God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1013: You are like a woman I have lost for many years...

A corner of the clear lake.

Fu Wei is standing still, the sky blue dress, the wristband is covered with green bracelets, such as a Weihua lotus, clean and charming.

A chariot swayed straight down, and a group of people stood up in the chariot. The slow-moving stone fell in front of Fu Wei’s eyes. The first stone rock smiled and was a tribute: “I have seen Xiaojie.”

Fu Wei's face, a subtle smile, a soft road, "Do you have something to do?"

Nodded, Shi Yan seriously said: "When it is really important, if not... I really won’t come over and my sister is clean.

"Serious." Fu Wei Wen Yu looked at Zuo Shi, Xuan Ming and other people, a little bit, and immediately said with a smile: "Last time if you did not help, I am afraid that I can not pass Du Lin that, not yet Thank you very much, Feng Bo suddenly came. I apologize to him on his behalf, he misunderstood you."

Shaking his hand, Shi Yan mixedly said: "It has nothing to do with him. He has not misunderstood me. I don't care about it. As for Du Lin's level... It's not that I have great merits, but that you are strong."

"Isn't it?" Fu Wei smiled deeply and deeply. "The **** giant shield that suddenly popped up, is there any relationship with you?"

"It really doesn't matter." Shi Yan resolutely shook his head.

Fu Wei smiled lightly, and Ming Hao looked at him deeply. He said: "Don't mention this, my elder wants to meet you. She... is very high in the cabinet. It is also very good for me, just... she A little worried that I am too involved with you, you should count a few."

Shi Yan was amazed. After a while, he said, "Well, seeing your elders is also very helpful to what I said."

"Follow me." Fu Wei floated up and gracefully flew toward the lake.

"You can do it alone." Next to the lake, the guard leader of a medicinal cabinet said, frowning.

"You are waiting here." Shi Yan also knows more or less the rules. When the people of Feilan gestured, they went alone with Fu Wei and flew to the main hall inside the lake.

Inside the main hall.

Xia Xinyu and Bettina whispered, and suddenly the mind was strongly moved, and only a very important thing gradually approached, making her somewhat uneasy.

She is now in a deep state, and mystery is quite mysterious. The perception is very mysterious. She silently thinks about it and secretly investigates, but she has not found any abnormality.


A stone road was open at the top, and the two figures slowly landed.

Xia Xinyi’s beauty suddenly burst into bright and dazzling light, and the body couldn’t help but tremble, and stared at the advent of a person, as if he had been given a fixed body, so he looked dull.

When Shi Yan flew down, he glanced down unintentionally, and as if he was hit hard, his face was astonished.

After a hundred years, the two people who once knew on the mainland of the gods suddenly reunited here, and both of them were unprepared.

"Xiao Wei, is he the person you said? And the Gorefiend, Bass, Gut have a relationship?" Bettina did not realize the strangeness of Xia Xinyi, looking deep at Shiyan, slightly frowning "Only the source of the three gods of the source god, is not particularly outstanding..."

She looked at Zha Feng, and looked at the rock stone that was like a stupid one. The brow wrinkled more and more, and said: "Silly and stupid..."

Bettina couldn't help but feel a disappointment when she met Shi Yan's hand. She was quite fortunate. She had already confirmed that Fu Wei could not have any entanglement with Shi Yan. A stupid boy would get Fu Fu. Wei's favor, she subconsciously believes that the tie is definitely wrong.

It was also unclear, so I stared at Shiyan for a while and felt very disappointed.

Nowadays, Shiyan, which is not in a high level, does not seem to be a bit unbearable. Even if he does not understand Bettina, it is obviously very light.

"This is my elders, the three elders of the medicine cabinet, Shiyan, Shiyan!" Fu Wei frowned slightly, secretly reminded him, seeing that he still did not return to God, quickly raised his voice, let him be cautious a little.

Shi Yan's sitting down, and Xia Xinyu face each other across the stone platform, the spirit of sorrow, did not hear what Fu Wei said, naturally did not bow to Bettina, Zha Feng, really like a silly boy, performance is not ordinary poor.

The front of the Iraqi people is more beautiful than ever, a colorful dress will be wrapped in a perfect posture, the temperament of the human body is touching, the naked jade feet are white and flawless, the temperament is elegant and graceful, and the charm is more exciting than that.

His eyes fell straight to Xia Xinyu, like the first brother who first saw the beauty at a loss, his eyes were hot, and he did not hide it.

Bettina, Zha Feng, and Fu Wei did not pay attention to Xia Xinyi's strangeness. They all focused on him and saw him look like a fascinating look. Bettina and Zha Shi secretly scorned and looked down on him. .

Fu Wei also secretly angered, biting her lip, and could not help but glance at him.

Seeing the beauty is dizzy, even the basic etiquette does not remember, which makes Fu Wei sulking, thinking that he and many men, shocked by the beauty of Xia Xinyu, so that it will be so unbearable.

"Cough!" suddenly, Xia Xinyu coughed up, the charming face gradually returned to normal, and smiled: "Fully sister, don't help me introduce this young talent? This guy has to eat like a human eye." Is he the guy who has a relationship with you?"

Fu Wei is very incomparable, smiled and glanced at the stone rock, hard to explain! . 1 No, I am just an ordinary friend, you don’t guess. ”

"Ordinary friends?" Xia Xinyi seems to laugh and laugh, and the beautiful whispering turn, looking at Shiyan for a moment, "The long is still able to see, but the handsome man of the Malay star field is everywhere. He can only be considered average, temperament... In that case, he is still stupid, and he wants to come to Fu Wei’s sister and can’t see it?”

She spoke to Fu Wei in her mouth. She never left Shiyan from the line of sight. The tone was not friendly or even ridiculous. However, no one knows that her ketone body is still trembled...

Shi Yan gradually calmed down from the middle of the scorpion, secretly stunned Xia Xinyi, and coughed, suddenly recovered from calmness, and said with a smile: "Well, I am stupid, but not like someone deliberately stupid. ”

After a pause, his eyes suddenly swayed, and he was eager to linger on Xia Xin's graceful and sultry posture, revealing a pair of pig brothers, squinting at his face: "Dare to ask Xiaojie sister, can I marry?" How do you look at me? I don't know how, when I see Xiaojie, I feel like you are a woman I have lost for many years. I don't know if Xiaojie can have this feeling?"

As soon as this statement came out, Bettina, Zaza, and Fu Fu were shocked, and looked at Shiyan like a monster.

This guy... is it crazy?

What is the identity of Xia Xinzhen? Lord of the Warfare Warfare Department! It is a powerful figure in the War Alliance. He is famous in the shadow ghost prison. He has never missed the tactics. He has beaten the shadow family several times. The method is extremely hot and terrible. In the past 100 years, he has been a famous person in the shadow ghost prison.

Even Zha Feng and Fu Wei knew that she was coming, and they had to meet each other personally. Can such characters be able to sing in words?

Fu Wei is even more horrified, her face is white, and she rushed to get rid of Xia Xinxin. "My friend may have drunk too much, and the words are too outrageous. I apologize to him on your behalf, please don't pursue it."

She immediately turned around and lowered her voice and said: "Shi Yan, what's wrong with you?! You know who she is? She is the master of the Wars League! It is the most trusted of the War League lords! She can represent the War League. I am begging you, don't let go!"

Bettina, Sarah's face was blue and green, and looked at him coldly, and his attitude was not good.

However, beyond everyone's opinion, Xia Xinzhen, who was being ridiculed, was not furious. On the contrary, her face also showed a faint blush, a white stone, and an understatement: "How? Want to pursue me I naturally don't have a marriage, but it is not so easy to pursue me. I already have a sweetheart. The **** is happy outside, and I am still squandering everywhere. I have not taken the initiative to find me for a hundred years. You want to pursue Me, how can I kill the **** first?"

Everyone was a bit too, and their faces became more and more weird.

... That kid is crazy, but can't it be mad?

Even her esteemed, she has got mad? When did she hear that she had a good face for men?

In particular, the other party is also clearly speaking in the first place? When is the owner of the blast warfare department, who is so hot and fierce, when is it so good? I still have a good speech with that person. What kind of **** world?

Bettina, Zha Feng, and Fu Wei felt that they were mentally awkward. Looking at Xia Xinyu and looking at the naked stone rock, they suddenly found that the situation had already exceeded their imagination.

"Well! What is the name of the kid? You said it, I will kill him!" Shi Yan cast his sleeves, his face murderous, and shouted: "I dare to let such a beautiful person wait for a hundred years, it is sinful, I will first Kill him, then how do we fly together?"


Xia Xinyi was so charming and charming that he gave him a blank look and whispered: "The shameless guy!"

Shi Yan sneered at his face.

Bettina, Zha Feng, and Fu Wei are like a chicken, big eyes and small eyes, I don't know how to react.

"Small sister-in-law, how can we talk a few privately? Let me talk about your love for you in the table below. I saw a little sister-in-law today. I am really shocked to be a heavenly person. If I can’t do anything with my sister-in-law, I will regret it in my life. Please enlighten your sister!" Shiyan's big snake was on the stick and his mouth was burning.

Betty's three people were once again, and they immediately sneaked into the shamelessness of Shiyan, and they did not want to face the extreme, but also dared to make the most of the sky.

"Okay." What surprised them even more was that Xia Xinyi had promised a refreshing sigh, and smiled like Bentina. "Can you arrange a secret room?"

Bettina nodded in spirit and felt exhausted. Her face was awkward and awkward. The voice shouted weakly: "Come, please ask them to enter the third room."

In the eyes of Zavy and Fu Wei as if they were eating people, Xia Xinyu was still unable to wait for Shi Yan, and rushed to the secret room. Zha Feng and Fu Wei saw clearly. Her neck was already A flush of red is like a sign of emotion.

At this time, Shi Yan laughed and laughed. In the six sharp eyes of the three men, they stalked and followed.

Ps: Seeking the next month's ticket, there is still a chapter ~~

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