God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 902: Mango stone

"Adult! Adult!"

Li Xiao’s shouts came from afar, and his tone was quite git.

The giants of the Giants and Shiyan were both depressed to take out the thousands of lotuses. After Li Xiaosheng sounded, Shiyan frowned and hesitated. He decided not to think about the things of Qianlianlian for a while. The direction goes.

Na Xin and the giant warriors, surrounded by the huge pit, one by one frowning.

Li Xiao’s voice, they didn’t care too much, they were still thinking, what kind of method should be used to take out the thousands of lotus seeds.

Across the miles, Shiyan came to Li Xiao’s side and frowned. “What?”

"I have found out!" Li Xiaoyi was delighted and pointed to a black charmed stone at the foot. He said: "Wan Shishi! It is a heavy stone!"

The stone was dark as ink, only the fist dog was small, mixed in a pile of gravel piles, and it was inconspicuous at all. There was nothing special about it, and there was no stone of energy. The stone rock was awkward. "Is this stone suitable for building a city?"

"Adults may wish to take it and try it for themselves." Li Xiao smiled.

Shiyan is unclear, so he subconsciously reaches out to grab the heavy stone, release the power, and try to pull it directly with the power of emptiness.

“Hey?” Shi Yan’s face changed.

With his realm of cultivation, the power of the void is enough to pull out the little mountain peaks, but the only heavy stone that is so big is not moving.

Shi Yan came to the interest, curiously came to the side of the stone, there was no empty pull, but took the initiative to reach out, mo to the heavy stone.

In addition to the thick and cool, in addition, there is not much special.

However, when he tried to lift the stone, his face suddenly changed.

weight! Extremely heavy!

A small hurdle stone, as heavy as a mountain, he even used the power of Jing Yuan, only slightly struggling to pick up the little black stone, the arm is a bit too much to eat.

Shi Yan’s eyes were bright and bright, “This stone is so heavy!”

Li Xiaolian nodded and was very excited. "The heavy stone is indeed very heavy. Under normal circumstances, the same volume of heavy stones is tens of thousands of times heavier than ordinary stones! This fist is a large piece of stone, comparable to a small mountain. !"

Shi Yan face sè a shock, "Surely strange! This stone, how to build a city?"

"The best building materials! Can resist almost all kinds of attacks, not afraid of swords, not afraid of slamming, water and fire does not invade, is the best stone in Jiancheng!" Li Xiao said heavily.

"Good!" Shi Yan looked excited. "Where is this megalithic stone found, how much?"

The smile on Li Xiao’s face suddenly converges. “I found this hurdle. I just turned it around for a long time, and I didn’t find more. I don’t know where it came from.”

Stones stunned, hesitated for a moment, said: "There must be somewhere nearby, we look for it separately."

Xiao is also looking forward to it. The words immediately spread out and went to other stone piles, trying to fight out more stone.

When the two men invested, they forgot the time, squatting in many ore, searching in a pile of gravel.

On the other side of the Giants, seeing Shiyan never go back, they were curious, and Na Xin took a moment to take the initiative to bring people to look over.

It didn't take long for Jester to come to this area and found that Shiyan and Li Xiao both lingered in the gravel pile and could not help but ask: "What are you looking for?"

Shiyan was covered with lime, and he glanced at him and threw the stone in his hand. He said, "Looking for this stone, can Mr. Jester be familiar?"

Jester reached out and grabbed it. The smashing stone hit the hand. His body was so heavy that half of his body was pushed into the ground and his hands were almost dislocated.

He was stunned and screamed, "Mom, what the ghost stone, is it so heavy? It’s a hell!"

"This is called Wan Shishi, Mr. Jester is not clear?" Shi Yan was amazed.

Half of Jess, who was deeply trapped in the ground, smiled and shook his head: "I have never heard of it."

Shi Yan stunned, could not help but look at Li Xiao, understand the distinction of stone, the refining pharmacist Jester is afraid of Li Xiao, this Li Xiao is actually not high, but the stone rumors are indeed not shallow.

"We are looking for this kind of stone. If the quantity is enough, it will be the main material of our city. Mr. Jester also helps." Shi Yan smiled lightly.

Jester was amazed, but smiled and nodded. "Okay, I am looking for it."

In a short time, Na Xin took a few giants of the giants, and also came from afar. After discovering the changes of the three people of Shiyan, they could not help but doubt.

"Little Rock, what are you doing?" Na Xin asked.

"Looking for a kind of stone, extremely heavy stone." Shiyan clicked on the direction of Jester. "The black stone on the ground is the target we are looking for. Can the seniors see it?"

Jester has placed the heavy stone on the ground.

Na Xin flew in the past, mo took a look at the stone, and easily screwed it up and shouted: "It's so heavy!"

"Well, it is extremely heavy. We need this kind of stone to build the city. The predecessors lived in the Gulan Star. Do you know where else there is?" Shi Yan asked with a smile.

Na Xin was a bit embarrassed when he happened. "I don't care much about this kind of thing."

He turned around and threw out the heavy stone and threw it to the people who came with him. "You also look at it. Do you know where the stone is planted?" Heavy stone smashed, and they all shook their heads and said they had not seen it.

After a while, several giants of the tribes heard the news. Among them, an ugly giant tribe came over and called: "Old people, I know where there is such a stone."

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"Take us a look at the past." Na Xin told me.

The man of the giant family, without saying anything, walked in one direction and the crowd immediately followed.

After about an hour, the man of this giant family came to the foot of a kilometer-high mountain. The mountain was bare and there were no flowers and trees. After everyone approached, the gravity field here was found to be more terrible than other areas. hundred times.

Jester, who had been suspended in the void, fell to the ground and inserted his head down into the gravel.

Shi Yan also stunned for a while, and the body was stabilized in the air, not to the jester.

"There seems to be a similar stone inside this mountain. I used to find it when I was hunting nearby." The man of the giant family said honestly.

Shi Yan’s heart was moved, and he did not hesitate. He directly took out the Excalibur and slashed his sword at the foot of the mountain.

The stone outside the mountains and rivers is not very ordinary. It is like a tofu block under the cutting of his sword.


After smashing a dozen meters deep, the sound of a gold and iron crossfire suddenly spread.

The sword that has been smooth and has not been stagnant, such as falling to the iron stone, encountered obstacles for the first time.

Shi Yan leaned forward and glanced at it, and couldn't help but smile. "Sure enough, the interior of the mountains and rivers are similar stones, 10,000 stones."

The hole that was cut open revealed the darkness of the sè. On the hard stone, there was a deep stone mark, which was cut by the sword.

The edge of the sword is the edge of the sword. It is easy to cut the stone of the land of the gods. If you cut the strong, such as cutting vegetables, you can just break the stone without breaking it. This shows that the stone is extremely strong.


Shiyan slashed the sword and smashed the ordinary stone next to the hole xué, making the hole larger.

After a while, the hole in the cave xué is tens of meters wide, enough for the giant to come over one or two probes to see the strange inside.

"In the interior of the mountain, it seems to be similar stones." Li Xiao stood far away, did not dare to lean forward, hesitated, and whispered.

Shiyan nodded. "Good." The mountains and rivers are all heavy stones. It should be enough for us to build a city."

"Too heavy, I am afraid that I can't move." Li Xiao smiled bitterly. "The heavy stones of this mountain are even heavier than the average life star. It is estimated that even the predecessors of the Giants are difficult to move."

Na Xin nodded and said seriously: "According to the gravity of a boxing stone, this mountain is similar to the stone. We really have nothing to do. It is too heavy to move.

As soon as this statement came out, Shi Yan could not help but frown.

A thousand lotuses, deep in the depths of the earth, obviously can not be collected from the treasure, and now found the strange stone of the city, but also can not move.

He suddenly felt that God had given him a big joke, so that he knew that there was something good here, but he could only watch it with his eyes.

This is more painful than not knowing.

"I try to see if I can move by the power of space." After a while, Shi Yan took a deep breath and decided to try. He didn't want to return empty-handed.

Concentrate on the breath, refining a glimpse of the gods, and infiltrating into the mountains and rivers made up of megaliths.

God's knowledge has become extremely difficult!

Wan Shishi seems to be really special. His knowledge of the ordinary stone is easy to penetrate, but it has to penetrate into the mountains and rivers, but it seems to be covered by countless ropes. Every time you pierce, you have to make many spiritual huns. force.

He did not give up, secretly gritted his teeth, and was still penetrating inside.

After a long time, his mind shook and his face became extremely exciting!

His knowledge of the gods entered the mountains and rivers formed by the megalithic stone, but Huo Ran discovered that there are thousands of dense lines inside the mountains and rivers! Those lines with thick thumb and bright crystals, like spider webs, are scattered throughout the mountains and rivers, filling every inner corner of the stone.

Iran is a mysterious mysterious spirit pattern!

However, the picture was broken, and many of the crystal lines of the thumb were broken, causing the picture to stop flowing and become defective.

As soon as the gods recovered, Shi Yan’s face was heavy and took a deep breath. “There is a formation map in the mountains and rivers, which has been damaged.”

Many of the giants of the tribes were shocked and looked awkward.

They have lived in the ancient star for many years, and have never found this wonderful place. What would happen to the home of their own life, which is wonderful? This made them extremely shocked.

"I can try to fix it." Shi Yan hesitated, and spoke again.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Ps: Looks like double, ask for the next month~! .

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