God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 992: Blood knife sheath

Shi Yan suddenly stood up, his eyes were red and bloody, and his body was full of anger.

Looking up at the light curtain stained with blood, he grinned and said to the three people, Ferran, Liana and Cato: "Let's go out."

The three nodded silently.

A line of four figures, like four electric lights, suddenly passed through the light curtain of the giant ship, rushing to the rear of the ghost family.

Dozens of ghosts and tribes were stunned by the medicinal weapons. With the destruction of their warships, they were gradually pulled back as the ships sailed at speed.

At this time, Shiyan four people were dispatched to kill those ghosts.

In the mind and change, a dead and desolate atmosphere is released from the center of Shiyan.

The blood in the Xinghai is gathered by a certain force to form a cluster of **** oceans. The stone rock body is soaked in the blood, and the eyes are cold and sullen.

Death of the mysterious **** of the blood of the sea!

The **** sea is pervasive, and a ghostly ethnic group is drowned by the blood. The negative emotions of despair, fear, bloodthirsty, and violentness suddenly flood into their hearts. In an instant, those ghosts are like crazy, not wanting The person who lives next to the attack.

Ferran, Liana, and Cato hit the past, such as three fierce dragons, releasing the righteousness and cruelty to those ghost-like people.

Dozens of ghosts and tribes, only two virtual gods, one of them reached the virtual **** two heavens, one in the virtual **** one heaven, the Ferran virtual world released, a space that corroded the sky, the name reached the virtual **** II On the other day, it was entangled in the medicinal cabinet guards.

In a thick darkness like ink, Lianna stared at another ghost-like god, a **** of emptiness, and Liana's figure disappeared, as the darkness blended into one, and the darkness penetrated the other side to understand the sea soul.

Cato’s body will be provoked by chaos, and he will be centered on it, as if he had formed a terrorist butcher farm and attracted a famous ghost.

Shiyan is a sea of ​​souls and spirits. The thick **** sea is spreading toward Cato, and the ghosts and tribes who are dragged by his chaotic twisting force will be shrouded together.

The screams of screaming, suddenly came from the ghosts of the tribes, filled with despair fear, such as the horror, a horrible scream, often accompanied by the annihilation of a person.

The body is hidden in the soul of the sea, releasing the soul altar, the black hole appears, quietly devour the soul of others.

The giant ship suddenly stopped.

An Yun’s face changed slightly and he couldn’t help but scream: “They killed it!”

Fu Wei bit his teeth and whispered: "Chaos!"

"This will affect the speed of our progress, will let Du Lin have time to calmly arrange, let us block the dead!" An Yun iron face, "damn! They did not know us, so it is so chaotic, even if What about killing those ghosts? We will be trapped!"

Fu Wei nodded. "They really affect our speed."

"Small long old!" An Yun took a deep breath and firmly said: "Don't stay and wait for them, we will rush out directly at the fastest speed, and later will change!"

Fu Wei's eyebrows are deep and locked, and the mirror at the top of the head is suspended. The darkness in the mirror reveals a **** sea. The three shadows of Lianna, Cato and Shiyan disappeared. Only Ferran used to corrode the meaning. Inflict power on a ghostly tribe.

Gazing at the glance, Fu Wei suddenly showed a trace of horror, and said: "Look!"

An Yun looked at the situation and showed shock in his eyes. "They, they started fast!"

There are more than 20 people in the ghosts of the ghosts. Most of the realms are at the source level. This power is killed by the medicine cabinet, and it is afraid that it will not be extinguished in a short time.

However, four people in Shiyan, Feilan, Lianna and Kato districts, after rushing out of the light curtain, they were so short, and they killed more than 20 ghosts and ethnic groups. In the thick-blooded sea, a famous ghost-like ethnic group is like crazy, and they are still killing each other.

According to this speed, it may not be long before those ghosts and tribes who are not dead will be destroyed by one.

This made Fu Wei and An Yun stunned and felt the fear of the four people's combat power.

Just four people...,

Fu Wei was shocked, indulged, and decisively ordered: "Give them a quarter of an hour, if the time is up, they have not returned, we will leave."

An Yun stunned and nodded. "They are extremely amazing in their fighting power. Indeed... it is indeed a powerful boost. It is a waste of abandoning them in vain."

She was scared by the fighting power of Shi Yan and others, and suddenly changed her previous ideas.

Through the mirror, Fu Wei and An Yun can clearly see the ghosts of the tribes, one by one, and then they are killed. In the **** sea, the body bursts, and in the mad roaring, they gradually lose their self. The vitality is drawn, and the breath gradually weakens.

In a darkness, Lianna has no signs. A ghost-like strongman who has reached the virtual world and has a stagnation, his eyes are sluggish, and his eyes are painted black, as if he is taken up by the darkness, his expression is extremely painful.

The ghost-winged strong man in the virtual world of the double gods, do not know why, the energy in the body is rapidly weakened, as the corrosion energy penetrates the body, the defeat is also obvious.

Fu Wei and An Yun looked quietly, and their faces became more and more horrified, and they were shocked from time to time.

"They...what is the origin?" Half a ring, An Yun whispered in a nightmare whisper: "These four people, each seems to have the ability to leapfrog, the power of each individual is not unusual, their combat effectiveness. It is enough to destroy those who are deeper than their realm! God, what are the four guys, how can they be so different?"

Fu Wei also stayed stunned. "All are extremely evil and rare powers. The four people's blood is so amazing that they are far beyond the same realm! They are enough to completely suppress high-level realms!"

The strengths of Shiyan, Feilan, Lianna and Cato are all rare in the world. They are all bloodthirsty and gossip. They are extremely evil, and they are not allowed for the world. Once they show their mystery, they have never seen each other. The opponent of the righteousness immediately ate a big loss.

In a blink of an eye, the battle ended with the last scream.

More than 20 warrior remnants of the warriors, one without leaking, all killed, the gods and soul altars were annihilated together, a trace of vitality.

The double-nose scarlet stone rock, which emerged from the blood soul sea, glanced at the direction of the giant ship behind him and quickly adjusted itself.

In a short time, his eyes returned to normal color, and the evil and violent atmosphere was still released, and he continued to run a few times, and then he flew toward the warship.

The **** Ferran, Liana, and Cato three, like three terrible beasts, followed him closely.

The light curtain of the giant ship suddenly came to an end, and the warrior of a famous medicine cabinet on the top was awesome on the deck, and the expression was complicated to see the three people return. The guards of each medicine cabinet, the look at them at this moment, are faintly disturbed, and the power they show is shocked. When they come to the deck, those people can't help but retreat and keep a distance from them.

Fu Wei came out from the central hub of the battleship, and the blue scorpion was a colorful singer. He looked deeply at the four people in Shiyan and whispered: "Working hard."

An Yun was standing beside her, secretly confining strength, and even careful to beware of it. The four people who were afraid of the rise of the killing would be very cautious.

"You don't look very good." Shi Yan glanced at her and frowned slightly. He said: "The Royal Warship should be very depleted for you, but it doesn't matter. After a while, I will help you."

Fu Wei and An Yun are all a glimpse.

Did not explain anything, Shiyan indifferently went to the interior of the battleship cultivation room, Ferran, Lianna, Cato three silently followed, along the way of the drugstores, seeing them close, they will take the initiative to avoid, give They set aside a smooth road.

Soon, Shiyan four people penetrated into the interior of the battleship and disappeared from the eyes of Fu Wei and An Yun.

Feng An did not know where it came from, his expression was complicated, Shen Sheng said: "This is not a thing in the pool."

Fu Wei and An Yun nodded secretly and thought deeply.

"Small old man, he said to help you for a while, what do you mean?" An Yun was surprised, a confused inquiry.

Shaking his head, Fu Wei also felt inexplicable. "I don't know what he meant."

"I don't think Du Lin doesn't know that there is such a boost on our warships." An Yun suddenly remembered something and his eyes lit up. "Maybe we can do a lot better."

Fu Wei looked relaxed and smiled and nodded. "Perhaps, we can smoothly support Feng Bo."

Everyone is excited.

Deep in the Xinghai.

A black shark and blue shark warships are stagnant, faintly arranged in a cone, blocking a critical level on a certain Star River route.

Above the battleship, Du Lin smiled softly, listening to the message of his majesty, nodding from time to time.

He smashed the battleship of a warship. The burial of hundreds of warriors did not seem to affect his mood at all. He was still calm and his face was not reduced. "It is really strong enough. It is good. It seems that I really don't miss the old feelings." ”

"Less master." One person landed on one knee and leaned up.

Putting his hand and telling his mind, Du Lin said: "Don't worry, I have a measure. This is the first of the Holy Scriptures. I know how to deal with it.

The man immediately stopped talking.

"Be prepared." Du Lin took a deep breath and the smile on his face gradually converges. "There are three hours. After three hours, they will go to this place. Oh, when they want to face, it is not a ship. The battleship is gone, but our entire savage shark fleet!"

The crowd rushed to the promise, and the violent loudness was uploaded on a warship, such as the thunder and thunder.

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