God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 960: Stone rock guarantee

McGee rushed out of the giant hole and his body was hidden in the black water dragon. Central, the momentum is like a rainbow, carrying the power of Wan Hao, smashing to the ghosts.

Oh la la!

The black water dragon swims in the void, and the thick water mist ripples, and the energy of the surrounding area suddenly shrinks into a bundle. []

The energy of the heavens and the earth on Black Rock Island seems to have been evacuated at that time, so that the souls of all the warriors trembled fiercely. There is a sense of anger and the illusion that the altar is deeply immersed in some unknown trembling vortex, and some people are uncontrollable and involuntarily Black water dragons gather.

The cultivation of the race of the body, the use of the heaven and earth villas to the environment, can easily gather the energy of the heavens and the earth, hide and linger, and integrate into the flesh and blood.

As a dragon and a tribe, McGee has been honing his body throughout his life. His grasp and grasp of the power of the world has reached an extremely advanced and exquisite level.

The cold sneaky look, watching McGee take the energy of Black Rock Island, frowning slightly, his eyes finally dignified.

McGee is definitely an enemy of the battle.

He didn't know the origin of McGee, and he didn't know what to know. He didn't even know why McGee was going crazy.

However, the sneaky scorpion is now the captain of a tyrannosaurus team. There are hundreds of bloodthirsty and demon-like devils under his majesty. Only he is a leader and he is sincerely surrendered to him.

He can get such support because he has no predecessor in every battle, and he is not afraid of any strong force. Even if he faces a person who is higher than his realm, he dares to confront each other.

He will never lose face in his knees.

Therefore, the ghosts did not hesitate, and the face was like a real fire.


A spurt of the sharpness of the sky, the ghosts suddenly plucked from the first volley of the bird battleship, such as the unbreakable sharp weapon, smashed to the black dragon.


The explosion of the landslide broke through every corner of the Black Rock Island. Many of the realm of the earthquake trembled on both legs, and the soul was trembling.

Countless dazzling power aftermath is like a drop of arrow fireworks, splashing from the void, and screaming in all directions.

Every time the aftermath of the force falls, Blackrock Island will have a dark cave with no bottom, and the depth of the island will be boiling from the sea, and a black water arrow will emerge.

Blackrock Island has become full of addiction, and it has become a riddled hole. The caves of thousands of people have been bombarded by thousands of people, and many ancient woods have been crushed into sawdust.

The rock broke, and some of the power left the waves on the island, pulling out a few kilometers of gullies.

Many onlookers look stunned and can't help but trigger the power of the righteousness. They are covered with colorful masks and shelter the body.

The ancient foam was also discolored in vain, and the scream of the dying brilliance flashed, and the hand was turned to Shiyan.

The dark green mask made purely by force, like the green sea bowl, will cover all the body of Shiyan, and isolate all the energy aftermath.

Shi Yan looked at her strangely and nodded secretly.

It seems that the relationship between Gu Mo and McGee is indeed very shallow. She looks at McGee’s face and has leisure to help herself and protect herself from infringement. This shows that Gu Mo is very good at McGee’s face, unlike the previous performance. random.

The dark green mask, such as the neon barrier, glimpses the astronomical network, and the energy contained in it is extremely rich, so that the spirits that Shiyan released are as deep as the mud, and even the sound can't be heard.

The figure of McGee and the sneaky scorpion constantly meets and slams in the void, making Black Rock Island a fascinating fireworks feast, splashing thousands of dazzling spots.

McGee is not a reckless person. When he confronts the ghosts, he intentionally or unintentionally moves the battlefield and gradually moves away from Blackrock Island and approaches the southern sea.

In a short time, McGee and the ghosts have left the Black Rock Island and rolled up and down in the endless ocean. The two have never changed their demon body. They have been fighting in human form, like the two most violent violent collisions. To make the sea water boil and set off a few kilometers of waves.

"McKee has grown up." Gu Mo nodded secretly and quietly glanced at the stone rock beside him. "He used to practice not seriously, greedy and lascivious, and squandered everywhere. I didn't expect him to be powerful for decades. The use is so subtle. Well, has he been retreating for a while?"

Shi Yan stunned, and immediately smiled, no explanation.

Only he knows that McGee's power is growing, not because of penance, but that the soul is completely purified by the refining liquid, and his perception of power reaches a new situation.

"It should not affect us." Gu Mosi measured it, and opened his mouth.

Covering the dark green mask of Shiyan, it turned into a dark green water flow, disappeared in the ancient Mohongyanyan lips, and the ancient eyelids suddenly lit up, and suddenly they suddenly flew, and soon came to the southern beach of Black Rock Island. A towering boulder stopped.

Shi Yan hesitated for a moment, and also quietly flew up, standing side by side with the ancient foam, looking into the distance.

In a short time, a group of warriors gathered from a distance and stopped in the nearby gravel area. They talked cautiously and watched the battle between McGee and the sneaky.

Their eyes are excited, they are arguing over who will win, some feel that the sneaky are stronger, and some think that McGee is more staunch, each other has their own opinions, and they are red-faced.

It’s just... no one is curious about why McGee and Ghost are fighting.

This makes Shi Yan very surprised. "The battle of your demon wars,

Can there be no reason? Not subject to any restrictions? -


Gumo nodded and said casually: "Of course! Our demon people advocate fighting, not only for the aliens, but also within their own families. One of our demon's teams, there is always only one way to select the captain. The strongman is on the top! As long as you feel that the power can exceed the captain, the challenge is successful and you can get on the right."

After a pause, Gu Mo softly laughed and said with arrogance: "The patriarch candidates in the tribe are also elected in this way. Whether it is our tyrannosaurus, or McGee, their dragons, each patriarch It will always be the strongest of our own people. There will be no exceptions! Our demon family will be able to maintain the power of the race through this never-ending challenge system before they can have a place in the Malang Star."

Shi Yan nodded silently. "It's really unique."

The way of the Yaozu is very rude and barbaric, but the characteristics of the ethnic group and the beliefs of the whole race are like this. There is no end to the fighting to stimulate the physique. Although the Yaozu has inspired many contradictions, it can make this race flourish, all status and power. Wealth is acquired through strength.

To some extent, this kind of incentive for the Yaozu is very sensible and the foundation for maintaining racial power.

"Little sister." A low-pitched voice came, even if I saw a Yaozu people, cold face to this piece, he did not look at Shiyan, Xingshi asked the sin of the ancient Modao: "You have provoked wheat Base?"

Gu Mo smiled softly and admitted it directly. "Yes, I let McGee fight, I want to see how strong the rabbit is!"

Shiyan looked at the demon race, three meters tall, with a long tail of iron armor wrapped around the waist, a long silver hair with a shoulder, and a heavy armor, giving a feeling of heavy mountain. The people of the famous demon family were sitting behind the ghosts before the one of the flying bird battleships.

He seems to be a member of the sneaky team.

"The sneaky adult is coming to the Black Mercury, following the instructions of the patriarch, and there is something to be done. The little sister-in-law is chaotic with the temper, letting McGee and the sneaky war fight, fearing that it will cause disputes." The clan is cold-faced and is not afraid of the female of the tyrannosaurus patriarch of Gumo. Shen Sheng said: "Mckey is a dragon, and the sneaky adult is the warrior of our tyrannosaurus. No matter who has an accident, they will Caused the contradiction between us and the dragons."

"McKid has a sense of proportion, and should not go to a desperate struggle." Gu Mo smiled and waved his hand. "Witt, you have to worry, there will be no accidents."

Known as Werther's Yaozu, his face sank and shouted: "McGee may have a measure, but a ghost is not necessarily an adult!"

Gu Mo was amazed and looked at him with awkwardness.

Witt took a deep breath, and the bell-like eyes showed a trace of fear and uneasiness. His long iron armor tail dragged on the ground swayed irritably, crushing the gravel into pieces, "Little sister and ghosts do not Familiar, you don't know the character of the sneaky adult. If the adult is really angry, it won't be because the McGee is the son of the dragon patriarch, he will be merciful. He... is really dare to kill!"

"Isn't it?" Gu Mo's face smiled and his eyes flashed a flustered.

Witt's cold eyes swept a stone, and immediately lowered his voice. He sighed: "Adults, adults have had a dispute with a small team of the dragons and dragons. Because of the provocation of the dragons, they said that they are... hybrids. As a result, the result..."

“What is the result?” Gumo’s heart was uneasy.

"The result was that the dragon team was chased by tens of thousands of people - killing. When we arrived, we didn't see a complete corpse, and we were torn into pieces. The scene was terrible." Witt down his head, body The trembled, I don’t seem to want to recall the fear that made him fear, saying: "The character of the adult is very extreme, and he doesn’t like the dragon. He really... It’s really possible to fight the wheat in front of countless people. Base! Little sister, your chaos, may even cause us to fight with the dragons!"

Gu Mo suddenly, suddenly realized that she had done a stupid thing, and her mood became extremely irritated and hurriedly said: "I advise McGee, you advise the ghosts to let them not continue."

"I can't help the adults." Witt smiled and shook his head. "You can't persuade him. I want to come over and hope that Xiaojie will inform the patriarch as soon as possible, let the patriarch come and solve it personally, otherwise the sneaky adult will go crazy and really give McGee." Killed, our ally’s ally’s tens of thousands of years of ally’s relationship may have been broken.”

Gu Mo's face was pale, biting his lower lip, and his heart was worried.

She looked far into the vast waters of Black Mercury and found that the battle between Ghosts and McGee seemed to gradually come to life and death. Perhaps the next moment, two people would be hit hard and one of them would be killed.

Gu Mo was really scared, she knew that the tyrannosaurus really wants to tear the covenant to the opposite side of the dragon, what it means to the whole demon, this may make the demon go to split!

Her soft little hand, trembled, wanted to swear in her arms, wanted to immediately communicate her father, and her father solved the problem for the first time.

"Not in a hurry."

At this time, Shi Yan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said indifferently: "I promise that the ghosts will not come."

Gu Mo and Witt glanced at it very strangely.

Ps: Today will be four more, the completion of the annual meeting ~ ~ (to be continued)

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