God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 958: Ancient foam

McGee's face-changing, watching Shiyan's ability to release space, to connect the space map, the eyes showed a trace of irritability.

Frowning, Shiyan paused on the hand movement, flew down from the array, and stood in the majestic palace, looking at the cold. []

It is a petite girl who looks young, only 17 or 18 years old, with two pointed horns on her head, a black leather armor, the skin is a body-building bronze, a pair of eyes like ruby, flash Bright and shiny.

The girl's voice is soft and the words are soft, but the blood in the body is extremely powerful, not inferior to McGee.


The girl snorted and looked at the sub-array in the palace. The bright red eyes brightened, and Xiao Yingying looked at McGee. "What do you do with a space transfer? Oh, McGee, you disappeared. Ten years, what are you banging on? Your father is very nervous about you, and let us help the tyrannosaurus to find your way."


Shi Yan was amazed and could not help but carefully look at the girl, secretly surprised.

The Yaozu is a very strong family in the Maru Stars. There are many branches of the Yaozu, but the two most powerful branches of the Yaozu are the Dragon and the Dragon, which are the pillars of the Yaozu.

The tyrannosaurus is also a well-known strong demon branch, and the dragons and the dragons are well-connected. The two strongest branches of the two demon are the most determined allies, and they will retreat together. As long as the demon has any crisis, these two The powerful branch of the Yaozu will definitely work together.

The young girl's body shape is obviously changed into a person, but her body's huge flesh and blood energy, but let Shi Yan suddenly affirm his identity.

Other racial warriors

It is generally difficult to achieve the degree of their flesh and blood, and only the demon of the body as the basis of cultivation, but also the strong demon branch, to achieve this level.

"Gu Mo, how can you be in Black Mercury?" McGee snorted and snorted: "And, don't be older sister and sister."

I don't have such a rude and unreasonable sister.

Say, what troubles do you have? ”

"What's the trouble?" Gu Mo smiled. "I can have any troubles. I am worried that you have something, come over and look at you. Why are you not welcome?"

"Not welcome!" McGee had a headache. "If you have nothing, don't bother me. I am so hard to come back and relax."

Then, McGee waved an impatient expression, indicating that Gu Moyu left early.

The violent dragon's ancient foam smiles, and carefully looked at Shi Yan, softly said: "Little brother, what is your relationship with McGee? I remind you early, McGee, this ul, is with him. Nothing good, you still have to draw a line with him earlier."

Shi Yan frowned, his face was cold and he did not answer.

Gu Mo snorted and was extremely dissatisfied with the attitude of Shi Yan. She glanced at McGee and suddenly looked back. The beauty was a little helpless and the voice was softer. "Mckey, I am looking for something to talk about." ""

"I will talk about it later." McGee snorted, and then said: "When I and my brother deal with things, tell you about your business. I explained in advance, don't take me as a shield, let me help you." court disaster.

Shiyan was amazed.

From the attitude of McGee, the relationship between the girl of the tyrannosaurus and him should not be shallow, but the girl used to have McGee as a shield, so McGee would be dissatisfied, but the 孽 dragon and the tyrannosaurus were good. The affirmation between him and Gu Mo is also very good, and this will be a resistance.

"Don't! I like a guy, a guy who is stinking, and that guy is now... I’m so heavy that my father is so heavy that I can’t even pick it up.” Gu Mo was put away, not to avoid stone rock, soft Channel: "I don't know his preference, that guy is very stuffy, and I don't know what he thinks. I think you are all male. It should be easy to communicate. You help to explore his tone and see who the guy is. Think about what you think."

McGee, stunned, looked at Gumo, and said a little stutteringly: "You, you are not kidding? I have never seen you like this, you really like him? No? Tyrannosaurus A little violent woman, depending on whether you are a man with nothing, there will be people who are tempted? Is he... our demon?"

"It's our Yaozu, but it's not our Malang star. We came to our Malang star field ten years ago. He is now a warrior of our tyrannosaurus. My father said that he has endless potential and said that he will become a Yaozu in the future. The new star." Gu Mo slightly shy, "that guy is very cold, this decade for our tyrannosaurus to fight the Quartet, has won our respect, my father recently considered, to draw a star of life to him ""

"No?" McGee came to the interest. "Your father's eyes are very high. A foreign guy can make him value so much. Is that guy really so powerful?"

"Yeah." Gumo nodded and hesitated. "He seems to be a mixed breed. He has the blood of the gang, the power is very strange, and it is extremely evil and terrible. He is a Yaozu, but it is our Malay Star. The demon branch that I have seen, he called... called a ghost."

Shiyan was shocked, and there was a shock in his mind. He didn’t know what Gumo and McGee said.

Ghost! It turned out to be a ghost!

When he left the land of God's grace, the sneaky spirits and the spirits of the spirits, the king of the corpse, and the king of the corpse, and the genius of the corpse, and the inheritance of the genius, even if they completely lost contact with him.

After he returned, he searched **** the mainland of God. He only found that there was a passage in the demon mountains that day, and there was no trace of sneaking them.

After many years, I did not expect to hear the sneaky news again in the Malang star field. How can he calm down?

Counting, the sneaky scorpion should be his first conquered mount, and his grandfather brought it out of the demon domain.

The special origins of the sneaky scorpion are the souls of the sacred ghosts and the demon world. The sacred ghosts and the scorpio dragons are the most singular demon and the World of Warcraft in the sacred world and the devil world. After he followed him, he found it extremely terrible.

He couldn't imagine it. After so long, he was able to hear sneaky news in the Malang star field.


How can we relate to the tyrannosaurus in the Martian domain? What happened to them in the inheritance area of ​​the Tianhui Mountain? Where did he go before he arrived at the Malang Star Field? What happened?

Shi Yan looked blank and stayed there, sinking in the huge confusion and shaking for a long time.

McGee is still communicating with Gu Mo, mainly because Gu Mo is talking about it. He said that many ghosts are relying on many battles of the Tyrannosaurus. "The guy is very powerful. Since coming over, he has been fighting all the year round, bloodthirsty and ferocious, than the means of our tyrannosaurus. I have to be cruel and poisonous, and my father is extremely heavy. He has participated in many battles of my family. I have achieved great results and deterred my enemy. Now I am about to break through to the 12th level. I guess... not too far."

"It is about to break through the 12th level? It is the peak of the 11th level. It is similar to the peak of other ethnic origins. But you have already been at the 12th level. You still need to please him?" McGee was surprised.

"I can't fight him." Gu Mo smiled embarrassedly. "I just because my father is heavy on him, he will fight him in private. After the defeat, he almost ... killed me almost. At that time, I only discovered his charm, and only this kind of man deserves me!"

"Ah!" McGee was shocked. "He is one level lower than you. He almost killed you? Gu Mo, have you not grown up in these years?"

"Do you think you are amazing?" Gu Mo is cold, "Even if you are, you are also defeated! If it is not that he is so outstanding, I will not forget him. We are different from other races. It is rare to see this. The race that can be challenged more and more, especially the one who can beat me. In the Yaozu, we are the two strongest, he can make me lose as a tyrannosaurus, and it can also make you defeat, even kill you!"

The words of Gu Mo’s remarks are a matter of course.

McGee apparently did not believe, sneer and shook his head. "Unknown clan branch, or a difference of one level, he can beat me McGee? Ridiculous! I see that you are admiring people, not giving up all the power will be defeated, women are This is the case, it will be emotional!"

"You go?" Gu Mo also came to the real fire, cold and charming smile. "He is on Black Rock Island, do you want to verify it in the past? If you can beat him, I promised to stop looking for you later." I will help you hide those things you used to do."

"Is this statement true?"


"it is good!"

McGee suddenly came to the spirit, and he grinded his fists. He smiled and grinned. "You hold my handle and often threaten me to make a small report. I have long been unhappy. Hey, teach you the admirers." Let you know the power of Laozi, and save you later."

McGee Horan stood up, and he was going to go out with great interest. He suddenly remembered something. He was embarrassed to look at Shiyan and said, "Brother, you stay here, I will go back. Rest assured, there will be no more trouble here. You, I will arrange it later."

The ancient tyrannosaur's ancient foam, but did not care too much about Shiyan, and gave him a look, don't overdo it.

In the eyes of Gu Mo, Shi Yan, a warrior with only the source of the gods and two heavens, is obviously not worthy of attention. The Tyrannosaurus is one of the strongest branches of the Yaozu. It is famous in the Mawei Star Field and has always been higher than the top.

"I am going with you." When McGee and Gumo were puzzled, Shi Yan reached out and pulled the sub-array back to the magical ring. He silently followed, and said indifferently: "I also want to see it. ”

"Kid, a little while you are far away, the person I like is extremely powerful, and I never care about other people's lives. Seeing that you are a friend of McGee, I kindly remind you, don't look for a dead end!" Gu Mo frowned, said kindly.

Shiyan nodded indifferently.

"McKia, your friend's realm is not high, how can you recognize it?" Gu Mo did not take into account the feelings of Shi Yan, and said to McGee, "You will be careful when you are, don't really irritate him. Otherwise, I can't stop it. He...he doesn't listen to me at all, as if no one listens, sometimes even my father's instructions, he will fight, this one

... too arrogant, but

...I really like it. ”

Gu Mo’s face is infatuated, as if he is deeply in love with the sea.

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