God of Shuratan

Chapter 2768: Show your strength!

The golden world masters all laughed, they really wanted to join the Hongmeng Element, so this time they were all out.

Originally there was a little regret, shouldn't we leave some strong ones to look after the house?

Now they feel that they are very wise, and bring two more eight-star level experts over, and then they will be divided into one more eight-star world emperor level golden armored guard!

"World Lord Qin, who hasn't adapted to the environment yet, is it a powerhouse who has no eight-star strength for the time being?"

The goddess realm master asked.

Qin Yang nodded: "Naturally count!"

"Then our Goddess Realm will come here with a total of sixty-four eight-star realm emperor level powerhouses!"

In fact, there are not so many normal eight-star powers in the Goddess Realm, but they control some other eight-star powers. As the eight-star world that has existed for a long time, they control some eight-star disaster beasts, and some eight-star war corpses. What's normal.

Usually these will not be used easily, and will not even show up.

"Our golden world, ninety-two eight-star emperor level powerhouses!"

"Our Mad God Realm only has forty-three eight-star emperor level powerhouses!"


Six powerhouses of the world emperor level opened their mouths one after another. Among them, the most powerful were 142 eight-star world emperor level powerhouses, and the least was the Mad God Realm, with only 43 eight-star world emperor level powerhouses. Powerful, a total of four hundred and fifty powerhouses of the eight-star realm emperor level!

After that, the Golden Realm Emperor and them are a bit embarrassed. They have only four hundred and fifty eight-star realm emperors in their six worlds, and Hongmeng Realm has 1,788 star emperors in one world. The gap is huge!

Qin Yang smiled and said, "A few fellow daoists, it’s not bad. Your situation is better than I estimated, and the number of strong men you brought here is also more than I estimated. From this we can see that you really want to join. Hongmeng Department!"

The golden masters nodded their heads again and again, and they really joined in sincerely!

Qin Yang said: "You can rest assured that according to the number of strong people you come over, half of the Golden Armored Guards will be given to you by then! In addition, as the core members of the Hongmeng System, you have a bonus, and you can get a 30% discount by then. The price of buying the Golden Armored Guard, each world is limited to one hundred!"

The gold masters were extremely excited. They also collected some of the raw materials for refining the golden armored guards. Although they could not refining as many as a hundred, they could refine some, and they could collect more. many!

30% off, this is a great discount!

But for Qin Yang, he also earns 30% off!

Qin Yang’s current cost is only 30%, and when he sells it at 30%, he still has a profit of more than 100%. He can earn as much as he sells to the masters of the gold world. The more they sell, the Hongmeng world The stronger the strength!

The strength of the Hongmeng family has also increased, which is a good thing!

"Lord Qin, when will you announce the establishment of the Hongmeng System?"

The main road of the holy fire world.

Qin Yang smiled and said, "It's estimated that the Titan Realm waiting for a year and a half will come over. Let's not dare anymore, just announce it!"

Soon Qin Yang asked Princess Yulong to send news, and he had big news to announce.

After half a day, a large number of powerful people from the rest of the world gathered in the No. 1 Guest Hall of Hongmeng Realm. These powerful people came from hundreds of worlds.

There are many worlds that pay attention to the Hongmeng world.

The Holy Eagle Realm, Titan Realm even secretly arranged for the strong to enter the No. 1 Guest Hall, and they also wanted to know what Qin Yang wanted to say!

"The world master is here!"

The majestic voice sounded, the hall quickly became quiet, and Qin Yang's figure appeared in the hall.

"Meet the Lord Qin!"

A large number of powerhouses said in unison, even the powerhouses secretly arranged by the Titan Realm Sacred Eagle Realm were very polite at this time. Qin Yang's status and status were there. If they were rude to Qin Yang and executed them, no one else would be able to say anything.

"You don't have to be polite."

Qin Yang waved his hand and smiled and said, "Everyone, I will inform you today that there is an important news to everyone!"

"Thanks to the Heavenly Profound Realm Master, the Golden Realm Master, the Goddess Realm Master, the Mad God Realm Master...We value it, with our Hongmeng Realm headed, the Hongmeng System is established today!"

Qin Yang said loudly.

Many powerhouses in the hall were shocked. Qin Yang directly threw out such important news... Put it on the earth, which is equivalent to the sudden establishment of the European Union!

"Please ask the Profound Realm Master, the Golden Realm Master, the Goddess Realm Master..."

Qin Yang's words fell, and the Profound Sky Realm masters entered the hall one by one. The Profound Sky Realm master is the realm master of a world with more than 140 eight-star powerhouses. The Profound Sky Realm is the world of the eight-star pinnacle. The Profound Realm Master possesses the strength of eight-star Consummation!

The strength of the Profound Sky Realm could rank in the top five before!

Now that the Hongmeng Realm is becoming stronger, there is a question mark whether the Profound Sky Realm can enter the top five, but there is no doubt that the strength of the Profound Sky Realm is still very strong. The strength of the Profound Sky Realm is not weaker than that of the Titan Realm, nor is it weaker than the Holy Eagle Realm. , And they have had a lot of conflicts in both circles!

The Profound Sky Realm has actually tried to win some worlds to compete with the Titan Realm and the Holy Eagle Realm, but the strength is still a lot worse after all!

"Hi, six eight-star worlds have joined the Hongmeng Element!"

"The Profound Sky Realm has actually joined. The master of the Profound Sky Realm is a very arrogant figure. With the strength demonstrated by the Hongmeng Realm before, the Profound Sky Realm will not easily join the Hongmeng Realm."

"The strength of Hongmeng Realm is estimated to have increased a lot, but I don't know how much it has increased!"

Many strong people talked secretly.

Qin Yang coughed lightly: "Dear friends, I will announce one more good news next! We in the Hongmeng Realm have more than 1,700 eight-star powerhouses, and the Profound Sky Realm has more than 400. Eight-star powerhouses, now our Hongmeng system eight-star powerhouses have more than two thousand!"

Speaking of this, Qin Yang waved his hand and all 1,300 eight-star-level golden armored guards appeared, and their bodies faintly exuded a tyrannical aura!



Many experts in the room were staring. There were more than two thousand eight-star emperor-level strongmen in the Hongmeng Realm, and there were 1,300 gold armored guards at the eight-star emperor level in the Hongmeng Realm. This is extremely Terrible strength, this strength is not weaker than the Titan type and the Holy Eagle type!

There are more than 1,600 eight-star powerhouses from the Titans now.

There are only 1,400 of the Holy Eagles!

Even if you add some powerhouses who haven't come here, there will be two thousand eight-star powerhouses in the Titan System and the Holy Eagle System respectively!

If Qin Yang didn’t lie, more than 1,700 eight-star powerhouses, plus more than four hundred eight-star powerhouses such as the Profound Sky Realm, would have reached 22. It is very likely that the Hongmeng type eight-star powerhouse Already surpassed the Titans and the Holy Eagles!

"How can it be?"

"How could Qin Yang have so many golden armored guards!"

The Titan Realm and the Holy Eagle Realm arranged strong people here, and they couldn't believe it.

The strength of the Hongmeng Realm was already very strong before, and they never expected that the strength of the Hongmeng Realm had increased so much for three thousand years!

"Everyone, a large number of powerful people in our Profound Sky Realm are here now, and from now on, our Profound Sky Realm will join the Hongmeng Element!"

The Profound Sky Realm master said loudly.

Even the Lord of the Holy Eagle, the Lord of the Titans, and the Lord of the Profound Sky were not very convinced, but for Qin Yang, he was convinced and convinced!

How long did it take for the Hongmeng Realm to actually reach the point it is now.

Moreover, the Heavenly Profound Realm Master had known about Qin Yang. Qin Yang was just a mere mortal back then. From a mortal, he has reached the present level, incredible!

The Golden Realm Master smiled and said: "Everyone, there is no doubt that the Hongmeng Realm is now the most powerful world. It is the right choice for us to join the Hongmeng Element. If you choose to join the Hongmeng Element at this time, it will also be the right choice!"

The Goddess Realm Master said: "Our Goddess Realm subordinates also have some worlds, and they will all join the Hongmeng Element at that time!"

The mad **** realm master and two other realm masters also all spoke, and they called on the rest of the world to join the Hongmeng Element!

The masters of the Profound Sky Realm are all veteran powerhouses. There are actually many powerhouses who know them and have received their favor. Their call, coupled with the current strength of the Hongmeng Element, will definitely attract many other worlds to join Hongmeng. system!

In Guest Hall No. 1, all the strong guys immediately reported the situation here!

Nowadays, there are many powerful people gathered here, and some world masters have actually come here to watch the excitement.

Soon a strong man in the hall stood up and said: "World Master Qin, I just received news from our World Master that we want to join the Hongmeng Element, but we are only a six-star world, I don’t know. Can you join?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Yes, six-star, seven-star, and eight-star worlds can join the Hongmeng system! Even if the five-star world is weak, you can try to join our Hongmeng system after reaching the six-star world!"

There are quite a few strong people from the six-star world present, and their eyes brightened when Qin Yang said that, so that their world would also have a chance!

"Thank you Qin Realm Master, then we create the Yuan Realm to join the Hongmeng Element, our Realm Master will come soon!"

"The Qin Realm Lord—"

Another strong man quickly stepped forward. The world behind this strong man was stronger, and it was a seven-star world!

In just a quarter of an hour, there were more than 20 worlds directly proposed to join the Hongmeng System, and several of them in the Seven-Star World!

All the strong players on the scene know that with the current situation of the Hongmeng Element, the news spreads, and the masters of all circles have received the news. By that time, more forces will join the Hongmeng Element, and there will definitely be eight-star worlds joining the Hongmeng Element!

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