God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 924: setup well

Ivor's ancient temple.

A shadow suspended in the temple, faintly said: "They rented a training ground, the kid and the three people hidden in the secret room, should be practicing."

Ivor lay on the soft collapse, ate fruit, drank wine, and said lightly: "Why don't you enter and see clearly?"

"There are seven layers of enchantment in the bottom of the underground, I can enter, but there is no guarantee that they will not be alarmed. I follow your instructions, not to expose yourself to the point, so there is no tearing enchantment."

"Before you did not annihilate, it was the realm of the illusion of the gods, only one step to ask the beginning of God. Although there is only the existence of the illusory soul, can't you be careful to tear the link?" Avery frowned.

There was a helpless sigh in the shadow. "The soul altar bursts and the sea disappears. The mysterious layer and the virtual world are scattered. Only the soul of the virtual soul can be used. The means that can be used is extremely limited. If my altar is still there, it can be easily Break in, but now... I really have no way."

"That's it, you give me a tight eye on them, don't let them leave the broken star city, I don't know." I've been impatient.

"Less master, please rest assured, they will be able to know immediately if they appear, please also remember to help me rebuild the altar."

"Know it." I've waved his hand and motioned for the shadow to recede. When there was no shadow in the shadow, he snorted and disdain.

"Less Lord." Behind him, there was a colorful light, and a veteran of the three gods of the virtual gods took the lead. "The **** masters are rumored, I want you to help me find MiG, before the war, Mi I broke into the broken star field and hid myself."

"Mig?" I've laughed. "It's a bad guy. It's been counted, and I don't know it. I just let the blood smother, huh, huh."

The old man said nothing, quietly waiting.

"What kind of code does he give?" Ivor came to the interest. "Mig is a virtual world. This life is still very valuable."

"One million." The old man whispered.

"Too little is too little!" Avery shook his head again and again. "You told him that there are no two million I will not take care of this broken thing. Bloody these years are not small in the broken star field. Since I have asked for it, naturally I have to scratch it."

"Understand." The old man slowly receded.

In the secret room.

Shiyan's **** fading faded, and the blood of the whole body slowly introduced into the flesh and blood, and the shape gradually changed, and soon restored to its original appearance.

"To maintain this form, every second must consume the power of blood in the body, not in battle, I will not easily play." Shi Yan smiled, rushing Ferran, Lianna, Cato explained: "Refining Blood is not an easy task."

The three men nodded silently, but they felt a bit puzzling in their hearts.

Blood, not always in the body? Why do you need to condense? If the blood burns, how can he live?

"Hey! Cato, have you broken through?" Shi Yan was shocked. He immediately laughed. "It's not bad. It seems that you are very profitable. Well, at this speed, I think everyone's realm will be improved." And speed up."

"It’s all thanks to the brothers!" Cato was sincere and succinct. "Without the help of my brother, there will be no Cato today, Cato remembers his life!"

Waving his hand, Shi Yan did not make a living: "We are all grasshoppers on the line. We must advance and retreat together and work hard together."

"Brother, why didn't you break through quickly? According to your speed of cultivation, it should be... almost?"

Cato and Lianna also showed their interest and looked deep into Shiyan.

From entering the flame star field, Shiyan is like a miraculous breakthrough, the speed is very fast, as if ignoring the bottleneck, do not need to accumulate strength, this miracle has continued to the present.

"Power, I am not bad, but the realm is still a bit worse." A bitter smile, he said slowly: "The breakthrough of the realm is also the need for the understanding of power, I am still a little worse. Well, I am going to be I have worked hard in this area."

Then, he reached out and the magical emptiness flashed.

The descendants of the family, which was included in the Ev, appeared in the secret room, and the slamming of the two formations was formed by the empty crystal crystal. There were fine lines in the interior of the crystal cymbal, which contained the subtle meaning of space. At the office.

This child can be connected to the ancient star and the broken star city. If the repair is successful, they do not need to spend a few months to return.

"I want to use this mother to connect with the empty space and go further in the space." Shi Yan smiled and rushed to the trio: "For the time being, I will stay in the broken star city. I can try to repair it successfully, even if it can't And I am sure that I can grow in the space. This stuff is really good."

"Na Xin is waiting outside." Fei Lan whispered.

Shi Yan stunned and nodded. "Then see him first, um, or explain it to him."

Opening the secret room, he and Ferran, Liana, Cato went out and went to the training ground above.

Both Kasiu and Zi Yao, when they saw them came out, they all showed joy.

"Hey!" Katsien looked shocked and looked at Cato, exclaiming: "You, you... broke through?"

"Ha ha!" Cato laughed loudly. "Well, it broke through! Kashen ah Kashun, when you wandered in the land of sin, killing us a lot of predators, people see you, now how? Can you dare to move me now?"

Kashun is still a **** of heaven.

He smiled with a smile. "What happened in the past, what is the significance of raising it in this Martian domain?"

Liana snorted and glanced at the crazy Cato, faintly said: "I was also active in the penalty area for a while, you thought that you broke through the first layer, you can do whatever you want? Don't say this place is the Martian domain, Even in the flames of the stars, you are not the peak of the two gods, the plating of the heavens to kill you, you can not escape!"

Cato gave her a reprimand, immediately picked it up and scratched her head and said, "I am just happy, a little excited, you don't have to react so much?"

Lianna snorted. "I just don't want to see you smug."

Cato is honest right away.

"Na Xin is outside." Zi Yao smiled at Shi Yan and said softly: "He and the tribes of the Giants are waiting outside for a long time and say they want to see you."

"I will see them." Shi Yan smiled and nodded.

They rented a training ground with a courtyard and a special training room, which are all designed for normal races. They are not suitable for the giants. They use Naxin’s body shape. Once they come in, they have to squeeze the training room, so only Can stay outside and wait.

Na Xin and a group of giants of the tribes are on the outside streets. After seeing Shiyan, they are all grateful.

Especially Na Xin, when the eyes are bright, it is necessary to treat the giants.

Among his eyes, he was grateful. Regarding the MiG and Milu brothers, his heart was bright, but he did not disclose it to other ethnic groups. When he saw Shiyan, he immediately said, "My generation is thank you, as for you. Said that we owe our gods, no need to return."

Several giant ethnic groups, looking at Na Xin, felt a bit strange inside.

Shiyan sold them a good price for the Mulan's life tree fragments. They were really grateful, but now Na Xin said that they don't have to consume them, which makes them a bit puzzled.

Na Xin did not explain, but only looked at Shiyan deeply.

Shi Yan smiled and knew that he understood the reason why the MiG brothers were being fattened. "Predecessors don't have to care too much. We all live in the ancient Lanzhou, and we support ourselves. Well, the seniors have already done things, but still Please wait for a while, help me bring something back."

Na Xin is puzzled, "What?"

"Give me some time, wait for my repair to be successful, you will help me bring back the Quran Star." Shi Yan did not immediately explain, and Na Xin freely counted a few words, let him temporarily stay in the broken star field.

Na Xin has won a lot of Shenjing, and this is not intended to return immediately. I want to exchange some materials with Shenjing, bring back the Gulanxing, and give the people better cultivation materials, so that the children and soldiers in the family can be more A quick breakthrough.

He is about to stay for a while, and he has no choice but to talk about it. He will agree to it and wait until Shiyan is done.

The giants went to busy with their affairs, and Shi Yan was also anxious to repair the mother and the family, and did not say much, but also had to drill into the secret room.

"Shi Yan, I... I want to talk to you." Zi Yao saw his eagerness to subdue, could not help but whisper, the beautiful shining brightly, two reddish, seems a little uneasy.

After a moment, Shi Yan looked back at her and said, "What is the important thing?"

"No, no, yes, yes, not very tired..." Zi Yao was a little nervous, and the language was unclear. People who felt vomiting felt that she had ghosts in her heart.

"It's not very important, oh, let's wait a few days." Shi Yan hesitated a moment and said seriously: "I need to fix a battle, and that addition is important to us. We need to be Naxi. Bring back the Quran Star."

Zi Yao listened to him saying this, and quickly said: "Then you are busy first, you are busy first, I am not in a hurry here." She sighed with relief, and felt a little lost in her heart, seven up and down, no Know what it is.

Shi Yan didn't know what she was thinking, and she didn't ask. When she nodded, she plunged into the secret room. After the blockade, she began to pay attention to the line of the mother.

If the formation can be repaired successfully, Naxin will bring the mother array back to the Gulanxing, and he will hold the sub-array around him. No matter where he is, he can quickly connect with the Gulanxing. This method is in the Star of Life. They can all be interoperable, so that he can not worry too much about the accident of Gu Lanxing.

In addition, in the process of repairing the array, he can also know how to use the spatial mystery of the space in the same year.

This is also an inestimable benefit to his spatial refinement and growth. He is of course anxious, so he ignores the uneasiness of Zi Yao.

In the secret room, Shiyan puts out the knowledge of the gods, condenses the power of the space, and treats the mother and the child with caution, and the expression is solemn and calm.

Ps: I am grateful to the new ally for the birth of "u children's mouth" at 6:30, seven-yard code, no stop for a moment, until now four more completed, hands twitching! Well, today, I don’t set up a regular release. I will go out directly, go out with my wife and children, and give myself a half-day holiday. The weather is very good. I haven’t been out for the sun for a few days. Can't afford it, don't hesitate, ask for a monthly ticket? Continue to thank you, thank you for your continued

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