God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1002: Shadow family

All the way, they saw more battleships, chariot fragments, and more corpses of various ethnic groups.

The Shadow Ghosts fight endlessly throughout the year, and there is no peace in the day. As the most chaotic land of the Malang Star, the races here have long been accustomed to endless **** battles. Everyone who can stand on this place has a battle. The experience of fighting people is extremely rich.

The people here are cruel, believe in the norms of the survival of the fittest, do not presume without rules, and only use the power of the realm as the standard for measuring identity.

"Brothers, Shadow Ghosts are extremely vast. If we have no direction to explore, we are afraid that it is very difficult to find a target." Cato is irritated on the rock, watching a piece of suspended chariots around him, helplessly: "What is this?" Is it the end?"

They came to the Shadow Ghost for half a month, and they have been moving forward. There are many unbearable scenes after the fierce battle along the way. So far, they have not encountered a living creature.

In the cold and lonely star sea, it seems that there is no survival, so that the souls of all people are gradually intolerant, and that there is no feeling of helplessness that can not find the end, and gradually fill the soul.

"What is the urgency? Our direction is always clear, but you don't know it." Shi Yan scolded a look at the distance on the blue-gray meteorite. A drop of blood like a gemstone bloomed from the between, and the strange energy fluctuations suddenly It overflows from the blood flow.

Like the light of a soul that is invisible to a Cambodian card, a glimpse of blood flies toward the corner of the deep starry sky, instantly hundreds of millions of miles.

Slightly squinting, the stone in the stone smashed in a little bit of blood, like the connection with the drop of blood, the body also sent a mysterious wave.

"Go ahead." He turned to look at Ferran.

Ferranmo nodded, still saying nothing, continuing to enhance the energy for the blue-gray meteorite, allowing the meteorite to move quickly.

Zuo Shi and Xuan Ming sit on the corner of the meteorite. The eyes are closed and the breath is long and long. They have been quietly practicing and realizing the realm. With the help of Shen Jing, they hope to be able to go further.

In the meteorite gallop, Shi Yan’s eyes glanced at the complicated left poem, which was secretly surprised.

He is keenly aware of the power of the left poem, and every day is elevating. Although it is not as good as he used to swallow up the mystery, the speed at which the left poem can be absorbed by Shen Jing is very comparable.

Among the blood of the left poem, there is the sacred blood of the sacred sacred sacred martial arts. The sacred martial arts are the creatures born in the ancient times of the sacred empire. At the very early age, they broke free and rushed into the vast sea of ​​stars. To some extent, the creatures of the ancient times It is better than the Protoss and the Devils.

The birth of the mysterious world, as if the beginning of the insight into the existence of the essence of power, each has an earth-shattering horror energy.

The sacred sacred sacred martial arts, the water of the righteous power of the Holy Spirit, is said to know the essence of water at the time of birth, and the blood that remains in it also has the essence of water. From generation to generation, the mystery in the blood is sometimes exhausted, sometimes it is violent. .

Even the Xuan Ming of the same family with Xuanwu, because of the generations passed down from generation to generation, the blood is said to be impure.

On the contrary, it is Zuo Shi, and I don’t know why, the purity of the blood is so amazing that Xuan Ming is the best, and the blood of Zuo Shi is firmly believed to be the closest to the ancestral basaltic. It is the most qualified to inherit the subtle essence of Xuanwu Water. successor.

Frowning, secretly and sensitively, Shi Yan’s expression was different and he nodded gently.

His current statement on Xuan Ming is no longer doubtful.

The left poem seems to be suitable for practicing the essence of water. The blood contains the mystery of the righteousness. In the realization of the water, she seems to have no bottleneck, and every day the realm is slightly improved.

The kind of rapid progress made him equally admired and amazed.

If the world is really a genius, then the left poem should be such a leader. Compared with her, Shi Yan may have to bow down.

Perhaps I was aware that someone was watching secretly, and the eyes of Zuo Shi’s eyes slowly opened. When she found out that she was rocking her, she couldn’t help but smile sweetly. “You always look at me?”

"You are now in the king of God, I want to know how long you can get to the source of the gods."

"How long?" Zuo Shi thought carefully, and then said very casually: "It should be very fast, about half a year later, I think I can break through the source of the gods."

Fei Lan, Lianna, and Cato three, originally did not pay attention to this side. After hearing the phrase of Zuo Shi, the three people suddenly stayed, and looked at her like a monster, and his face became extremely wonderful.

They know that the left poem broke through to the gods and two heavens on the giant ship. How long has it been? In half a year, you can reach the source of the gods. If so, what is the speed of cultivation?

metamorphosis! It's all abnormal!

Ferran was exclaimed in the heart.

On the other hand, Xuan Ming is not strange. I have been with Zuo Shi for so many years. He seems to have been numb for the rapid improvement of the real world of poetry. I am not surprised at all.

"This time it is indeed very fast. It used to be not so fast. It took several years for a breakthrough in realm." Zuo Shiqian’s explanation, "is the help of Fu Wei’s sister, Dan, she gave me no. The gods of the five-six products of the gods and the medicinal herbs that enhance the strength, those medicinal herbs make me condense very fast, I don’t have to worry about it in the realm, and naturally it breaks quickly."

"In the past, if you didn't use the medicinal herbs, the breakthrough in a realm was only the time of ‘several years’?” Cato stayed aloud, irritated and scratched his head, and there was a feeling of collapse.

"Well, there was no medicinal medicine before. I just accumulated strength through Shenjing, and naturally it was much slower." Zuo Shi answered seriously.

Cato opened his mouth, looked at the left poem, and looked at Shiyan, half-sounding.

Ferran and Liana are also stunned.

"The ancient continent is, after all, the ancient continent. There are wonderful things that we can never imagine. Maybe only the mysterious ancient continent can make such a wonderful talent." Fei Lan sighed and felt a sense of being defeated.

Shiyan's cultivation miracle, they look in the eyes, did not understand, but gradually deepened into contact, to understand the ultimate secret of Shiyan strength without barriers, they are clear, and then understand why Shiyan cultivation is so fast.

Can regret it...

Obviously it is just an ordinary little girl. It is clear that there is no mysterious and powerful devouring support. Why is she so perverted?

The three men looked at each other with a smile and shook their heads, feeling that they were far away from the two little monsters.

"Fu Wei sister is really good." Zuo Shijiao looked up and squinted and said: "When we left the battleship, I saw that she seemed to be very lost, very reluctant, I think she should also I don't want to leave."

Shi Yan frowned and didn't say anything.

It was another long voyage.

On this day, we finally saw the chariot of the imperial chariot. It was a butterfly-shaped chariot, flat and flat, like a shell. There was a hole in it that could accommodate the inside.

Ten butterfly-shaped chariots, made of a strange piece of wood, seem to be extremely light, and the speed of the chariot floats and spins is extremely fast, and the edge splashes a trace of energy.

The direction of the butterfly chariot is a dead star, covered with riddled holes. It was discovered after a close look that it was a bottomless pit, which went straight to the inside of the star, and the darkness did not bottom out. It reveals some kind of chill.

Apparently it was a dead star, perhaps all of which had been harvested to the extreme. The dozens of butterfly-shaped chariots roared and rushed to the star, rushing into the dark potholes, releasing the gods and moving toward it. Internal extension.

"Their knowledge is very strange and extremely difficult to capture."

Ferranmer stood up and slowly stopped when the meteorite fell from the ore star. She frowned and said to Shiyan softly: "They are looking for something, and the gods are inside the mine. ”

Shi Yan’s face is not good, his eyes are even a bit gloomy, saying: “It’s the people of the shadow family.”

When this statement came out, both Ferran and Lianna were suddenly cold, and Ferran took a deep breath and murdered: "Is it really a group of people?"

"The butterfly chariot, the erratic volatility of the gods, this is the characteristics of the shadow people." Shi Yan nodded, "I talked with Fu Wei, these characteristics of the shadow family are what she said, I want to There will be no mistakes."

Ferran and Liana were very cold, and they showed a stern look in their eyes. The look of the star was extremely bad.

"Let's see it in the past." Shi Yan said indifferently.

Ferran immediately drove the rock underneath, and then stopped, and quickly rushed to the dead star.

The ore star is covered with potholes, thousands of them, as if the dark abyss is straight through the ground, and every pit has a chilly atmosphere, as if the material inside the mine is partial to the ice.

When they fell to the mine star, the shadow-shaped chariots of the shadow family disappeared into the potholes. There was no one left. Shiyan silently felt for a while, and found that in the dark caves, those erratic gods still Continue to penetrate inside, like looking for what to target.

"We also go in." Shi Yan jumped from the rock and immediately went deep into a pothole.

Among their group of people, there is Fei Lan in the virtual world of the two gods. The actual combat power is comparable to the peak of the virtual god. Liana and Cato are no exceptions. They are able to challenge the strong, and he is even more unmeasurable. Unless there is an internal level of ignorance, it will not suffer too much.

If you are unlucky, you will meet many people who are imaginary peaks. He also has the confidence to take everyone to move to the nearest space node.

With this confidence in mind, he is not afraid, and he will be ahead of the horse.

Dive all the way, through the tens of thousands of meters of dark areas, a very cold and sturdy center of the inner world appeared, there are actually a crystal glacier inside the mine, like a crystal dream world, cold and severe cold, glaciers like ice, towering, tipping The surface world makes the interior look very empty.

The whistling sound of the butterfly-shaped chariots rushed in the busy ice peaks. A glimpse of the erratic gods swayed around, as if to capture vitality and find life.

Their group fell into the cold world of the earth's heart and ice, and the form of life appeared, and immediately became the target of the shadow family. In a short time, butterfly-shaped chariots roared and were getting closer and closer to them.

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