God of Shuratan

Chapter 2775: Vice Lord of the Holy Eagle!

"it is good!"

The holy eagle realm master reluctantly agreed that the entire sacred eagle realm began to quickly transfer creatures, all moving to the other nearby worlds.

Shenyang Realm and others are all here now.

Fortunately, we have made sufficient preparations. A large number of creatures in the holy eagle realm have already arrived in the space treasures of many strong men. There are also strong men in the sun and sun realm to respond. In less than ten days, the holy eagle realm will have Transferred out!

At this time, the Holy Eagle Realm had fallen to only a five-star level.

Compared with the eight-star mid-level Harmony Realm, the Holy Eagle Realm is small, and the Harmony Realm can be swallowed easily.

"Puff puff!"

Three days later, the Holy Eagle Realm Master sprayed several mouthfuls of blood, and the Holy Eagle Realm was completely destroyed, and the power of the Holy Eagle Realm was completely swallowed by the Hongmeng Realm.

A world like the Holy Eagle Realm is deeply bound to the realm master, and the destruction of the Holy Eagle Realm does not cause low damage to the Holy Eagle Realm Lord.

"Lord Qin, this seat fully cooperated with Hongmeng Realm and swallowed my holy eagle realm. As agreed, this seat can take people to leave safely!"

The Lord of the Holy Eagle said in a deep voice, he was a little worried that if Qin Yang did not let go, a large number of powerful men in their Holy Eagle would be killed!

At this moment, there are a large number of strong men in the Hongmeng world around, and there are more than 1,500 golden armored guards!

Qin Yang said quietly: "Holy Eagle Realm Lord, the seat that this seat said naturally promises that you can leave! But your space treasures must stay, these are the trophies of this seat, and this seat allows you to take you away. I have recognized the Lord’s treasure!"

"Also, don't try to destroy the things in this seat, otherwise, if you find it, you will also have to cancel the acknowledgment of the treasures of the Lord!"

The faces of many of the experts of the Holy Eagle Realm changed drastically.

"Lord Qin, you didn't talk about this before, you just said to devour the holy eagle realm!"

The Lord of the Holy Eagle said with a black face.

Qin Yang said in amazement, "I still need to say? You are defeated. Your treasure belongs to this seat. Isn't this the most basic rule in the practice world?"

"Besides, you didn't say anything to take away before."

"I think we all know this rule, so it is the default!"

"Why, do you want to break the rules!"

Qin Yang's gaze became stern, and a strong killing intent erupted from the many powerful people on the Hongmeng Realm!

"you are vicious!"

"Attention, everyone, the space treasure has been disqualified from the master and given to the master Qin!"

The Lord of the Holy Eagle Realm said coldly, his heart was dripping blood, and there were only a million strong men on the other side of the Titan Realm who were preparing to go to the Titan Realm. They were all relatively powerful, and countless other creatures were placed here in the rest of the world. They also searched for treasures!

Now they have a lot of treasures in their space treasures, much more treasures than they used to be normal!

Unexpectedly, Qin Yang was directly cheaper!

"Yes, world master!"

The rest of the powerhouses were bitter, but they also dismissed the space treasures from acknowledging their masters one after another, and they did not dare to destroy the contents inside.

Give it directly, only lose these, if they destroy it, they will also lose the remaining treasures of their masters, and their strength will be greatly reduced!


Millions of spatial rings flew to Qin Yang.

Qin Yang waved his hand and all the spatial rings disappeared.

"Everyone, in addition to the treasures of the Lord, can you hide the rest of the treasures? If there are hidden ones, this seat will give you ten breaths to take them out. If you are discovered by this seat later, you will know the consequences!"

Qin Yang said indifferently.

The face of the Lord of the Sacred Eagle changed. Qin Yang wouldn't deliberately arrange for some of them to hide their treasures, right?

"Listen to everyone, there must be no concealment. Who is hiding? This seat will kill him and kill his family! Even if the Lord Qin does not find out at this time, let this seat know that you have hidden in the future, this seat will also kill your whole family. !"

The holy eagle realm master is murderous and authentic.

There are a small number of strong people who are reluctant to bear some things, and they are really hidden!

At this time, when they heard the Holy Eagle Realm Master say this, they trembled and quickly took out the things. The Holy Eagle Realm Master had a black face, and one of his sons had hidden something!

The ten breath time will come soon.

Qin Yang collected the last things they took out and said indifferently: "Okay, I am too lazy to check the Holy Eagle Realm Master, you can go, don't provoke our Hongmeng Element in the future, otherwise you will definitely not have a good end. !"

The Lord of the Holy Eagle threatened in this way, and Qin Yang estimated that no one would hide their privates, and there was no need to waste time.

"World Lord Qin, goodbye!"

The master of the holy eagle looked at Qin Yang deeply and quickly left with many other experts in the holy eagle world. These experts have eight-star level cultivation bases, even if they no longer have a chaos mothership at the moment, They have no problem flying long distances.

-A large number of other weaker characters have entered their treasure space.

Five minutes later, Qin Yang and the others did not pursue it. The Lord of the Holy Eagle breathed a long sigh of relief, and they were finally safe!

"You enter this space treasure."

The Lord of the Holy Eagle said in a deep voice, he has an eight-star perfect cultivation base, and his mid-stage nine-star combat power can move faster!

"Yes, world master!"

The strong around said.

The corner of the Lord's mouth twitched: "Don't be called the Lord of this seat from now on!"

The powerhouses were silent, the holy eagle world was gone, and the holy eagle world master was indeed no longer the world master now. They continued to call like this, and the holy eagle world master listened to his heart.

Soon these strong men disappeared.

The Lord of the Holy Eagle accelerates to leave, and the direction he is heading is naturally the direction where the Titan World is now. On the other side of the Titan World, there are still a large number of strong men in the Holy Eagle World and a large number of strong men in the Holy Eagle family!

Moreover, in the current situation, he can only choose to cooperate with the Titan Realm Masters, and everyone can gather in the Titan Realm to protect themselves!

Eighteen years later, the Lord of the Holy Eagle rushed to the Titan Realm.

The gate of the Titan Realm is open, but the powerful ones who enter it need to be checked. The Holy Eagle Realm Master came here and immediately let many eight-star realm emperor-level figures in the space treasure go outside.

"This emperor of the sacred eagle!"

"See the Titan Realm Master!"

The Lord of the Holy Eagle said in a deep voice, he did not immediately lead people to break into the Titan World, their Holy Eagle World had no such energy.

The Lord of the Holy Eagle estimates that many of their experts in the Holy Eagle system have now been wooed by the Lord of the Titans.

"Friends of the Holy Eagle, I have been waiting for a long time, and you are welcome to join the Titan Realm!"

The laughter of the Titan Realm came from the Titan Realm, and many people from the Titan Realm came out to greet him, but the Titan Realm Lord only came out in a clone!

Three days ago, the Titan Realm Master received the news from the Holy Eagle Realm Master, and they are almost here!

"Lord of the Titans!"

The Lord of the Holy Eagle world arched his hands, his mood was not so good.

Originally, the status of the Titan Realm Master was slightly lower than him, and the strength of the Holy Eagle Realm was the strongest, but he did not expect that now he would take the initiative to salute!

"Holy Eagle Taoist Fellows are polite!"


The Titan Realm Master smiled and said, they greeted the Holy Eagle Realm Master and the others into the Titan Realm, where a large number of strong men were waiting for them!

The Titan Realm Master must prevent the Holy Eagle Realm Master from bringing a large number of powerful men in the Hongmeng Realm!

"Friends of the Holy Eagle, we have to check, hope you can understand."

"It would be very troublesome if the strong men of the Hongmeng system came along with you."

The Titan Master said bluntly.

The Lord of the Holy Eagle nodded stupidly, and the Lord of the Titans checked quickly. After five minutes, the inspection was over. They did not find that Qin Yang and the others did not follow.

"Okay, it seems that Qin Yang still kept his promise, and he didn't deal with you at this moment."

The main road of the Titan world.

The Lord of the Holy Eagle nodded slightly: "With the current strength of the Hongmeng Realm, if they want to invade, there is no need to sneak in this way, and Qin Yang will not do it at this time. He previously promised not to trouble us for a thousand years!"

"That's true."

The master of the Titan Realm said, "Friends of the Holy Eagle, according to what we said before, how about you become the deputy master of our Titan Realm?"

There are many strong men in the holy eagle realm here, and many strong men in the holy eagle system still support the holy eagle realm master, and the titan realm master must give the holy eagle realm master a good treatment.

But since the holy eagle realm masters are in the titan realm, the titan realm master is not afraid of their evil guests deceiving the Lord.

"it is good!"

"Lord of the world!"

The Lord of the Sacred Eagle nodded slightly, and he saluted once again. This salute represents that he has joined the Titan Realm!

Since then, there has been no holy eagle realm master, he is just the deputy realm master of the Titan Realm!

"Sacred Eagle Daoists don't have to be polite."

"Friends of the sacred eagle, you will settle down first, and we will discuss other things later."

"Husband, we have heard from the strong on the other side of the Titan Realm that the Holy Eagle Realm Emperor and the others have joined the Titan Realm, and the Holy Eagle Realm Emperor has become the Deputy Realm Lord of the Titan Realm!"

Princess Yulong sent the message to Qin Yang.

"Something expected."

Qin Yang was not surprised at all. Without entering the Titan Realm, the Emperor of the Holy Eagle Realm would have to find a place to hide and live in peace.

But the emperor of the sacred eagle is not someone who can be safe in his bones.

And even if he can be safe, and the other eight-star realm emperor level powerhouses who follow him, can the seven-star realm emperor level powerhouse agree?

The emperor of the holy eagle can only choose to join the Titan world!

"Husband, they joined the Titan Realm. There should also be 2,000 eight-star powerhouses in the Titan Realm, and their strength is not low."

Princess Yulong said, "Furthermore, Holy Eagle Realm Emperor, Titan Realm Emperor and they all have nine-star strength outside the Titan Realm!"

As for the top powerhouses, Hongmeng Realm is still inferior now!

Qin Yang still did not have the strength of the nine-star early stage outside Hongmeng. His seven-star perfect cultivation base, the top eight-star perfect combat power, some of Qin Miaomiao and the others had already reached the top eight-star perfect combat power, but now they are still behind Qin Yang There are not so many resources given to them.

At present, the threat to the Titan Realm is not great. If Qin Miaomiao's strength reaches the nine-star level, they might become a threat instead!

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