God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1029: Accumulate

Fu Wei and Xia Xinyu instantly plunged into the dark hole, and the probe looked at it.

After a while, the internal energy fluctuations of the Death Star gradually calm down, and a figure rises into the sky, and the spirit is full of enthusiasm.

A black war suit, a strong body and a full body, the eyes are like a diamond, the scorpion seems to contain the power of shock.

Xia Xinyu breathed a sigh of relief and grinned. "Are you okay?"

Fu Wei also looked at him.

"The state is better than ever." Shi Yan laughed.

In the battle of the ninth life star, his strength was almost exhausted, which led to a sense of God coming from the mysterious depths of the universe, instantly turning the situation and killing the coca and shadow family. At that time, his body was severely damaged. The blood is running out.

However, the death of the cocaine caused a death to lead to his acupoints, making up for all his loss!

The energy of a fallen deity is simply terrifying. If he just breaks into the virtual state of God, he is afraid that it is not just a simple anti-phagic, but he may directly collapse and collapse, and the body will burst.

After three months of difficult digestion, the power of the formation of the death of Kaka has been fully integrated, allowing him to expand to the peak of the **** of the gods, and let his body condense nearly a thousand drops of blood. Compared with three months ago, he not only did not have a loss, but reached the peak of power in history!

The only pity is that he has not broken through the mystery of the virtual world. Otherwise, when the realm is stable, he may be able to break through the real world and reach the virtual world.

"Now I can talk about the sudden appearance of the ancient demon illusion, what is the matter?" Fu Wei hesitated, tempted inquiry.

In the past three months, this confusion has been lingering in her heart, making her curious, she did not know how many possibilities were guessed, and found that none of them might be close to the truth.

Xia Xinyu knows a little more about Shiyan than she is, but she still doesn't know the illusion of the ancient demon **** that suddenly appeared.

"I have gained the inheritance and the blood of the Protoss tens of thousands of years ago in the ninth star of life, the ancient demon god, was the soul of a senior, I have such a terrorist power." Shi Yan indulged, his attitude dignified: "The things that existed in me, once I was told by the shadow family, that I would become the target of the Protoss at all costs. The predecessors worried that I was exposed before the power was weak, so I killed all the people of the Coca and the Shadows. Even with ... and your people."

Xia Xinyu and Fu Wei’s neglect are all bitter.

In order to prevent the exposure of Shiyan’s identity, the man did not hesitate to kill nearly 10,000 people and even let their sire not let go. What a violent temper?

But they also have a hard time blaming Shiyan.

When the cocaine appeared, it was based on the absolute power of the original divine power. If no strong person suddenly appeared, perhaps all of them would be killed.

Now that they are still alive, it is a blessing to the man, but they are not happy and...

"The predecessors of the wind have been trying to contact me. Fu Wei has been there... The release is also unilaterally cut off by us every few days. Now, how do you want us to say?" Xia Xinyu’s headache With a white forehead, "The movement of the predecessor in the ninth life star is too big. Now the forces of the shadow ghosts are paying attention. We always have to give an explanation.

"It is said that a predecessor of the first **** of the three gods, and the shadow family have a hatred, suddenly came to kill." Shi Yan had a plan, did not hesitate, decisively said: "said the predecessor found the shadow The family and the protoss conspiracy, to invade the Martial domain, after killing the people of the shadow family, the three of us were taken away, telling us the plots of the Shadow and the Protoss, right, and the medicine. The great long-haired old man, Zuo Mai, said that he wanted to pass our mouth and let the parties in the entire Malang domain know this."

"What do we have to say about the death of our drugstore and the warrior?" Fu Wei sighed.

"Simple, they are all killed by the cocaine of the shadow family and the Dulin of the ghost pattern." Shi Yan said with care.

"It can only be like this." Xia Xinyi looked helpless and glanced at him. "I lost a third of the war, you are mad at me!"

Fu Wei listened to her mentioning this matter, but also a look of regret, looking at him with resentment.

Shi Yan picked it up and laughed and didn't explain much.

"Now can we contact other people?" Xia Xinyu hated.

"No problem, no problem." Shi Yan laughed.

Xia Xinyu and Fu Wei immediately took out the soundstone. Shi Yan thought for a moment, his brow wrinkled, and he sat down with both of them, closed his eyes, and a drop of red blood appeared on his fingers.

War league.

Fengyan is screaming at the warriors of the blast warfare department. His face is cold and suddenly he looks at him. He waved his hand to stop those people from stopping talking, taking out the cuffs and listening to them silently.

Half-sounding, the wind screamed, and rushed to the Temple of War, and went to see the Allied Front.

The ninth star of life, Bettina and Zha Feng are accompanying a strong man of the Mu ethnic group.

The hysterical squatting of the old long-left, letting Bettina and Zhachi realize that they must strengthen their strength. Three months ago, they had already notified the Muzu who had made a good relationship with them, and let the Mu people send the strong.

At this time, the ninth life star, there are many strong people ‘again not want to be physically exhausted before.

Zha Feng was shocked and suddenly said: "There is news!"

In the dark starry sky, the Shadow Ghosts are in the corner of the Death Stars. A battleship of the demon and the Mozu is scattered and searched on a dead star.

At the top of a warship, the **** devils moved, and the eyes burst into a splendid color. They suddenly laughed and cried, "Found!" The warships of the Yao and Mozu quickly gathered and sailed in a fixed direction.

Shadow ghost prisoner on a rock.

Ferran, Liana, Cato, Benny, Zuo Shi, Xuan Ming and his entourage sat silently, their eyes were gray, after a lapse of three months, the ninth life star was shocked, even their aliens I received the news, they have been worried about Shiyan, I don’t know if Shiyan is safe and sound.

Cato suddenly stood up and looked around, and cried in surprise: "The brothers are waiting for us!"

Seven days later. The death stars of Shi Yan, Xia Xinyu and Fu Wei ushered in the first wave of visitors, which are nearly a thousand demon and demon warships.

With a smile, Shi Yan relaxed and watched the battleship gradually approaching. Suddenly he said, “You have worked hard for the predecessors.” The demon and the demon gathered at the same time to make his heart warm. He thought he would fall into a huge danger. With the trust in the Gorefiend, there was a conviction that he was not sure whether the Gorefiend could be received.

In his view, even if the Gorefiend received the news, it would not be possible to mobilize the public. At most, the Devils would be arranged to look at the situation and determine the truth before the army could be forced.

To his surprise, the Gorefiend not only came in person, but also tied the Bass and Gut of the Yaozu, almost twisting the strongest fighting power of the Yao and Mozu, just because the Gorefiend believes him, perhaps ... extremely concerned about his life and death.

From the remaining undead Mozu in the Malang domain, he realized the greatest importance!

Watching a ship battleship come over, watching the **** demon coming out of the violent, slamming, Shi Yan heart full of emotions, said: "I did not expect you not only come in person, too ... with a strong man, will be demon The family is also tied."

The Gorefiend is laughing, "Bath, Gutna, I am extremely dissatisfied with me along the way, your kid helped me explain to them, lest they think I am messed up."

In the big laughter, Bass and Gute appeared, followed by McGee, Gumo and Ghosts, respectively, and they were all powers. The hegemonic power of the Yaozu was unfolded.

"What exactly is going on?" Bass frowned, his attitude was not friendly. "You have a message from your kid, and the Gorefiend will make a big move. I almost will turn the demon and the demon into the sky, and we must force us to send troops. From our side to the Shadow Ghost, the journey is not short. What do you say about the major crisis in the Malang Star Zone?

"Do you know the Protoss?" Shi Yan's face was positive, and his voice was low.

Gorefiend, Bass, and Gut ignored one, and they nodded heavily.

"Over the years, there have been hundreds of other ethnic tribes who have entered the Malang Star field from other stars. There are hundreds of pieces. Those people, without exception, are their own stars that have been invaded by this race. The Malang star field." Ancient features nodded, said: "Through their description, the Protoss... is a very strong race in the universe, the combat power is called the vastest starry sky, the aggressiveness is extremely heavy, almost always open Earth, many stars have been occupied by this race." Shi Yan took a deep breath, simply and neatly said: "They are staring at the Martian domain."

Everyone was shocked.

"The Protoss is going to invade?" Bath's face changed, and the voice was surprisingly heavy.

"Fast." Shiyan nodded and explained: "The shadow ghost prison will be the intrusion point, and the shadow family is the vassal of the Protoss. It is responsible for the head line and clear the space barrier. It is certain that the medicine cabinet is long and long." The old left-handed, should secretly reach a certain agreement with the Protoss, with the help of the inner squad of the Pharmacy Court, to disrupt the Malang Sphere and pave the way for the Protoss."

As soon as this statement is made, the Yaozu and the Mozu strong are not calm.

The protoss is strong, they pass through those other people who are exposed in the other stars of the Malang domain, and there are roughly a few in their hearts, and the medicine cabinet is the most transcendental force in the Malang star field. The strength of the medicine cabinet is 30%. Their alliance with the Protoss and the Shadows will surely bring devastating changes to the Malang domain.

"The Protoss is stronger than you think." Shi Yan sighed and said: "More than one hundred strong gods, the twelve Protoss families, any family, have the power to dominate a star. In the vast expanse of the sea, the Protoss almost occupied nearly half of the starry sky. Since the Malang star field was stared, it would inevitably make this sea of ​​stars change dramatically."

Everyone listened to him to explain the strength of the Protoss, and they all took a breath of cold air and their eyes trembled. Ps: Hey, sorry, there is only one chapter today, I will make up tomorrow, I will write more~ Today, the Heat is winning, winning the championship, drinking with friends at noon, that drink more, just woke up, bitter face A chapter, the state is really poor, Haihan Haihan ~

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