God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 926: a hug

Iv's ancient temple.

And Rondo, who is different from Ziyao, is here alone, and he is very self-conscious.

Eve and the two old men who reached the virtual heaven and earth, together with the hospitality, toasted, and the smile was very warm.

Rondo played with a glass of wine, and his face had a difficult smile, and he refused to let go.

"Mr. looks good today?" I've smiled and complimented.

Rondo nodded. "It is indeed a good mood. The owner may have one more child. Oh, I didn't expect this to come over. I can find a piece of jade for the master. It is really lucky."

Iver’s eyes lit up. “A total, did you meet the wisdom of practicing light and integrating into the wisdom of the field?”

Rondo smiled happily. "It is like this."

I've had a smile on his face, and even the channel "Congratulations to Ka Xi, it will take a few more cups."

The other two old people are also very enthusiastic toasts. Rondo has not refused, and has a few drinks to drink, and immediately he is right: "Iver, talk about serious things, things to me."

"Good!" Ivor has no nonsense, and the magical space is bright, and the pieces of the ancient tree of the wooden life that was acquired from Shiyan will be taken out and handed over to Rondo.

Rondo’s eyes were as bright as the blade, and he carefully played with the wood chips, and the friction of the silky wood was groping. After a long time, Rondo smiled and nodded. Chong Aif said: “Your grandfather has you collecting materials for him. It’s really good luck, um, it’s a piece of wood on the ancient tree of the woods. It’s not bad.”

I'm haha ​​laughing and feeling very good.

"According to the quotation of your communication, 10 million of the best, there is no problem?" Rondo smiled.

Eve nodded and had no objection. "Of course there is no problem. I have been working with our 'Shenguang' for so many years, and naturally it is impossible to make things." Oh, this piece of wood is very difficult for me to sell. We don’t have a good price, we are all happy with the operation of your 'Shenguang'. I know that this wood is as tempting as the woods of the beginning of the gods, and you must be sure that you will not lose."

"That's ten million." Rondo smiled and wanted to pay.

"Mr. is not in a hurry." Aifu raised his hand and stopped. "I don't need to cash it directly. I also ask Mr. to give me five million warships. I only need five million gods."

"Is it the last battleship?" Rondo was amazed. "There is no race war in the West, what do you hoard the warships? We have a variety of battleships, and the level of warships you ask for is not high. Willing to buy Dalun money?"

"Not the last battleship." I've smiled. "To be a giant, the kind that suits the Giants. Well, the giants of the Giants some time ago have customized two of them."

“Giant?” Rondo touched his chin and suddenly laughed. “The price is not low. We have made it for the Yaozu, and one is three million. Well, of course, we are more familiar and cooperative. For a long time, count your two and a half million, and you can get two ships with a price of five million. How?"

"Thank you, Mr. Two, it is the Lun code of my heart." I've laughed.

"Also." Rondo nodded and separated the crystal in the magical space, and immediately gave it to Iver: "This is five million gods, and two giant warships will be transported to you soon. Half a month, you will be in your warehouse."

“Happy cooperation.”

“Happy cooperation.”

In the secret room. Shi Yan opened his eyes and stood up with a smile. The casual activities were hands and feet.

On the stone floor beside him, there is an array of mothers and children, and the two gods inlaid into crystals are turned into ordinary stones, and the energy is exhausted.

But the mother and the child were inside the empty space, but they circulated the spatial waves, releasing wonderful space fluctuations. This broken array has been repaired.

He smiled, and he was satisfied with the retreat. Although he failed to break through the success in succession, his understanding of the space's meaning was indeed a step forward. If he could condense the "door" himself, he would be sure to use space. Exquisite breakthrough source God two heavens.

When he came to the training ground, he realized his movements. After a while, Ferran, Liana and Cato gathered.

"Naxin is still there?" Shi Yan asked.

"In the past, they were in the city of broken stars, buying all kinds of cultivation materials, and they should have gotten almost recently, and they all returned." Cato responded.

When Shi Yan nodded, he came out from the training ground and saw Naxin of the giant family.

When Na Xin saw him coming out, he immediately smiled and greeted him. He excitedly said: "We have customized the warships to Ivor. The giant warships can suit our people." Oh, I've really got a way, even the warships. Can be found, it really is the most talented guy in the broken star city."

The ancient Lanzhou star has an amazing gravity. The larger the body shape, the more it is affected by gravity. It cannot be broken out and then rushes into the domain.

There are many people of the Giants, as well as many women and children, who have no chance to leave the Quran Star for life, to see the outside world, because of the weird gravity.

Every practitioner's cultivation breakthrough can not only be a closed-door cultivation, cultivation of different righteous people, can do more with less in many peculiar areas, accelerate the promotion of the realm of power, and deepen the understanding of the righteousness. If the children of the Giants can break through the bottlenecks and leave the Quran Star early for another single-powered area, the speed of the realm of cultivation will inevitably grow rapidly and will make the strength of the entire Giant. Get promoted.

The giant warships suitable for the Giants and the tribes can allow many of their ethnic groups to move away from the ancient Lanzhou star before the realm has reached a certain level, and then accelerate cultivation.

"The giant warship, how many crystals does one have?" Shiyan was amazed.

"Iver offered five million gods." Na Xin was slightly excited. "We are definitely not enough now, but we have already booked it. After the thousand lotuses are unearthed, Shenjing is definitely enough, haha, we The Giants also have their own battleships!"

The rest of the tribes are also excited and excited about this big event.

"Five million?" Shi Yan felt a bitter smile.

In the treasure house of Ivor, he saw a variety of warships. The price of those warships was generally in the range of hundreds of thousands of crystals to millions, and Ivor’s gods from the giants, the asking price went up to five. Millions, it is definitely a pit of Na Xin.

But Na Xin, they have already booked, and they are so excited and excited that he is not good at attacking them. They can only secretly smash the giants.

"How long can the battleship give you?" asked Shi Yan.

"Iver said, as long as Shenjing is in place, I can always use it for us." Na Xin is looking forward to it. "The children in the family have never seen such a big guy. They must be very excited. Oh, this is going out. The materials returned will make them all ecstatic."

"This way." Shi Yan nodded and said immediately: "You can help me send a line back, um, first buy another ordinary battleship."

He snorted and suddenly asked: "What about Kashun?"

"I am." The voice of Kashun was heard in the training field. "What do I need to do?"

"This ring is for you, there are still 800,000 Shenjing, you and Na Xin buy a common battleship, the extra Shenjing free to buy points suitable for our cultivation of Dan drug quality, and returned to the ancient star. "Stone rocked with a hand and a ring flew to him."

After Katherine took over, the gods explored it and smiled and said, "No problem."

Hesitating, he said: "Shi Yan, Zi Yao wants to meet you in a practice room inside her..." ... There are very important things. ”

Shiyan’s glimpse, and Xuan Xuan explained to Na Xin and Ka Xien the careful prestige of the mother and the empty array. Even if the fog returned to the training ground, I found the place where Zi Yao lived. "Cassian...you have something important to find me?"

Zi Yao has a bright purple dress, the ketone body is exquisite and slender, the curve is exquisite, the beauty is like a flower, and the delicate and delicate, it is really beautiful, she also applies thin powder, it is glamorous.

Obviously, she deliberately dressed up for this conversation.

Shi Yan stared at her, and her eyes blew up. After a while, she sighed and said: "You are still beautiful with the past, as if when you saw it at the beginning of the year, I was shocked to be a man of heaven."

Zi Yaomei slammed like a sea of ​​deep and dark, deeply looking at him, suddenly bursting into a smile, "I can listen to you, I am very happy, when I first saw you, I did not think you have what What is special, I still hate it, I think you are abhorrent."

"Damn?" Shi Yan pointed at his nose and smiled. "I saved your brother in the past. Why do you think that I am abominable? Woman, it is really inexplicable."

"Because you are too calm in front of me, I feel that my charm is weakened, because you have no appearance of color and soul, I feel very dissatisfied, because you have low strength, dare to look at me with such a relaxed look!" Zi Yao snickered and smirked. "I was very upset when I saw you. If you saved my brother, maybe I will teach you lessons. In short, I will find you trouble, let you know that I am powerful."

Shi Yan: "Sure enough, it is unreasonable!"

"I want to say goodbye to you." Zi Yao suddenly sighed and sighed, the beauty showed a touch of helplessness.

After hesitating, she suddenly took the initiative to go forward. When Shiyan was puzzled, she took the initiative to hug Shiyan. The beautiful chin was on the shoulder of Shiyan, and the exhalation of the blue stone was soft in the ear: "Now Don't know what day to meet, let me... hug you?"

"Why are you going? Where are you going?" Shi Yan was stunned, and his heart was inexplicably sad. His body was slightly stiff. "I feel that I am being left out with us? It is not for you, but I and Ferran have them. Origin, you know that it is not only useless, but it may cause disaster..."

"There is a **** who wants to accept me as a disciple. She cultivates the power of light. Oh, yes, don't think about me figuring out..."... She is a woman. "Zi Yao bites his lower lip, and the blushing smudges want to see the bleeding. He whispered: "Don't talk, let me hold you, let me feel your presence, I have to remember this moment." ”

The stone rock does not move, but the heart is full of layers of ripples, reaching the depths of the soul, feeling a thousand.

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