God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1007: Shocking secret!

The first thousand and seven chapters are shocking secrets!

In the ice wall and the icy burst of ice, the strong negative emotions brought by the giant sword, such as the ocean, drowned the shadowy ethnic group who cultivated the ice.

There was a brief confusion in the eyes of the man, and the mind was suddenly invaded and was suddenly restrained.


His body was cut off by a fierce blood, split smoothly into two pieces, and the body was directly destroyed.

At this time, Shiyan looked up with the sword, and in the scum of the earth, he slammed his hand and pressed it on the cover of the man, "咔嚓", and his skull was shattered directly.

A force that banned the skull and shattered his skull, and let his soul altar not break free from his mind, and was stuck in the skull.

The deity is degraded, but the mind can still have a short-lived consciousness. As long as the soul altar is not separated, he still has the ability to think.


An invisible space blade, shuttled in his mind, twisted his knowledge of the sea into a mass of numbness, and consciousness could not be reorganized at once.

Shi Yan’s glimpse of the gods directly invades the other’s mind and searches in the memory area.

Every mind has a memory mark, and the experience of a lifetime is in it. It is a memory line. Each line represents a life experience. As long as the soul sacrifice does not leave, those memory lines are alive and will not disappear. .

What Shi Yan is doing now is to strip away the memory of his memory.

God knows like a tentacle, searching in a memory line. The experience of this shadow family is captured by him a little bit. The most secret corner of his heart is completely open to Shiyan.

One hand pressed on the skull of the man, Shi Yan searched according to the memory line, his face gradually became dignified and became more and more ugly.

For a long time, Shi Yan opened his eyes and took a big shot.


The skull of the man burst, and the soul altar floated out, swallowed by a black hole swallowed up by Shiyan.

Looking around, he found that the battle had ended unconsciously. Ferran and Lianna killed the opponents respectively. Cato, Benny, Zuo Shi, Xuan Ming also destroyed the shadow people who reached the source of the gods. Both of them are Cato and Benny. Zuo Shi and Xuan Ming are just helpers.

As soon as the death energy came together, it sneaked into the hole of the body, but the stone face was extremely dignified, but it was not happy.

Ferran and Liana gathered in silence and frowned at him.

After a long while, Shiyan absorbed all the deaths from the surrounding area and took a deep breath. The tone was difficult: "The shadow family is actually a vassal of the Protoss!"

Both Ferran and Lianna changed their eyes and showed a horror in their eyes.

With a blood-colored journalist, there is no good feeling for the Protoss. The self-proclaimed perfect race of God has made a lot of killings in the major stars. I don’t know how many people have been killed. The Flames have also been visited by the Protoss. inherited.

However, nowadays, Ferran, Liana and Cato have known the conspiracy of the Protoss. The Protoss regards the warriors of the Flames as a captive pig. The evangelism is just to make the creatures inside become powerful, like a pig. It is a good reason to fatten.

Once they have grown to a certain height and the realm reaches a level, the Protoss will select the most outstanding powerhouses, extract their flesh and blood energy, and benefit the Protoss.

The gift of the Protoss to the Flames is only for its own growth. When the Flames develop to a certain extent, the Protoss will come to the massacre, pick the Supreme People to imprison, and nourish them with flesh and blood. This is from the original God. The ground can be seen.

The protoss heavy-hit, in the center of the stone monument, take the flesh and blood energy to restore itself, so that the injury quickly recovers.

As soon as I heard that the shadow family was a protoss dog, Ferran and Liana’s face changed completely, and the hatred of the shadow family was three points deeper.

In the land of blasphemy, those who had bloodthirsty and strong pulse were imprisoned, and the stone tablets used the chains to extract the flesh and blood energy, and cultivated the chaotic and sinful Gru. Although they finally broke free, they still had not escaped the disaster, and the soul altar collapsed. Can be passed down.

For the Protoss, bloodthirsty is a mysterious hatred.

"I just stripped the memory of that person." Shi Yan was sullen and his face was hard. "The shadow family is a protoss sentinel, helping the Protoss to access the extraterrestrial passage. The shadow family is special and can survive in the turbulent watershed. They are often The Protoss linked the two stars to facilitate the invasion of the Protoss."

Between the star field and the star field, there are often barriers, and some of the barriers are extremely thick. It is extremely difficult for the protoss to get through.

The shadow family will take on this important task.

If the Protoss wants to invade a star field, the Shadow Clan will be the first wave to go to the front line. It will take time for the Protoss to clear the two star-shaped barriers, so that the Protoss' strong combat capability can smoothly enter.

Through the memory of the shadow people, he knows that the Marten star field is connected to the void barrier of the Tenjin domain. After thousands of years of cleanup, it seems that it will soon be opened.

This person used to live in the barrier. He was responsible for the turbulence of the small-scale regional space with special utensils. Many people of the shadow family had done similar "combs" before they were strong enough. A kind of tempering for oneself.

From the memory of that person, he first known the Tianshen domain, which is the birthplace of the Protoss and the base camp of the Protoss.

There is an ancient continent in the Tianshen area, and it still exists today. The protoss of the Tianshen domain have been subtly refined to the extreme. Each of the major families of the Protoss is extremely powerful and terrible. The patriarchs of the powerful twelve families are the three gods of the first god. In the realm, there are dozens of protoss in the first and second heavens, which are the pillars of those families.

The total number of protoss in the beginning of the gods is said to be more than one hundred! There are countless virtual gods, source gods, and **** kings, which constitute the extreme prosperity of the gods.

The 12 major families of the Protoss, each of which controls one to three different star fields, holds countless stars of life and mineral stars, and each day continues to transport the number of stars from the major stars to the gods. Hundreds of millions of huge materials have nourished the giants of the gods of the gods.

There are many vassals of the Protoss, and the Shadows are only one of them. The Protoss are in the big stars like a tumor, and they eat everything.

The stars that are discovered and stared by this race, the strong ones in those stars, often only have two roads, either die or become a running dog, and serve the family of the 12 major families of the Protoss who occupy their territory for the rest of their lives. To survive.

The eyes of the Protoss stare at the vast universe, which is said to have been defeated by the Protoss in half of the universe.

The Protoss also has a very special way to occupy the most distant and valuable star of life. After some Protoss annihilation, the soul passes through a blood sacrifice method and becomes a seed of life. The seed of life can pass through the layers of the Galaxy space. , faster than the most extreme warships.

A drop of life seeds, such as a meteor in the sky, once it falls to a remote star of life, it will gather the energy of the heavens and earth and slowly evolve into a Protoss.

The Protoss who descended through the seeds of life will evolve powerfully in those extremely remote stars of life, and then occupy the stars of life in remote places. If there are powerful creatures in the area, those who rely on the seeds of life will not be able to pay. If you wish, you will contact your family and let the family strong.

In this way, the twelve major families of the Protoss in the Tenjin domain have forcibly occupied many stars of life far away from the Tenjin domain.

In the memory of that person, the saying about the seed of life made Shi Yan shocked, and finally knew why the gods would appear in the mainland. He can now affirm that the protoss who appeared on the mainland of God’s grace in that year passed through life. The seed does not know how many space barriers have come through.

However, they were eventually forced out of the mainland by the rest of the nine ethnic groups in the mainland, and failed to deprive the mainland of God.

After the ancient times and ancient times, the people of the Protoss who came down in the past, after leaving the mainland, did not continue to invade. It should be known that the mainland is not worthy of the work of the people, because the energy of the heavens and the earth has dried up, not enough for them. Come again and again.

It is also this time that he finally knows that the gods are not the birthplace of the Protoss, and the gods of the gods are the original places of the Protoss.

The deeper the understanding of the Protoss, the more intense the feeling of Shiyan, facing the race that claimed to be God, he gave birth to a sense of powerlessness for the first time.

Over one hundred gods, countless virtual gods, source gods, **** kings, every protoss family, have the ability to kill a star field, this horrible power has already dominated all corners of the universe.

At this point, they stared at the Martell Star...

To be exact, only a Protoss family named "Ascot" is in the territory of the Malang, and the Ascot family is one of the 12 families of the Protoss. They sent the shadow family thousands of years ago. It has been clearing the space barrier and waiting for the day when the passage is clear.

From the memory of the man, he also got a message that shocked him. The great elders of the Shadow and the Medicine Court secretly reached an agreement, and Zuo Yu seems to have officially returned to the Protoss.

At this time, Zuo Wei was eager to take the position of the Pharmacist of the Pharmacy. It was necessary to let the Malay Star Wars smash through the Pharmacy Court, and let the various races of the Malang Stars kill each other, so that Ascot At the time of the family's arrival, the various parties of the races of the Malang Stars could not be enemies because of hatred.

The Ascot family is twelve of the Protoss, and there are nine strong gods, but it is a bit hard to swallow the Malang star.

This family wants to monopolize the Malang star field, and is not prepared to resort to other family powers. Therefore, it is secretly planning, setting up a poison plan, and relying on the drugstore to be in a state of transcendentality in the Malang star field, so that the Malang star field is completely confused, so calmly come over. Pick up the pieces.

The memory of a shadowy ethnic group contains earth-shattering news, which makes Shiyan shocked. For the first time, he realized the true power of the Protoss. The pressure is like a mountain hanging in the heart, and the mood is heavy to the extreme.


Ps: three more to owe ~~


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