God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1020: Defend the territory

Really speaking into the interior of the star, Shi Yan knows how big the medicine is.

The ninth star of life is almost opened inside. Apart from the main hall, he looks at it as if he feels that he has come to another world of stars. There are countless complicated and large stone roads, extending in all directions, and there are many majestic palaces. The mooring area of ​​the battleship.

According to Bettina, the interior of the star was smashed into the ground, and there were dozens of palaces. Inside each palace group, there were many powerful structures.

Among the palaces, there are hundreds of thousands of warriors in the refining area, the refining area, the warship construction area, the medicinal material accumulation point, the energy spar storage room, and a solid war fortress. Wait, most of the realms are in the kingdom of God and the source of the gods.

The strength of the medicine cabinet is evident from the inside of this star.

At the bottom of the ninth life star, there are three Shenjing mines, and the Shenjing piled up inside is not mined. It is the energy cornerstone of the three-color sea defense.

Inside the six prisms, three Shenjing mines will be revealed. Each Shenjing mine is crystal clear and has tens of millions of outstanding quality crystals.

At this time, through the mirror, it can be seen that the three crystals of the crystals of the gods are dazzling, and the energy fluctuations, such as the creeks flowing, gather in the sky, conveying the power of Shenjing for the three colors of the sea.

If there is no food-eating beast of the shadow family, the strength of the defense of the three-color sea alone will require a lot of energy to break.

However, nowadays, everyone is very dignified, and no one can easily get up.

Inside the mirror, the three-color energy ocean is being eaten by a little bit, and at this speed, at most half an hour, the defensive line at the top of the head will be destroyed.

Fortunately, everyone has moved to the interior of the stars, and there is a layer of cuddling, otherwise the enemy will crash and a **** battle will break out.

"The surface of this life star is composed of green lava, which is an extremely thick stone. We have a lot of basic materials for warships, which are made from this stone. The lava of the ninth life star surface, Three hundred meters thick, even the energy crystal cannon of our medicine cabinet is difficult to break. This is a natural barrier." Bettina is solemn and said: "There are three entrances to the underground, except for this lake. There are two more places, each with a strong guard, and the other side wants to enter the ground, they will continue to attack at the three entrances."

Shi Yan, Xia Xinyu, and the three men of the wind, all listened in silence, interrupted without interrupting.

"What we have to do now is to defend the three entrances." Bettina paused and looked at Xia Xinyu and Feng Yan, saying: "How do you manage an entrance?"

Xia Xinyi nodded with a smile, clean Liu Ludao: "No problem, you can arrange it."

Bettina breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Three thousand miles west, there is an extinct volcano. The top of the extinct volcano is one of the entrances and is handed over to you."

"Good." Xia Xinying should be accepted.

"You can take this mirage, and you can directly intercommunicate with images on this star. I let Fu Wei take you in the past." Bettina sighed and said: "A little girl, once we find the beginning of God, I still have to trouble you."

The wind said silently.

"Fu Wei, you take them to the entrance." Bettina continued to command.

Fu Wei stood on a stone road. The stone road is 100 meters high and about kilometer wide. I don’t know how long and deep. In the extremely long stone road, the battleship of the blast warfare can be suspended, not crowded. When the building was built, how much effort was put into it.

Under her guidance, Shi Yan and Feng Yan, Xia Xinyi were on a battleship of the blast warfare, flying slowly in the extremely wide stone path.

On the battleship, Fu Wei looked complicated and looked at Shiyan and Xia Xinyu from time to time. The blue dragonfly was quite different.

This 趟石岩 went back and returned, and the wrath almost kicked out, indicating that Xia Xinyu was leaving, and Xia Xinyu, who was in the high position of the War League, had no words, even if he did not ask clearly, he was decisive. To accompany him, the absolute trust made Fu Wei very surprised.

Nowadays, she has already understood that the relationship between Shi Yan and Xia Xinyu is absolutely unusual. Then she contacted the stone rock anomaly in the main hall. She faintly guessed something.

She finally realized that in the main hall, Shi Yan was not lost because of her fascination with Xia Xinyi's beauty. It was just an innocuous joke of the two, and then she remembered that the two men were not well dressed when they came out of the secret room. Naturally, they knew the two. Not fighting in the secret room.

Fu Wei was quite ashamed. She knew that she had misunderstood Shi Yan. After she gradually explored the truth, she not only did not want to apologize with Shi Yan, but she was secretly angry.

She felt that Shi Yan had deceived her, which made her very dissatisfied. Even with her attitude towards Shiyan, she did not care so much about the enthusiasm...

Why is Xia Xinyu a smart woman? Just glanced at her, she took out her mind, could not help but smile, and then asked to ask: "What is your relationship with Shiyan?"

At this time, Shiyan quietly sat in the corner of the back side of the battleship, closing his head and closing his eyes. It seems that he calmed down before the war, combing the power of the righteousness, so as to greet this **** battle in the best condition, without understanding the low-voice communication between the two women.

"No, it doesn't matter." I don't know why, when I met Xia Xinyu again, Fu Wei had some guilty conscience and said with a strange expression: "It's just an ordinary friend. He has helped me, I am very grateful. Besides, nothing... nothing."

"Is it?" Xia Xinxiao smiled. "I see you care about him very much? This guy... I know it. I like it. I don't know how to slap him. Is he not... ...had provoked you?"

Fu Wei's heart is warm and quiet, her face is extremely thin, and she is said to be so, the face that can't help herself is red, and she subconsciously thinks about the past experience of drinking "emotional wine", thinking of Shi Yan's boldness towards her ketone body. Infringement, I don’t feel confused, I don’t know how to respond.

Xia Xinyi was a smile again. He glanced at Shiyan, who was sitting quietly behind him. There was no tension in the coming of the war. Xiaoyingying said: "He, nature is inferior, you don't think he is a little smudged to you. It’s a deep feeling for you, I can understand him profoundly. When he sees a beautiful woman, he wants to provoke something to provoke and then abandon it. I will not remember it. I advise you, you better If he walks a little further, it will not be good for you. It will only increase the troubles."

Fu Wei stayed.

She looked at Xia Xinyu, silent and half-sounding, and suddenly said: "Is he provoked you? After that, is it... abandoning it?"

Xia Xinyu looked awkward and had a feeling of self-restraint. After thinking about it, she smiled charmingly. "We don't think so. I think you should also see it. He knows that this return will definitely kill him." Come back to find me, um, you are smart and wise, you should know what it means?"

Fu Wei's face is bitter, she is not stupid, knowing why Xia Xinyu said these words to her, this is to defend her own territory, not allowing other women to touch it.

"I missed him with nothing." She calmed down and sighed softly, faintly said.

Xia Xinyi nodded with a smile, said indifferently: "That's good."

Looking back, she was so beautiful that she looked at the cold young man who sat down and sat down, and couldn’t help but glance at him: the bastard, and surely it was not in any place. When the flames were in the stars, I was not by your side, let You have to be embarrassed, and you have provoked two women. Now I am by your side, and I can no longer make you foolish!

As if to sense the dissatisfaction of her gaze, Shi Yan, who was sitting quietly, opened her eyes and looked at her in confusion. After a sigh of relief, she smiled and looked like a frank and innocent look, making her angry and laughing.


Not long after, Fu Weijiao sighed and looked up at the top of her head.

Hundreds of warships in the blast department were parked in an extremely wide hall, and there were dozens of football fields, such as a small city.

On the top of the crowd, it is obviously a hollow mountain. There are a circle of colorful light curtains in the mountains and rivers. One layer is connected with one layer. It is afraid that it is no less than one hundred layers. Those light curtains are transparent and can see the darkness through the hundred layers. You can even see the ghosts of the cloud screen and the battleships of the shadow family.

Those colorful light curtains are obviously defensive enchantments. For example, the water curtains are generally stacked on top of each other, and the energy fluctuations are very turbulent.

Shi Yan got up and frowned and came to Fu Wei's side. He said, "Your medicine is a powerful force in the star field. Is there no strong person in the realm of the gods? Bettina and Zha Feng are virtual gods, if only Just so, how do you maintain your rights?"

"What do you ask for?" Fu Wei looked cold and a little disliked.

Shi Yan stayed, looked at her deeply, and looked at Xia Xinyu, who was smiling next to Ying Ying, and suddenly understood something.

He certainly saw the short-lived exchanges between Xia Xinyu and Fu Wei. He also knew that Xia Xinyu’s means were extraordinary. When he was on the mainland, he was known for his intelligence. After coming to the Malang Star Field, he won the War League in just a hundred years. High position, it shows her greatness.

He naturally knows that Xia Xinzhen is deeply in love with him, and he knows the mood of this woman. It is obvious that she said something to Fu Wei and let Fu Wei change her attitude towards him.

He took a look at Xia Xinyi, and he did not say anything. For him, Fu Wei is only a passer of life, and there is no deep emotional dispute. Naturally, she will not be angry with Xia Xinyu, but he is still very curious. The 琊 域 药 药 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被

"The medicinal cabinet has three first gods." Xia Xinyu had his doubts and smiled and explained: "But the three gods are suffering all the year round, unless the medicine cabinet encounters big trouble, otherwise they will not come out. Resolved. It involves the old squadrons in the cabinet, and they will not participate in it. Everything depends on the strength of the squad, and the arrogance of the medicinal cabinet, but the 琊 琊The big anecdote may involve all parties' racial forces, such as the Dachang and the old left committee, which can directly affect the ghost pattern family, and the three long elders are said to be closely related to the Muzu. Is this true?" She laughed Looking at Fu Wei.

Fu Wei nodded silently. "If the three elders can contact the outside, as long as the situation is explained, the Muzu strong will naturally come to the rescue. But now... I am afraid I can't rely on the Muzu."

"The tricolor sea has been torn." The reticent words, suddenly a low drink, his face dignified.

Everyone looked up at the sky and they all changed their minds.

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