God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 995: Thunder Spear


A glimmer of glare-like glare, from the giant ship one by one crystal cannon, the front of a blue shark warship was hit by a riddled hole, directly smashed into fragments.

Pieces of burning battleship fragments, the flames of the stream are falling, the hot rays shine, as if the most splendid fireworks burst, the beautiful thrilling, but with a ghost of the ghosts of the tribe. [..com]

This is the sixth destroyed savage warship. There have been hundreds of ghosts and tribes who have been buried, and their souls have been smashed.

In the Zhongyang Central Hub, Fu Wei looked calm and quiet, and the face was healthy and rosy, and the exhaustion was swept away.

Shi Yan stood quietly behind him, such as the most solid barrier, a hand gently placed on her rich back, can detect the tremors of her flesh and blood.

Fu Wei’s mouth has a relaxed smile.

The back of the hand, a steady stream of mysterious energy, such as Qingquan warm her flesh and veins, nourish her dry and fine ancient trees, so that her spirit is full, always maintain the state of full power.

She has a feeling that as long as the hand does not leave, she will never lose, she will always be in the peak state, and she will never feel exhausted and powerless.

The feeling of being cared for and cared for, Fu Wei has never experienced it for so many years, as if that hand is the most important thing in her life, as long as she stays on her back, she will never be defeated.

On Anyun’s face, there was a surprise that could not be concealed. He looked deeply at the indifferent youth who looked up and looked up.

The mad warship is a strong force for the ghosts. The leader, Du Lin, is famous in the Mazhao area. He is a very outstanding young strongman.

The hope of the Crocker family was pinned on him, and he was recognized and cultivated by the drugstore.

Du Lin almost tens of thousands of pets in one, the real pride of the sky, the most dazzling star of the Ma Yuxing domain.

An Yun did not think of this difficult battle, can be maintained in this form, and now Fu Wei is still in a good spirit.

When this warship was built that year, An Yun was also one of the participants. She knew the structure and quenching method of the battleship.

The battleship takes Fu Wei as its soul. Every enchantment, prohibition, imprint and array is connected with the soul of Fu Wei. She is the initiator of all defenses and attacks of the warship.

At the bottom of the giant ship, there are tens of millions of top-grade Shenjing, with Shenjing as the source of strength.

As long as Fu Wei does not consume energy

As long as she can maintain a sober battle, she can continue to mobilize tens of millions of crystal energy at the bottom, forming a light curtain defense to form a terrorist attack.

It only consumes the energy of Fu Wei, and if the power of Shen Jing at the bottom of the battleship is always in full power, they have a full of Shen Jing to maintain the ultimate defense and attack for the warship.

If the atmosphere is coarse, there is still no force in the Malang star field to dare to compete with the medicine cabinet.

The appearance of Shiyan is the biggest variable and opportunity. An Yun is still horrified.

She didn't know what method Shiyan used. It could make Fuwei all the losses quickly. She believed that if Shiyan could keep Fuwei at its peak, the defense and offensive of the huge ship would not be exhausted, and it would always reach its peak. The ultimate.

Fu Wei's face is healthy and rosy, her breath is steady, her blue eyes are slightly open, and her smile is bright.

Shiyan does not move like a mountain. One hand, like the source of energy, is dispersed into a small energy river, which is poured into the body of Fuwei, so that her state will never fail.

Looking at the cold young man, watching Fu Wei, who is quiet and relaxed, An Yun can't help but have a thought: If the two are combined, is it afraid that there will be no disadvantage?

The only black shark warship with no action, Du Lin smiled, and frowned, his eyes gradually cold.

Behind him, the three ghost-winged sacred gods and two heavenly people landed on one knee, barely leaning their heads, biting their lower lip, and the lips had penetrated the bleeding wire, showing their inner anxiety.

The savage shark fleet helped Du Lin to build for the Crocker family. The family helped Du Lin to have this ghost-like strong fleet. It took a lot of effort and almost exhausted half of the family's resources. The savage shark fleet carried Dulin's position as the future patriarch. The heavy responsibility is the hope of the Crocker family.

Nowadays, six warships have been crushed, and hundreds of elites will be annihilated in the Xinghai forever, and there will be no possibility of reuniting the soul.

It’s all because of Dorian’s waywardness.

"Less Lord!" An old-fashioned ghost bell of the ancient dragon bell, whose mouth is bloody, clenching his teeth, and grief: "The people are still being killed. They are all followers of the Lord. Is it less important to watch? More tribes die? Less Master, this is the team of the Crocker family! It is your most loyal sire!"

"If the Lord is determined to do this, it is so old... It’s better to die in front of you!" Another ghost-like ethnic group screamed with a sigh of relief, and the heart of the speech burst into a raging light. The forehead slammed.

Du Lin was moved and immediately stopped.

A thunder and lightning entangled, such as a snake coiled around the man's arm, and his body was suddenly imprisoned.

The ghost-family old man’s self-destructive arm can no longer be pressed to his head, and his suicide gesture is stagnant. His eyes are full of grief, but he is deeply looking at Du Lin. "Less Lord, is it worth to sacrifice so many people in order to get the woman really?"

His heart is bleeding.

Du Lin was silent for a long time, suddenly sighed helplessly, nodded and said: "I understand."

The three-listed ghost-skinned people on the knees saw Du Lin’s attitude change, his eyes suddenly brightened, and the fire of hope blazed. His face was sharp and stern: “Please ask the Lord to shoot!”

Du Lin turned around and looked at the huge ship that was gradually after all. He looked at the dazzling light curtain, felt the combination of countless prohibitions and enchantments, and watched the ruthlessness of a famous man being killed. The hesitant eyes are gradually firm.

He knew that once he had a sudden killer, he would never have the true heart of Fu Wei.

He is so eager to come, he really hopes to be able to impress Fu Wei, hoping not to go to the last step, to be able to get the Holy Scriptures smoothly, but also to successfully get Fu Wei.

... But he was ill-advised. He did not expect that Fu Wei could persist until now, and has not shown any signs of fatigue.

This abnormal situation made Du Lin puzzled, but had to go to the most unwilling step.

Once he shot, he and Fu Wei had no room for manoeuvre, and they could never get the heart of Fu Wei. At most, they could only get the flesh of Fu Wei, and they would fall down in the realm.

Du Lin’s heart was arrogant. In the past, Fu Wei’s refusal to him made him pledge that he must impress Fu Wei one day, so that Fu Wei really fell in love with him and became his sage, helping him to open up the soil. The star field climbs to the top.

But today, he knows that the vows of the past will never be realized...

He flew out from the head of the black shark warship, stayed alone in the vast void, and faced the gradually approaching medicine giant ship, his face calm, his eyes showed a hint of helplessness.

Hundreds of ghost-growth people, no matter where they are, have temporarily stopped, holding their breath and looking at him, waiting in silence.

A few old-fashioned ghost-winged old men, secretly excited, quietly clenched their fists, eyes full of expectations.

A bright spear, like a thunderbolt, is shining, bright silver, and appears from Doolin's cuffs.

The eye-catching Thunder lightning illusion, such as the ray world, was slowly opened, and a little bit appeared on the top of Doolin. There were tens of millions of lightning entangled inside, the thunder was roaring, the world was collapsed, and the thunder was densely flooded like a gossamer. world.

The bright silver spear, which is only one arm long, is covered with natural lightning patterns, and it contains the thunder and lightning electrodes.

The spear flew out silently, such as a pair of training and shooting to the drugstore giant book...

The tens of millions of lightnings in the thunderstorm of the top of Doolin’s head, as if the lightning wire was pulled away from the virtual world, was condensed on the spear with rapid perfusion. The spear was instantly attached with thousands of thunder and lightning, as if The meteor runs through the heavens and the ground to the light curtain of the drugstore.


The defensive light curtain formed by dozens of enchantments, bans, imprints, and arrays of medicinal instruments was directly pierced by spears. The sky generally covered the light curtains of the giant ships, breaking through a hole and instantly visible at the naked eye. Tearing.

The dazzling thunder **** light, covered with light curtains, tearing apart the light curtains a little bit. The people of a famous medicine cabinet under the light curtain were bombarded by the thunder gods, and the direct body was black and charred. The soul is scattered, the power of the gods is destroyed, and all of them suddenly languish.

The Thunder God Spear, the Ghost Pattern to the Treasure, the Yuanshi class of the gods weapon, controlled by the Crowk family's proud son Du Lin.

Du Lin, who majored in lightning and ignorance, was able to release the power of the thunder and the spear. He was able to give the billions of Thunderstorms to the virtual world, and to destroy the gods.


In the central branch of the Pharmacist's Giant Ship, Fu Wei's red lips shot a blood arrow, and his face was pale and pale.

Her delicate body is full of electric awns, the energy inside the body is violent, and the pain is resisting the lightning invasion.

She and the giant ship enchantment, imprint, ban, and the formation of the law, the light curtain of the giant ship was torn, and the lightning she felt the same, as she suffered, was really hurt by this blow.


A faint lightning bolt with a Thunder deterrent, along the stone rock to Fu Wei's arm, rushed directly into his body.

Lightning, such as the powerful arrow, was smashed in his flesh and blood, so that his tough ribs were tingling, and his arms almost smashed. At this time, he was so painful that he had to temporarily Wei Shen body removed.

"The first weapon of the Yuanshi class, the thunder and the spear! Doolin actually used the Thunder Spear!"

An Yunru blew up and violently thundered. "He dared to use the Thunder Spear! He is trying to kill us, the left spring is really crazy! The killing faction is long, the left dung is not afraid of being all long.垩 讨 讨 ? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!

Shiyan is amazed.

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