God of Shuratan

Chapter 2790: The battleship of the immortal world is here!

On the first floor of the Hongmeng Good Fortune Tower, in the Time Array, Qin Yang used the time spar to accelerate his training, digesting the inheritance he had obtained.

The Jiufen Alchemist inheritance contains countless information. If there is no Hongmeng Tower to withstand the pressure, even if Qin Yang's current cultivation base is not low, his head and soul will be directly exploded by a large amount of information!

Now that information is constantly being summarized and sorted by Qin Yang.

Even the top pharmacists may have one-sided and limited knowledge. This leads them to think that what is correct is not necessarily correct. They think that the best solution is not necessarily the best solution. Excellent!

For some things, even if the other alchemists tell them, they are likely to stick to their opinions.

The authorities are fascinated, and the bystanders are clear. Qin Yang can now judge from the most objective perspective.

Questionable information and repeated information were all cleaned up by Qin Yang. Some of the most essential inheritance powers were retained by Qin Yang. In Jiufen inheritance, only 20 to 30% of the information was actually left behind. This knowledge was digested and absorbed by Qin Yang.

-It was tiring to digest these things. During the gaps, Qin Yang practiced his marksmanship, and he was fighting against many other gunner powerhouses.

It's just that the battle doesn't absorb those inherited forces, and it won't bring great pressure to Qin Yang.

Gradually, another hundred years passed.

With time accelerating, much more time passed. Qin Yang accepted the inheritance of thirty-six nine-star consummation level alchemists, and the inheritance of three gun masters.

At the beginning, he only accepted ten inheritances. After digestion, Qin Yang can accept it again, digest and absorb again. At present, refining medicine, the inheritance of gun masters has accepted and digested a total of 39 copies, reaching the limit that he can bear today. .

Even if it had been digested, Qin Yang had already felt a little swelling in his head.

"Two hundred years are up, and the battleships of the immortal world should also come over."

Qin Yang opened his eyes and muttered to himself. He pressed his temples, his head was a little uncomfortable, but it was worth it!

Although he has not personally refined a nine-star level pill, Qin Yang has absolute self-confidence. As long as he adjusts to a little time, there is absolutely no problem in refining a nine-star perfect level pill.

Even in the world of immortality, the nine-star perfection level pill will not be a popular commodity, and it can't be refined by anyone.

And Qin Yang is confident that he will refine the perfect quality, even legendary quality nine-star perfection pill!

Qin Yang knew that the quality of the immortality pills in the world of immortality was inherited.

Divided into inferior product, inferior product, medium product, top product, excellent product, perfect, and legendary, there are a total of seven grades, of which inferior product is completely unqualified. The efficacy of such an elixir is estimated to be less than half of the normal elixir. .

And more importantly, there are many such elixirs, and it takes a long time to dissolve the erysipelas if you take one. If you take a few pills in a row, it is no different from taking the poison!

The lower grade pill, the pill is much less, and the efficacy is 80%.

The middle-grade pill is a normal pill. A nine-star consummate level pharmacist is qualified if he can refine such a pill. Most practitioners buy this level of pill. This kind of pill is more cost-effective. high!

The top-grade and exquisite-grade pill are basically bought by wealthy people. They are more effective and have less erysipelas. You can use more pill at the same time. It is more effective whether it is used for training or for saving lives.

But this kind of pill is much lower cost-effective!

As for the elixir of the perfect product, as well as the elixir of legendary quality, it is difficult for rich people to buy it. Only the powerful and powerful top figures can obtain it. Moreover, the elixir of legendary quality is often priceless. .

Even if the pill of the early nine-star stage can be refined with perfect legendary quality, the status will not be low!


When Qin Yang arrived at Qin Yi and the others, they stopped training one after another and saluted them respectfully one by one.

Previously, only Qin San and Qinba had reached the mid-tenth-star combat power. Now Qin Yi and the others have reached the mid-tenth-star combat power. Although Qin San and Qinba are still at the mid-tenth-star combat power level, they have reached the top ten-star combat power. Mid-term level.

If Qin Yang transfers some inheritance to them at that time, Qin San and the others can be even stronger!

"If you don't practice for the next period of time, you are ready to shoot at any time."

"Yes, Lord!"

Qin Yang went to Hongtian again, and went to the Great Desolate Realm Emperor. Hongtian is now at the peak of the nine-star level, and the combat power of the nine-star perfection level. The main body of the Hongmeng Fortune Tower uses a lot of Hongmeng wooden hearts, and Hongtian is in it. Grow rapidly.

The Great Desolate Realm Emperor's cultivation base has reached the late nine-star stage, but he is quite powerful. The cultivation base of the late nine-star stage possesses the combat power of the nine-star perfection level!

The great wilderness emperor can improve so quickly, naturally, it has something to do with the resources given by Qin Yang, but the most important thing is that his talent is really good. This time, the talents of the great wilderness emperor should be able to rank in the front of the thousands of powerhouses who came here. ten.

"Brother Dahuang, the battleship of the Immortal Realm is about to arrive, we have to prepare to go to the Immortal Realm!"

Qin Yang smiled.

The Great Desolate Realm Emperor nodded: "Brother Qin, thank you so much this time! If it weren't for you, after hundreds of years of training, I'm afraid I would also be trained to be subdued!"

The methods used by Master Green Bats were only comparative pediatric methods, and some of the latter methods were more terrifying.

"Brother Qin, the old bronze demon, did we just let him go?"

For Master Green Bat, the Great Desolate Realm Emperor hated him so much, and Qin Yang also wanted to kill him!

"Brother Dahuang, Master Green Bat has also provided us with a lot of benefits. We don't suffer a lot. Forget it! Although my ancestors are strong, the energy behind Master Blue Bat is not weak. It is better to make friends than to offend."

Qin Yang exhorted.

Qin Yang said this insincerely!

Because Prison Tian detected that the Great Wilderness Realm Emperor left behind the monitoring power of the Green Bat Master, if he discussed with the Great Wilderness Realm Master to deal with the Blue Bat Master, the Green Bat Master might tear his face directly with him.

"Brother Qin, if your ancestor can say a word, Master Green Bat might be out of luck."

"Brother Dahuang, I still said the words I just said. It is better to make friends than to offend! My ancestors may have that kind of energy, but it doesn't mean that I can use the energy of the ancestors casually. Likes."

The Great Wilderness Realm emperor frowned secretly, he was a little unhappy, in his opinion it is best to kill Master Cyan Bat, so that he can understand his thoughts!

Otherwise, it may not have an impact on the cultivation base in a short time, the longer the time, the greater the impact!


The Great Desolate Realm Emperor nodded, Qin Yang was unwilling to target Master Green Bat, nor could he force Qin Yang to do so.

"I will send a message to Master Green Bat to inquire and see when to leave!"

"it is good."

Qin Yang quickly sent the message to Master Green Bat, who spoke very kindly and honestly: "Brother Qin, I just want to send you a message to inform you that the battleship from the Immortal Realm will arrive in three days."

"We need to set off. We need to leave Slave City No. 7 and go to Slave City No. 1, where we will board the ship together."

Qin Yang and the Great Desolate Realm Emperor went outside, and the thousands of powerful people on the 7th Slave City were quickly gathered.

Seeing them, Qin Yang and Dahuangjie Di were both stunned.

Hundreds of years ago, these powerhouses looked proud and full of confidence. They all exuded the aura of a superior. In the original chaotic world, they were all super bosses, and indeed they were all superiors.

This kind of superior aura is the result of endless years!

Even if their cultivation base is imprisoned, the aura of the superiors will undoubtedly be revealed!

But at this moment Qin Yang and the others discovered that what these powerhouses exude is no longer the aura of superiors, but the aura of slaves!

Their self-esteem and self-confidence have been trampled endlessly, and over and over again, making them think from the bones and souls that they are no longer the strong but the weak, not the upper ones but the humble slaves.

I don't even have confidence anymore, I think I'm just humble servants, they are no longer strong!

And they want to break through again, it's difficult!

Without a change in thinking and without the heart of a strong man, how can one become a real strong man?

Thousands of strong men also saw Qin Yang and the others, they lowered their eyebrows and liked them, and none of them dared to look directly at Qin Yang and them.

Qin Yang and the Great Desolate Realm Emperor felt a little sad in their hearts. These powerhouses used to be top-notch figures, but now they have become like this.

"It's terrifying!"

Qin Yang was shocked. He didn't expect Master Green Bat and their training methods to be so terrible. For hundreds of years, they would forcibly obliterate the powerful will accumulated by these thousands of strong men for countless billions of years!

"Brother Qin, if it wasn't for your help, I would definitely be one of them."

The emperor of the Great Desolation Realm said that he was afraid, if he became like this, the emperor of the Great Desolation Realm would rather die!

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