God of Shuratan

Chapter 2765: Operation Titan!


Qin Yu and Qin Yang's other two daughters saluted together.

Qin Yang has five daughters, but two of them are now in a critical period of training and they haven't gone out.

The three daughters who will go out are Qin Yu, Qin Yue, and Qin Xue. They are Yu Xiaoman, Xuanyuan Mingyue, and Liu Liyan's daughter. Both parents have good genes, and they look natural and beautiful.

Their cultivation bases are now all of the seven-star realm emperor's level, and they are all cultivation bases of the early seven-star stage, and their combat power in the outside world can reach the mid-seven-star stage, and in the Hongmeng realm, all three of them have the strength of the eight-star intermediate stage.

There is no doubt that Qin Yu and the others are very strong, but they seem to be only eighteen or nine years old, and their psychological age is not that big, because they spend most of their time practicing, and Qin Yang also protects them. well.


Qin Yang smiled and nodded.

Qin Yue said weakly and weakly: "Father, we know the news of Gallovia and their deaths. Have we caused you a big trouble? We should bear with him if we knew that he was rude before."

Qin Yue and the others were very worried when they heard the news of Gallovia and the others. Especially knowing that Gallovia and the others were killed by the Golden Armored Guards, Qin Yue and the others were even more worried!

They are not very clear about the specific strength of the Hongmeng Realm, but they know that the Holy Eagle Realm and the Titan Realm are powerful. These two are old giants, and a bunch of younger brothers behind them support them!

Gallovia and the Seven Lords of the Holy Eagle Realm have died here, and the Titan Realm and the Holy Eagle Realm may join forces to attack!

Qin Yang looked at Qin Yue, Qin Yue said so, he estimated that Gallovia and the others had nothing to do with Qin Yue's friends.

"Xiaoyue, don't worry if it's okay, the sky is falling and I will support my father!"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "You tell me if you killed Gallovia, it doesn’t matter if you say it, if you kill them, then for the father, I believe you must have a reason to kill them, kill them if you kill them. Up!"


Qin Yu and the others looked at their father moved.

For such a big thing, some world masters might just throw their daughters out to settle the matter, even if the matter was not done by their daughters!

"It's okay, the sky won't fall, don't you still believe in being your father?"

Qin Yang smiled authentically.

If it were three thousand years ago, when the Titan Realm and the Holy Eagle Realm joined forces, it would be really difficult for the Hongmeng Realm to handle it, but through a strategy, he won three thousand years for himself, and the Hongmeng Realm's strength has increased a lot!

In these three thousand years, the strength of Hongmeng Realm has more than doubled!

Qin Yu said: "Father, we didn't kill Gallovia and the others! Although Gallovia is annoying, we won't kill them because of his provocation to us. We didn't deserve it!"

Speaking of this, Qin Yu took the initiative to display the three eight-star golden armored guards in his space treasure, as did Qin Yue and Qin Shi.

Qin Yang swept away his spiritual knowledge, and he immediately determined that Qin Yu and their nine golden armored guards had not taken any action. The golden armored guards were refined by him, and these golden armored guards have the most core control. right.

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Okay, put it away. If you said you didn't kill them, you will believe you for your father!"

Qin Shi said worriedly: "Father, but you believe that the Titan Realm and the Holy Eagle Realm will not believe it, and if this thing is not done by our own people, I am afraid it was done by the Titan Realm and the Holy Eagle Realm."

"The status of Gallovia and the Seven Princesses is not simple. The Titans and the Holy Eagles are really promising to do so!"

Qin Yang nodded lightly, this was natural.

Gallovia is the Five Saints, and his status in the hearts of the Titans is not low; the seventh princess is also the daughter of the Holy Eagles, but for profit, the Titans of the Holy Eagles actually sacrificed Galovia. they.

It's not a huge profit, how could they do it!

"Shi'er, you don't need to worry about this matter, the father will handle it."

Qin Yang smiled authentically.

Although Qin Shi and the others are already powerful at the level of the seven-star realm master, and even have the strength of the eight-star level in the Hongmeng realm, they are still children in Qin Yang's eyes, and Qin Yang basically does not allow them to participate in such things.

"Father, we can also help you. Father, we have achieved an eight-star level in Hongmeng Realm!"

Qin Yu is the eldest sister, she mustered up the courage.

"Yes, father, we have worked hard, and we hope we can help you father!"


Qin Yue and Qin Shi also spoke.

Qin Yu said again: "Father, ten of us now have mid-eight-star combat power in the Hongmeng Realm. Together, we are also a powerful force."

Qin Yang's other seven children have the same cultivation bases as Qin Yu and others, their talents are similar, and they are equally hardworking!

Qin Yang smiled slightly: "Xiao Yu, if I can use you at that time, I will ask you to act for my father!"

All three of Qin Yu and the others suddenly showed joyful smiles, and they were looking forward to helping.

Gallovia and the Seventh Princess of the Holy Eagle World died on the Hongmeng World side, and they seemed to be besieged and killed by the Golden Armored Guards. This news spread to the world one by one at an extremely fast speed.

It didn't take long for the news to reach the Titan Realm and to the Holy Eagle Realm!

Many powerhouses in the Titan Realm still have a good impression of the Hongmeng Realm, because many of them have enmity with the Holy Eagle Realm, and the Hongmeng Realm has been ruthlessly taught by the Holy Eagle Realm, and the status of the Titan Realm has also improved a lot.

The Titan Lord spent a lot of effort to influence public opinion and concocted the threat theory of the Hongmeng Realm. The effect has been good for three thousand years, but there is still a lack of opportunity!

After all, it is said that the Harmony Realm is a threat, and a large number of strong people do not believe it. Harmony Realm does not do anything to the Titan Realm. If the Titan Realm targets the Harmony Realm, is it not ungrateful in the eyes of many strong people?

The news of Gallovia's death reached the Titan world, and public opinion was immediately detonated!

Under the intentional guidance of the top level, the voices against the Hongmeng world in the Titan world quickly rose. Although it was not to the point of destroying the Hongmeng world, countless people also hope that the strong in the Titan world will be tough to punish the Hongmeng world.

Severely punish the murderer, and let Hongmeng Realm pay a huge amount of compensation or something!

"Galoveria, your death is worthwhile!"

"You hate Qin Yang so much, being a father will help you out!"

The Lord of the Titans whispered to himself that the death of Gallovia and the Seven Princesses was indeed arranged by the Lord of the Titans and the Lord of the Holy Eagle!

In the past three thousand years, the mutual trust between the Titan Realm and the Holy Eagle Realm has grown a lot, and their people even jointly captured many human creatures, and then the top powerhouses of both of them slayed those human creatures together!

Normal cooperation or something, this level of mutual trust is completely sufficient, and there is no problem for Gallovia and the Seven Princesses to go out together, but if there is a deeper level of cooperation, this mutual trust is still slightly lower.

They actually hoped to capture the very heavyweights in the Hongmeng world, but Qin Yang was very careful in this regard.

Qin Yang and the others, Qin Yu, and others basically did not leave the Hongmeng Realm, and Qin Yu and the others are also strong in the Hongmeng Realm!

In the end, the Titan Lords decided to exchange their own sacrifices for mutual trust!

The death of Gallovia and the Seventh Princess can also give them the best excuse to send troops to the Hongmeng Realm!


In the Titan Hall, a large number of strong men from the Titan world gathered, and the master of the Titan world slapped a slap on the table in front of him. If the quality of the table were not extremely strong, he would surely be crushed by his slap!

"Arrogant, too arrogant!"

"Gallovia is the Three Saints of our Titan Realm. He was even murdered in the Hongmeng Realm, and he was still besieged by the Golden Armored Guards. Didn't he offend Qin Yu and the others? They were so cruel. hand!"

The Titan Lord was extremely angry and authentic.

Gallovia is the son he valued very much. Gallovia died in the Great Meng Realm, and the Titan Realm's rage was normal.

"Lord, the Seventh Princess of the Holy Eagle Realm has also had an accident. We must immediately investigate this matter with the Holy Eagle Realm!"

"Fart, what else are you investigating? In the Hongmeng world, Qin Yang covered the sky with one hand. Qin Yu and others killed people. Can we investigate?"

"Lord, I suggest that we directly work with the Holy Eagle Realm to exert pressure!"

"Lord, it takes time to contact the Holy Eagle Realm, and the Holy Eagle Realm may not agree. We might as well put pressure directly. Even if the Holy Eagle Realm they can't move out, don't we avenge the Three Saints?"

Many other powerhouses in the hall opened their mouths.

In the past, if you wanted to deal with the Hongmeng world, many strong people were opposed to it, but now there are basically no objections. Even if they were opposed before, now they just say that it is better to investigate and send troops to target the Hongmeng world!

The death of Gallovia has a great influence on public opinion.

In the eyes of many people in the Titan Realm, their Titan Realm is now the most powerful world, and finally became the most powerful world. A figure like Gallovia was actually killed in the Hongmeng Realm. This is to beat them. The face of the Titans.

"be quiet!"

The Titan Realm Master said in a deep voice, and the rest of the strong in the hall immediately calmed down.

The Titan Realm Master stood up: "No matter what the Holy Eagle Realm does, our Titan Realm cannot swallow this breath, and the Three Saints cannot just die unclearly! From now on, the Titan Realm will go to the area where the Hongmeng Realm is located!"

"This is a private vengeance. The other strong players in the friendly world can choose to come and help us in the Titan Realm, or they can choose not to send troops!"

Many strong people in the hall were shocked, and the Titan Realm actually went to the area where the Hongmeng Realm was located. This is a great action!

The rest of the Titans world knows this if they don't send troops, it is estimated that they will not be able to mix in the Titans in the future.

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