God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1044: Cross-border

Chapter 144 Cross-border

Shadow Ghost, the ninth life star of the Medicine Court. (""网7*

Bettina looked very dignified, and in the main hall inside the stars, she constantly contacted Zha and Fu Wei, but unfortunately there was no news to return.

"Is there still news?" The medicinal court's offering of Timlin frowned. "It's almost a year. Where did they go? Why didn't there even be a piece of news? The Presbyterian Assembly is about to be held, Zhazi, Fuwei As elders, you should know the importance of the Presbyterian Conference, especially the Holy Scriptures still in Fu Wei, what are they doing?"

The Presbyterian Conference of the Pharmacy Court, in relation to the determination of the new clerk, is in full swing.

As an elder, Zha and Fu Wei are both important members. If they do not appear at the Presbyterian meeting, they will take the initiative to abstain.

The three elders, Bettina, have been planning for many years, and there have been news that the Holy Scriptures were originally the most favored party. It is very likely that they will gain the upper hand in the battle for the treasures of the lords. Now Zha and Fu Wei have disappeared. This party’s power is simply a devastating blow.

"I don't know what happened." Bettina looked ugly. "If it weren't for an accident, I don't think they would respond, they might have a big problem."

Bettina knows what Zha and Fu Wei are going to do, and she originally agreed.

If Zhazi and Fuwei can confirm that the Protoss is about to invade, and confirm that the elders and the shadow family are related, then the elders of the elders, the elders of the elders will be directly disposed of, not only can not be in charge of the drugstore The position of the Lord will be deprived of everything and may even be pursued by the Medicine Court.

It is also known that Zha and Fu Wei are going to do things. It is about the election of the new cabinet owner. Her Bettina only acquiesced.

Where did you know that at the most critical moment, Zhazi and Fuwei suddenly disappeared mysteriously, and there was no news. This made it impossible for Bettina to be upset and know that Zhaxi and Fuwei must be trapped.

"There is not much time." Timlin sighed. "According to what you said, this party may have been able to climb to the top. After all, the Holy Scriptures will be recovered by you. (""Net 7* can now be Fu Wei, Zha You are missing, you can't confirm that the Holy Scriptures are held by you, there is no holy scripture, and what you said about the elders is really difficult to determine the true and false. So, I am afraid that you will be defeated here."

"It must be left-handed to stalk!" Bettina secretly gritted her teeth. "Star eyes are controlled by him. The most mysterious area of ​​the Shadow Ghost is supposed to have his eyeliner. He must have reached a secret agreement with the Shadows. Fu Wei was temporarily trapped."

"There is no way to do this." Timlin was helpless. "When the dust settles, the elders are in charge of the position of the cabinet, and he is more likely to evade. At that time, Fu Wei and Zhaga even hold the holy scripture. Returning, he could not shake his status in the cabinet."

Bettina is heavy in her heart.


Shadow ghost prison edge, a floating star of life.

The elders of the elders were quiet and sitting on the center of a huge medicine, condensing their strength. It seemed to be tempering the remedy. There was no uneasiness in the elders' meeting, and it was surprisingly calm.

Hamer, the patriarch of the ghost pattern, came alone, standing silently on the side, waiting for something.

After a long time, the left eye opened his eyes and saw the huge medicine Ding Ding, and the scent of the scent of the scented scent. He smiled and said: "Good luck, this time the medicinal herbs are very good. Haha. Silently, I will go back and get some medicinal herbs to go back. I can raise my soul and enhance my knowledge. You are doing a good job."

Hammer smiled. "It's all good for your layout, and there is the cooperation of the shadow family."

Half a year ago, Hammer’s ghostly tribes discovered the movements of the Mozu, the Yaozu, the War League, and Zhazi and Fuwei through various channels. They immediately contacted Zuo Yu, and Zuo Yu got the news, and immediately and the shadow family. The patriarch communicates directly.

They had planned a lot, and the patriarchs of the shadows took action, not knowing what had been done in the dark, so that the powerful alliances that once attracted the power of the shadow ghosts and prisoners disappeared.

Hamer doesn't know the details. He only knows those who disappeared. It may have disappeared forever. (""网7*

He knows that the shadow-shaping people of the hands-on, the heart is extremely fearful, can let the demon, the demon, the war ally and the squad of their allied forces completely destroyed, how much energy is required?

Hammer is more and more awesome about the shadow family.

"Do not worry, they will never pose a threat to us again. The shadow family chiefs personally assured me that they can no longer appear, without this uncertain factor, this elders meeting is bound to win!" Confident and full of words.

Hammer began to compliment in a sincere manner.


Extremely cold ocean interior.

A glamorous huge hood is purely condensed with energy, and the glare of the extremely cold sea water is vast, and on the edge of the hood, the colorful liquid water lingers, and when it touches the reticle, the hood comes "嗤嗤" The sound seems to be melting the defensive energy.

Inside the mask, a warship seems to be moored in an unreal space, and the surrounding lights are twinkling, and the faces of the people are inconspicuous.

This is the battleship of the Mozu, the Yaozu, the War Alliance and the Medicine Court. Nearly a thousand ships are trapped here, and they have been able to break free for a long time.

Gorefiend, Bass, Gut, and Fengyan, the four strongest people who have reached the level of the gods, have a slightly descriptive attitude, and they have spent a lot of effort, and the words are the most unbearable, pale and bloodless, which is too powerful. Signs.

Nearly a thousand warships were gathered in a ring, and the four forces of the warriors were hiding inside the warships. The whole body was condensed with power, and all of them were gray.

"I don't know what kind of ghost thing is really evil!" Bass was irritated. "The strength of the four of us adds up, and we can't kill it. The soul of the thing is scattered. Once it is destroyed, I will re-condense it. I have never seen this creature before, as if it were not dead."

"This is not the life that we should have in the Malang star field. It is all poisonous. The key is that those poisons not only have an impact on the gods, but also invade the soul altar. To be honest, if I don’t see it, I don’t know. I believe that there are such strange creatures in the world." Gut also smiled bitterly.

"We can't hold it for too long, we must think of a way." Gorefiend frowned deeply. "The poison of the creature is always eroding the barriers under our cloth, consuming our strength, among the four of us, the wind. The words have been unable to hold the first, and the recovery speed of the three of us can not withstand the rapid consumption. If there is no solution, I am afraid that I will be buried here."

"We have tried all the methods in this period of time, and it didn't work at all." The shackles of the medicinal cabinet were crying and sullen. "The space esoteric of the beginning of the gods destroyed the structure of the surrounding space. I did not The way to tear a gap, or we can escape."

"Fortunately, Shiyan didn't suffer with us." In the summer, Xia Xin's heart is still calm, similar to the desperate she experienced once, and her heart is tempered as a tough stone. "Maybe he found our abnormality and was able to return to the shadows." Ghost prison will tell the situation, maybe we can have a chance."

"He didn't leave the neighborhood at all!" Gorefiend directly dispelled her illusion and looked a little different. "It's very strange here, but I can still perceive him. He is near us and never leaves."

"Ah?" Fu Wei stayed for a moment. "He should go, and he can't help us with his strength. If you return to the shadow ghost prison to find the Allied Lord or our medicinal cabinet elders, maybe you can save us. but now……"

Everyone looked at each other and smiled.

No one thinks that the surrounding area of ​​Shiyan is wise. This place can't even get rid of the power of the Gorefiend, Bass, Gut, and Fengyan. What can he do with Shiyan?

"He is not stupid, he should know what happened, I think he has his own way." The bloodsucker squinted and slowly said: "Everyone continues to brainstorm and think that the partial method that can be tried is also heard. Let's try it and see if we can get rid of it."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was frowning and sighing.

The top-ranking and powerful people in the vertical and horizontal universe are bound here, and there are no plans to do anything. It really makes them irritated.


Inside the wonderful void channel.

Shi Yan looked at the torn barrier and quietly put away the blood sword and secretly adjusted the state of the gods. Don't look too embarrassed.

The attack of the mysterious sword took his three-point force, which opened the space barrier, but he not only did not have a bit of frustration, but his heart was excited and had a more intuitive understanding of the sharpness of the sword.

Ten thousand years ago, the Malang Star Field and the Fire Rain Star Field were protected from the virtual barriers of natural terrain, which prevented the two major stars from intercommunicating. He only had the virtual reality of the district, and without the sword, All the power is displayed, and the bombardment is itch on the barriers, and there is no effect at all.

But when the blood sword comes out, it tears into the mouth in an instant. How sharp is this?

The strength of the Yuanshi class soldiers is really extraordinary, and it is really invincible.

He sorted out the appearance a little, silently waiting for a short time, suddenly the eyes lit up, the soul had a perception.

One green, one red and two red light, like a passing fire, draws a beautiful arc in the ignition of the point, and plunges straight in his direction.


Two beams of light passed through the gap in the space, and the light changed a glimpse, showing two beautiful and graceful figures.

Yushan, a cyan dress, is graceful and elegant, like a delicate flower, bright and moving, an orange-colored tight-fitting shackle, an elf eccentric, curvaceous, and the eyes are spinning, as if not stopping for a moment. general.

A beautiful woman and a young girl, after showing up, all stared at him, quite curious.

"How do you get through the barriers? I have tried to repair your realm. I thought it was very difficult. I didn't expect it to be surprisingly fast, which was far beyond my expectation." Yu Shan's voice was clear and soft, and his mouth was faintly smiling. Like a big sister next door, it makes people feel very comfortable.

"I have a good luck." Shi Yan was in a hurry and did not explain the meaning in detail. "Can you pass?"

"Of course." Yu Shan smiled calmly.

"Then let's go now!"


Ps: The second chapter, below, continue to ask for a monthly ticket! !

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