God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 967: Reunion

Looking at the refined figure that was slowly out of the mother's array, the tears on the cheeks of the rich cheeks did not consciously overflow, and only the full of sorrow was suddenly vented.

Thirty-two years have passed by, for some people, it’s just a glimpse of it, but for others, it’s a long night without a bright night, and it’s sinking into pain and sorrow.

Feng Qi thought that Shi Yan had disappeared, and the soul mark was erased, thinking that this life is hard to see again.

When she was most powerless, the mother array reacted and Shiyan walked out alone.

Familiar faces, familiar atmosphere, familiar people, just like yesterday.

Feng Qi is crying low.

The ancients of the giants were silent, and they called for the soul, and let the family Lao Naxin come over soon.

Ferran, Liana, and Cato got up together, and all the sights gathered on the people, and they never moved.

Yang Zhu's Yang Zhuo, Long Zhu, Yi, Bi Tian and others, the refining pharmacist Jester, Cao Qiudao, Tang Yuannan, a group of people, explain the excitement, and deeply look at the people.

At this moment, they only know how important this young man is in their hearts.

No one is available!

Shiyan looked at the starry sky, and the gods wandered around, suddenly nodding his head. "Everyone is here, okay, okay."

The crowd immediately laughed.

Not long after, the giant Naxin rushed in, his face was so excited that he couldn’t hide his face. "I didn't expect you to be alive."

"Of course, alive." Shi Yan smiled. "I am a short-lived person?"

Na Xin is a little embarrassed. "It’s okay, nothing is fine."

A group of figures gathered in the flames of the stars, the gods of the mainland, and the giants of the tribes, have received messages from all corners of the meteorite silently, are silent, just look at him, as if to see Fresh hope.

Tens of thousands of people gathered in countless sights to gather their bodies and rock smiles. "It’s much better than I thought."

He thought that after the disaster of the Great West, the friends of Gu Lanxing could hardly escape the birth of the day, and the one that started the formation, his fingers were shaking and making the worst plans.

I didn't expect everyone to be alive, although the situation was not good at this time, but as long as the soul is still extinct, any disadvantages can be reversed.

Being alive is more important than anything else.

In the past, Yang Zhuo patted him on the shoulder and said the results of these years.

Shi Yan acknowledged and listened. When Yang Zhuo finished speaking, he smiled gratifiedly, and looked at the thousands of lotuses that had been moved over by the waterhole. They frowned and immediately charged.

A piece of thousands of lotuses emerged from the pool, disappeared one by one in the strange blue bottle, and was given by him.

Everyone looked at him without saying a word, no one dared to disturb.

For a while, I will take out a few bottles and hand it to Na Xin. I laughed and said: "According to our agreement, these thousands of lotuses belong to your giant family."

Na Xin is also welcome, carefully close, and then ask: "What should I do now?"

There is no star of life on the edge of the Malang star field. There is no heaven and earth energy. It is very difficult to cultivate the realm. If you can't get out of it, everyone can only consume the power of the day and will slowly weaken.

"Let's leave, I have found a new star of cultivation for you." Shi Yan indulged and told him: "All people and things are transferred together."

During the speech, a piece of crystal crystal crystal spiraled out of his ring and fell to the mother array like a raindrop.

The operation of the mother-in-law and the empty array requires Shenjing as the source of power. In order to transfer all the people here, the consumption of Shenjing is extremely great. At this time, the Shenjing inlaid on the mother array is not enough to support the end of the migration.

Na Xin and Li Anna and others nodded, and Yang Zhuo immediately told the message to let everyone gather with the items.

Soon, thousands of people gathered around the mother array, and according to Shi Yan’s instructions, one by one went to the mother’s light door.

A piece of crystal power is quickly consumed.

Time is flowing slowly.

I don't know how long it took, and most of the meteorites entered, leaving only Na Xin, Lianna, and Ferran, and they stood still beside Shiyan.

"This mother array, how to deal with it?" Na Xin frowned.

Today's Na Xin, has reached the virtual world of three gods, his inheritance in the gods of the mainland, in the broken star city and Iv exchange exchange materials, thirty-two years of hard work, help him break through the first order.

Fei Lan also entered the virtual **** two heavens, the understanding of the virtual world really entered the room, Lianna virtual **** a heavy day, Cato source God triple heaven, three people from Shiyan where the benefits of receiving goods, after thirty-two Digestive cultivation has gained substantial benefits.

“How to dispose of it.” Shi Yan indulged, saying: “You go first. When I return, I will block the mother’s array and let outsiders not find us through the mother array.”

This place is extremely remote, far from the Malang star field, on the edge of the star field, and the meteorite is still flying.

The mother matrix can be connected to the sub-array. When all of them leave, the mother array will still be on the rock. I don’t know what area will flow to it. I don’t know if it will be found by any living creatures. Discover them.

Everything is hard to predict.

The blockade of the mother-in-law is blocked, and only Shiyan can achieve this in the high-priced space. In order to ensure that nothing is lost, it is a good strategy to seal the space with exquisite space.

Na Xin and others immediately nodded and agreed, under the watchful eyes of Shi Yan, - entered the mother-in-law.

On the vast meteorite, in addition to the stone rock, there is no trace of life, and the starry sky is boundless. The meteorite is still flying fast, becoming a gorgeous meteor.

This meteorite, split by the broken star field, is driven by an unknown force, leaps to an unknown corner, or hits the star barrier, smashes into stone fragments, and may also turn into smaller meteors. Wearing a star-shaped barrier will turn into a meteor in another star field.

Shiyan silently looked at the surrounding stars, sinking for a moment, and finally entered the mother-in-law.

The light in the mother matrix gradually shrinks gradually, and the whole mother matrix seems to be locked by the space. It disappears on the rock, and there is no trace of energy fluctuation. It becomes a part of the stone, and it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to detect.

Once the meteorite burst, the mother array will be destroyed, leaving nothing behind.

However, if the meteorite is not extinguished, one day Shiyan will really have no way to go, and it is possible to sneak through the sub-array to avoid the strong pursuit.


The sub-array was collected, and Shiyan drilled out one by one, and immediately immediately waved and grabbed the sub-array into a magical ring.

The dense towering ancient trees will cover up the light, and the tenacious light will pierce the huge leaves and illuminate the wet land of the forest. The martial artists who belong to all parties are deeply looking at Shiyan and watching him The contraction, watching him close his eyes.

After a long time, Shi Yan took a deep breath and made a smile. He said: "This place is the blood star, the field of the demon of the Mozu strong, I also came to see it, but I think we can stand here."

When Na Xin’s eyes lit up, she couldn’t help but scream: “The blood star! It turned out to be a blood star!”

The demon star is a very famous star of life in the Maru Star field. The seventh level is the most energetic star of the heavens and the earth. There is a strong **** devil who has reached the beginning of the gods and two heavens. In the vast Martian domain, The demon star is also a famous and fertile land, and the name of the Gorefiend is even more powerful.

It is undoubtedly a dream for them to be able to stand on the magic star and become a place of cultivation here.

On the edge of the star field, they even think that there is a first- and second-level life star standing, and it is still the luckiest thing. Now that Shiyan is coming, bring them into the blood star, the entire Malang domain The most famous star of life, can they not be ecstatic?

"Of course, I haven't reached a contact with the Gorefiends. For the time being, don't distract them, wait for me to arrange them properly." Shi Yan thought for a moment, saying: "Don't move around in the forest, I try to see if I can contact." Woodlands."

Lianna, Ferran, and Cato had a slightly brighter eye. They knew that the **** scorpion 霁 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为 极为I must have attached great importance to his sudden appearance.

Listening to him saying this, the three men nodded secretly and also let go of their hearts.

The people of Naxin and the Giants naturally did not know the relationship between him and Woodlands. He was worried when he said this.

The **** devil's brutal and poisonous is famous all over the world. Even the remote and extremely western land is famous. He is more cautious and careful. He is worried that the **** sorcerer will find it and will break out with them.

His fears are really coming out soon...

A 100-man demon squad, perceives the internal changes in the forest, sits on the chariot of the white bones, and screams coldly.

This forest is in the northwest corner of the blood star, and there are very few creatures wandering. Suddenly there are thousands of unidentified creatures. This makes the captain of the 100-person demon squad extremely shocked. This place belongs to the scope of his patrol. The situation is too strange. If something unexpected happens, he is afraid that he will not be able to shirk his responsibility.

The 100-member demon squad rides on the white-bone chariot. There are various kinds of Mozu branch people on the top. There are black scales, dragon horns, winged people, monoculars, and other demon people who have appeared on the mainland. There are also many of them. The Mozu people who have never seen it, or have sharp corners, or flesh-like rocks, or a few arms, are strange.

For the first Mozu tribe, it is the captain of the 100-person squad, the illusory god, the heavenly realm, the Longjiao Udon.

Uden was alone in the white bone chariot. The chariot was covered with bones. He stood on the top and overlooked the road in the forest. His face became extremely ugly. "Who are you? Dare to invade the blood." Star, don't you know who this is? How to get it all!"

A chariot of war rushed over and scattered in all directions, faintly encircling the gatherers here.

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