God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1005: We have a relationship...

In a thin hood with a water curtain, there is ripples in the ripples. The stone and stone people gather in the light curtain. The teenager is full of vigilance and keeps a distance from Shiyan. His eyes are full of anger and indignation.

The young boy looked at the opposite ice crystal, suddenly stunned, and looked confused.

The ice crystal is smooth and flat, like a mirror, and the surrounding scenery is reflected in it, clearly visible.

However, he was clearly facing the smooth ice crystal, but failed to find himself from the ice crystal.

As long as it is a living creature, it can be reflected by the mirror. This is the rule of heaven and earth, and it cannot be violated.

But they are all people, clearly pointing to the ice crystal, there is no image of them in the ice crystal, and he can see the ice crystal, this discovery makes the teenager seem to realize something, suddenly silenced.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't continue to squander everywhere, even if the people of the shadow family can't find it, they can't search for you." Shi Yan smiled at him, sinking and said: "My name is Shi Yan, and the shadow." The family is also an enemy. We are allies. What is your name? Why do you want to search for you?"

I don't know why, he is very fond of this boy, and that feeling can't be said, it is like being in close contact with the teenager.

Juvenile scars are interlaced on the juvenile arm, and the whole body seems to have the madness of destruction and destruction. For ordinary people, this is extremely evil, but in his feelings, it is very relaxed and comfortable.

"My name is Benny." The boy was cold and stunned, and his attitude was still not friendly.

"Benny." Smiled and nodded, Shi Yan continued to ask: "Why do you want to kill you?"

"It has nothing to do with you!" The teenager's face was cold, and he glanced at him. His eyes were full of hatred and hatred, as if he hated everything in the world.

"The kid really doesn't know how to live!" Cato sneered. "Do you want to die? Do you want to answer the truth? If you dare to continue to toss me, I will cook you now!"

Benny snorted, don't go too far, don't look at him.

Cato's face was horizontal, his temper came up, and he was smirking and ready to start the lesson.

"Okay, people don't want to say even if they are." Shi Yan raised his hand to stop.

He has an infamous affection for the youngsters, and he is not willing to let Cato bully each other. This is to stop it.

Katto glared at the boy, and he smiled and stopped.


After fierce shocks, the whistling sound gradually disappeared. After a while, a disc-shaped chariot suddenly came. There were three shadow people on the chariot. The strongest three of the team were virtual gods, a double heaven. Two one-days.

The three people of the shadow family were half-squatted in the chariot, and the upper part of the body came out, and the eyes were chilling and looking around, letting go of the gods and searching.

When Benny saw the three people of the shadow family, his face slammed like a cold knife, and he vomited a sigh of relief, and the curse of the unforgettable heart: "Damn running dog!"

He blamed, but his posture was uneasily uneasy, for fear that he would be determined by the three tribes of the shadow family, and his nerves were extremely tight, and he seemed to be ready to kill.

Shi Yan glanced at him, his brow furrowed slightly, and his heart was darkly concerned.

The three shadows of the virtual imaginary strong, swaying in the chaotic chariot, gradually become restless, the gods drifted and scattered, and the surrounding areas were shrouded.

Benny's power quietly condensed, ready to escape at any time, a pair of fierce scorpions, staring at the three shadow people.

"Where is it here, how can it suddenly disappear and disappear?" The phantom **** of the shadow family, the leader of the heavens, his face was cloudy and his voice was sharp and cold.

"There is a clear place here." The other two should be and nodded, indicating that their direction of perception is also here.

In the light curtain, the youngster boy of Benjamin’s eyes shines brightly. He is only a hundred meters away from the shadow family. The distance seems to be within reach, and the ability of the shadow family to sense the spirit should be easily locked out. The three people of the shadow family have become blind, and the gods have been scattered for a long time, and they have not been found.

Benny is not stupid. He thought about it for a moment, suddenly understood what he was looking at, and looked at Shiyan deeply. He tried to say: "Space is righteous?"

Shi Yan nodded with a smile.

The boy suddenly relaxed.

He no longer looked at the three shadow people, and sat down with Shi Yan and Cato to face each other. He took out the crystal and recovered the energy. It seemed that there was finally a little leisure.

"not good!"

The shadow-headed people, who suddenly became discolored, stared at the compass in their hands and screamed: "There are others who have raped it!"

The other two people of the shadow family glanced at the compass in his hand, and his face became equally ugly.

I saw that the light spots in the compass were flickering, and one light spot followed by a light spot. In just a few tens of seconds, there were five light spots completely missing signs, which meant that their souls of the same family had a sacrifice. Has been destroyed.

Both Ferran and Liana are virtual gods, and they all have the ability and means to overcome the challenges. The hands are covered with blood and the combat experience is extremely rich.

The two of them made a sudden killer, and with the help of the evil power of the righteousness, it was a breeze to pay the painful price of the shadow family for a short time.

Looking at the fear and uneasiness of the three shadow people, Shi Yan sneered, knowing that Ferran and Lianna had succeeded, and they were killing.

With the means of Ferran and Lianna, it is simply the crushing of the warrior who can't reach the virtual state. A level of realm gap can not be compensated by the quantitative advantage. Those who are gathered together, There is no imaginary state. At this time, it is estimated that, like the lamb to be slaughtered, it is being quickly slaughtered.

The three people of the Yuying nationality, when they saw the situation was not good, couldn’t take it anymore, and they drove away like a rush.

At this moment, they suddenly realized that they had adjusted their tigers to the mountains and naturally did not hesitate to hesitate.

Soon the disc-shaped chariot disappeared without a trace.

Stretching a hand, such as tearing the space in general, the light curtain is given to the exit, the outside of the cold and cold gas suddenly penetrated into, the rushing people look shocked.

The boy shuddered and glanced at him. He saw his traces re-emerged by the ice crystal. He knew that he had walked out of the space. He took a deep look at Shiyan and said, "Nothing happened to me." Is it?"

The boy is very clear, knowing that he has been used as a bait. Now that the other party’s purpose is reached, he should not continue to stare at him.

Cato waved his hand and said impatiently: "Go and roll, the farther the better, otherwise the shadow people will continue to stare at you as long as they still have a residue."

There was a glimmer of light in Benny's eyes. When he took a look at Cato, he re-drilled into the gap of the ice **** underneath, swaying a few times, and quickly disappeared.

Shi Yan smiled lightly. "The kid slips very fast. He can survive under the shadow of the shadow family. This is unusual. I don't know why, I look at him. I always feel very pleasing to the eye. I can't say the strange feelings... ”

"Hey?" Cato looked shocked and said involuntarily: "Brother, you, do you feel this way?"

Shi Yan stunned. "What do you mean?"

"Although I am jealous of him and threaten him with words, I don't know why. I think this kid is also very pleasing to the eye. With him, I feel very comfortable in my heart, like...is like a brother, Li Like the predecessors of Ferran, Anna is subconsciously treating him as his own, right! It is the natural feeling that he will subconsciously regard him as his own!"

The Cato language is unknown, and it is a bit messy and rather vague.

However, Shi Yan still understands.

He suddenly stunned, and his eyes were crystal clear, revealing a thoughtful expression.

Half-sounding, Shiyan suddenly shouted: "Benny!"

In the underground ice cave, suddenly the ice crystal shattered, but also the wolf's footsteps, indicating that the teenager seems extremely panic.

Shi Yan was amazed, and immediately smiled and said: "Come here!"

He has already seen that the young man is only the king of heaven and the three heavens. The strength can only be called the general, and he can survive in the pursuit of the source **** and the virtual god. The boy is really fierce.

Of course, the reason why the shadow family can't kill him early is because he has a unique place in the hidden magnetic field. Even the keen perception of the shadow family can be avoided, but the stone rock that is proficient in life. His various methods of concealing the soul will not play a role.

The teenager heard the sound of the above, the soul was locked and reluctantly reappeared in the heart, full of irritability, but no help, and hardened the scalp from the bottom of the ice, and roared toward the anger: "You still What do you want to do? Want me to be a bait? Xiaoye remembers you!"

Shiyan looked like a torch and stared at the hair in front of his forehead. Suddenly said: "Make your forehead hair open and give me my eyebrows."

The young man trembled fiercely, his eyes showed deep fear, and his body was filled with the madness of destruction and destruction. Like the volcano is about to explode, the raging rolling is gathering, as if you want to be crazy at any moment, and fall into a certain hysterical situation.

Cato body shocked, suddenly thought of something, the eyelids became extremely hot, the tongue trembled: "Teacher... Brother, you mean you... He and us, and we are?"

Shi Yan did not answer, still looking at the teenager, looking at the eyebrows that the teenager was covered by the hair, his eyes kept moving for a moment.

The wreckage of the young man became more and more fluctuating. His eyes seemed to be filled with madness. The teeth biting loudly and his face was low and low: "You are also a Protoss dog?"

Shi Yan took a deep breath and stabilized the stirring emotions. Suddenly he calmly said: "Forget it, I already know, you don't have to do anything. You and us come, we will solve the shadow family first, and we will be good for a while. In detail, there is a relationship between us..."

The feelings of the youngsters in the meditation are stagnation, and the meaning of ruining madness gradually fades away, and the face is puzzled. "Source?"

With a grin, Shiyan nodded affirmatively. "Yes, we have a relationship, but this thing can be put aside for the time being. We will finish the business first."

... (to be continued)

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