God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1058: Two women

<ahref=\"http://www.ptwxz.com\"> Floating Astronomy</a> Shadow Ghost Prison A six-level azure star of life, called the Battle Star, is the main star of the War Alliance.

In the center of the magnificent Temple of War, the face of the cold face is cold, frowning and looking at the ten martial artists who are under the hood. The worst of the ten martial artists is also the illusory god. The two people in the realm of the realm have two gods. They are the pillars of the War Alliance.

Before the cold did not come to the shadow ghost prison, these people used to be the ghosts of the ghost ghost prisoner, waiting for the cold to gradually emerge, when they were invincible, they rushed to him, and formed the strongest war alliance of the ghost ghost power.

Ten of the top leaders of the War Alliance are all frowning, their eyes sparkling with cold and irritating luster.

"We and Shenguang always come to the well water without committing the river, and the gods did not come to the shadow ghost prison activities. This hurriedly came and immediately occupied the territories that belonged to the shadow family. It was really arrogant! They did not put us at all. "There is a slap in the face of a narrow cross-scarred scar," shouted.

The first realm of the sacred world of Zangze was repaired, and he led the warfare warfare warfare department, majoring in flames, and his temperament was as strong as fire.

Before he went to the front of the cold, Zhai Ze was a famous and difficult character in the shadow ghost prison. The strong men under his command were extremely fierce and sinister.

When Feng Han spent countless hours of effort, he blocked Zhang Ze, and let the cold and **** means let Yan Zegan go down the wind and take the initiative to return, so that his Majesty became a war alliance, and he was loyal to the cold. However, apart from Feng Han, he Do not accept anyone in the war league.

"The light of the tentacles of the gods is too long, and it should be cut off." The glorious glory of the glory is also a sacred world of temperament, temperament like water, and a long blue dress.

Both Takizawa and Yu Rong were the strongest of the war lords. They were also famous people. Although they became a member of the War League, the edges and corners of the body were still sharp.

"If the heart is not being held hostage, I have sent you to leave." The front of the front was cold and sighed with a sigh of relief. "What methods do you have to save your heart?"

Zhai Ze and Zhai Rong looked at each other with a smile, but they shook their heads.

Sana’s name is extremely high, and the means are extremely fierce. Unless there is a time for Zhai Ze and Zhai Rong, there is no way.

From the battle star to the formation of the Shenjing vein, there will naturally be a divine eye line on the way. Once the motive is found, Xia Xinyu’s blast warfare will fall into a sinister situation, and Zhai Ze and Yu Rong know the cold. Xia Xinyu’s pets, of course, will not make a fuss.

"Zhu Rong, you go to a glimpse, hold my hand in the past." Feng Han looked at the two people deeply, half-sounding, and suddenly handed the paper to that Rong Rong.

When Rong Rong was unclear, he took it. He just glanced at it and couldn’t help but scream: "Lord, you, do you really want to withdraw our people?"

After the news of the evacuation of the shadow family, Feng Han and Zhai Ze and Zhai Rong immediately proceeded to dispatch the warships to the veins controlled by many shadow people. They took the first step and erected the flag of the war league.

Although Shenguang has also seized some of the mine stars, it is far less than the War Alliance. No matter how many stars or resources are abundant, there are many differences.

"Although the territory that God wants is only half, but it is the most abundant product!" Yan Ze also screamed.

"I know." Feng Han's face was fierce. "The light came to the shadow ghost prison. We can't stand the conflict in the future. Let's make one step first, and make sure that our hearts are not obstructed. Let's fight back step by step."

Zhai Rong sighed and nodded, no words.

He knows that Feng Han has made up his mind and knows the importance of Xia Xinyu in Feng Han's mind. Naturally, he will not be stupid.

Holding the handbook of Feng Han, Zhai Rong gathered his water moon war department, and the main star of the war alliance went to leave, and went to Shi Yan and Xia Xinyu, the trapped life star.

The star of life that contains the crystal of the gods.

An amethyst warship slowly descended from the sky, and the bright amethyst was dazzling, and the martial artists who stood in the cold and stood on the edge of the battleship.

Sana and the warriors of the gods in this place have greeted them. Sana, who has been cold-faced, has a smile on his face, which seems to be very pleasant.

Such as the stars in the moon, a lavender dress, charming and charming enchanting woman, slowly and leisurely, the face of the woman, the peach blossoms, the delicate and graceful, the posture is swinging, the skirt is flying. , revealing a small glimpse of snow white.

Many Shenguang martial artists look at her eyes are extremely hot, this is the man's unique warmth to the goddess in mind.

The woman came in, and talked with Sana's smile, her manners were graceful and colorful, and her eyes could never be removed from her.

On the flying bird battleship.

The warriors of the blast war department frowned and looked at the enchanting woman who suddenly appeared. Some people couldn’t help but sigh: "This woman is really a disaster."

"Well, it’s a man’s nemesis. It’s not inferior to our family, and I don’t know who it is.”

"Working around with Sarah, the woman’s identity in the light must not be low."

"It should be the top of the gods. There is nothing to doubt about this."

The war martial artists all said a lot, secretly marveled, compare her with Xia Xinyu, such a comparison, found a **** monk, an elegant and refined, do not have a unique unique temperament, actually do not separate.

No one noticed that after the purple woman appeared, Shiyan quietly sneaked into the crowd, as if deliberately blocking people in front, as if to avoid something.

Xia Xinyi did not notice this subtle detail. The attention was attracted by the purple woman. She sighed: "This woman is really beautiful. If I am a man, I will love her. The so-called **** stunner is her. Ok?"

Her voice is not high, and the target of the inquiry is everyone's knowledge.

Shi Yan laughed and did not answer.

His eyes passed through the seams of the people, and he couldn't help but fall to the shadow of the glamorous scent, and there was a stun in his eyes.

Even breaking through to the source **** triple heaven, from the virtual realm of the realm is not far away, not seen for more than 30 years, her speed is really fast enough, it seems that the Lord of Light is very fond of her ...,

"Sister, how come you suddenly come over?" On the amethyst battleship, Sana’s face was mild and said: "When this shadow ghost prisoner’s trip asked you, did you not say that you are not interested? How come suddenly and hurriedly Already?"

The charming purple sorrow smiled. "Suddenly, I feel that it is very boring to practice and I want to come and distract my heart. I heard that there is a lot of fun here recently. What the demon, the demon, and the medicine cabinet are here, I will come together to make a fun."

Her beautiful eyes slid and circled, and her eyes crossed Sana’s, and there was more and more in the upper reaches of the warships in the War League, as if looking for someone.

Sana was keenly aware of her movements, frowning at the dozen warships in the distant war leagues, and was amazed: "Sister, who on the warships do you know? I have been watching since you came over... ”

"I heard that Xia Xinyi was the lord of the Wars and Wars Department. It was the first beautiful and beautiful woman in the Shadow Ghost, and it was said to be a wise man. Oh, such a perfect woman, I am really curious, I want to see and see." Zi Yao Ying Ying smiled.

Sana squatted, and immediately revealed a stunned appearance, saying: "If you say beauty, the sister is really worthy." There was a hint of concealing heat in his eyes.

The more beautiful the woman, the more she likes to compare each other. This is what Saina knows only when Ziyao is really curious about Xia Xinyu, and she is not too concerned.

"The brothers have won the prize." Zi Yao section got up and thought about it with a smile: "I used to see the woman."

"I will accompany you." Sana also suddenly got up and looked awkward. "Sisters, although you said that the realm of the realm is extremely fast, but now, after all, it is only the source of the gods, the warriors of the blast warfare are not good, million pairs. You are upset and will hold you back, we will be very passive."

Zi Yao knows nothing about him, smiles slightly, and gently greets him.

Sana immediately ordered a few people, all of whom were strong in the realm of the virtual gods, accompanied by the battleships of Zi Yao to the Department of War.

"Hey, they are coming! What are they doing here?"

"It seems that the glamorous woman asked, strange, how could she be interested in us?"

"Who knows? It may be boring, and it is impossible to find some fun."

The warriors of the War League, seeing Zi Yao slowly approaching under the stars of the gods and the stars, they all screamed.

Xia Xinyi also had a wrong look, and his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and his heart could not touch the other's intentions.

She knows that Sana’s passing through the soundstone should be in contact with the high-level light. At this time, they are negotiating with the War Alliance. They are only holding each other’s chips. Unless there is a clear answer, the other party should not contact them so quickly.

She was secretly surprised and wanted to ask about Shiyan’s opinion. She swept away and she suddenly stopped.

At this critical moment, Shi Yan was not around, and did not know where to go.

Xia Xin's brow wrinkled deeper.

Accompanied by everyone in Sana'a, Zi Yao was in a state of eternal flight to the bird battleship, and walked straight to her, a pair of bright eyes, always staring at her.

Xia Xinyi looked inexplicable.

"Xia Xiaomei is really beautiful. When I see it today, I really deserve it." Zi Yao's face is filled with a bright smile.

Xia Xinzhen frowned.

Zi Yao smiled, the line of sight swayed for a while in Xia Xinyi, and the bone ball was removed. The internal passage mouth seems to secretly say something.

"Who are you looking for?" Xia Xinyi stared at her for a moment, as if she suddenly understood something and sipped.

"Nobody is looking for, just want to talk to you alone." Zi Yao sounds soft, smiles bright, and looks straight at her.

"Good!" Xia Xinzhen is very refreshing, "Go to the central hub?"

"No problem." Zi Yao smiled and said to Sana and others: "Nothing, the central hub of the battleship is in front of you, there will be no accidents, don't worry."

Sanalo frowned and nodded slightly.

Immediately, two women with different temperament but all of them are like a tacit agreement. They walked side by side to the central hub of the battleship, closed the stone gate, closed the voice, and did not know what to talk about.

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