God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1010: Woman's intuition

Shadow ghost prison edge - on the huge meteorite floating on the ground. I

The rock is comparable to the smaller star of life. It is extremely large and huge. The meteorite is dark brown, like gold and iron. It has a metallic texture and is as hard as a stone.

The meteorite seems to be a wide sword, and the sides are sharp and cold. There is a frame of crystal cannons erected. There is a strong energy looming, and it can spew out the explosive power of madness at any time. A palace of gold and iron tempered, standing on the rock, as if inserted into the spear of the clouds, has a strong and unpredictable momentum.

At the top of one of the pointed cones, there is a jade stone platform. On the stone platform, there is a ghost-like old man who is in a state of gloom.

Zuo Mai holds an octagonal prism, his brow is deep, and the five fingers are constantly fiddling with something.

Many of the changing scenes emerged from the octagonal prism, which is like a thousand scenes and knowledge, vast and mysterious.

If there is a person who knows secretly about the medicine cabinet, he will know that the prism is the eye of the "Star Eye" of the medicine cabinet. Through the eye can be linked to the "star eye," I know that there are tens of thousands of stars in the field. All kinds of news of the year, the left spring is fiddling, and the look of dignity is looking for something.

Next to Zuo Jiang, there is one person standing in silence, it is Du Lin.

Du Lin bent down with respect and respected the left wheat, waiting for the judgment of the left spring.

I saw that the scene in the eye changed innumerable times, and suddenly a **** cloud mark appeared. There was a special rune floating next to the mark, which described many knowledge about the imprint.

Zuo Jiang’s face gradually became more and more serious. He looked deep into the heart and met with the electric light.

Next to Du Lin's look suddenly shocked and could not help but look at the prismatic heart, demeanor, with an unidentified meaning on his face.

"The mark on the soldiers you saw, but this **** cloud mark?" After a long time, Zuo Jiang moved his eyes to Du Lin's direction, so that he could clearly see the imprint that emerged.

"It is this imprint!" Du Lin said seriously. Zuo Mai Momo nodded, his face became extremely ugly and said: "This imprint has appeared twice in the Malang star field. Two people have emerged. The two people... "..."

Halfway through the words, Zuo Jiang paused and his eyes became extremely frightened.

Du Lin was amazed, couldn't stop to pick up the previous point and cautiously asked: "What kind of eyebrows have emerged?" Zuo Mai did not respond immediately, still staring at the descriptors around the **** imprint in his heart, and he focused on his face with great care. It is getting more and more dignified.

Half-sounding, he took his eyes seriously and took a deep breath, saying: "A cultivating death of the righteousness, in the Malang star field for a period of time, created a violent storm, so that many of the Mazhao star strong burial. This morning... In the thousands of years, the Malang star field, the first time in the west of the broken star field, the first to open the killing, immediately appeared in many areas, each time with the use of fierce killing many strong."

Du Lin stunned and secretly bit his lip and exclaimed: "Where is the morning... in what state?" Zuo Shi looked up at him and seemed to reach his soul. He said: "It is not this person who is against you. Otherwise, you should have already died. The specific realm of the person is unknown. According to the description of the Pharmacy, the strong man who died in his hands, there is no shortage of the first and second heavens. This person is often accompanied by death. There is no custom to keep alive. If you meet him, you can't see me."

Du Lin’s eyes were full of deep horror.

"There is still one person who is the unbeaten legend of the Marathon, the power of cultivation and despair. Once he dominated the Martial domain, it is invincible. The man, who was the tens of thousands of years ago, was at the peak of his time. Suddenly mysteriously disappeared, no one knows where he went. That person is a strong native of the Malang Star. It is said that when he broke through to the virtual state, he had a **** mark on his eyebrows. From then on His strength has undergone qualitative changes, and the realm has broken through rapidly." The left dung eye shimmered with a ghostly light, and slowly said: "No one knows why he suddenly made a mark when he broke through the virtual god, but It is said that the man once said that he perceives the mission in the midst of it. No one knows what his so-called mission is, but his forehead has had that imprint. It is said that his heart has changed greatly and he has become more and more crazy. Challenge the strongest of the Mart Stars, and each time they win the leap, they will push themselves into a desperate breakthrough. For dozens of battles, they will find the top ones in the realm of the realm.

The body of Du Lin was shocked, but he was awe-inspiring and his expression became even more alarming.

"There are no exceptions for the two people. There is a similar imprint on the eyebrows. Although they appear in the Malang star in different periods, they can all make a **** feast. It is a fierce person who has no solution. However, both of them are also Unknown disappeared and disappeared, it seems that there is no inheritance." Left dung paused, and frowned and said: "The person you met should not be the two, or you are already dead."

Du Lin smiled bitterly and nodded. "I don't want to be them."

He only has the meditation of the three gods in the heavens. Although he is arrogant, he is not arrogant to the extent of being ignorant. Of course, he understands that he encounters such a fierce figure. He definitely has no power to fight back. I repaired it after raising my hand.

"After thousands of years, the two incomparably powerful characters should have disappeared from the Malang star field. You don't have to worry too much." Zuo Mai sinken for a long time and frowned and said: "According to the truth, they are also There won't be any entanglements with our Pharmacy Court. The shields that appear on that side are even related to them. After a long time, it should not be enough for our pharmacy to fall into crisis."

After a pause, the left dung solemnly told me: "I know that Hamer will be, he will work with you, there will be a strong shadow group to help out, you go to kill again, take the holy script. As for the Fu Wei If you can't get it, Hamer will help you kill!"

"I...", Du Lin stayed, and painfully glared at the left spring. "I will allow her to be imprisoned?"

"You can do it, but you have to make sure that she won't be bad, and never get rid of your bondage!" Zuo Jiang snorted. "Your grandfather and I have brotherhood and you will be the hope of the Crocker family. Can replace Hammer to take over the ghost pattern, don't let me down again. Otherwise, I will re-select talent to inherit the Crocker family!"

Du Lin whispered his head and nodded slightly.

"Go." Zuo Mai squinted and waved his hand. "They are in the Shadow Ghost Prison Pharmacy No. 9 Life Star."

Du Lin stepped back.

Shadow Ghost, Drugs Court No. 9 Life Star, clear lake edge, Zha Feng, Fu Wei sole waiting.

"Zhu Bo, the last time I told you about the **** giant shield, how was your investigation?" Fu Wei waited for the boredom, suddenly remembered something, could not help but ask.

Zha Feng frowned slightly, sighed and shook his head and said: "The star eye is controlled by the big long scorpion. Recently, because our relationship has deteriorated to a level that is difficult to make up, we want to understand the situation with the help of the star eye. It’s even more difficult to do things.

Listening to his explanation, Fu Wei was disappointed.

"Fu Wei, how many years have you made a good deal with the strong? You think about it yourself, will you be familiar with the person to help you?"

Zha Feng is also full of doubts. He knows a lot about the many squadrons in the Malang sect. There is only a handful of sacred sects in the sacred sacred field. He knows everything, but he knows everything. The **** giant shield did not have any impression, and he was somewhat puzzled.

“There should be no.” Fu Wei’s certification thought for a while and said: “Many strong people who have made good friends with me are just simple transactions, and there is no deep friendship. This matter is related to the fight in our medicine cabinet. There should be no one. Dare to break up, Bichen... We are weak in the drugstore, and there are really strong people who will not support us."

The sighs and sighs, and the face is sorrowful. "The big and the old are really big. If you don't get the holy scripture, we don't have the chance to touch the main throne."

"I don't know why, I always think that the **** giant shield seems to be related to Shiyan." Fu Wei said softly.

When he explained his feelings, he immediately sank his face and screamed, "Do you not really get the poison of the kid? He He De He, the cultivation of the source of the realm of the district, how can it be qualified to have such a soldier?"

With a cold cry, he said with impunity: "With his realm, how can you block Du Lin’s blow even if he holds a soldier? Who is Du Lin? The **** of the gods, holding the Thunder Unless you reach the same height, you can let him take the initiative to avoid it?

Fu Weimo did not say anything, and there was no rebuttal, because even she felt that the idea was too absurd.

But she really has that kind of intuition, there is no reason at all, because Shi Yan feels too mysterious to her, as if a mist, there are many unknown secrets.

Regarding Shi Yan’s reinvigorating power for her life, she did not tell her about it, but she was afraid to ask her, but Shi Yan’s magical and mysterious performance, when Shi Yan’s hand rested on her back, was like Branded in her soul.

At the moment of the most sinister moment, when the **** giant shield appeared, the familiar sense of security allowed her to relax subconsciously, and Shiyan helped her to transmit energy.

The intuition of a woman is the most unreasonable. There is no such thing as a slight basis. She used her sense of security to contact Shiyan, such as realizing the truth.

"You and he are just the turn of the water, forget him as soon as possible, we will arrange it properly in your life, you can't mess with yourself!" The cold voice, "The kid is just a passer in your life, and Doolin is no different, don't get entangled, you can be crowned the throne."

Fu Wei's eyebrows are slightly twisted, and the eyes have complex and difficult emotions.

For me, he and Du Lin are completely different, they are not the same...

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