God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 918: Heart

Shi Yan specializes in the ancient building of Ivor, and once I see the young ring standing there honestly, the teenager saw their eyes lit up and hurriedly walked.

Ferran frowned and said in a light way: "Speak in another place."

The teenager nodded again and again, and his eyes were full of excitement and joy.

After a quarter of an hour, Shiyan found a secluded place in the south of the broken star field. The surrounding pedestrians were paralyzed, and no one noticed this one.

The Ferran teenagers waved.

"Where did you find it, specifically?" Ferran asked in a loud voice.

"100,000 best products are crystal-clear." The boy took a deep breath. "You give me 100,000 gods, I can take you to the past, and the details will be explained in detail."

"100,000 Shenjing? Kid, are you crazy?" Cato blinked and smiled coldly. "When are we fooling?"

In the flames of the star field, Shen Jing, most of the top grades, the best of the gods is extremely rare, Cato plundered for many years in the land of divine punishment, and did not harvest the wealth of 100,000 fine crystals, 100,000 fine crystals for Cato It is also a huge sum of money that is hard to imagine.

As soon as the boy opened his mouth, it was 100,000 Shenjing, which made Cato very full and fierce.

The teenager's face changed, and it seemed to be a little scared, but he still insisted: "There must be 100,000 gods! One can't be less! There is more than one, and I don't need it. I need Shenjing to save my father!"

Ferran looked at Shiyan.

Shiyan nodded slowly.

"Okay, let's give it to you." Feilan frowned, took a brand new magical ring from Shiyan's hand and handed it to the boy. "You check it."

"My name is Qi Qi, thank you first." The young man really laughed, and immediately examined the magical ring, and the smile became more and more fierce. "Yes, a lot, I will remember your kindness in the tour."

"Say the topic." Feilan was impatient.

Qiyou nodded. "There was a deep inside of the broken star field. I went to lie down with people and the rest of the people died. Only I survived and went deep, and finally found the heart... ”

"There is no trace of life, no energy in heaven and earth, and it is very depressed. I stayed there for a while, and I was dizzy, exhausted, and had to evacuate. There was a strong death lingering there. I want to be sure to be related to the legendary person!" Qi You is sure.

“How should I go?” asked Ferran.

"It's hard to tell you clearly, I can lead the way for you." Qi Tong paused and added: "If you are going." ”

Woodlands looked at Shiyan again.

"Well, when we are going to break the star field, we will come to you." Shi Yan smiled. "You go first, as long as you don't leave the broken star field, I can find you."

"Do you believe that I will not escape?" Qiyou was amazed.

"You can't escape." Shi Yan said indifferently: "Okay, I think you should have more important things to do."

Qi Qi nodded and nodded, and collected the magical emptiness, and immediately went straight away, seeming to save his father in a hurry.

"The fragments of the ancient tree of life, we sold five million Shenjing, but there are two million exchanges, and now I have given Qixi 100,000, how to explain to Naxin?" Cato face a little embarrassed, sneer Road: "In any case, Naxin, they don't know, we said that we sold two million Shenjing, how?"

Shi Yan snorted. "We don't greedy this little cheap. Naxin trusts us. We must not let them down. The friendship of the giants is hard to come by and cannot be easily torn. Our people still live in the ancient star, after The days are long."

Ferran and Liana nodded secretly, and they all looked at Cato with their eyes.

Cato was guilty, and he knew that he was losing money. He said with a smile: "I am afraid that it is not easy to explain."

"To be honest, it is better to borrow Naxin from them, and wait for the thousands of lotuses to be unearthed. It will be repaid at that time." Shi Yan said casually.

"That Ivor seems to attach great importance to the thousand lotuses. You want blue ice to collect thousands of lotuses. He may think of anything, will there be an accident?" Zi Yao said softly, "that person is very haze." The treacherous, our performance is too weak, he may decide to take advantage of it."

Ferran, Liana, and Kashun also face scrotum, and they are also worried about this.

"No way, we don't know how to charge the thousand lotuses, we can only ask him." Shi Yan is also quite helpless. "After thousands of lotuses did not show up, I think I've won't start, he shouldn't really be sure." When we took the thousand lotus, we were careful, and we could only take one step."

The Malang star field is different from other places. The strong ones are like clouds, and the virtual gods are also quite a lot. The overall strength is obviously higher than the flame star field.

If Ferran and Liana are in the flames, they can naturally walk sideways without fear. However, in the Malang domain, they must be careful to deal with anything, so as not to fall into a dead end.

Shi Yan and their negotiating, went straight to find the Naxi of the giants, Naxin three in the west of the broken star field, waiting bored.

"Old family, how many gods can you exchange for?" A giant man, concealed his voice and communicated with the soul.

The voice of their family is too loud. If you let go and talk, everyone around you will hear it.

Those who reach the source of the gods can directly communicate with the soul, but the giants generally do not do this, in order to deliberately conceal things will be the soul communication.

"At least a million gods." Na Xin is very calm, "If you can find a strong wooden master, in exchange for millions or even millions of the best crystals are possible, the wood strong will pay a switch. Of course, It’s not realistic in the dead star field. There are no strong wooden people here. Although Eve is very dark, he should also know the value and definitely not bid low.”

"They, will they bully us? The guys of the Terran have always been treacherous, and they are best at conspiring to lie."

"It shouldn't be, Xiaoyanzi is still sincere, I don't think he will do that."

"Old age, how do you know?"

"I don't know, I feel that he is very friendly to my family. The mysterious ancient city under the ground is also unearthed with his help. He has taken most of the things we have gained, but I have not competed with us for the benefit. I think he deserves it. My family is deeply involved."

"Well, this is also true. He only picked an unknown old book and it looks like it is not worth the money."

"After they came to the Gulan Star, we were indeed very fortunate. We first entered the ancestral land, found the ancient heritage, and discovered the thousands of lotuses and the mysterious ancient city. He seems to be our lucky star."

"Old age, you have gained a lot in your ancestral land. Do you see the dawn of breakthrough?"

"Quickly, I can quickly break through the double gods of the virtual god. If there is enough material and medicinal herbs, the speed of my breakthrough will be accelerated. The inheritance of my family's loss, this hunted back, destined to my family. Wei up."

The two giants of the tribe, listening to him, said that they are both glowing and excited.

The ancestors of the Giants came to chase the Protoss in the Malang Star. After countless battles, this straight race rushed to the forefront. Many ancestors died, and the unique inheritance of the Giants lost most of it.

They have the special secret method of tempering the gods and cultivating the virtual world with the gods. They belong to the giants and are the strong roots of the giants.

It is a pity that because of the annihilation of the ancestors, those secret laws have been lost, and this has entered the mainland of God. Naxin has re-established the inheritance in the giant ancestral land. As long as the giants are recuperated for a while, they can quickly become stronger.

This is one reason why Na Xin has to endure humiliation and exchange 700,000 gods for the tribe. They need time and cannot afford to die.

At the time of Naxin's three soul exchanges, Shi Yan smiled from a distance.

Na Xin’s eyes lit up and lowered the voice and asked: “How?”

“How much do you think is worth?” Shi Yan asked with a smile.

"At least two of the best products, let us exchange, should be roughly this number, may be slightly higher, but not more than three million." Na Xin indulged, seriously said.

"Five million." Shi Yan lightly drink.

The three giants of the tribe, their eyes suddenly turned bright, and they almost couldn’t help but laugh.

Five million gods, this is the wealth that the giants have never seen before. They can buy a lot of cultivation materials for their people, let the children of the giants and the youth martial arts make great progress, and let their fighting power enter new. situation.

"But I can only give you 2.9 million." Shi Yan was a little embarrassed. "That Aifu can't make up five million gods, and there are still two million gaps. We exchanged something. Well, I am lending you." After the unearthing of a thousand families, we will return ourselves."

"You are willing to tell us the truth, we are very pleased." Na Xin really smiled. "As for the owe, huh, huh, you can do it. If you care about it, my family owes you more."

"This is 2.9 million gods, and it is time to redeem your imprisoned people." Shi Yan gave the ring and said seriously: "I will return it to you today, I am from Iver. If you get a blue hail, you can charge thousands of lotuses as soon as you return to the ancient star."

"That's great." Na Xin laughed.

He did not like Zi Yao and others, thinking that Ivor would breed something through the blue ice, and then may be robbed, the Giants, or too kind.

Naxin took a ring with 2.9 million gods and hurriedly went to find MiG and Milu brothers to redeem the tribe.

Shi Yan did not follow, and Ferran, Lianna and others strolled in the broken star field, waiting for the good news of Na Xin.

However, they did not wait for good news. Instead, they heard Na Xin’s violent anger and anger, and the thunderous roar roared in the broken star field. The sound was loud and the direction was from the north of the broken star field.

Shi Yan frowned, sinking for a moment and said: "Let's see it in the past."

"it is good."

Fei Lan and others immediately nodded and quickly rushed to the north with Shi Yan.

Ps: Thanks to the fierce release of the new ally "Shadow Enchantress", today added more, four chapters are finished, huh, huh, ask for the next month's ticket ~ ~ count is not yet to be continued

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