God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 904: Mysterious ancient city


The deafening roar, from the depths of the crater, seems to have some kind of huge thing to gradually emerge.

That huge pit is huge, covering dozens of acres, deep in the bottom of the earth, do not know how deep, the internal gravity is hundreds of times, the deepest, even the Na Xin, who reaches the realm of the virtual god, dare not easily sneak into.

Sixteen mountains and rivers, the interior is made up of 10,000 stones, and one end of the sixteen brackets that hurt the Buddha's lever. Once deeply trapped, under the influence of strong gravity, the extremely heavy mountains and rivers will enter the bottom of the platform. .

In the thunder of thunder, sixteen mountains and rivers, like the iron and stone shovel, are just a glimpse of the ground. The sixteen mountains and rivers disappeared and fell into the ground.

Sixteen deep pits appeared in the periphery, deep and evil, as if there were huge Qiu.

The people of Shiyan and the Giants, as well as Jester and Li Xiao, came to the Zhongyang Yang Giant Pit. They looked different and looked forward to what they were expecting.

quite a while.

A majestic palace complex emerged from the depths of the huge pit!

The palace group has a size of ten acres. Each building is made of 10,000 stones. The city is engraved with cumbersome patterns that seem to hide the wonders.

The age of the palace was extremely long, and it was not known for many years that it was covered with dust and gravel, and there was a very fierce gravity field.

Soon, the entire grand and majestic palace, from the inside of the deep pit, was finally located above the crater.

The land around the crater was squeezing toward the center of the scorpion, and the palace was held by the hard-working. When the crater disappeared, it became a strange cornerstone, but the entire palace was completely outcropped.

The walls of the palace are black and lacquered. There are four gates. The palace is also square. It is tens of meters high. It is a city gate that is open and four spacious roads extending into the palace. Every road is very wonderful, and like other places, there is no very strong gravity field.

The palace is mysterious. Apart from the four roads leading to the interior, the surrounding gravity field is very obvious, hundreds of times stronger than the surface, but once it is standing on any of the four roads, it is immediately unaffected by the gravity field.

Na Xin and Shi Yan, all of them are shocked and inexplicably, staring at the palace that floated up from the ground, and did not know how to deal with it.

"I think, we can go and see." After a long time, seeing that everything disappeared, Shiyan waited for a while, and saw that there was no other change, and he could not help but remind him.

Na Xin nodded and nodded his eyes. "It should be inside."

In the end, he took the lead to a road to the city.

Shi Yan is not far behind, smiles lightly, secretly condenses the power, and together with Na Naxin, heads for the city.

The ten-acre palace group is like a palace. There are hundreds of houses of different sizes. There are neat streets. Each house is cut by 10,000 stones. There are various patterns on the walls. It is perfect with Wanshi Stone, and it contains unknown wonders.

Surprisingly, inside the palace, gravity is still normal, even hundreds of times lower than the gravity of the ancient orchid surface.

It was secretly inducted. Shiyan discovered that the degree of gravity here is extremely consistent with the flame star field and the normal life star of Shen's mainland. It seems to be completely unaffected by the ancient star.

The heart was quite astonished. He let go of his knowledge and quickly searched the entire palace. He shook his head and shook his head. "There is no living person."

"There is no living person." Na Xin nodded, "but there are many bones...".

On the streets, in many houses, there are decaying bones, and some bones are very large. They are like large-sized aliens, demons, and demons. They also have very small bones, only human children.

Hundreds of corpses are scattered throughout the city, some on the streets, some in the houses, and the shape of the skeletons is also varied.

Some bones, three or five in groups on the street, seem to be still talking, and some in the street shops, seems to be bargaining for goods.

There are also some skeletons, which are in a special training field, and they are painstakingly dressed in a sitting position to comprehend the power of the righteousness.

Thousands of bones are in every corner, as if they are doing their own thing, and do not know what will happen.

The disaster seems to arrive in an instant, no one can expect, maybe in a moment, all the people in the city will die, one will not fall.

Jester touched a skeleton and pointed his finger. The bone became a bone powder and dissipated directly.

His face suddenly sank, slightly discolored, said: "I don't know how many years have passed, at least... at least tens of thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, and the strong existence can not withstand the corrosion of time, power consumption 殆After the end, it is fragile."

The people of Li Xiao and the Giants also searched and the results were the same.

Regardless of the high bones, or those small and thin, once touched, the bone powder will be scattered everywhere, fragile to the extreme.

Some of these people may have been extremely powerful, but because of the tens of thousands of years of death, the strength of the body has completely dissipated, so that it becomes extremely soft and can not be as strong as before.

"Thousands of lotuses!"

Na Xin suddenly screamed, and the expression was extremely excited, rushing in one direction.


The footsteps of the Giants, such as the gongs and drums, resounded out, and every giant warrior ran wildly toward Na Xin, full of excitement.

Shi Yan did not hesitate too much, and also took Jess and Li Xiao to go.

There is a huge pool of water in the middle of the city.

The water pool is black, the water is like ink, thick and dense, slimy, exudes a faint scent.

Above the waterhole, there are a layer of thousands of stacked lotuses. The thousand lotuses and the water lilies are somewhat similar, but they are much larger. One piece of lotus leaves is like a crystal of ink, and the pieces extend toward the periphery, each thousand stacks. Lotus has thousands of layers, from the inside out, more and more lotus.

The ink in the pool is bubbling with bubbles, and the twenty-three thousand layers of lotus are evenly distributed. In every corner of the pool, it seems that there is an inexplicable meaning.

After the people came over, if the gods knew it, they immediately realized that the sea of ​​knowledge was shaking and the brain was squeaking.

"Be careful! Don't release the gods! It's not fun to get rid of the sea riots!" Na Xin sighed softly, so that everyone should not act rashly.

He is so light, it’s still a little late...

Jester and Li Xiao, who have been dull in their eyes, sit down and understand the sea, and the spirit is also embarrassing. Obviously they have just glimpsed through the gods.

Shi Yan gave a smile, came to Jester and Li Xiao, and stretched out his hands, covering the cover of Jester and Li Xiao.

The second soul spits.

An extremely cold air flow, flew from his fingertips like a crystal wire, and merged into Jess and Li Xiao's mind.

The two people's confusing understanding of the sea, with the help of his different forces, gradually calmed down.

For a long time, Jester and Li Xiao recovered, their faces were pale and ugly, and they no longer dared to act rashly. When they looked at the thousand lotuses, they were jealous and had obvious fear.

They understand in their minds that if Shiyan’s shots are timely, once the sea is truly violent, it will cause their souls to collapse, and there is a great possibility that they will become mad and will always be confused.

Na Xin gathered two people and frowned. "Thousands of lotuses are very strange. Your realm is too low, not as good as Xiaoyanzi... mysterious, or don't be too rash."

Jester and Li Xiao smiled bitterly, nodding their heads, and secretly set their minds to death.

Twenty-three thousand lotuses are scattered in the pool. After the bubble bursts, a black cloud of smoke forms a black cloth, which is covered in a pool of water. There is a slight energy fluctuation.

Na Xin and a group of giants, excited, but did not dare to act rashly, seems to want to see what the palace is wonderful.

The palace floated out and appeared on the ancient orchid star. It was spectacular. The water in the pool was dark and it seemed to nourish the thousand lotuses and make the thousand lotuses form. There must be wonders.

The more mysterious things are, the more dangerous they are. Everyone knows nothing about it. Although they are very excited, they are extremely restrained.

“Hey?” Shiyan suddenly looked up at the four walls, and he shouted: “The walls of the city are pulling the energy of the heavens!”

Na Xin squatted, closed his eyes, and immediately his eyes lit up. "Yes, the strange patterns on the walls seem to be complex arrays, and they have the wonderful things to pull the energy of the heavens and the earth."

"This ancient city, inevitably portrays a very superb gathering, can gather the energy of the heavens and the earth, and is more profound than the mystery that I know." Shi Yan felt.

In just a few minutes, he discovered that the energy of the heavens and the earth in the city fluctuated more than the surface of the ancient star.

The ancient star is a seven-level star of life. The energy of the heavens and the earth is very thick. After the energy of the gathering of the ancient city, the energy of the city is more and more broken. If the military practices in the city, it will do more with less. The improvement of the realm will be of great benefit.

"Good place." Shi Yan grinned and kept laughing. "We wanted to build a city. I didn't expect it to happen. It turned out to be ready, haha."

Na Xin stunned and said immediately: "You guy, it's really a good fortune, what good things can make you meet."

"This ancient city is enough for our people to live." Shi Yan touched his chin and looked at the buildings in the city. He said to Na Xin: "The house here is not small, but compared with the shape of your family. It’s too cold, I think... shouldn’t you be living here?”

The buildings in the ancient city are not low, but they are divided into many layers. The races of five meters in height can survive. Like the giants, children are ten meters high. It is extremely depressing to live here. Obviously, this ancient city does not have The tribes of the giants have survived, and no specific houses have been built.

"Or, this ancient city, let us give it?" Shi Yan smiled.

... (to be continued)

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