God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 945: wack

In a blue and a bubble, Shiyan’s blood is flowing and quietly suspended.

This is a wonderful world of strange worlds. There is no trace of heaven and earth energy. There are only one blue-blue bubbles. Those bubbles release the blue light, which is like an enchantment.

The surrounding area is a stream of light, like a river traversing the void, countless blue-blue bubbles, filled in every corner, like a part of the ocean.

The blue-blue bubbles are like big and small, like a mountain. The smaller one is only a big fist, and the air bubbles in the stone rock can just wrap his body.

Bubbles in blue and blue, slowly floating, moving slowly in one direction.

The scarred body of Shiyan quietly recovered in the bubble. The broken bones and veins quickly re-grow and connect under the action of undead blood, and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There is no time to mourn here, and I don’t know how long it took. Shi Yan waking up and his face suddenly slammed.

He struggled and stood up in the bubble, his look became extremely severe.

This is not the area where he should come!

There is no trace of heaven and earth energy, no sun, moon and stars, no land, this is... space cracks!

Shiyan is amazed! .

He cultivates the space and righteousness, and naturally understands what the space gap represents. It is an absolutely dead area. There is no energy, no human traces, no creatures and flowers, only endless loneliness.

When he came out of the broken star field, he remembered clearly that the door of space was built. According to common sense, he should be able to break away from the broken star field and appear in the direction of his consciousness. He should be in the Malang star field. Not this space is cracked.

Taking a deep breath, Shiyan sat down on the knees, temporarily ignoring the mystery of this place, silently sensing the changes in the body.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

The destruction of the gods has completely recovered. Not only that, but the ancient trees in his body are also full of power, and the strength has reached an unprecedented height.

He immediately understood that the force that had been taken from the hole had already been transformed, and it was overflowing with him, only to restore his wounded wounds, and he also gained a lot of benefits.

At this time, he is the source of God's double heaven, full of power, and mysterious and mysterious, he should have been happy, but his face is helpless.

Because he didn't know how to sew out from this space, he didn't know how to return to the Malang star field. Here, his gods don't have any sense of power, and they can only look around with their eyes.

For a long time, he quietly worked his strength and tried to break the blue-blue bubble.


The blue-blue bubble that bound his companion suddenly exploded, and a stream of space rushed into it, as if it was shaking the waves of his body.

His body violently bleeds red and luster, in order to resist the invasion of space, and the body's strength is quickly consumed.

His face changed slightly, and he immediately looked at a blue-blue bubble, and his thoughts moved like a blade of space, slamming into the blue-blue bubble.

The blue-blue bubble can block the infiltration of the turbulent flow of the space. As soon as his body fell on the top, he immediately found it safe and sound.

Thousands of blue-blue bubbles float slowly in one direction, not seeing the stars, only the streamers of the spurs and the intersections, the streamers are fierce, if not the body of his body is strong, afraid that it will be shocked and collapsed at once.

He didn't know what was going on.

One thing is certain, the reason why he will appear here is definitely not his own wrong direction. It should be that no one has any influence on the space of the space he built, and he has a big problem in his direction. Otherwise he should be A region of the Mare Star field is located.

Although he cultivated the space, he did not reach the esoteric point where he could freely move through the space. He could not discern the entrance of the Malang star field, and suddenly he got a headache.

He knows what kind of disaster he will bring to the giants of Gulanxing and those friends because of his actions in the broken star field. His original plan, when he stayed at the Star of Life, immediately opened his son’s empty space. The sub-array of the array quickly moved the friends of Gu Lanxing.

He understands the urgency of time. If Gu Lanxing’s friends can’t leave early, those of Gulan’s friends may be devastated.

Shiyan is secretly anxious.

Numerous bubbles are floating, drifting slowly toward the unknown, and I don't know when it is the end. I don't know when I can find the way back.

I must think of a way as soon as possible!

His face was gloomy, and he decided to resist the turbulence of the space, rushing toward the blue-blue bubble, with a bubble as a springboard.

When the policy was set, he immediately proceeded to move around with strength, making the gods starry, forcibly breaking through the bubbles in his body and rushing to the nearest bubble.

As soon as the gods left the bubble, those space streams suddenly rushed over, and the impact of the scorpion, such as hundreds of millions of tons of water, was poured from the sky, causing him to be under tremendous pressure. Every muscle in the body was tightened, and there was a great pain in his mind.

He succeeded in entering a bubble in front of him, but he lost some of his strength.

In front of his eyes, there are thousands of bubbles, and with his ability to support his strength, if he continues to move forward, it is estimated that he can pass through a hundred bubbles at most, and then his power will be completely exhausted.

Can only rely on Shen Jing to recover.

His brow suddenly wrinkled and hesitated a little.

The mysterious and unpredictable, the first time he got involved, he knows nothing about the sinister secrets here. If the power is exhausted, what should he do if he is in danger?

But if you don't find the direction, so there is no purpose to float in the bubble, how can the friends on the Gulan star avoid the disaster?

Taking a deep breath, he continued to cover the whole body with energy, and his teeth continued to fly forward.

Ten blue-blue bubbles passed by him in his shuttle, and he re-entered in a bubble that could accommodate the gods.

There are endless bubbles behind me, the front is also the same, left and right all the way, no end, every bubble floats in one direction, as if never stop, do not know what is at the end.


His face suddenly sank, his eyes jerked brightly, staring to the front.

In the blue-blue bubble in front of a large ball, there is a gray air mass suspended in it, and there is actually a soul fluctuation in the air mass.

He immediately stunned, hesitated a moment, he rushed forward again, the body resisted the stream of space, hard to squeeze into a new, huge bubble in the center, from the bubble with soul fluctuations, only a hundred meters distance.

In the pocket-shaped bubble, the gray air mass condensed and changed, slowly turning into a pale face, slightly blurred.

He is facing the stone rock, it seems to frown, a little unpleasant release of soul fluctuations: "Don't toss, there is no heaven and earth energy, your power consumes one point is a point, or when you have useful time to come again Consumption."

Shi Yan stayed and said: "Who are you?"

He suddenly realized that the reason why he appeared here may be related to this guy.

Sure enough, the soul of the group snorted and said indifferently: "In order to get you over, my strength is a lot of consumption. You can help, don't rush to rush, how much more power can you keep?"

"Who the **** is letting you get me over?" Shi Yan's face was sullen and cold. "I was sure of the direction. The door to the space was not leaked. I gave you such a stir. I suddenly appeared in the space." I don't know when I can return, what do you want to do?"

"The kid doesn't know what to do." The soul of the group whispered. "This place is not something that ordinary people can easily come in. If I don't consume too much power, will you pull in? Don't be, you will stay there, wait until I will arrange you for the place."

"I want to go back, how do you get me in, please send it back." Shi Yan angered.

"You don't even think about it!" The soul of the group smiled coldly. "I am struggling to pull you in. I will let you leave. I honestly tell you that unless you do things for me, you can leave and leave." I know that you practice space, but without my guidance, you can never get out of it with your own strength!"

Shi Yan was sullen, suddenly silent, and his eyes became scarlet and bloody.

call out!

A starlight beam burst from his fingertips, suddenly tearing the bubbles, such as a streamer violently galloping, the target pointed to the soul.


When the star beam bursts out of the air and dissipates quickly, it can't be condensed. When it is about to break into the bubble, the energy of the beam is less than one tenth, and the power is greatly reduced.

The old face that was only changed, revealing the disdain, a wave of soul swayed quietly, and the vain stream suddenly gathered, and the slamming impact was on the streamer condensed by the stone rock.


The power released by Shiyan suddenly smashed and could not pose a threat to him.

"The kid doesn't bother, my understanding of this is far more than you, the cultivation of the source of your district, if I can hurt me, I will not pull you in." The man sneered Well, I said with awkward words: "I am still obedient, help me to get things done, I will send you back, and will give you a gift. If you have to think about it, you will stay with me in your life, hehe, I have been lonely for thousands of years, and it is good for someone to speak."

"Who are you? What do you want me to do for you?" Shi Yan frowned deeply and calmed down. "You let me do things, at least let me understand?"

"Hey, when I get to the place, I will naturally tell you that you can just give me a good security." The group has no physical body, and the sinister smiles. "You can rest assured that as long as you help me, I Naturally, you won't be ill-treated. You can come over, it's your blessing. I don't know how many strong people are trying to explore this place, but they have no access to it. Your kid is lucky."

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