God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1063: Old man

Riding on the amethyst battleship, Shiyan flew at the shadow ghost prison and traveled to and from the surrounding major stars.

The star of life and the mineral star left by the shadow family, the real richness of the products is not too much, and the distance between them is not far away. The amethyst warship specially tempered by the medicine cabinet is more than the flame star in the year. The warships in the domain do not know how many times the advanced, the action is very fast.

One star, one star of life, is blocked by thick, cloud-like poisonous smoke, and many of them are trapped.

The arrival of the amethyst warship, the appearance of Shiyan, will solve their troubles smoothly.

That "quenching cold beads" emerged in the sky, as the whales absorbed water, and soon they would absorb the poisonous smoke and poisonous mist.

The beads become more and more chilly, and the paint becomes darker and darker like ink. It is very cold and cold, and it infiltrates a kind of soul cold force.

When the mind is moving, the "quenching cold beads" disappears and stays in the soul of his soul. It seems like a dark sun, exuding wonderful ice and cold fluctuations.

This bead, derived from the essence of the soul of the dead jellyfish, seems to have undergone the wonderful imprint of the **** imprint of his forehead, and there is a trace of stone and soul, so that he can control the beads as they wish.

As soon as the beads fell into the virtual world, they became a dark spot, and the chilly and cold souls slowly flowed out. Shiyan suddenly felt peace of mind, and felt that the negative thoughts of the soul were suppressed, and immediately the face was happy.

In his caves, he absorbs the essence of many warriors after death, which contains all kinds of despair, grievances, killings, and violent temperament. Those negative breaths can gradually affect his spiritual will, quietly corroding his mentality, and to a certain extent will make him Loss of reason.

"Quenching cold beads" into the virtual world, such as becoming a meditation cold pearl, the negative breath quietly released from his acupoints, seems to not flow into his soul altar, will not bring back to his soul .

He suddenly remembered the embarrassing statement: Quenching cold beads have calmed the mind, avoiding the magical effect of the fire, especially suitable for those who fuse the source.

Silently perceived for a while, Li Yan gave a smile, knowing what he said is true, this "quenching cold beads" can really calm down, calm the soul fluctuations, so that the mind is clear and clean.

Of course, the effect of "quenching cold beads" is not just to appease the soul, it is not just to prevent the fire.

The poisonous poison cloud that it absorbs can be re-released, such as a special utensil, which can be released or released.

Shi Yan knows how terrible the poisonous smog from the dead soul jellyfish. He believes that if the poisonous smoke in the quenching cold beads is released in the group battle, the lethality that can be caused is extremely terrifying. ,

According to Na Yushan’s words, “Quenching the cold beads” seems to have other wonderful things, but she is also unknown, and she cannot say more clearly.

Hand-held "Qiyan Huzhu" stone rock, riding on the amethyst warship, shuttles through the major mineral stars, the star of life, absorb the poisonous smoke and poisonous clouds on it, and help the Shenguang warriors to get out of trouble.

Sana, Zi Yao, and Tuo Tuo followed him, watching the stars and the star of life being shrouded in poisonous clouds, and their faces looked extremely ugly.

"The shadow family is really vicious!" Zi Yao Qiao face slightly cold.

Sana, gently nodded from the distance, his eyes were extremely dignified and cautious, and secretly sighed.

They are very clear, if this is not the help of Shiyan, the more than 3,000 elites who come to the shadow ghost prison will be buried in the poisonous smoke cloud, and even they may not escape.

The shadow family retired from the shadow ghost prison, and the remaining bans were so poisonous and evil. If they really took the invasion of the protoss army, they did not know how much to bring to the Malang star field.

"You don't know the details." On the amethyst battleship, everyone went to the last place to be swallowed by the poisonous smoke closed area. Shiyan frowned and said coldly: "The beads in my hand come from an evil poison. The creature, the soul jellyfish. If this creature does not have the fusion of the original flame to reach the strongest of the original state of mind, once it enters a star field, it will make a whole star field alive, all mortals, warriors, and spirit beasts will be extinct... ”

After a pause, Shi Yan took a deep breath and his face was grim: "The soul of the dead water spider... was originally in the void passage, leaving behind the shadows and the Protoss, if not quickly arbitrarily They will release the dead soul jellyfish and destroy the creatures of the Malang star field."

"Well!" Sana, shouted in amazement.

Zi Yaomei is also stunned, showing a deep taboo and fearfulness, secretly screaming.

The practice of extermination of a star field is not a bit of humanity. The forces of the various parties in the Marathon are fighting, but no force can be so vicious. They dare not imagine that the Protoss has this. Pickpockets.

"Yes... what did you solve?" After a while, suddenly said.

"Well, we are lucky, please come to a different star field, the **** of the realm of the realm, she and the source of the flame fusion, successfully refining the dead soul jellyfish, leaving this quenching cold beads." Shi Yan calmly .

From the eyes of Yan, Sana, Zi Yao and the surrounding Shenguang strong, when they look at Shiyan, there is a bit more obvious respect in the look.

"Quenched cold beads" fell into his hands, if not he is the main key figure, you can get "quenched cold beads"? In connection with the role played by the name "Shi Yan" by the two elders, the many sacred warriors faintly realized how important his role in this incident was...

"It seems that all the races of our Malang domain should thank you for all races."

Many Shenguang warriors are secretly nodding. Shiyan is safe and self-satisfied. "You have a lot of people to be grateful. The Yaozu, the Mozu, the Medicine Court, and the War Alliance are all involved. Without them to fight, the void passage cannot be closed, and the Protoss army will soon come."

Frowning thought for a moment, he said indifferently: "The regular army of the Protoss is several times stronger than the team of the Shadow Clan. Your blood spear warships are five or six times the number of people, and it is estimated that they can compete against a Protoss team. Don't doubt that I exaggerate, I am already very Be cautious, according to the beginning of the fire and the protoss of the Protoss, the strength of our normal team is ten times more comparable to the regular army of the Protoss. I hope that you will realize the gap..."

As soon as this statement came out, many of the warriors of Shenguang were shocked one by one, and they were all dumbfounded.

"It's really so strong." Zi Yao looked bitter and sighed: "I have seen a Protoss person, it is really outrageous, until now, still shocking my heart. I believe the Protoss army is absolutely terrible. Otherwise, there are countless ethnic forces in the vast expanse of the Star River. Why does the Protoss always dominate the parties?"

Sana, the distance from everyone is silent, his face is extremely dignified.

They need to digest Shiyan’s words, and they don’t continue to interject, but frowning.

Two days later, the amethyst warship descended on a star-shaped life star, and the stars and clouds were also swayed by poisonous smoke and smog. Shiyan flew down and absorbed the poison with "quenching poisonous cold beads".

Immediately, the amethyst warship dumplings descended slowly and fell to the surface of a beautiful star. The stars are all over the blue ocean. The ocean is dotted with countless islands. Many islands are sparkling, such as the gemstones in the sea, dreamlike, scenery. Beautiful makes people dream.

"I will show you a few people." Zi Yao suddenly chuckled. "Before I went to the Shenjing vein, I stayed here. You and I went over to see."

Shiyan was amazed and immediately nodded.

An Amethyst chariot screamed out, and Zi Yao waved at him. After he entered the chariot, the amethyst chariot was separated from the huge warship and flew toward the gourd-shaped island in the blue ocean in the distance. The chariot is like a shuttle, and the speed is extremely fast.

In a short time, the chariot stopped on the island of Hulu, and Zi Yaoyi fell down and said, "Let's see who is coming."

The island is not very large. The island is like a tropical jungle with damp and hot, and there are several towering hills in the center of the island.

The verdant hills are covered with plants and flowers, and there are many shining gems at the foot of the mountain. From afar, the light source of this glowing island comes from those gems, and the colorful gemstones are crystal clear. Unfortunately, there is no energy and no cultivation power. The warriors are going down, no one is going to pick up.

Several mountain riversides open up exquisite caves, and there are hidden shadows inside, most of them are Shenguangwu.

One of the holes **, a few people slammed out, they looked up at the front of the head, glanced at the stone rock, the eyes suddenly burst into a strong joy. Shi Yan is also a shock, and immediately the face overflows with a smile, "How are you here?"

It is violent, thorny, wave, Kraft, etc. These people should have been in the flames of the stars, and they don’t know why they suddenly appeared here, making Shi Yan very surprised.

When the gods were on the mainland, the temper and the thorns would treat him not thin. When they broke away together, they entered the flames and joined the Alliance. They were really comrades who had suffered together.

The same is true. I heard that they were violent and thorny. They were bound by the sucking demon flower. Shiyan did not hesitate to hand over the star map in exchange for their innocence. When they recovered, they were arranged by Kato to arrange for his brother Kraft to send out the fine city. It is properly hidden in the territory of the mysterious Death Star in the surrounding area.

I thought it was hard to see you again. I didn't expect that I would see them again in the Shadow Ghost in the Malang Star Field.

The violent, thorny, and wave-like three are now the realm of the king of the gods. Among them, the violent and thorny thorns have reached the three kings of the gods, and Boluo is a little bit, and it is also the king of heaven and two heavens. The rock is so high, and says: "The blessing of His Royal Highness Princess Ziyan."

Shiyan suddenly looked at the purple glare that smiled at his side. "Are you back in the flames?"

"Well, I went back a glimpse." Zi Yao did not hide it, and answered in a broad way. "The sphere of influence of our gods is not far from the intersection of the shadows of the ghost ghost prison. I am practicing in the light." At that time, I went there and spent a few years looking for a gap in the space to the flames, and under the **** of several seniors, I returned to the flames.

......(To be continued


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