God of Shuratan

Chapter 2844: Catch Bai Susheng alive!

"Prisoner, if there are a large number of powerful people coming out of the treasures in the White Slaughter Space, if they concentrate on attacking, can they hold it?"

Qin Yang asked.

The front three hundreds of thousands of powerful people attacked here, and there was no problem with the Tower of Hongmeng Good Fortune.

But that time they were trapped in different areas, and most of their attacks canceled each other out!

"Master, depending on the situation, if the average strength is not very strong if it is less than 100,000, it should be able to hold it; if it exceeds 100,000, the average strength is relatively high, the Tower of Harmony will not be destroyed, but they may be killed from the Tower of Harmony. Get out!"

Prison Tian's answer made Qin Yang frowned.

The number of powerhouses in the treasures of the White Slaughter Space is likely to exceed one hundred thousand.

If you can't get them to leave, the existence of the Great Fortune Tower might be exposed!

If he gets the Xuanhuang Heaven Breaking Sword, the problem is not big, because the big men of the major forces have issued a heavy oath, they can't just break the rules they have set!

But Hongmeng Good Fortune Tower doesn't have it!

Knowing that he owns the Great Fortune Tower, there are bound to be countless strong people who want to kill him!

"Bai Lisheng, as far as I know, there are two million strong people in your Dark Demon Temple. There should be a million strong people in your space treasure, right?"

"You put half a million of them in a space treasure, and let them confine their cultivation bases. They stay here, so this seat can give you an Asura-level plague virus!"

"I can't believe your oath!"

Bai Lunsheng frowned, he couldn't agree to such a condition, but the doctor Xiao offered the condition, which is also a good thing!

"Doctor Xiao, this is impossible!"

"There are hundreds of thousands of powerful people in this space treasure, and even if there are one million, this seat cannot allow 500,000 of them to confine their cultivation base to you. If there is an accident, this seat is very responsible!"

Bai Lusheng said solemnly.

Qin Yang narrowed his eyes. Bai Lusheng said that there should be at least a hundred thousand powerful people in his space treasure. If he couldn't figure out some of them, he couldn't directly target Bai Lusheng!

Qin Yang sneered and said, "Father Bai Lisheng, you are not sincere in this way. After a long time, more than half a million strong people have died in your Dark Demon Temple?"

"We still feel that half a million is a bit uninsurable!"

"If you get the Asura-level plague virus, the chances of getting the Xuanhuang Heaven Breaking Sword will not be low!"

Bai Liansheng's face was gloomy and authentic: "Mr. Xiao, 500,000 strong people are in your hands. This is absolutely impossible! If this seat swears the oath of heaven, this seat will definitely abide by it!"

Qin Yang said: "400,000, can't be less, this is the bottom line of this seat!"

Bai Lusheng thought about it quickly, he felt that even if there were many powerful people in Qin Yang's control, Qin Yang would not dare to target them, he and Qin Yang began to negotiate!

After half an hour, Bai Lisheng finally reached an agreement with Qin Yang, their 300,000 strong confinement cultivation base, Qin Yang controlled!

Qin Yang said: "Fellow Bai Lisheng, you said you have hundreds of thousands here, and these hundreds of thousands will be given to this seat first, otherwise this seat is insecure. You will not be looking for this seat now, right?"

Bai Lusheng was really looking for Qin Yang's whereabouts.

"Doctor Xiao, don't worry, now that the negotiation is done, I will never break my promise!"

"I can't believe in you!"

Bai Liansheng thought about it, and a spatial ring appeared in his hand: "Mr. Xiao, there are a hundred thousand powerful people in it, and they have imprisoned their own cultivation base! Besides them, there are tens of thousands of powerful people in this space treasure. , Doctor Xiao, don't mess around!"

In Qin Yang's space treasure, his own strength is tyrannical, plus tens of thousands of strong, Bai Jusheng thinks it is completely enough!

"Prisoner days, receive another area, check it out."

Qin Yang's eyes lit up.

Immediately the spatial ring reached another area of ​​the Hongmeng Good Fortune Tower. Prison Tian inspected it, and he quickly sent a message to Qin Yang: "Master, there are indeed a hundred thousand powerful people inside, and they have imprisoned the cultivation base!"

A smile appeared on Qin Yang's face. According to his judgment, there should indeed be only tens of thousands of powerful people left in the space treasures of Bai Jusheng. Even if they all go outside, the Tower of Hongmeng Good Fortune should be able to hold it!

"Bai Lusheng, just grab it with your hands!"

"Surrender and don't kill!"

"If you don't surrender, everyone will die!"

Qin Yang was too lazy to talk nonsense with Bai Tuan, he said straightforwardly.

Bai Lusheng's face changed.


Bai Susheng laughed wildly: "Doctor Xiao, do you think too much? Although you control our one hundred thousand strong, but do you think that with these one hundred thousand strong, we will listen to you?"

"There are still forty to fifty thousand powerful people in this space treasure. If they go outside, your space treasure will collapse instantly, and you will also die at that time. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Don't you want to tell this seat that if the people in this seat go outside, they will immediately die from the plague virus?"

Qin Yang said indifferently: "Bai Tusheng, if your people go outside, they will die! If you don't believe that you can let them try, you will die if you are not good!"

"Bai Lisheng, surrender, your dark demon temple is strong, surrender obediently, you will not die!"

Murderous intent surged in Bai Tuosheng's heart. He was angry. Although Qin Yang was a top pharmacist, his human strength was weak. As a pharmacist, he should not be strong enough. Qin Yang dared to be so presumptuous in front of him!

"The surname Xiao, even if those 100,000 people die, you will die if you anger this seat!"

"This seat now gives you the best opportunity. If you release the Shura-level plague virus, this seat can spare your life!"

Bai Lun said with a murderous spirit.

Qin Yang said nothing.

"Well, well, you asked for it!"

Bai Lun sternly said, he said that two thousand strong people appeared in an instant. These two thousand strong ones are only a half of the strong ones in his space treasure, but in Bai Lunsheng's opinion, it is enough!

As long as they destroy Qin Yang, this treasure in space, Bai Lisheng is confident that he will find Qin Yang in the first place and take Qin Yang!


The twenty thousand strong people who came out all used the forbidden technique, and they all shot out immediately when they got outside, and the terrifying attack swept all around.

Even if Qin Yang's space treasure reaches the second level of creation, in Bai Lusheng's eyes, such an attack would be enough to destroy Qin Yang's space treasure!

Moreover, Qin Yang Jiuxing's perfect cultivation base is unlikely to possess a second-class creation space treasure!

"Prisoner days, move them to the rest of the area!"

Qin Yang ordered immediately.

In an instant, the space fluctuated, and the 20,000 strong people who shot disappeared, and they appeared in different areas in the Hongmeng Fortune Tower!

In this way, even if they continue to take action, they will not cause much pressure on the Great Fortune Tower!


Bai Lunsheng's face changed suddenly. He did not expect that the 20,000 strong would not crush Qin Yang's space treasure, and all the 20,000 strong would have been transferred!

"come out!"

After hesitating for a while, Bai Lisheng immediately let all the more than 30,000 powerhouses remaining in his space treasure go outside.

In such a short period of time, the 20,000 powerhouses have certainly not been imprisoned for cultivation, and they will continue to take action. There are more powerhouses here who do their best, and there is still a big possibility that Qin Yang's space treasure will collapse!


The second batch of more than 30,000 strong people who appeared outside also used the forbidden technique, and they desperately shot!

The surrounding space vibrated, but the Great Fortune Tower resisted it.

The 20,000 strong in the front counteracted the power of the second batch of more than 30,000 strong!


Qin Yang breathed a sigh of relief. If Bai Susheng had directly let more than 50,000 powerful men appear from the beginning, and let them use forbidden techniques or something, the Great Fortune Tower might not be able to hold it.

Thanks to Bai Lusheng's caution, he divided his power into two batches!

"Bai Lisheng, surrender!"

Qin Yang faintly said that he let Qin Yi and them all appear, Qin Yi and their eighteen powerful besieged Bai Lisheng, eight of them had the top ten-star strength in the late stage, and the other ten also had the ten-star late stage battle. force!


The battle formation formed by Qin Yi and the others released a strong light, and Bai Lisheng's strength was quickly sealed!

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