God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 942: Evil nature

The multi-party warriors gathered from all directions in the broken star field gradually appeared outcrops, surrounded by stone rocks, clustered, with thousands of people.

Those people come from different forces, belong to different races, but have the same purpose to produce oysters or kill stone rocks!

The change of the broken star field will lead to the unpredictable catastrophe for the extremely western land. Those stars that are violently raging like a meteor will bring disaster to many life stars, and will make many warriors have no shelter. Will lose their home.

The culprit is Shiyan. They have already confirmed from Eve's mouth through different channels. Iver is a celestial eye in the broken star field, and the line of sight is everywhere.

No one doubts the news of Eve, and Eve has used hundreds of years of established reputation to convince everyone.

A warship with different materials, like a ferocious ancient wild animal, reveals a fang, quietly emerges, and approaches a little bit in the battle. On every battleship, there are strong men of different races, each of whom is very dignified and solemn.

As the warships approached, the speed slowly slowed down and did not dare to directly enter the fierce fighting zone.

The space spider webs are scattered all over a thousand miles, forming a dense strangled area. Those space sharp edges such as the most terrible sharp knife can tear and smash everything..."...the battleship can not withstand such sharp and sharp.

"Is that kid really in the realm of the source of God? Why can he arbitrarily sweep across the eight sides, so that he is deeper than his realm?"

"This is extremely terrible. This realm has such a momentum. If it breaks through the virtual world in the future, is it more difficult to cope?"

"Be careful, don't rush to the front and become someone else's cannon fodder 1"

“It’s strictly forbidden to rush and kill, be cautious!”

"..." Each warship has its own leader, the majority of the realm at the level of the gods, belonging to the various races of all parties, however, after watching the half-ring, each of them is upset. - The strength of Shiyan is far beyond their prelude!

The void front blade is intertwined into a spider web, and the scarlet **** sea in the central area of ​​the central part of the country releases a **** red cloud of smoke, rolling the murderous breath of the sorrowful heart, and the evil death volatility is overwhelming.

The combination of Shiyan and Blood Sea, the Blood Soul Sea, which is made up of the blood of a famous martial artist, seems to be part of his body and becomes a unique world of him. He is the only one in the **** sea. True God.

Above the **** sea, the martial artists under Nig and Dafeng have become heartless and mad, their consciousness has collapsed, their eyes are full of smothering instinct, red eyes, and mad at the surrounding creatures.

They suddenly forget who they are.

Dozens of warriors who had been **** side-by-side comrades-in-arms killed each other in the **** seas, and the power of the righteousness pushed the whole world to make the heavens and the earth discolored, letting the energy raging like a violent hurricane.

Shi Yan himself, like a drop of blood, into the interior of the blood soul sea, quietly hidden.

However, the edge of the space around the outer edge of the Blood Soul Sea, like a dragon snake, slowly squirmed, the sharp space of the blade torn the sky, the sky into a piece of debris, spattering the dazzling field of streamer . Each stream outside the field is full of colorful, direct to the most mysterious space turbulent, the gap between time and space.

The two black-skinned sacred gods and peaks, and Nainige and Dafeng occasionally stunned in the real world, and the virtual world smashed the violent impact on the real world, leaving the real world fragmented.

Although the virtual world is not the beginning of the world, as long as the power of the virtual **** is strong enough to fill, the virtual field of the virtual world is fundamentally transformed, which is enough to crush the heavens and the earth, let all things come to the market, and let the material smash and burst.

The four virtual gods existed, and each of them emerged in the sky, with the mysterious collision of the virtual world, and the strength of the virtual world to meet and contend, making the world seem to be blurred, and the virtual world they condensed seems to be true. .

In that area, no one dared to go deep, no matter the sire of Nig and Dafeng, or the powerful forces of the parties who had just rushed over, they subconsciously avoided the area and would rather pass through the dangerous space spider web.

The space spider web is not static. It is always moving gently, following the changes of the stone heart, like the intertwined light, suddenly plucking from time to time.

Every time you swept, the edge of the space would stretch out. There must be one to several warriors who were smashed and crushed, and they could only be reproduced in the world by the soul altar.

In the vicinity of the Blood Soul Sea, within the space spider web, nearly a hundred soul altars have emerged, as if a piece of gorgeous lotus flower, multicolored light flashes, the mystery is surging, the soul is like a fireworks, magnificent and wonderful.

Shiyan's body is red, quietly appearing in the soul of the blood. He greedily looks at the soul-fighting altar that floats around him. He struggles with his heart and hesitates, but he finally does not take the shot and re-emerges in the soul of the blood.

He remembered the command of the blood pattern, the greatest capture of the soul altar, the engulfment of the black hole, helping the spirit to complete the fusion of the soul as soon as possible.

Only after... the timing is wrong.

In the eyes of the public, once he emerged from the black hole of the soul altar, and swallowed the soul altar, his greatest secret will be exposed to the world.

The bloodthirsty gossip from the Lord, the troll that is not for the world, is the taboo of the soul worshipping the soul. If it is revealed from him, he will no longer have a foothold in the Manor domain. All races are killed!

He is well aware of this.

Therefore, looking at the suspended soul altars, he can only forcefully curb his inner greedy desires.

The vastness of the eternal death of the scorpion smashed into the sea of ​​blood and disappeared in his body.

With the soul sacrificed to the stage, the body was annihilated, and the breath did not immediately dissipate the heavens and the earth, but was dragged by his body, quietly hiding the soul of the sea.

He is silently absorbed in the hole.

This is also devouring the righteousness!

Devouring the mysterious mystery, you can swallow the spirit of the martial arts, but also engulf the soul of the martial arts. It is a taboo of heaven and earth. It should not be revealed in the world. It is a restricted area that even the gods dare not touch easily.

But on the day he descended on the mainland, when he rushed into the **** sea, he touched the restricted area of ​​God. From that day on, he was destined to be a different kind, destined to a hard road of thorns, he never Regret, there is no hesitation, no psychological burden.

Only those who are extremely selfish and self-interested will be able to take advantage of others for hundreds of years or even thousands of miles to learn from each other and to use their own means of self-interest to strengthen themselves.

That year, that day, when the first death of the spirit poured into the body, he was not afraid, only excited and surprised, and secretly regarded this as a secret that will never be shared with others. Since then, He has no way to go back.

If it is a kind-hearted person, then there will be a devil, a fear, and a nightmare, and the evil will be engulfed as a burden, and as a nightmare, will actively resist.

He didn't, no!

The selfish self-interested person can hunt the innocent burden of the heavens and the earth. As long as it can rise strongly, the world will be ruined and ruined, and there will be no hesitation to take a step back.

Only such evil people of this nature can meet the qualifications of inheritance, and they can reach the peak on this road. Such people are destined to be unacceptable to the world and are destined to bear the nickname of the world.

He doesn't care.

Blood soul sea blood bubble, blood boiling, twisting the heart and soul of the breath across the four sides, let the sinking into the sinking abyss can not extricate themselves.

He is deep in the soul of the sea, quietly gathering the essence of death, into the 720 points, to devour the mystery to condense the power, to strengthen itself, to supplement the loss of the space network.

Dozens of people who are under the blood of Dafeng have gone through the sinister space and broke through the space. They have a stern look. They are very cautious outside the soul of the sea. They don’t immediately go deep into it. They let go of the search and ask for it. Determine the orientation of the rock in the blood soul sea.

A group of stars and other stars are slowly suspended by the blood soul in the shining starlight. It is a real starry star, such as a huge diamond, and the crystal is full of light, and it contains the will of the stars.

Star nuclear!

It is the star of the suspended rock and rock cyclone. The stars are covered with blood and the sea of ​​souls. The billions of stars, like the long river, are watered by nine days and merge into the central part of the star. The star is extremely fast, releasing thousands of stars and glory. Cut eight wild and six.


Dozens of **** strong people are being hit by thousands of stars, and the body is like a crystal, and it is covered with starlight.

Like a star meteorite, a **** warrior slammed the ground, his face gradually became grayish white, and the heavenly spirit covered the stars, so that the soul altars were filled with stars.

call out!

A cluster of red and red flames, as if the flame meteor is empty, dragging the demon's arc, and accurately falling to the **** and powerful who are annihilated by the stars.

A **** fire erupted from the inside of their gods, and their bodies melted like magma, and they struggled to annihilate even if they struggled.

In the corner of the Blood Soul Sea, Woodlands has never shot, just watching it quietly.

In the depths of her beauty, she flashed a stun of her heart, and her heart was swaying. The heart lake was thrown into a huge stone, and it was a wave of shock.

She was shocked by a series of actions by Shi Yan.

This young man who belongs to the same family as their adults is only the source of the gods and gods, but he spares no effort to show the power of the heavens and the earth, comparable to the **** of the gods! The coverage area is still winning!

The 心 心 心 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Level!

It is necessary to live to take him out!

Yulan made up his mind and determined his eyes. He was prepared to spare no effort at the crucial moment, and he was forced to break away from the siege.

She saw the great potential of Shiyan, and decided that Shiyan would be the most dazzling rookie of the future Mozu, and would become a role that even more outstanding than him, and can dominate the future of the Malay Star.

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