God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 954: I can do it!

"Then I can only let you die here!"

Ibaka’s eyes were chilly and he sipped, and he wanted to shoot again.

Carlos and Krissen left and right, on both sides of Ibaka, listening to him saying this, hurriedly sipped: "Be careful with the kid! He is not easy to deal with! Don't enter his soul!"

Ibaka could not help but look at Shiyan.

"His soul ceremonies are very young, very difficult to cope with, we all ate a dark loss!" Krissen stated, "To kill this kid first, the three of us must work together! Ibaka, don't be reckless!"

Ibaka stunned and couldn't help but look at Carlos. Carlos nodded lightly and looked cold.

"Okay! Then kill this kid first!" Ibaka was in a cold heart. He also hated Shiyan. He wanted to kill himself outside. If it was not blocked by Carlos, Shiyan was afraid that he had already suffered.

From the attitude of Carlos and Krissen, he saw that Shiyan was unusual and did not dare to look down. He exchanged a look with the two and prepared to join forces to collapse the stone temple of Shiyan.

"You go first." Shi Yan suddenly turned around and glanced at the **** McGee. Hesitated, whispered: "If you can hold on, or rush to the center, see what is inside?"

Xiaolong McGee was very shocked. He didn't understand why Shiyan rescued him twice.

When I was outside, Shi Yan helped him, but I can understand that in order to use his power to deal with the Ibaka trio.

But now on the surface of the bubble, Shiyan obviously has no fear, it seems that he is not afraid of the Ibaka trio. At this time, the extravagant branch makes his soul get out of trouble, and McGee is a bit unclear.

"Remember to owe me a person." Shi Yan smiled lightly. "Go, let me go here, you should leave, I will stop them and ensure that they will not bring you trouble."

He has his care.

From the mouth of the ice woman, Shi Yan knows that McGee is the youngest son of the patriarch of the 孽龙, the 孽 一 在 出 出 出 出 出 出 出 出 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 出 出 出 出 出 出 出 出 出 出 出 出 出 出 出 出 出.

He wants to take advantage of the situation!

Time is rushing, maybe decades later, he doesn’t know if Gu Lanxing’s relatives and friends have already suffered, but he can be sure that even if the Giants and his relatives escaped, it’s definitely not good in the West. .

No matter what happened, some hatred will never be forgotten. After all, the Koma Star Field is not another area. It is difficult for him to control the situation of the West.

If he can get strong support, then naturally he will not be too worried, and he will be able to give the escaped person a place to stay.

A powerful dragon family can become a force in his hands. If McGee and his team can help McGee to escape from this place, the future may be a lot easier for him.

He is deliberately handing over McGee.

"Are you sure?" McGee obviously didn't believe it. "With your power, you can cope with the three of them? Are you sure?"

"You can go with peace of mind, I will help you with your peace of mind, rest assured, I can make it." Shi Yan smiled lightly and comforted: "You are not good at souls, you can't help me here, it's better to leave early." Even if I fall down, as long as you escape to heaven, you can revenge me in the future. What do you say?"

McGee was not stupid. After listening to Shi Yan’s explanation, he silenced and nodded. He turned around without saying a word.

The Ibaka trio did not attach importance to McGee. In their eyes, the demon is even stronger, and this place does not work.

As long as the stone rock can be cleaned up, they have time to kill McGee, so for the departure of McGee, no one of the three people blocked, and all the attention was placed on Shiyan.

Only after ... the direction of the dragon McGee escape, so that the three faces a cold.

McGee did not escape to the outside. He would follow the stone rock and have confidence in his physical strength. He rushed toward the inside of the bubble and wanted to see the place where the three groups of souls were remembered. What good things are there.


A cluster of flames emerged from the corner of the stone rock, reddish, red, golden yellow flames, like clouds, floating in front of the stone rock, a group of, like the rays of the sky, still Active.

The flames are condensed by the power of the deputy soul, and the energy consumed is the heat of the flames, forming a sea of ​​flames.

Shi Yan is in the middle of the fire, and he looks at the three groups of jealous souls with a sly look. The corner of his mouth is sneer. "Come and try."

There are not many forces that can directly harm the soul. Shi Yan does not know whether the power of space and the power of the stars can work, but he knows the power of the hot flame, which can definitely make the soul fail and even be burned into nothingness!

Sure enough, in his use of the deputy soul as the source of energy, a cluster of flames spread out, the three groups of souls immediately hesitated.

The faces of the souls of the three groups of souls all showed a heavy look, a little bit of it, but did not dare to rush in an instant, carefully trying to touch the flames.

A glimpse of the gods is released.


The blue arc rushed in, and the power of the gods released by Shiyan was defeated by an afternoon, and the brain hurt. Knowledge, he finally realized that here, any power of God can only be completely destroyed.

The skyfire sea that can be condensed by the deputy soul is not affected by this. A group of clouds, like clouds, are transformed into a flame ocean, centered on him and gathered tightly.

Ibaka's arrogant face, the first touch of the hot skyfire, close to a cluster of red flames.

His original clear face suddenly became blurred, as if it was twisted by the wind, and it was extremely horrible.

Ibaka was shocked and hurried away from the sea of ​​fire, his face became more and more dignified, and he looked deeply at Carlos and Krissen.

"The kid is really tricky!" Ibaka gritted his teeth and glanced at Carlos. "I knew that I should kill him outside! There is no outside stream available. What do you say?"

The souls of the three regiments linger around the rocky sea of ​​the rock, constantly floating, trying to find the gap that rushed in, but unfortunately, they circled a few laps, still have no choice but to rush into it.

The skyfire that has evolved from the source is very destructive to their souls, and they dare not take it.

Pieces of ice-blue ingots are intertwined by the blue arc, and slowly, the cracks are getting bigger and bigger.

The Ibaka trio is more and more urgent, and seems to know that delays are not allowed, knowing how much pressure their souls will endure when the crystals are crushed quickly.

"You roll it." Shi Yan smiled, but his tone was extremely mean. "Don't dare to rush in, how can you take me with three ghosts? Hey, wait until your defense circle is shredded. I think you will die in the dead. Coming soon."

In the body of the gods, the blood of the dead is burning, and the power of blood is quickly consumed.

He still maintains the shape of the undead, and is perfect, but every part of the body is filled with electric light, and every moment consumes the power of the flesh.

Here, the corrosion of the gods is happening all the time.

The blue lightning, like the sword of the sharp blade, was madly destroying his body.

If his body is strong enough to be a terrible situation, fearing that it has long been unbearable, the flesh and blood will become nothing.

The enormous flesh and blood energy contained in the undead blood is his hard work. Every drop of undead blood is precious. He stays here and consumes undead blood every second.

If it is not necessary, he does not want to be a white-powered wife, maintain the form of the undead, and endure the suffering of the flesh.

"He can't hold it anymore." Carlos's eyes lit up and sneered: "The more powerful god, it is impossible to stay forever. He, like us, is also consumed a lot. Once he can't hold it. When the consciousness is vague, isn’t it left us to kill?”

Ibaka and Krissen also looked shocked and nodded secretly.

"I really don't know how to live and die." Shi Yan was dumbfounded. Originally, he did not intend to waste energy, but looking at the posture of the three people, it seems that the day is the end of the strong, thinking that he will soon consume the body energy.


The raging fire is erupted from the stone shovel, and the hot energy contained in a cluster of fires is simply overwhelming.

The flames that stagnate around him, under the influence of his deputy soul, seem to have come alive, divided into three flaming rivers, which are covered by Carlos, Ibaka, and Krissen.

He took the initiative!

The three of Carlos were discolored, and the soul was full of fear. For fear of being enveloped by the sea of ​​fire, he hurried away from him.

Shi Yanzhen sneered, and the body gradually disappeared in the sea of ​​fire, as if disappeared from the air.

However, the three groups of Huohai Rivers are rolling, like long eyes, staring at the three people, and chasing after.

The Ibaka trio only had their heads to escape.


The ice blue crystals of the three people burst into bursts. In the chasing of the sea of ​​fire, their souls were completely exposed and entangled by blue lightning.

The three people want to kill Shiyan’s mind, and suddenly they are all gone. They are afraid to return to the original road. They dare not go deeper into the inside. The whole heart is sad and desperate. The opportunity of thousands of years is cheaper. Depressed couple wants to vomit blood.

The arcs are moving in the soul of their souls, and their souls are suffering from the heart.

The worst-cased Kristen was quickly stagnant, and the soul gradually became weak. Under the entanglement of electro-optical light, the imprint of life gradually split and collapsed, eventually disappearing completely.

Ibaka and Carlos are still escaping, and they want to get out of this circle as soon as possible. Soul Villa can also be consumed quickly.

Shiyan has already gathered the skyfire energy and rushed to the depth of the bubble as quickly as possible.

He also wants to see what is inside, and it is worthwhile for the three to wait for the millennium, and the hard-working ones have to squeeze in.

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