God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 973: Millions of messages

The energy fluctuations of the magic hall gradually disappeared. ‘There is no more power in the world.’ The stone body has faded and faded, sitting on the round table in the center of the magic hall.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and his mouth showed a strange smile.

Thousands of lotuses are really singular treasures, which makes him more than double the sea of ​​knowledge. When the soul altar is in the insight of the righteousness, the understanding of the realm becomes more and more profound.

He suddenly felt that he seemed to be able to break through to the source of God's triple heaven at any time. He only needed to re-grow the ancient tree and reach the threshold of strength.

The power of the crystal infused in the magic hall, the power of heaven and earth and the power of the stars that have been handed down, most of them poured into the bones of his body, letting his body be quenched again, but his fine ancient trees did not benefit much and failed to achieve breakthrough. limit.

After the Shangyu broke through to the source gods, he did not have a good time to absorb the energy. He did not integrate the essence of the martial arts in the battle.

This time it is a bit different.

In the past breakthroughs, he will never lack strength, but only need to break through the realm.

But now, his realm seems to have been broken, but it has dragged back in power, so that he failed to smoothly enter the source of God.

u power, huh, huh, it seems that you need to find a place to fight and kill. Shi Yan smiled in disappointment, and did not rush to get up, and immediately went outside.

He knows very well that as long as he kills some of the same level of realm and draws their annihilation energy, he should be able to make the ancient tree of the fine element mutate, and then enter the source of God's triple heaven, he never worried about power.

Outside the temple, Woodlands and Lianna, Longzhu, Feilan, Naxin and others waited early. When they saw him coming out, they all had their eyes bright.

“How do you feel?” Xiaolan smiled and said, “The master’s magic hall is most suitable for perseverance. You have integrated Qiandenglian. Should you harvest it greatly?”

Liana and others are also looking forward to seeing him.

"There is only one step away from the source of the gods, and now what I have to do is to accumulate energy and let the ancient trees complete the transformation." Shi Yan explained with a light smile.

Yu Lan sincerely admired: "Sure enough, the harvest is not small."

Liana, Ferran, and Cato are all face to face, and they can't help but laugh. They know the mystery of Shiyan. The lack of power needs to absorb growth slowly for ordinary people, but it is not a problem for you...

The trio even thought that Shiyan had broken through the source of the gods, because the accumulation of power, it is too easy for the rock.

"What about the medicine cabinet?" asked Shi Yan.

"It’s coming soon." Woodland looked into the distance. "Well, I will be there soon."

Sure enough, the sound of the orchids fell not long after, a chariot of warriors piled up with materials, screaming from a distance, headed on the chariot, that Fu Wei and An Yun are in the middle.

"Sorry, it's a bit of a hassle." When Fu Wei came over, he sighed helplessly. Chong Shiyan said: "The source of the esoteric origin that you booked happened to be sold out. I was afraid that I couldn't get it in a short time."

Lan Lan frowned.

Shi Yan is also a look.

Excited Longzhu, Yang Zhuo and others, Xing hastily came over, the most important thing is the source of the righteousness, listening to her saying so, full of excitement was ruined by cold water, one by one lying there.

They and the various kinds of cultivation materials purchased by the medicine cabinet, the total value of the 20 million gods, a single source of the righteousness, it will have 10 million, in the source of the righteousness of the gift, the drugstore is the most expensive, they are also It is recognized that the biggest profit is cheaper.

The source of the righteousness is even more scarce for everyone. Fu Wei suddenly said that she could not get it in a short time, so that everyone was obviously dissatisfied.

Woodland deeply looked at that Fu Wei, frowning deep, and her face did not have a consistent smile. "Fu Wei sister, what is this about you? Before the transaction, you did not say that the source of the righteousness will not have Will the problem be conveyed with those cultivation materials?"

"I said so." Fu Wei nodded, but did not deny it. "But I did not expect that the nearest source of the mystery in the cabinet has already sold out others. The source of the righteousness you asked for is It’s a high-level one. Now we have a few miles of voyages from the nearest star field. I didn’t expect this to happen. I’m really sorry.”

Shi Yan’s face sank. “How long will the new esoteric heritage come?”

"This is hard to say." Fu Wei sighed. "If everything goes well, it will be about three years, but if there is any accident, it will be difficult."

Lan Lan frowned and looked at Fu Wei deeply. "Sister, don't you feel that you have suffered a loss, deliberately shirk it? Indeed, 10 million out of the sale of the source of the righteousness, you are losing, but this is your promise Now, I feel that it is not appropriate to suffer a loss?"

"Of course not." Fu Wei did not change her mind and said indifferently: "We have an agreement on the transaction, but we have not clearly stipulated how long we have sent the medicine cabinet to the source of the sinister confession. It is not allowed to default. However, it is necessary to wait for a while. I can only say that you can only wait."

Yang Zhuo sighed and said to Shi Yandao: "We have a lot of people who are not allowed to get started. Now we are all waiting hard. We hope to determine the righteousness for ourselves through the source of the righteousness. Although it is not long in three or five years, it is a day of delay. One day, especially if they want to be taller one by one"

Shi Yan silently looked at Fu Wei, and after a long time, suddenly said: "Can you think of a way.

Fu Wei spread his hand, but he said: "I am thinking of a way, give me some time, when I want to leave the blood star, I will tell you the result."

Shi Yan’s face sank.

He faintly felt that Fu Wei was shirking and deliberately martyrating them, but unfortunately there was no way to argue with her at this point, and her heart could not help but irritate.

Where did you offend this woman? Shi Yan asked himself, and the silver was full of doubts.

Lianna’s eyes looked at Fu Wei, and her body seemed to show a dark brilliance. A wonderful wave of undulations could not help but diffuse out. I saw her surrounding light quickly receding, making her dark and inky.

She immediately noticed the changes caused by anger and hurriedly converged.

An Yun, who was originally on the chariot, Heng also stunned, his eyes showed an unclear luster and looked at Lianna deeply. Suddenly said: "Then you... but cultivated the darkness?"

Liana glimpsed.

Shi Yan also suddenly tightened his brow and couldn’t help but look deeply at An Yun. "Do you know the darkness?"

Lan Lan was amazed and looked at An Yun.

An Yun flew down from the chariot, stood in front of Shiyan and Lianna, and his face was dignified. "I have seen one person cultivate this kind of ambiguity. This kind of ambiguity is quite rare, and our esoteric heritage cannot be printed. This is not an ambiguity that can be integrated into the source of the mystery."

"You, have you seen people use it?" Liana's dark blue eyes suddenly groaned, and she looked at her "in a person's body for a moment?"

"The man does not seem to be in our Malang domain. I don't know where it comes from. I use this kind of mystery." An Yun sank. "He still has a brother. The cultivation of the righteousness is also very special. It can erode everything." ""

The Ferran body suddenly became stiff.

"Our Pharmacy Court has been collecting all kinds of special meanings, and hopes to be integrated into our esoteric heritage. The two people's ethics are very special. We tried to integrate, but they failed." An Yun thought about it. I feel that there is nothing to hide and tell the story.

Both Liana and Ferran were excited and shouted: "Where are they?"

Liana’s father and Ferran’s man once practiced darkness and corrosion in the flames of the stars, and mysteriously disappeared many years ago, and no longer appeared in the flames.

The guiding direction of the star map is in the Malang star field. Both of them know the orientation of the star map. Lianna and Ferran also secretly guessed that they all entered the Malang star field. Unfortunately, the Maji star field is vast and vast. There is no way to pinch.

Now, when I listen to An Yun, how can I not be excited?

An Yun took out the expectation on their faces, and when he felt a move, he couldn't help but look at Fu Wei. Fu Wei nodded gently, his eyes filled with smiles.

An Yun immediately knew what to do, and his face suddenly became weird. He said arrogantly: "Our medicine cabinet sells all kinds of cultivation materials, but also sells the news. This news is very precious. Let me directly inform the fearful morning... ...not realistic?"

Lianna and Feilan immediately turned a stiff face and couldn’t help but look at Shiyan. The eyes were full of hardships.

Shi Yan nodded, and Chong Anyun and Fu Wei said: "How many crystals can you tell?"

"Ten 10 million." Fu Wei measured it, said in an understatement.

Everyone was discolored, and even the orchids couldn't help but drink low: "Fully sister, you are a bit too much? What news is worth ten million?"

Fu Wei did not change her mind, and she did not look at her. She only explained to Shi Yan: "The news of our drug store is the most expensive value of 100 million. This news is only 10 million, I think it is suitable, you want it or not. This news?--

Lianna and Ferran did not say much, and they prayed to look at Shiyan, which is what they asked for for the first time.

Liana’s father and Ferran’s man were the hegemons of the darkness of the guiding year. They practiced darkness and corrupted the righteousness. They were closely related to him. For whatever purpose, he also wanted to know the movements of the two.

Shiyan took a deep breath and prepared to agree.

At this time, that Fu Wei smiled softly. "Of course, the news is also exchangeable. You also have the information I need. We can talk about it."

A rock in the rock.

Fu Wei immediately said sorry to the orchid: "I want to talk to him alone.

"Is it a separate chat?" Lan Lan suddenly said, immediately subconsciously said: "You deliberately martyrdom, do you want to talk to him alone? What do you do... is it too obvious?"

Fu Weixia flew her cheeks, her face suddenly red, and she glanced at her with amazement, then said to Shi Yan: "We talked alone."

"Stone!" Ferran whispered, "I want to hear it!" Liana also said.

"Okay." Nodded, Shi Yan said: "It seems that you can't talk to you alone. Don't you mind?"

"No problem." Fu Wei also sighed with a sigh of relief, and her heart was slightly excited. Seeing that she grasped the handle of Shi Yan, she was really happy. She informed An Yun and left with Shi Yan. Going to their temporary residence.

Ps: Four chapters, for the addition of the squadron of the "Skin Coast", there is also a new ally of the cool breeze, hey, try to make up tomorrow, killing.

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