God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 920: Play slip!

North of the broken star city.

Na Xin bit his teeth, and he wants to spurt fire. He is struggling with restraint, but his inner anger is like a flame, and he is getting more and more powerful.

Na Xin’s reason is about to collapse.

After Ferran came over, he frowned deeply and indulged, quietly summoning the message: "Take a little longer!"

Na Xin's **** eyes searched the crowd for a circle and found Fei Lan and others. He showed a hint of confusion, but also calmed down a bit.

There are more and more onlookers, and many strong people of all ethnic groups know that there are good plays to watch, and they know that there may be fighting, and they are secretly looking forward to it.

Just as the atmosphere was most weird, a fierce tornado whizzed past the heads of the crowd and appeared directly next to Namir.


Violent crazy fat!

His fierce rays, like a snake, stared at Milu in a ghastly and terrible manner, taking a deep breath and sensing the soul.

Heng also, his eyes are bloodshot, fiercely staring at Milu's left shoulder, roaring like a madman: "Mullu, MiG, you dare to kill my brother, I let you crush the bones!"

If you have a word, you will be shot directly.

There was a fierce wave in the soul altar, and a tornado suddenly rose from the sky, like a gray wolf smoke, swept past MiG, Milu, and every tornado in the middle of the tornado, there were whistling ice, ice blades In the violent storm, it seems to be able to break everything.

Many onlookers of the warriors, when they saw that smuggled mad, were shocked and shunned.

Na Xin suddenly stopped, watching the crazy marriage, the fog.

Tu Feng... Was it not surrounded by himself and Ferran and Liana to the body, and was it to be swept away by the stone to engulf the soul? This smuggled anger, why stare at Milu?

Na Xin can't understand it.

"Awkward, what are you crazy? The two brothers and brothers have been staying in the depths of the broken star field. They have never gone out. How can you kill your brother Tu Feng?" MiG Jian---the sound of the former Yangwei Yaowu disappeared," My brother and you **** come to the well water without breaking the river, will you move your brother? You must be **** wrong?"

"False your mother!" Tu Fu anger, with the soul of the altar to move a tornado, "Your brother Milu, but also my brother's blood, Lao Tzu is his big brother, I will not be able to perceive?!, ,

In the arrogance, the wedding is roaring in the sky, and one head rushes to the depths of the tornado, such as the demon of the mad dance, rushing toward Namir.

At the same time, the marriage is still shouting: "Bloody brothers, kill me!"

The two bodies flashed from far away, and the breath was amazing. They echoed the roar of the marriage, and they quickly joined, and immediately joined the battle circle.

"Mig, you are looking for death, even our **** people dare to touch, know that you have recently lost mineral slaves, I did not expect you to fight our **** ideas, do not kill you, we can be in the broken star field Based on?"

"Get rid of them! Tu Feng brothers still drink with me some time ago, Mom, these two brothers dare to move him, will die!"

It is also two virtual gods.

"I will help you!" Na Xin, who was angered for a long time, suddenly came to the sky, and the virtual world suddenly appeared. The whole body was also full of crystals, and suddenly rushed to MiG. "Today is the death of your brother. !"

Tu marriage, Na Xin in the virtual **** two heavens, the two **** strong people suddenly emerged, is also the virtual world of the two heavens, against the same level of the MiG brothers, is definitely the upper hand.

Especially Na Xin, I don’t know what adventures there are in the ancestral land of Shen’s mainland. The realm and power seem to have been greatly enhanced. In the roaring sound, the whole body is as light as cotton, and it is entangled in MiG. Perfect with his virtual world.

Na Xin alone seems to be enough to completely suppress that MiG.

"First kill Milu!" When I saw MiG trapped by Na Xin, I painted it and said: "I want you to know that you will know how to sin our blood!"

Three **** strongmen have released the virtual world. The top of the broken star city seems to have three different new worlds. There are all kinds of wonderful things. There are Qionglou Yuyu, there are mountains and lakes, there are stars appearing, and there are meteorites. .

The three virtual worlds were oppressed by the air, and the three powerful and fierce pressures caused Namir’s body to scream, and there was no more leisurely to take care of the six seriously wounded soldiers of the Giants. The grievance shouted: “I didn’t do it, we didn’t kill. Tu Feng, you got it wrong!"

It is a pity that the fly-fly that was filled with anger in his mind felt that there was conclusive evidence, and he did not listen to his explanation. The power of the righteousness was fully exerted, and the tornado was set up, and the hard-pressed squeezing to Milu.

"Don't destroy the broken star city, you can change the place to fight."

"Leave here!"

"If it is to blow up my house, I am not finished with you!"

Many unhappy sounds came from the crowd, and many of them were extremely high. It seemed that there was strong support behind them.

The two people who were fat and bloody, including Na Xin and MiG brothers, also heard their urge to drive out, and they all had concerns.

Unexplained MiG, Milu brothers, but do not want to stay for a long time, heard the words and quickly left, rushed to the rubble area outside the broken star city, Tu Zhao and **** two strong, and Na Naxin, immediately Also rushed to the past, it is necessary to kill the MiGi brothers.

Many onlookers—when they saw them from the broken star city, they all let go of their hearts and followed the past.

Including Ferran and his party.

Shi Yan came later, did not see the fatal anger of the fat, only saw the soldiers of the two giants, are saving their six injured people.

"Are they okay?" smiled, Shi Yan asked indifferently.

"Nothing, just being imprisoned by Milu, we help them break." One person.

"I will help you." Shi Yan's eyes picked up slightly.

A glimpse of the flames flashed out, and the wonderful movements, the wire ropes on a famous giant tribe, where the flames passed, the iron rope was first cracked, and then easily broke away.

The six injured giants of the tribe showed gratitude. Looking at Shiyan, he asked: "He, who is he?"

"When you left this time, there was a lot of things happening in Gulanxing. After the family came back, let him explain it to you." A giant ethnic group is human.

"it is good."

"I used to look at it, you will stay." Shi Yan did not say anything, smiled and nodded, and flew away.

Ivers's ancient hall in the hall.

A shadow of the soul slowly emerges, but can not see the true appearance, fuzzy, "less master, fat and **** people, are killing MiG, Milu brothers."

"What happened?" I've come to the interest, curious to ask: "I don't know, Tu Feng's not... is related to the MiG brothers? Impossible, the MiG brothers dare to provoke **** people, they are tired of life. Not?"

"They really have nothing to do with the death of Tu Feng." The shadow whispered: "What is related to the death of Tu Feng is the person who just came over, the boy who knows how to use the power of space?"

"How do you say that?" I've got a bright eye.

"The MiG brothers want to force the giants to anger, and then take possession of the giants' gods. Oh, yes, after the boy left, he will pay the gods and Naxin, as if they were sold for Naxin..."

"go on."

"Na Xin is about to be crazy, the kid is space-conscious, dripping a drop of blood on Milu, that drop of blood, ... belongs to Tu Feng, then he went to find a marriage, said to see the MiG brothers kill Tu Feng, with blood as evidence. Immediately, the fat was violent, and in the past, he perceived it and determined that the blood was his brother, and the battle broke out..."

I've listened quietly, and when the shadow is finished, the eyes are getting brighter.

After a long while, he admired it: "Playing the sneak! Conquering the MiG brothers, lifting the giants' problems, and letting the fats not find them, even have the chance to get a million rewards from Tu Zhao. This kid is so wonderful that it’s all cheap, and you don’t have to shoot it, it’s amazing! It’s amazing!”

"Less Lord, do you want to expose him?" asked the shadow.

"no, I'm fine."

Ivor waved his hand and said with a smile: "It’s a good show, ha, I’ve been jealous. I haven’t seen such a sinister and deceitful guy for a long time. I can’t debunk him, absolutely not, otherwise it’s both fat and MiG. Kill him, if he is dead, who is looking for a thousand lotuses for me? Interesting! It's fun! Well, you give me a stare look at him alone, I also went to see what kind of result the scene will end in the end. Haha, it’s wonderful, this kid is really slipping!”

Broken Star City north of the wilderness.

The six figures set off a stormy wave, as if smashing all the light waves, where the earth was torn, the horror roaring in the void, and the earth shook.

Naxin of the Giants, like the crystal **** of war, overflows with the crystals of the whole body. The crystal clear light comes out from his body and slashes in all directions. His imaginary world is looming, constantly releasing the breath and enhancing his strength. .

A tornado whistling, as if the gray dragon was swimming in the void, searching for delicious snacks.

The MiG and Milu brothers disappeared and were overwhelmed by the gray tornado. They roared in it and dazzled their eyes.

They are wronged.

Many of the broken Star City warriors, far behind them, looked at the fierce battle with interest, from time to time commentary.

"The MiG brothers are terrible and terrible. I don't know if it will be really degraded. Well, I think... should the soul altar be able to escape?"

"Who knows? But the Naxi of the Giants, this power seems to be greatly enhanced. MiG is not an opponent at all. Hey, it used to be a small giant."

"Crap! The Giants used to be very strong or not? If they were too straight, every time they rushed to the front, they killed too many people, and they lost money in the distribution of interests. Will they become like this?"

"Well, the giants were extremely tyrannical. Unfortunately, the ancestors of the family died, and many mysterious powers were lost. But there are opportunities and interesting things to see in Naxin's means."

In the crowd, Shi Yan quietly appeared, standing beside Fei Lan and his entourage, laughing lowly: "If they die, I will benefit all three!"

Ferran, Liana, and Cato’s eyes lit up and looked moving.

Ps: Weakly ask for the next month's ticket~...(To be continued)

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