God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1022: It’s the blood shield...

The first chapter of the twenty-two chapter is the blood shield...

In full-fledged battles, in the most **** and cruel way, a warrior who is famous for its medicinal instruments and ghosts, once killed, will fall directly and become a meatloaf at the foot of Shiyan, Fuwei and others.

Above the head, all kinds of lightning, flames, blasts, hail, and water flow meet in the most splendid way in the small space. The thrilling beauty that is unique to the battle is fascinating and many people are shocked. Trembling.

Shi Yan looked up at the sky silently, and his face gradually developed an abnormal flush. He opened his pores and his body trembled with rhythm.

Just a short while, more than 20 warriors died, and those who were dead were like water, and they poured into his body.

At this time, his acupoints have been faintly swelled, which is the unique feeling of power filling.

The battle of a famous medicine cabinet, a ghost-like ethnic group, a gorgeous **** feast, such as the same beautiful picture, slowly emerged in his knowledge of the sea.

Suddenly, his soul sacrificed a wonderful movement, and the death of the righteousness could not help but quietly spread out.

His eyes are suddenly bright and diamonds!

The magnetic fields of the ghost-fighting and medicinal warriors who are fighting, he seems to be able to distinguish clearly, through those people's skulls and soul altars, clearly aware of their source of life.

In the battle of the warriors, the chances of life are in the most vigorous period. In his eyes, those life magnetic fields, such as the gorgeous fireworks, are constantly changing and beautiful. However, as the warriors are killed in an instant, those magnetic fields are like the flowers withered and withered. He can clearly see the subtle signs that the magnetic field of life is slowly disappearing.

He was shocked. In his eyes, there was no human body, and there was only a life-changing magnetic field on the top of his head.

Those living magnetic fields are full of vitality, and when they are exhausted and dying, they may only have one glimpse.

A glimpse of Fanghua, from birth to death, is extremely gorgeous and strange, and he was witnessed one by one.

He seems to be in the wonderful situation of the soul, and his heart is empty, so he looks up and looks at the sky silently, watching the magnetic field of life from the peak to the demise, those moments of magnificence, even let him feel a touch of ......

He indulged in it, the soul was like sublimation, and the altar trembled in a wonderful way. The secret of life and death was like being inspired, and the beautiful life and death were transformed into one heart. He was silently feeling and feeling.

I don't know how long it took, his soul ritual swiftly swayed, and the life and death of the righteousness was sublimated. A kind of realization about life and death gradually grew and filled the heart, giving him a deeper understanding of life and death.

The sea is gradually picking up the waves, slowly extending, and the ancient trees in the body are re-growth, the crystal branches spread a little upward, and the Dantian cyclone is slowly creeping, producing a strong suction force.

Like the top of the raft, he jerked and waking up from the wonderful secret.

The same gods flashed in his eyes, and he looked at the sky and couldn't help but tremble.

Virtual state!

In this strange and dangerous moment, he actually took the life and death of the righteousness as a breakthrough, entered the virtual mystery and entered a new level of realm!


The body of a medicinal cabinet guard, the flesh and blood falling under his feet is blurred, and there is no vitality. The eyes are desperate and helpless, and the life magnetic field is a little bit dying, and it is nothing.

"come back!"

At this time, Du Lin snorted at the top, and saw those ghost-like people who were bathed in blood, and they all flew back to the crater.

Du Lin took a deep breath and flashed an electric light in his hand. The big thunder, such as Wanzhang Hongmang, suddenly thundered and thundered, and those who remained in the passageway were hit by those lightning bolts. Almost in a flash, all the breath is hidden.

The remaining ten medicinal sects and martial artists were killed in an instant in the battle of Doolin.

Du Lin looked cold and fierce, and his face was proud and indifferent. The thunder and spear in his hands were intertwined with the thunder and the gods, and the void was once again oppressed.

Fu Wei was pale and hurried to sacrifice the Xuantian Glacier. However, her speed seemed to be a little slower...

Wonderful ripples, such as the water curtain quietly swayed from the summer heart, the time runs, the thunder lightning-like spear, the speed seems to be slowed down, the time is slowed down, the power of all people is slow Several times.

Xia Xin’s eyebrows are twisted, and they are still running the time, affecting the offensive of Doolin’s scorpion.

Her face was slightly pale, and it seemed to be a bit difficult. To stop the Du Lin's three-day attack, she was also motivated by the sacred priests of the Yuanshi class. It was also a bit of a negative for her.

The power of Doolin to meet in the thunder and spear continues to increase, but the spear can never be fast, like a snail, and the slow one is almost a nerve collapse.

Although slow, but the Thunder sacred spear is still in the inch of an inch of the approaching, the continuous operation of the time of the righteous Xia Xinyi, the body strength is also rapidly passing, his face paler, seeing Shi Yan heartache.

Wrinkled, Shiyan slowly inhale, suddenly found that such a simple movement, even incomparably strenuous, as if the body was bound by time, can not be calm.

Slowly swallowing a look at Xia Xinyi around him, he has an illusion that even his own consciousness seems to be affected by the time and righteousness, and the reaction to one thing has become slower than ever. And the space of the righteousness and the world's two wonderful, really amazing.

Biting his teeth, he suddenly sighed low, and the sound was accompanied by space fluctuations, as if he had hard time and smashed the time.

A glimpse of blood, suddenly emerged in front of the thunder and spear, the blood light was initially small, but it swollen instantly, and suddenly turned into a sly **** shield. The **** imprint in the shield emerged, and it was a shock. The evil atmosphere covers the entire passage.


Xia Xinyi bent down and suddenly sat down, his eyes showing a trace of exhaustion.


The thunder and the spear suddenly fell, but did not directly impact the inside of the passage, and failed to harm any of the medicinal cabinets and the warriors of the blast department.

A **** shield is at the tip of the spear, like the most solid barrier in the world, and it will firmly block the sharp blow.

History repeats itself!

The Thunder **** spear spears sharply, but the **** giant shield does not move. The **** imprint of the evil light flashes, and the death of the surrounding warriors is instantly gathered.

Layers of layers like the blood of a flame, swaying out of the shield, the evil and violent atmosphere, covering every corner.

Du Lin’s face was cold, and he looked at it. He showed a hint of fear that was not easy to detect. He snorted, took a deep breath, and changed his mind. He wanted to take the Thunder Spear out and prepare for another. intend.


A torn roar screamed out from the bottom of the rocky rock, and the sound was soaring.

I saw the imprint of the surface of the **** giant shield, like the most turbulent **** volcano. Huoran sent earth-shattering fluctuations, and the fluctuations did not sound, but the hidden power could destroy the earth.

The thunder and the spear, which was pulled by the knowledge of Doolin, could not break free from the bondage. With the explosion of **** fire, the spear screamed and screamed, and it even swayed like a heavy blow. There was a crisp cracking sound, such as the human bones breaking the hard life.

Du Lin's face was unhealthy red, and the tip of his tongue was sweet. A bit of blood almost came out.

He looked blank and his eyes stunned and condensed his body strength, and merged into the sea of ​​knowledge.

The swaying thunder and spear, this scorpion finally turned into an electric light, successfully returned from the **** giant shield, and fell to Du Lin's palm.

Du Lin sighed with a sigh of relief, his eyes looked strangely underneath, did not dare to act rashly, his face became incomparably ugly, he was sure what...

Under the volcano under the volcano, on the spacious stone floor, Fu Wei stayed staring at the **** giant shield in the sky, and the pretty face became extremely weird. I didn't know how long it took. Her neck moved and some hard look at Shiyan.

The rocky rock of the double-necked scarlet, like the tyrannosaurus that has been touched against the scales, is a strong murderous murderer. It is going to tear the sky into the starry sea. The violent atmosphere of the sinister is completely consistent with the **** giant shield, and his sight, Also look at the shield, breathing and the beating of the heart, as if it is a dark match with the **** giant shield.

Fu Wei suddenly understood.

She looked at Shiyan in a complicated way, sighing softly without a reason, and sighing was inaudible.

Last time, this is also a **** giant shield. Because of her, she resisted Du Lin’s thunder and spear. However, that stone rock turtle could not shrink, and she was not angry with her thunder.

Today, the Scarlet Shield once again appeared, but it was not because of her, but for the woman beside him. He did not hide the trail this time. He stood upright and angered and angered with the whole body. Doolin’s thunder and spear were all hurt.

Fu Wei’s heart is full of bitterness.

She is very sensitive. She has seen the performance of the bleeding shield from Shiyan twice. She has already understood that her position in Shiyan’s heart is far less than the woman next to her...

For Xia Xinyi, Shiyan has no hidden traces, is not afraid to expose the most secret, and even resists with the power that may not be possible, and does not know how much resilience has been withstood, and it is also necessary for Du Lin to pay the price.

Only because Du Lin injured the woman next to him...

Xia Xinyu's face was white, and her spirit was still strong. She also stunned. She looked at the **** giant shield that appeared at the top of her head, and looked at the stone rock that looked awkwardly. She suddenly grinned.

The satisfaction of the depths of the heart makes her happy, and feels that there is such a man in this life that he can be desperately crazy.

Gasping, stunned, scarlet rock, looking up at the ghost ship, there is a hint of madness in his eyes, he rubbed a **** ring in one hand, and even saw a scarlet-blooded sword appearing, he Reaching out, the **** giant shield fell in front of him.

One hand shield, one hand **** giant sword, the whole body is full of horror and shocking weather, as if there is no one to kill in the world, like a **** sea to kill God.


Ps: The completion of the four chapters, for the "nth season" of the lord, add more exhaustion to the monthly ticket ~~~


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