God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 922: Change blood!

Shiyan used a training ground for Wan Shenjing.

Among them are ten training rooms, a secret room with deep underground, and an enchantment to isolate all perceptions, which is very suitable for him.

In the underground room, Shiyan and Ferran, Liana, and Cato sat on the plate. Stone rock was in the corner, and Ferran, Liana, and Cato were all sitting in front of him.

From the body of Shiyan, from each point of the acupoints, released a strong amount of pure energy, divided into three shares, respectively injected into the forehead blood color imprint of the wife, Lianna, and Cato.

This rock, stone rock can accurately control the released energy.

Milu is in a double heaven in the virtual world, and is even higher than the original Tu Feng. The strength of his body bursting out is several times stronger than that of Tu Feng!

If there is no trike of Ferran, Liana, and Cato, the burden of one person alone will not be enough, and it may die.

Judging by the **** imprint, the three people of Ferran helped him to share, especially Ferran, who reached the virtual world and had a lot of energy.

Shiyan sits silently, and the gods are like the subtle lines of soul, pulling the energy flowing in the veins, and falling into the ancient trees of the Yuanyuan to quench the body.

His deity, after repeated hardening, reached an incredible degree. When he was tempering, he focused on the refinement of undead blood, and the rotation of his power. The turbulent energy flowing in his veins gradually changed dramatically.

Above the secret room.

Kashun and Zi Yao stayed in a stone room of a thousand square meters. The beautiful face of Zi Yao has a clear resentment and sighs secretly.

Katsien knows that her heart is not good.

Helplessly persuaded: "You don't care too much, that kid... There should be some secret secrets that must be related to Lianna, Ferran, and Cato. Because of this, he doesn't want us to watch."

"I know." Zi Yaomei showed a bit of hardship. "I found that I couldn't walk into his heart, especially after I got out of the flames, I felt very weak and very powerless..."

After leaving the flames, Shiyan became the head of the crowd with his own abilities and insights.

Even Ferran and Lianna are all looking at him. In Kashun and Zi Yao, this is incredible.

However, starting from the ancient star

Shi Yan has repeatedly proved by himself that he is a qualified leader and can bring them enough benefits.

Jess, who is unconcerned, has truly surrendered to him. In some ways, he does have a unique charm.

However, this way, it will weaken the enthusiasm of Zi Yao and Ka Xien.

Especially Zi Yao.

In the flames of the stars, she is the princess of the goddess of heaven, distinguished

The realm is not inferior, wisdom is accessible, is a character of one.

In the Malang star field, her identity is only an ordinary source of small warriors. Without strong capital, the speed of breakthrough in the realm has temporarily stagnated. The longer she spends with Shiyan, the greater her pressure.

She gradually discovered that it was a bit chasing the pace of Shiyan...

"He obviously has a certain purpose. There is a mystery hidden in his body. You can't walk into his heart, you can't understand his secrets, and naturally he can't really integrate into him." Katsuan sighed. "This kid is It’s a miracle. I’ve got this out in the flames, just like... I still underestimate him. I think... If the princess really wants him, let’s take the initiative, with the princess’s beauty and wisdom, I think he It’s impossible to refuse, especially... Feng Qi’s girl is not here for the time being.”

"Is it a bit dangerous?" Zi Yao whispered a whisper, and the two screamed a wonderful blush, a little shy.

"Oh, if Feng Xun was lucky and he came together, there would be no today. At that time, you are not beside Shi Yan." Kashun smiled lightly.

"At the time, I didn't think he was at that time... it was the person I needed to treat with one heart. Feng Qi was not considered a danger to man. It was her luck." Zi Yao smiled. "Moreover, he has already become better with Feng Wei." I am plugging in at this time, will it be a little... squat?"

"I don't know what the princess thinks, but I think if you really love someone, don't think about anything, just get his approval. To put it bluntly, the matter of feelings is only about you and the person you love. "Cassian is very tempted.

Zi Yao lingered for a long time, only to nod and nodded. "I... I will try it."

Katsien smiled happily.

Inside the secret room.

Shiyan's body no longer has a stream of pure energy, and Ferran, Liana, and Cato sit silently, motionless, and carefully digest the energy and integrate into it.

Cato trembled, and the soul altar suddenly swirled, releasing a chaotic force.

The power of chaos and twisting wrapped his body around tightly, making him seem like a floating material, twisted and transformed with the power of chaos, extremely magical.

He got a complete inheritance from Shiyan. He had been practicing for many years, and his realm was not low. It was only because of incomplete inheritance that he could not break through.

The complete inheritance and integration into the soul, he has greatly enhanced the realm in the early days. In the land of the gods, Cato received the chaos and exquisite power left by Gru, and the realm of the realm was more obvious. After the soul, he took the lead in breaking through the opportunity.

He is carrying out a breakthrough in the source of God to the double heaven, and it seems that it will not take too long to look at the posture.

In the power of chaos and twists, Cato's face is squeezed and deformed, which is very ridiculous.

His body was constantly distorted and changed, and suddenly he remembered something, and the ring in his hand suddenly shone.

A few round medicinal herbs emerged from the ring and were swallowed up by him. In the scent of the heart, the medicine spread out and slowly ignited in his body, dissipating in his knowledge of the sea and bones. in.

That is the medicinal medicine he found from the treasure house of Iver, the six grades of God, especially suitable for him to break through the realm.

After the medicinal herbs are not in the abdomen, Cato is not the same. The soul rituals are swirling and swaying out of the faint scent. The soul of the source slowly calms down and falls into the air, the chaos of the soul altar, The child becomes extremely emotionally susceptible.

He is gradually climbing the realm.

When Ferran and Liana tempered their strength, they suddenly felt it, and they glanced at Cato at the same time, and their faces were amazed.

Good qualifications!

Ferran and Lianna whispered in their hearts, and immediately looked at the opposite person. Shi Yan was unaware of it, squinting, as if she was asleep, and the breath was long and long, and the smell of blood was released.

They did not know that Shiyan was using the unrelenting rebirth to condense the undead blood, transforming the pure energy into a nest of flesh and blood, and bred magical blood.

A drop of red, like a ruby, undead blood, rolling in his veins, slowly mixing into the blood vessels.

He is doing a blood transfusion!

This condensed undead blood, a large number, and the accumulation of the previous, let him faintly feel that they can really exchange blood, and immediately tried it.

A drop of red blood, slowly rolling in the blood vessels, like blood beads like beads, the original blood, spilled into blood, a little bit of recovery from the skin, scattered **** smell.

On the way to the blood transfusion, he was red and horrible, as if he was a **** person, extremely embarrassing.

When Ferran and Lianna were digesting the stone rock, they frowned and frowned. There was a bit of fear and anxiety in their eyes. It was a bit unclear. I don’t know if Shiyan’s state is good at this time. It is bad.

They don't know that Shiyan can change blood, and he doesn't know what the wonderfulness of changing blood is, so he is unknown, so he is worried.

Today, Shiyan wants to expel them, and they are afraid that they will not leave.

After the last and the past experience, they all know what benefits they will get in the vicinity of Shiyan, and they have the opportunity to make people feel jealous.

For the military, the realm is all fundamental, and its own powerful strength is everything.

And Shiyan can give them all this.

“Is there something going on?” Liana paused the digestion of power and frowned deeply. “Would we like to help him?”

"Help him?" Ferran smiled. "Do you know how to help him? If I know, I naturally won't sit back and watch, but my sister... You don't even know how he will be in this state?"

Liana nodded.

"We don't know the reason, we don't want to act rashly. He is different from ordinary people. It is unique to get the strongest inheritance. I think we still wait and see how it changes." Fei Lan said quietly.

Liana hesitated, half-sounding, and said helplessly: "That can only wait."

"It’s better than taking a shot, but it will be counterproductive." Feilan said indifferently.

So they looked at Shiyan deeply and waited silently.

Under the gaze of the two men, the rock-filled body of Shiyan shows a **** light, and the blood is like a crystal block. It is shining and shining in his flesh and blood, very beautiful.

His body was wrapped in blood, forming a big blood, gradually becoming blurred, as if some sort of weird creature was undergoing the final transformation, and it was going to be transformed into a butterfly.

Ferran and Lianna's eyes widened, and they all showed a sigh of dissatisfaction.

Shi Yan’s transformation at this moment is a bit... I don’t want to be a normal creature, and the evil is so secret that they feel a little bit wrong.

"This guy, is it a human race?" Lianna was silent for a long time, and suddenly whispered.

Fei Lan’s mouth showed a bitter bitterness. “It’s definitely true, but now... I don’t understand it, but I believe that he should know what he is doing, or he will not show a hint of resistance from beginning to end. ""

When this statement came out, Liana was aware of it and nodded. "Yes, he didn't have a slight resistance. He accepted everything with pleasure. This means... he knows what he is doing? What is he doing?"

"God knows." Ferran shook his head.

Ps: second! (To be continued)

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