God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 912: Energy shunt


The body of Tu Feng came and burst.

A violent tearing force, from the Tufeng **** body jidàng, formed the remaining bo will be a lot of predators to crush.

Shi Yan’s face changed and he couldn’t help but say: “Everyone left the battleship!”

Kashun, Zi Yao, Feng Wei and others were shocked. The words immediately smashed away from the battleship. Feng Qi and the predators were all fleeing. Soon, most of the people on the battleship disappeared.

Only Shi Yan, Fei Lan, Cato, Li Anna still stayed in the battleship.


Tu Feng's body, such as glass floor, first showed a trace of fine cracks, and suddenly smashed, his bones are like jade, piece by piece, also emits the gloss of méngméng.

The incomparable essence of the bo, the turbulent release, those fine bo dynamic, like water, quietly gathered toward the stone rock xué窍.

The seven hundred and twenty xué窍 of Shiyan, like the ocean, melted those spirits, and the vortex in each xué窍 was spinning wildly.

Under the combined efforts of Naxin, Feilan and Li Anna, Tu Feng, who reached the virtual realm of heaven and earth, finally failed to support, and the body collapsed first.

The virtual state of the gods, the energy contained in the body is earth-shattering, and the expansion of the stone rock, the xué窍, can hardly be eaten, and must concentrate on the attention, so as not to fall into the heart.

Tu Feng's body exploded, and the virtual world and the spirit **** altar did not fall down, trying to break free from the barriers of Na Xin.

The force of Corlan's corrosion turned into a number of gray méngméng lines, bound by thousands of ropes to the summit of Tu Fengling hun.

Li Anna releases the darkness of the mystery, just like the demon will cover up the light, so that the peak of the sea of ​​Tu Feng is black and affects the communication between him and the spirit hun.

Na Xin’s virtual world was slowly slid from the sky, and the space was affected, so that Tu Feng could not be separated in an instant.

At this time, Shi Yan blinked slightly, and there was a bright joy in his eyes.

He has not engulfed the spiritual **** altar of the virtual state. He knows in his heart that once the **** sac of the sacred peaks is swallowed and purified, his help will be extremely great.

It’s just that he is not sure. He doesn’t know if he can hold it. If it exceeds the load, it might be counterproductive.

He is hesitating, and he struggles with his heart.

"You can't let his spirit **** escaping from the altar, otherwise we can't escape the **** chase!" Li Anna's face was fierce, coldly yelling: "Crush his spirit **** altar!"

Fei Lan and Na Xin have tried their best to completely destroy the Tufengling **** altar, but the sacred peak of the virtual world. After all, the realm is extremely high and deep, and after the ceremonial liberation of the ceremonial detachment from the body, it can temporarily get rid of the shackles of the rules of heaven and earth. If one loses, Naxin may not be completely blocked.

Seeing the peak of the peak of the **** hun singer has the sign of breaking the seal of Na Xin virtual world, Shi Yan, who has been hesitating, finally made up his mind.

A little eyebrow, his own three-layered spirit **** altar floating out, the formation of the black hole xué, suddenly released an evil atmosphere, the black hole quickly swollen, as if a strong mouth suddenly slammed Tu Feng’s spirit **** altar was swallowed.

Under the influence of the evil atmosphere, the peak of the rushing spirit of Tu Feng was stagnation.

Tu Feng's virtual hun, showing a strong sense of fear, seems to have foreseen what sinister and screaming, and all the potential is coming out.

However, no matter how he exerted his power and was covered by the black hole, he could not get rid of it. The entire four-layered spirit **** altar was a little bit pulled into the black hole formed by the rock.

Shi Yanling **** on the altar of the source hun, the eyebrows of the blood sè imprint release the evil blood, affecting the evil energy of the human heart, such as a layer of bo pattern dàng漾 out, hard life will be Tufeng four layers of spirit **** altar to Engulfed.

The breath of Tu Feng, in Ling hun, the annihilation of the altar in the black hole disappeared instantly.

Fei Lan and Li Anna are also a stunned face. The evil forces displayed for Shi Yan are shocked and the Tufeng disappears. The spirit **** altar and the gods fall together, the essence of the flesh, the **** force of the spirit **** altar, It seems that they have all been occupied by Shiyan.

A very chaotic bo movement, shot by the stone rock body, each of his xué窍 is shaking, there is a strong negative atmosphere, his bones creak, God 〖body〗 seems to be placed Like firecrackers, the strange sound is endless.


The cloth strip on the forehead of Cato suddenly burst and shattered, and a blood sè mark appeared.


Li Anna's eyebrows, but also the mark of blood sè a little bit obvious.

Even if it is Ferran.

In her wrinkled eyebrows, the wrinkles trembled and slowly flattened, and the same blood sue emerged, gradually becoming clear from the blur...


Within the seven hundred and twenty xué窍 of Shiyan, it suddenly shot the bright blood of the road and turned into a pure power torrent, which poured into the mark of Cato, Li Anna and Feilanmei.

At the same time, within the black hole of his spiritual **** altar, it also overflowed the light spots of the sacred, full of vitality, wonderful and clear spirit **** breath, like fireflies, also flew into Li Anna,

Ferran, Cato's blood sè imprint.

The three men were initially uneasy and did not know what happened.

However, until the blood sè beam and the clear spirit **** light point, really entered the blood sè imprint, the three eyes suddenly brightened, the face suddenly emerged ecstasy.

Taking the stone rock as the source, the blood light in the xué窍, the spirit of the spiritual **** in the black hole of the **** sac, is divided into four parts, some of which are poured into the stone body, and the other three parts are injected into Ferran respectively. Li Anna, Cato's blood sè imprint.

Most of the mysterious power was absorbed by Ferran, and it was only Li Anna, which was almost shared by Cato and Shiyan.

A group of four people, all have the same blood sè imprint, the only difference is that Shi Yan is in the source of God, the other three in the forehead of the god.

Obviously, Shi Yan is the dominant player. He is the giver and holder of power. Ferran, Li Anna and Cato are just smearing his light and sharing some of the forces he can't bear.

The **** warships, there are nearly a hundred warriors, many of them are kings and kings, a dozen source gods, a false **** of the sacred peaks, this person has been strangled, almost everyone's spirit, spirit **** ,

The altars were secretly harvested by Shiyan.

He seems to be unable to withstand such crazy energy.

Fei Lan, Li Anna, and Li Tuo have deep roots with him. They all have the same blood sè mark. The imprint seems to have the wonderful ability to undertake his energy. In the moment when power emerges, he has reached a contact with him.

The warships that have been destroyed in many areas, quietly suspended the Milky Way, are still moving.

Shi Yan, Li Anna, Fei Lan, and Cato are in all corners of the battleship. They use the rock and rock as the center to release the mysterious and evil energy. Feilan, Li Anna and Cato share the blood.

Time imitation latitude.

The black hole in the stone rock body and the spirit **** altar is still in the essence of madness, constantly releasing the power and meeting to the three people of Ferran.

A huge figure emerged from the darkness of the distance. He is Na Xin.

Deeply frowning, Na Xin looked at the four people on the battleship, his face was extremely complicated, and he didn't know what to think. His eyes showed horror and sè.

He asked all the people who left the battleship not to be close to the battleship, so that they could not see the position of the battleship in one place and waited safely.

But he himself, but he came alone, watching silently in the distance.

This look is three days long.

Three days later, Shiyan, as the source of strength, no longer released the double-layered power of mysterious and evil. Ferran, Cato, and Li Anna, three words, did not say a word, closed their eyes and knees on the battleship, silently adjusted.

After the three people relaxed, Shiyan also sat quietly, and the body's bo movement gradually weakened, and it only flowed from time to time inside God's body.

Na Xin came over and stood on the battleship, staring at the four people, focusing on Cato, Ferran,

Li Anna three eyebrows blood sè imprint.

Another few days have passed.

Shi Yan first woke up, but he did not move, but looked deep into the next three Cato, Lu thought thoughtful expression.

Today, he finally understands why the holder of the blood pattern ring will be the owner of the bloodthirsty gossip.

Not only is the power of the realm powerful, but more importantly, one person can bring bloodthirsty gossip from the endless power realm!

Through the blood sè imprint, the person can transform the engulfed essence and the spirit **** altar, and then divert the perfusion to followers!

The blood sè mark is the only evidence to receive this person's magical energy. As long as the bloodthirsty gossip follows him, along with him, he will benefit from each **** battle, and he will gain the same fear of the realm of power.

The bloodthirsty gossip from the power of the mysterious mysterious mysterious, and can get the energy given by the master and the pure **** force of the quenching spirit **** altar, is there a strong reason?

He suddenly understood it.

At this moment, he can be sure that the three inheritors who have blood marks, such as Cymbidium, Cato, and Li Anna, will never leave him!

Even if he does not call him the Lord, he will be like the most loyal servant, and he will do his best to protect his safety and sell his life.

Because he can give them everything!

Power and realm, in any star field, are the most unlikely to be rejected by the military, and the most coveted favor!

A few days later, Li Anna, Ferran and Cato woke up one after another.

Cato opened his eyes and whispered a word: "I want to break through the source of God." He looked at Shiyan, and his eyes were filled with deep feelings.

Li Anna smiled lightly and glanced at Ferran "Auntie, I think you should not want to leave Shiyan again?"

Ferran nodded and said with a smile: "Don't leave."

After experiencing this, only the three of them understood what they had gained and understood what benefits the harvest would bring to them.

"You, the mark of your forehead, I used to... I saw it." Just at this time,

Na Xin took a moment and said softly: "A thousand years ago, I have seen someone with a forehead holding such a mark. That person is terrible!"

Shi Yan, Fei Lan, Li Anna, and Cato four, and looked at him at the same time. ! .

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