God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 933: Through two places!

About half an hour later, from the stone rock body and the spiritual ceremonies in the center, the pure energy is released.

The eagerly waiting for the three of Ferran, Lianna and Cato, the eyes illuminate in vain, and the **** imprint of the eyebrows in the eyebrows shines red and luster, silently absorbing the energy given by Shiyan.

The power released by the stone caves can enhance the strength of the ancient trees in the three human skeletons. From the soul of his soul sacrifices, it is possible to warm up the souls of the three souls and let them know about the righteousness. It’s getting deeper.

Not long after, Ferran, Liana, and Cato all flew up, and their faces seemed to be filled with strange blood, full of flesh and blood.

Shiyan itself is like the source of energy. The pure power is scattered in the flesh and blood skeleton. The dissipated force from the black hole is merged into the soul altar, which makes his soul altar temper, and the temper of the god. The same, gradually become tough.

In general, the soul altar is as illusory as the reflection in the water, the line of sight is visible, but it cannot be touched.

However, after many times of quenching, Shiyan’s soul altar is like a real thing, like a pile of metal jade. The edges are like a knife, and the luster is flowing. If the jade is completely cut, it gives a kind of The illusion that you can feel it with your fingers.

However, Shi Yan himself, after the nourishment of the wonderful power, has indeed sensed that the soul altar seems to be changing quietly.

This change happened a little bit. It was not a one-time move. It was difficult to see the benefits immediately, but he knew in his heart that his altar seemed to become even more wonderful after each tempering.

The ancient trees in the body have been growing vigorously, crystal clear as jade, and the flow of it is the power of God!

Every branch is filled with pure energy, which is the source of his energy, the foundation of his survival, and his powerful source of power.

At this time, every fork of his ancient tree is filled with energy. Unless he breaks through a realm again, let the ancient tree grow extra, otherwise it will not be able to accommodate more power.

The energy is at its best.

Smiled, Shi Yan opened his eyes and felt silent for a while, but there was no loss in his heart.

It is only a step away from breaking through the source of the gods and two heavens. If he is able to comprehend in the power of the righteousness, he will certainly be able to break through.

He needs an opportunity.

The opposite of Ferran and Cato are still digesting the power, being as quiet as usual, and the body's breath is fluctuating.

But that Liana is a little different...

Looking at it, he found that Liana's body skin was gradually entangled in a trace of darkness. It didn't take long for Liana to be dark and inky, and it became a dark and inexhaustible darkness.

This darkness is not released by her realm of God.

It is directly manifested from her flesh. Liana at this moment seems to be dark, and the flesh can engulf the light.

Shi Yan was dumb, frowning for a moment, and his eyebrows moved as if he realized something.

Fei Lan suddenly opened his eyes, showing a surprise in the squat, and shouted: "She wants to break through!"

When the face was shocked, Shi Yan stood up and stunned: "So fast?"

"The last time she was in the city, her breakthrough was not over. She still had the strength to touch the deepest level in the realm.

Only after the strength of the body is not allowed, she can only reach the source of the three gods of the source god, failing to enter the new threshold again. ”

Ferran took a deep breath and his eyes were bright. He said to him seriously: "The dark heart that Liana got from you has a wonderful artistic conception. It is the essence of the dark power. As long as the dark heart is in her body. In the embarrassment, she will have a little improvement in the profound understanding of the dark powers. That is to say, her realm is not lacking, and so is her, the use of dark power has become more and more subtle."

At this time, Cato also woke up, enviously looking at Lianna, "virtual state, really looking forward to."

Shi Yan came to Liana and sank for a while, asking Ferran: "How long does it take to break through to the virtual state?"

"Maybe soon, maybe it will take a month or two, everything will look at herself. It is difficult for others to know accurately." Ferran's face gradually became serious and seemed to realize that it was not good. "This is a broken star field. Breaking through the realm is not a good idea. The ghost-family guy who fled before, if a friend is in the broken star field, once it comes together, it will become extremely troublesome."

Cato also understood and changed his mind. "What should I do?"

"Calculating time, Na Naxin, Kasiuen should also return to the ancient Lansing." Shi Yan's brain flashed a flash of light, and suddenly laughed, "it is easy to do."

Under the watchful eyes of Ferran and Cato, he touched the ring in his hand, and a dark cloud of smoke emerged as if a world had been pulled from the ring by him.

Above the dark cloud of smoke, it is a formation method. It is made up of empty magic crystals, smelting dozens of scarce materials, and is tempered by a powerful space singer. It can directly connect to the mother matrix.

The radiant sub-array, driven by the power of Shiyan, slowly descended from the sky and arranged neatly in front of him.


A block of crystals with energy fluctuations escapes from the ring of his ring and falls accurately into each groove of the sub-array.

When tens of thousands of crystals are all inlaid, the sub-array of the mother and the child suddenly emerges a ray of light. Each Huaguang interior is like a connected space door, reaching a certain area of ​​mystery and insufficiency. The force of space is the direction of the line, and the crystal is the source of energy.

Every piece of Shenjing began to release strength.

Shiyan, who is focused on his mind, sits inside the sub-array, releasing space fluctuations and revealing a fine space gap.


A gap in the space is like alive. The fish swims into the interior of the map and overlaps with the door of a fan.


The sub-array is like a ripple, and it is surrounded by waves. In the formation, the squad shows a hustle and a bright glory.

The figure of Shiyan is the one that blooms in the light, suddenly disappears without traces, and there is no breath.

The brightness of the sub-array is swaying, the space fluctuations are constantly entangled, and gradually merge into a flash door. There are many figures in the interior of the light door. It seems to be an acquaintance of the ancient star.

Among them, there are Kraft, and there are people like Longzhu and Naxin waiting for the other side of the world, as if they knew what would happen.

"Let Lianna's big sister come in." Shi Yan's voice came from inside the light door. "The power of the break is temporarily suspended, otherwise the door is afraid of being unable to withstand it."

When Ferran stayed, he immediately reacted. A finger pressed against the temple, and a subtle soul wave was released. He fell into the depths of Liana’s knowledge.

Lianna, who was unaware of the change of the outside world, heard the call of Ferran, as if she woke up from her sleep, and the closed doubles trembled and finally opened her eyes.

She already understood what happened, and did not consume Lan Daoyan. She was stunned by the darkness of her body, turned into a beam of darkness, and directly invested in the light door revealed by the sub-array.

Gu Lanxing, the mysterious ancient city of Zhongyang.

Standing on the mother's array above a new straight stone platform, the light shines, and the wonderful space ripples.

Long Zhu and Na Xin and others, who are next to the mother array, are extremely dignified and silently waiting.

A ray of light flashed, and Shi Yan took the lead to emerge, standing on the mother array.

With a grin, he looked at Kashen, Longzhu, Naxin and others with satisfaction. He said: "This method is really wonderful. It can be arbitrarily shuttled by two stars of life. This is the way, from now on. No matter where you are, you can return instantly."

As soon as this statement came out, Ka Xiuen, Na Xin, Long Zhu and Wu Wu, one by one, looked up and ecstasy.

call out!

A dark-hearted Lianna appeared after him. After Liana stood up on the mother's line, she just nodded at the rock, and immediately disappeared. She found a manor that had not decayed for tens of thousands of years. The silence is down.

"When I break through, you remember to take me back to the broken star field." Liana's thoughts on the soul, after her figure disappeared, appeared in Shiyan's mind.

Shi Yan smiled and nodded secretly, then said to Na Xin: "How? What happened to Gu Lanxing in the past few months?"

"It's as usual."

Na Xin smiled happily and sincerely said: "The children are very happy, so that the cultivation materials we brought from the broken star city can make the children break through faster and help them to condense the body as soon as possible. Also, Zhengu It has gradually recovered, and it will heal for up to two months. The medicinal herbs we purchased have made him recover a lot faster."

They did not enter the broken star field, and after purchasing a lot of cultivation materials, they returned to the ancient star with the mother array.

This giant family was richly harvested, carrying a large amount of cultivated materials to return, so that the entire giant tribes boiled up, and finally saw the hope of a new life.

Kashon’s Shenjing, which was given by Shiyan, also purchased a lot of materials suitable for low-level warriors, various kinds of medicinal herbs, esoteric books, special cultivation dojos, all kinds of wonders about the Malang star field, via cards. The mouth of Xiun’s mouth is told, and many of the warriors who come from the flames and the gods of the mainland are also amazed.

"Where are you? Is it still in the broken star city?" After Naxin was excited, he could not help but ask.

"In the broken star field, you have to go in and explore for a while." Shi Yan did not explain the truth, smiled and said: "Predecessors helped me to look after my loved ones and friends, and who I rescued before, try to hide, don't let Outsiders know."

Na Xin nodded. "Do not worry, I know how to do it."

"Then I will go first, this mother array is here, send people to look after." Shi Yan smashed the dragon and built a sentence, slowly disappearing in the light door, not much time, the mother array shines, everything It has returned to normal.

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