God of Shuratan

Chapter 2390: Burst the legendary token!

Chapter 2390 burst out legendary token!

The 200,000 strong from Cangyu Divine Dynasty and the 200,000 strong from Nether Hall, all passed the "loyalty" training quickly under the accelerated time.

Think about it with your toes, there must be a lot of spies among them, and even the Lord of the Nether Palace they still think that when he is trained, they will be cheap.

After the loyalty training, not to mention everything, at least 390,000 of the 400,000 strong will definitely not want to leave the Promise Gate!

"Everyone, congratulations for passing the loyalty training!"

"Next is the 20-year special training that is accelerated by time, a hundred times faster, and it will not take long for you to complete the special training!"

"The performance is very good, you can join the super team, the performance is not bad, then there is a chance to join the golden team!"

"As long as you join the Super Team or the Golden Team, your salary will be three times your current salary. If you don't join, you can also join the Silver Team, but the salary will only be 1.5 times. If you perform well in the future, your salary can be improved. !"


Qin Yang talked about the Wuji Sect's treatment, and the 400,000 powerhouses were very excited. The Wuji Sect's treatment was much better than before.

Even if the performance is worse, 1.5 times the treatment is much better!

Moreover, they actually have the opportunity to join the super team, and if they perform well, they have the opportunity to join the golden team. In the original Cangyu God Dynasty, Nether Palace, they dare not think!

"We swear allegiance to the sect master!"

Many strong men knelt down and shouted, but their voices were uneven.

Qin Yang said quietly: "You have joined the Wuji Sect, and there is no turning back. The Wuji Sect is stronger than your original influence. In the future, you will stay at the Wuji Sect with all your heart. !"

"Also, do you have any powerful beasts? If you take them all out, this seat will give you corresponding benefits in time!"

Four hundred thousand strong, some of them have caught powerful beasts alive, and some have bought powerful beasts. I wanted to try my luck, but the explosion rate was too low!

Many of the fierce beasts they obtained were not killed in their own space treasures.

Qin Yang said that the strong men with powerful fierce beasts have taken out the fierce beasts that have been confined in their space treasures. Apart from the rest of the benefits, they will perform better. At that time, they will join the super team and the chance of joining the golden team. It will definitely be higher.

Four hundred thousand strong people brought out one hundred thousand beasts.

Among them, there are very few of the absolute king level, only a dozen; there are two to three hundred beasts of the absolute king level, and the ordinary beasts of the extreme king level have four to five thousand. The rest are below the absolute peak. Burst out the silver team token.

"Below you, put it away by yourself."

Qin Yang collected all the beasts of the highest level, and soon he disappeared. These 400,000 strong will naturally have the strong who have passed the special training to train them, and then they will be scattered again. Form into teams one by one!

"Puff puff!"

Four or five thousand ordinary beasts of the highest level were quickly beheaded by Qin Yang, only about one thousand silver team tokens were exploded.

Qin Yang shook his head secretly, the explosion rate was getting lower and lower, sad!

At the beginning, four or five thousand ordinary beasts at the top level can directly explode four or five thousand silver team tokens!

But in terms of price, the price of one thousand silver team tokens is now higher than the price of four or five thousand silver team tokens before!

"Silver team tokens are too few, we have to get some silver team tokens."

Qin Yang muttered in his heart.


Two or three hundred beasts of the supreme king level were also solved. Qin Yang obtained nine gold team tokens, which had a much lower burst rate than the silver team tokens.


Qin Yang was beheaded one by one of dozens of beasts of the Supreme Emperor level. His face turned black, and when only the last one was left, he did not even explode a single super token. A fierce beast at the level of enthusiasts, can it be a big egg?

"Grass, this burst rate is also drunk."

Qin Yang was speechless, he slashed out, and the last fierce beast of the highest emperor level was also beheaded by Qin Yang.


At this moment, Shenguang mastered a token that Qin Yang had never seen before burst out.

The token that burst out was a nine-color token.

Qin Yang couldn't believe it.

He rubbed his eyes, the token was still there.


"Is this the only Legendary token?"

Qin Yang's eyes widened and his heartbeat accelerated.

Of course he had heard the legend, but the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison has existed for trillions of years without a legendary token, and now there are not many powerful people who think this is true!

Qin Yang raised his hand, the token was in his hand, and a wave of information flooded into Qin Yang's mind.

"Wa hahaha!"

Qin Yang was ecstatic, this token was really that legendary token.

As long as he uses this legendary token, the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison will no longer be divided into the freezing season and warm season. He can freely enter and exit, and can bring a small number of people in and out of the original world. This legendary token can accommodate millions of people.

Its improvement rate is also 60%!

"I dropped a good boy, and actually burst out a legendary token."

"This transaction is so cool!"

Qin Yang was overjoyed and recognized the legendary token of the Lord. He took Bei Yao back to Tianzun Island without replying to the question, and he could also let Luo Lingna and the others bring it.

With the legendary token, the Wuji Gate will develop more rapidly here, and Qin Yang is not so afraid!

The Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance are all five-star worlds. Qin Yang is actually quite jealous. It is normal for the world they belong to in this warm season and there are many strong people here.

Qin Yang will not have support!

But now that he has obtained the legendary token, Qin Yang has the greatest advantage here, and the five-star world can't compare it!

"I wanted to develop slowly, but now I actually got a legend token, but I can develop faster!"

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart.

——Actually, if the strong know that Qin Yang wants to vomit blood, the Promise Gate is already more than six hundred thousand strong at the moment, with the most golden teams, the super teams can be built at any time as long as Qin Yang wants, and they are slow to develop ?

"Do you want to recognize the master legend token now?"

Qin Yang muttered to himself.

After thinking about it, Qin Yang temporarily dismissed this idea. If he recognizes the Lord at this time, the entire Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison will probably have a vision.

It is even possible that outside the prison of life and death of Hundred Realms, the bigwigs of the world will also get news, and they may enter many strong people in a short time!

In addition, the Sacred Alliance and the Death Alliance are quite powerful, Yan Wansheng, Rains and the others are likely to have boundary weapons!

"Yan Wansheng, Raines and the others are the world's tools for recognizing the master, I don't know if they can cancel their recognition."

"It's also possible that they have more than one boundary weapon."

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart that he hadn't forgotten the issue of Prisoner Tian. Eighty-one realm masters were imprisoned in Prisoner Tian. According to the current situation, as long as any one of them went outside, Qin Yang would be cold!

Five minutes later, Qin Yang arrived near a trading tower.

Basically, there will be some strong people near each trading tower, and this is no exception, but many strong people are just clones!

"Everyone, this is Qin Yang."

"Others also call this Venerable Wuji!"

"The Promise Gate Master!"

Qin Yang raised his voice.

Many powerful people immediately looked at Qin Yang, and the title of Venerable Wuji is now quite loud in the prison of life and death in the Hundred Realms.

"Everyone, I am here to announce a news. We Wujimen want to recruit some powerful people to join. If you are interested in joining our Wujimen, please be prepared. Our clones will go to different areas to recruit people!"

"There are many silver team tokens sold in this seat. Everyone should know that we have no shortage of team tokens at Promise Gate, and there are many golden team tokens!"

Qin Yang smiled. He said that thousands of silver tokens appeared, and dozens of golden team tokens appeared!

"Everyone, this seat is developing well in this area, and Wujimen intends to develop here for a long time, and those who are interested can join!"

"Everyone should know that this seat is also relatively rich, and the rewards of Promise Gate are three times that of ordinary forces. If you perform well, you will get additional rewards!"

"When this clan takes over, please don’t disturb the other forces. If there is any interruption, the team token of this clan will definitely not be sold to that force again! And our Promise Gate’s strength is not low, I hope there is no such thing. things happen!"

After Qin Yang finished speaking, many people were shocked.

The news spread quickly from here.

Many strong men looked at the thousands of silver tokens and the dozens of gold tokens with enthusiasm, but no one jumped out stupidly at this time. Since Qin Yang dared to appear, he must have relied on, and he was infinite. The gate team has many tokens, can the strength be low?

"Wuji Sect Master, we want to join now, can we?"

The strong asked loudly.

Qin Yang smiled lightly and said, "Those who are too weak will not be accepted. Those who are strong can come over now, and I will accept a group of people here!"

"Any forces, I hope you don't stop the strong from coming to join us in the Promise Gate, otherwise it will be the enemy of our Promise Gate!"

"We also welcome some small and medium-sized forces to join us as a whole. There will be extra care for the high-levels of these forces. As long as there is no problem with loyalty, there will be basically no fewer people in charge than before, and they are likely to become gold. The captain of the team!"

"Everyone hurry up, this seat is only here for two sticks of incense time!"

In the domain where Qin Yang was located, as well as several surrounding domains, many powerful people quickly rushed over, and even powerful people from small and medium forces rushed over with the entire force.

Venerable Wuji has sold several thousand silver team tokens, and the unused golden team tokens taken out at this time amounted to several dozen.

The strength of Promise Gate is unfathomable!

Moreover, as long as many powerful people are absorbed, the strength of the Promise Gate will rise!

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