God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 965: Fu Wei

"Sorry, I have not planned to join any forces for the time being."

Shi Yan shook his head and refused cleanly, but he seriously asked: "How do you know that I am practicing space?"

The Malang star field is a high-grade star field. It has a detailed division of the power of the righteousness. According to the description here, there are hundreds of kinds of the righteousness, which may be more numerous than the race of the Malang star.

Space ambiguity is a kind of singularity that is extremely partial, and it is difficult to get started. In the major trading auctions, there is almost no evidence of such classics and inheritance.

The warriors who can get started in the space esoteric are all chances to break through. They are not following the introduction of the masters who cultivated this kind of righteousness, and there is no precedent that is directly obtained through the source of the mystery.

Special ambiguity is generally not easy to see, even if the high-level patrol is low-level, it is difficult to judge.

"The little brothers have just fallen into the enchantment of our gods, huh, we have a special enchantment, and have the ability to distinguish." The middle-aged man smiled and said: "The enchantment can not only accurately know the semantic attributes attached to the gods, but also It is possible to judge the realm of the realm. The little brothers are in the second generation of the gods, but the age is not big, and the cultivation talent is very rare."

The micro-seismic in the heart of Shiyan has a new understanding of the magic of the medicine cabinet.

"The little brothers can think about it. The space sinisters are very rare. There are not many people who practice this kind of ignorance in the Malang star field. Those who can reach the level of the little brothers are even more phoenix horns." The man paused. Continue to say: "But we have a long-awaited medicinal cabinet, and cultivate the space of the righteousness. Today is the realm of the three gods.

Well, in our medicine cabinet, there are also a lot of books about the meaning of space, which are all obtained through various channels. ”

Shiyan eyes suddenly brightened.

...... The space of the righteousness of the classics, this is extremely rare and precious, may not be worthwhile for other warriors, but for the cultivating space of the righteous, the precious degree is simply indescribable.

At least, whether it is the gods of the mainland or the flames of the stars, he has not seen any description of the space, and he knows the value of those books.

"What price can be sold?" After hesitation, he immediately came to the mood, and his heart was quite excited.

Laughing and shaking his head, the middle-aged man with acne on his face looked at him deeply and explained: "If you don't sell it, no matter how high the price, we won't take it out. If you don't know that the little brother is the space. I will not say anything about this in the righteousness. Of course, if the younger brother can join us and gain a certain status, we can open it for you."

Shi Yan stunned and frowned.

"You can think about it." The middle-aged man is very graceful and seriously said: "The selection of people in our medicine cabinet is very strict. It is not an easy task to join us. Once in the medicine cabinet, it means The Malang Star Domain can be detached from the world, and it is not threatened by the forces of all parties. It can concentrate on cultivation and enjoy the extraterrestrial resources of our medicine cabinet. For many people, joining the medicine cabinet is a good thing to dream of, little brother. Think carefully, don't rush to refuse."

After the man finished speaking, he nodded with a smile and left.

Shi Yan sat down silently and looked at the vast starry sky for a long time.

In the middle of the battleship, the beautiful woman's ring couldn't help but let out the light. A book of the old piece was lined up in front of her eyes. She held a book and focused on reading.

The old man bent over and stood aside, looking at her lovingly, without any words.


The low tweet came from a miniature octagonal array on the left side of the woman. The octagonal array, which was tempered by unknown materials, was like a futon, and it was lightly burned.

The woman put down the book in her hand and looked at the octagonal array with her brows, and thought of it like a rainbow into the array.

Daddy, a book scroll emerged from the law, the text on the book is varied, obviously does not belong to a race, and she grabs a book with her slender fingers.

The octagonal array immediately dimmed and restored silence.

"Small and long-haired, the books you called from the headquarters are all about the Holy Scriptures. Can you not find a holy scripture for you?" The old man who had been silent for a long time saw that she did not continue reading, whispered: "The holy code disappeared. In 10,000 years, there are many rumors about it, and the books that record the Holy Scriptures are also very vague. There is no indication of the direction of the Holy Scriptures. Many of the long and old ancestors in the cabinet have been searching for many years, and they do not know the whereabouts. In fact, I am afraid that this is a waste of energy."

The woman arranged a scum of a scum, and she was helpless and sighed. "There is no clue. I have read 32 of the introductions about the Holy Scriptures. But each one is very vague. I only say that the Holy Scriptures are mysterious. But there is no such thing as a mystery, and there is no saying how it disappeared. Anzhen, you have been in the pavilion for thousands of years, knowing about the situation of the Holy Scriptures."

Known as the old man of Anzhen, frowning and thinking, for a moment, whispered: "Ten thousands of years ago, our medicinal cabinet chief appeared in the Malang star field, holding the holy ritual to create the medicine cabinet, gathered the Martell star Many refining pharmacists and refiners in the field set the rules to allow the Pharmacy Court to become a super-and-out force in the Malang Star. After the creation of the Pharmacy Court, the first-generation keeper became increasingly aging, and for hundreds of years. Naturally fallen, the soul dissipated, and after the death of the first cabinet owner, the war broke out in the cabinet for the new cabinet owner. The holy code also disappeared in the battle. It is said that it was taken away by a long-time old man. There was no sound, and it was lost."

"While the second generation of the lord won, he was crowned the throne, and he was able to search for energy and failed to find the sacred book.

Now that tens of thousands of years have passed, our pharmacy cabinet owners have reached the fourth generation. The medicine cabinet has become the most indispensable force in the Malang star field. The eyeliner is everywhere in the star field. The clues of the Holy Scriptures. Looking for a million years of fruitlessness in the pavilion, I don’t want to waste my spirits when I am young, I am sure that I will not be able to find it. ”

"Everything has to be seen."

Anzhen carefully looked at the woman, kindly persuaded, for fear that she was wasting too much time on the top.

She watched the woman grow up and knew the talent and ability of the woman. The woman had the opportunity to become the fifth-generation cabinet owner in the cabinet. If they could have nothing to worry about, they could get the supreme in the pavilion through the woman’s high position. Distinguished position.

But if the woman is wasted in vain and wasted in the illusory holy scriptures, it will make their expectations of the predecessors of the power in this cabinet.

"The first generation of the owner has left a will, and the person who received the Holy Scriptures will be the new cabinet owner. If you can find the Holy Scriptures, I think we can be a lot easier." The woman whispered.

Anan shook his head bitterly. "It's not that easy. If you can get it easily, the Holy Scriptures have already been found."

The woman silently, sighed in her heart, did not continue to say more, and then look at those broken volumes, suddenly felt boring.

"Small and long-haired, Fengan invited a small warrior to come in. According to Feng An, the Xiaowu practitioners cultivated space and righteousness, and the accomplishments were not shallow..."

"Space amnesty." The woman's eyebrows moved, as if coming a bit of interest, "Zhu Bo let us pay attention, if you see a good space of the righteous, let us help him to draw hard, Shi Bo virtual God triple heaven, space ambition Very high, but many micro-array methods can't do everything, always have to find an assistant to help, that morning... is it in line with the conditions of Shibo?"

"According to Fengan, the man did meet the conditions." An Zhen nodded lightly. "But he seems not interested."

The woman is amazed. "The conditions we have given are not good enough. Isn’t Feng’an not saying that we have a space for the righteousness of the books, and that there is a space for the three-day space of the virtual gods?

"That said." An Zhen smiled.

"I personally talked to him." The woman grew up and took a handful of the book on the bracelet on her wrist. It disappeared, and she immediately emerged from the battleship's central hub, to Shiyan. The direction is slow.

In the corner of the battleship, Shiyan squinted and the palm of his hand was quietly lost.

He suddenly put the crystals up and looked up.

At the center of the battleship, a woman wearing a long skirt and a skirt procrastinating on the ground, decorated with all kinds of small ornaments, floated like a fairy.

His eyes were full of radiance, and he looked deeply on the little ornaments on the woman, and his heart was full of horror.

Shi Yan is also a refiner. The rumors on the refiner are still visible. The eyes are naturally there. There are dozens of small ornaments on the woman’s body, the bracelet on the snow arm, and the broken skirt. Jade, every ornament has a very hidden energy fluctuation, each of which is carefully tempered, engraved with extremely complicated enchantment and array.

Silently perceived, he can be sure that dozens of small ornaments on women are secret treasures of God!

This discovery made him very shocked, his expression quietly dignified, do not know what the identity of this wealthy woman in the medicine cabinet, the woman walked, the surrounding guards showed a respectful attitude, as if she was the owner of the battleship .

Shiyan became more and more cautious.

"I am Fu Wei of the medicine cabinet, the smallest one of the twelve old medicinal cabinets." The woman came to the scene and introduced herself halfway through the room. She walked between the ornaments and the cicadas, like a mountain. Clear springs, blue dragons are as deep as the sea.

Shi Yan stood up silently and nodded indifferently. "My name is Shi Yan."

"I officially invite you on behalf of the Pharmacy Court. Please join us. As long as you nod your head, I will arrange it properly. Let you be a deputy at the side of the sacred space of the sacred space. All for you to prescribe, my release will also explain the essence of space ambiguity for you, what do you mean?" Fu Wei throws an olive branch, tone is light, seriously look at him, it seems that Shi Yan will not refuse.

"Sorry, I don't want to join the medicine cabinet." Shi Yan shook his head gently and said calmly.

Fu Wei looked amazed.

Ps: There are more than one ally, sweat, owe the addition of the two lords, the pressure is great~

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