qin Yang arranged it.

These guys can only be said to be a mob for the time being, Qin Yang can't see it, this state seriously affects their combat effectiveness!


It was a huge surprise for Qin Yang to absorb the strong from the Survivor Alliance.

But to say that the strength of the Promise Gate is directly stronger than the Death Alliance, and stronger than the Holy Alliance, for the time being, I can't talk about it!

Both the Reaper Alliance and the Holy Alliance have superpowers, with a dozen or so golden teams, many silver and bronze teams, and the number of strong players is more than that of the Promise Gate today.

And behind them is the world of death, the holy world, the five-star world, and there are many forces that support them both explicitly and secretly.

They have so many treasures too!

Qin Yang only managed to manage 60,000 of them. They were not members of the Super Team. He obtained hundreds of immortal coins from them. The World of Death and the Holy World, the Golden Team still has tens of thousands, and the Super Team also paid back. There are tens of thousands of people.

And Qin Yang seriously doubted that the treasures owned by the tens of thousands of strong players in the Golden Team might not be as good as the treasures owned by the leader of the Holy Alliance, Death Alliance!

Massive resources mean that they actually have huge war potential.

It's just that this war potential has not erupted for the time being, and many of their powerhouses don't want to consume a lot of their resources!

But if facing a huge crisis, the potential for war will be released.

What Qin Yang has to do now is definitely not to fight directly with forces like the Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance, but to let them fight each other first, so that the Nether Hall, Hydra and Cangyu Divine Realm can also fight. Great war fortune!

Get a lot of resources from the remaining forces, the war potential of the remaining forces will decrease, and the war potential of the Promise Gate will increase!

Qin Yang acted quietly.

He arrived near a stronghold in the Death Alliance.

This stronghold is guarded by the Death Alliance and a Silver Team. It has a lot of resources, but it is not considered a particularly important resource for the Death Alliance.

The stronghold has a good defense, but with Qin Yang's current strength, he directly sneaked into it, and arrived at the place where the captain lived!


Qin Yang revealed his figure, and the leader of the silver team here suddenly woke up. He immediately wanted to call the others over, but the transmission failed!

Qin Yang sat down and smiled: "Friends, sit down, let's talk, you can rest assured that I have no malice, or you are dead!"

"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

The other party said in horror.

Qin Yang smiled lightly: "Friends, it doesn’t matter who I am. What’s important is that I can help you in the Death Alliance and can bring you huge benefits! If you don’t want to cooperate, I can ask the Holy Alliance to do it. Cooperation!"

The other party took a deep breath and said, "Your Excellency, how do you want to cooperate with our Death Alliance?"

Qin Yang thought, and instantly five hundred silver tokens appeared. Each silver token had a special fluctuation, which meant that they were genuine silver tokens!

"Friends, here are five hundred silver tokens. For each one, I will sell you 30 trillion Tianzun coins to the Death Alliance for a total price of one hundred and fifty immortal coins. You take this secret back and let If your leader buys a special item from me, I will price one hundred and fifty immortal coins!"

Qin Yang said indifferently, "If the transaction goes smoothly, we will trade with your Death Alliance in the future. If the transaction fails, we will trade with the Holy Alliance in the future!"

"If the market price of the silver token is 50 trillion Tianzun coins, you can buy it in 30 trillion pieces, you will make a lot of money!"

"You can increase your strength a lot in secret!"

In front of Qin Yang, the strong man in the Death Alliance became breathing quickly, and such a major transaction actually fell on him!

"Friends, do you have more silver tokens?"

The Power of Death Alliance.

Qin Yang waved his hand indifferently, and in an instant, thousands of silver tokens appeared: "This thing is so much!"

"If your Death Alliance is unwilling to give money, then 500 yuan should be given to you!"


In front of Qin Yang, the strong man of the Death Alliance took a breath, and unexpectedly thousands of silver tokens!

There are currently more than one hundred silver teams in the Death Alliance, and these silver tokens can build thousands of silver teams!

This strong man is determined to grab these silver tokens.

But thinking that Qin Yang had entered him silently, he dispelled this idea.

"Friends of Taoism, the huge transaction of one hundred and fifty immortal coins is easy to startle, and the Holy Alliance will find out, how about other methods for trading?"

Qin Yang sneered and said, "Want to get this seat? You better not have such thoughts! Just follow the transaction of this seat, although the Holy Alliance will definitely find out, but what if you find out? At that time, there are already more Death Alliances. With five hundred silver teams, are they still afraid of the Holy Alliance?"

"As long as you hurry up and trade, your strength can be stronger before the Holy Alliance deals with you!"

There are many strong players in the Reaper League. Many strong players have not even joined the Bronze team, and they can quickly form a silver team if they get the Silver Token.

"That's true."

The powerhouse of the Reaper Alliance nodded, adding five hundred silver teams can increase the strength of the Reaper Alliance a lot.

At present, the strength of the Holy Alliance is stronger, and the strength of the Death Alliance will definitely be stronger by then!


"Send things safely, or you will die!"

Qin Yang said indifferently. After he finished receiving the thousands of silver tokens, he disappeared, and the five hundred silver tokens he took out at the beginning remained there.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The heartbeat of a strong man in the Death Alliance accelerated, and the value of five hundred silver tokens was so high that he had never had so much money!

This caused greed to grow in his heart.

But thinking of the consequences, he quickly dispelled the greed in his heart.

"The second team will continue to guard here, and the first team will return to the headquarters with this seat!"

This strong man quickly took people away. He was a little far away from the headquarters, and he was not in the same domain. He returned to the headquarters of the Death Alliance two hours later.

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