God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 915: Big sale

In any star field, Shenjing is the most important source of currency circulation. It is the source of heaven and earth energy, which can be absorbed by the military.

This point guarantees that Shenjing will always be precious.

There are many stars of life in the Malang star field, and some of the stars of life are extremely energetic. If you cultivate in it and accumulate for many years, the power will gradually increase.

However, it is impossible for a warrior to live only in the star of life, but also to go to various regions to sharpen.

In many special areas, the energy of heaven and earth is completely isolated. Once the warrior is traumatized, it consumes a lot of power and must be restored by Shenjing.

The Malang star field has the best of the gods, and the strength of a superb **** is very large, and it can restore the power of one tenth of the source.

Shenjing is also a source of strength for battleships, formations, secrets, and medicinal remedies. It is closely related to the cultivation of the warriors. It is also because of this that Shenjing will never fall behind and will always be circulated as money.

The reward of a million gods is made up of **** fats. This huge amount of money has attracted a lot of people to covet, so that many people who are famous for their news well-being are boiling.

Broken Star City is looking for the murderer who killed Tu Feng, capturing the news related to this, Ivor, is no exception.

Ivor is famous in the Star City, not only selling all kinds of cultivation materials, but also selling warships, chariots, holding all kinds of slaves, and raising many hyacinths to capture the strange news of the West, and use those messages. Earn lucrative profits.

In the ancient building, in the middle of the center, Ivor was holding a crystal cup inside a luxurious hall, and it was gently shaken.

In the wine glass, Yin Hong's wine is like blood, and the fragrance is intoxicating. With the swaying of his wrist, the bright red wine ripples in layers of sunshine and beautiful.

Ivor snorted, intoxicated and savoury, and looked intently to the people in front of him. He said, "I have been doing business with you for many years. I have taken care of you since, and my brother and I have several faces. His It... I will pay attention."

The greased face is covered with scratches, and the look is stunned. The arm of the hand-held glass is wrapped around a blue snake. The snake smothers the letter, and the small eyes of the triangle are fierce.

"That would be grateful, as long as I can find the murderer, I will personally come and offer a million gods." Tu married stood up, slightly squatting, "The broken star city, your message is the most informed, please."

Eve twisted the crystal cup with one hand, and the other hand waved easily. The smile said: "Reassure, if someone can quickly find the news, it must be my person."

"Well, I believe this, so I came to you." Tu Yu looked awkward, "If you want to use force, please leave alive, be sure to let me personally start."

"Of course. Your brother's feelings, I can understand, you can go with peace of mind, I will put this matter in my heart." Eve quickly said.

"Adult, there are a few strangers to come and see, it is... there is a big deal." At this time, the respectful voice of the demon big man came from outside the hall.

Eve was dumbfounded and self-satisfied and filled himself with wine. "Today's luck is really good. There are actually two big deals sent to the door. Oh, please have please."

"You are in the past," the outside demon lord said.

Shi Yan, Fei Lan, Li Anna, Cato and others, according to the words into the hall, a glimpse of the marriage.

The scorpion-like poisonous scorpion, squatting on the upper side of Shiyan’s line of people, the people who looked at his eyes, felt the skin chilly, such as the sly snake letter slowly moving, making people uncomfortable. The soul altars are all uneasy.

Ferran's wrinkles on his face moved, and he frowned slightly.

The sight of the marriage was focused on her, and she saw that she was the highest in the realm and had a level of emptiness.

Shi Yan and others and Tu Feng passed by, the eyes of Tu Feng Yin poisoned, but also came back to patrol them, so loud, Tu Feng only coldly snorted, the face of the Yin Pai left.

"Hey, don't worry about him, the guy is going crazy, someone kills his brother. He is like a mad dog. He wants to bite two people when he wants to see someone." After he left, Eve sneered sneerly. Come, you have any good things to offer, I will evaluate and evaluate, as long as it is really good, the price you can rest assured."

"He is a marriage proposal?" Shi Yan’s heart was awkward, but his face was very calm. "His younger brother is in the realm of illusory gods. Who can kill him?"

Fei Lan, Lianna, Zi Yao, and Cato squinted slightly, their eyes were weird, and there was no opening and interjection. The heart was very cautious and uneasy, and I was afraid that Shi Yan would inadvertently reveal any feet.

Ivor was a little surprised. He re-examined the rock and looked at it. He smiled and said: "Come and sit. You can kill Tu Feng, at least you should reach the virtual god, and the madman did not ask you to leave. It is that you are not strong enough.

Oh, this is also your luck. ”

He had wanted to call Ferran, because Ferran had the highest realm, and he naturally thought that Ferran was the leader of the party.

However, after Shi Yan’s speech, Fei Lan and others all snorted. He immediately understood that Shi Yan, a young man with only a source of God, was the chief leader, so he was quite surprised, and his heart could not help but think about it.

...what is the follower of the realm of illusion, what is the identity of the kid? I haven’t seen it before, can’t I come from the area of ​​the Malang Star?

Generally speaking, a person with a low level of ability can have a strong follower. There is only one possibility. This person must have a strong background, just like him.

His realm is not high, but there are virtual gods followed by followers. This is because he has a grandfather at the beginning of the gods. This is the background of the power.

He felt that Shi Yan was afraid of such people.

"Which is the realm of marriage?" Shi Yan sat down indifferently, face-to-face with Eve, and calmly screwed up a crystal cup to fill himself with wine, and calmly said: "Is it very popular in the West?"

The more he expressed his calmness, the more Iaver felt that he might have come to the fore. He took a deep look and smiled and said: "Tu Yu’s **** is a god, and he is famous in the west. It is bloody. The war, as for the power... It is indeed the number one character, huh, huh."

Obviously, it is not particularly powerful to apply grease in Ivor's heart, otherwise it will not be ridiculed and ridiculed after the fat is gone.

"You seem to be interested in Tu Yu?" Ai's eyes flashed in the eyes, staring at him, thinking about something.

"A million rewards, huh, huh, I heard that he released a lot of money when he came over, naturally a little interested." Shi Yan hit a scorpion, and immediately turned a face, "Let's talk."

The palm of the hand shines brightly, and the fragments of the ancient tree of the wooden life are presented immediately. He smiles lightly and pushes it to the table in front of Aifu. "Open a price."

I've got a stunned eye, carefully picked up the piece of wood, and carefully sensed it. From time to time, I released a glimpse of pure insight, and the face was amazed. "Rare! Very rare good thing! Well, it is indeed a big deal." 1"

He paused and smiled at Shiyan. "Brother, you say a price."

"You can talk about it first." Shi Yan smiled. "You are a connoisseur. You should know how much it is worth. I will not offer ugliness."

Aifu caressed the wood chips and hesitated. He said slowly: "The fragments of the ancient trees of the Muzu life have natural wood grain, which is the most subtle part of the wood. It was originally very precious, but the wood chips are too small. Yes, there is no slight benefit from other races. If you want to get a shot, you must find the Mu ethnic group, and it is still wide enough for the powerful Muzu strong, and we have a lot of woods in the West, and it is a bit troublesome."

Before the offer, the merchants will try to lower the value of the goods to lower the ligage. Ivers’s words are also to remind Shiyan and others.

Shi Yan smiled and swayed the glass gently, and occasionally took a sip, and did not rush to speak, so he looked at Eve with a smile.

"Preciousness is precious, but unfortunately it can't be suitable for anyone. It will be a bit cumbersome to take a shot." Eve deliberately devalued, and took a deep breath, and frowned at Shi Yan: "Does the brothers have to exchange materials, or as long as Shenjing?" ”

"As long as Shen Jing." Shi Yan said lightly.

"...just if it is Shenjing, it would be better to do it." Aifu touched his chin and thought about it. He suddenly smiled. "Three million of the best, how do you look? This price is not low."

"Three million?" Shi Yan dumbfounded, casually put down the wine glass, stretched a lazy waist, "It seems that you are not sincere, ah, then do not disturb.

He raised himself and walked calmly outside the main hall. There was no trace of a stay. Ferran and his party naturally got up and followed.

"Wait." Before Shiyan was about to step out, Eve snorted and said: "Four million!"

"Five million! One piece is not sold!" Shi Yan turned back and said seriously.

I've hesitated, and nodded, "the deal."

Shi Yan grinned, returned to sit down, continued to drink, said indifferently: "I am waiting for your **** crystal to send."

"... Hey, I can't raise it today, give me a few days." Avery smiled a little embarrassed. "This time I bought too much material, Shenjing is very expensive, only three million, that...you I have no interest in cultivation materials. Battleship tanks, elixir, ancient scrolls, and treasure weapons are not found in the Yuan Dynasty. The rest, most of them are here. How about, take you to see? ”

Shi Yan, Fei Lan, Li Anna and others, with a stunned look, were scared by Eve’s words.

"Your brother... It’s very general. I have a lot of things for you. Let’s take a look and decide how?” I've continued to inspire.

“What do you say?” Shi Yan touched his chin and yelled at Ferran, Liana, Cato and others.

They nodded lightly and looked very interested.

Shi Yan smiled and said, "Okay, let's take a look."

"Please inside." Ivh laughed and took the lead in guiding the way.

... (to be continued)

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