God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1066: Three fires

Xuanqi's source of mystery.

A flaming area like the sea, the beam of flames seems to have life, and jumps cheerfully. From time to time, a beautiful and extraordinary arc is drawn, and the flow is beautiful.

Each layer of each flame is free to release the exquisite fire. In the heart of the survey, the soul can realize the feelings of the soul, and can capture the changes of the flames, and then integrate themselves, infiltrate the soul, and enhance the realm.

In the middle of the flames, two clusters of souls are floating, and one of the souls, like the flame ball, releases a very strong soul magnetic field.

The faint magnetic field and the flames of the mysterious range of fires reach a connection, as if the insight into the mystery, let the surrounding flames twitch and evolve like a spirit, forming many beautiful and magnificent lines, like the specific form of the flame elves.

The flames of the three breaths are close to each other, and they gradually grow from the soul flame ball, and they are quietly twisted into one, gradually tightening...

Two Qian Li Man's figure, suddenly emerged, stagnate in the flames of the Olympics.

Yu Shan, who is full of body, is full of amazed face, full of surprise color, staring at the flame soul, saying: "He is merging the three sources of flame close to the original flame, this is the true fusion, energy breath And the soul is condensed into one..."

The little face showed a shock and shouted: "How is his progress?"

"Quick." Yu Shan sighed. "This sub-qualification is extraordinary, the situation is wonderful, it is really extraordinary. According to this process, it should not take too long, he can complete the fusion of three flames similar to the flame, when he is on the fire The understanding of the righteousness is afraid that it will surpass you."

His eyes stunned and he snorted.

"You look at it and it's good for you." Yu Shan said with a serious sentence, and then no longer talked.

Time is in a hurry.

I do not know how long it has been. There are three different flavors on the flames of the soul. They are no longer separated from each other, and they are integrated into one.

Another group of souls has changed dramatically. Cheng Shiyan's body looks like a smile, he smiles and looks at the deputy soul.

The flame ball of the soul formed by the deputy soul. Suddenly contracted to a point, like a thumb-sized fire bead, staying in the void.

"You are coming over." He smiled. He looked at Yushan. "When are you arranged, when will you enter the Martian domain?"

"I am here to inform you that they have already waited at the entrance of the Void Channel. My body is in the middle, as long as there is no problem on your side, I will let them enter." Yu Shan clarified the situation.

"Nature is no problem, you take them into the Malang domain. I will arrange for you to accept the battle stars of the Shadow Ghost." Shi Yan stated.

"You just merged the three sources of flames?" Yu Shan paused and suddenly said.

"Well, it went well."

The fire of the earth, the fire of purgatory and the real fire of Suzaku are very close. They are all attributes of hotness and yang. The process of thorough integration is still smooth. These three sources of flames are integrated into one another, and they are no longer separated from each other. The power of the heat of the sun to the sun, because the power of the three flames suddenly surged several times.

He just tried it. The flames after the fusion were found to be far more hot than he expected.

"You have a total of ten kinds of source flames with different breaths. From a native continent, the three flame properties you have just merged are the same, and the easiest to integrate. But the next fusion will be relatively difficult and not so easy. Yu Shan thought for a moment and seriously reminded: "The future integration cannot be so reckless. It is necessary to be slow in kind, or it may be irritating. Oh, I really envy you, can bring the source of an ancient continent." Gathered together, in the future, in the detection of the flames, I am afraid that it is farther than ours..."

Later, Yu Shan was very lamented and her eyes were complicated.

She is the master of the temperament of practicing the flames. She believes that her own fusion of the source flame, the cultivation of the realm of the gods, and the advice she gave, Shi Yan is very valued, and the words are secretly recorded.

"Our people will soon enter the Malang domain, and you will send a guide as soon as possible." Yushan frowned, and suddenly he was awkward. "I don't know if it is related to your Malang domain..."

"What?" Shiyan was shocked.

"In the dark, you started with the Martell star, but the Ascot family of the Protoss?" Yu Shan asked.

Shiyan nodded.

"That may have been implicated." Yu Shan indulged, seriously: "I heard that the Ascott family's Sloan, recently collecting materials to quench 'breaking the thunder", perhaps, and your Malang domain has Linking may also be related to you..."

"I do not quite understand."

"Naslo and the shadow patriarch Belo are commensurate with each other. You are the last protoss youth who lived in this killing. It is his ... the young son who loves it. After a special method, it will be known by the tribe, that is to say... Sloan should know that you killed his son. His smashed 'Breakout Thunder' is the most terrible and fierce thing of the Protoss, and can instantly smash a life. The Star can also destroy the Void Barrier, but it is not easy to quench the 'Breakout Thunder'. It requires a soul-sacred altar of the original gods to be the core. Once the 'Breakout Thunder' bursts, the strong soul sacrifices It will also be annihilated."

"I heard that at this time, Sloan was applying to use a captive **** who was imprisoned to make a sacrifice to quench the 'Breakout Thunder'. Once the thing was successfully tempered, now you and the ancient gods are closed. The void passage may be destroyed by an instant burst. At that time, you will have to face the invasion of the Protoss Ascot family, especially... you are the main target of Sloan!"

Yu Shan’s words came and said that they were methodical and well-founded.

Shi Yan's expression gradually became gloomy. He knew that Yu Shan would not bully him at this time, so he was sure that the other party said it was true.

I thought that the void barrier was closed and it could be stabilized for a period of time. It was unexpected that the Protoss did not intend to succumb to it, and it was actually trying to make a more **** attack.

"Of course, whether you can make a **** as a sacrifice also requires the approval of the Ascot family. It takes time to temper the 'breaking the world', so you can still be stable in a short time." Yu Shan sees his face. If you are not good, you can't help but say a few words: "You can still have some time to prepare, but I suggest that you best unite the forces of all ethnic groups in the entire star field. You can't have a heartless sand. We are the first to suffer from the Protoss invasion. At that time, the forces of the various parties fought each other, and some attached to the Protoss. After eating a big loss, they recognized the reality. Ultimately, all the forces united to be able to withstand it. I hope that you can recognize the facts in advance."

Yu Shan kindly suggested.

Shi Yan nodded silently.

Yu Shan no longer speaks, rushing to signal, the two quietly left here, and the soul will return to their place.

Shi Yan was alone in the flames of the ambiguous section, pondered for a long time, and thus left.


A cavern blocked by a meteorite.

The two dazzling women were quietly suspended, all shining beautifully, and looking closely at the hole covered by the stone.

Not far away, Zhai Rong, Sana, Sui and the ten martial artists of the Shenguang are also waiting in the chariot. In those chariots, there are many strange cultivation materials, all kinds of crystal stone. There are also many energy wooden blocks like jade, which shine with a lustrous luster.

Today is not the fifth day, it is already the ninth day.

The materials of the refining materials sent by Shenguang have already arrived, and they were prepared to wake up the stone rock. When they arrived, they found that the soul fluctuations in the cave did not exist.

At that time, everyone was shocked. Zhai Rong, Sana, and Sui were very upset, thinking that Shi Yan’s soul was destroyed.

Even Zi Yao did not know the depth, and Lu Xun almost rushed in and entered the wonderful realm of the source of the righteousness, she did not see it.

Only Xia Xinyu knows the details and prevents everyone from breaking into the hole, letting everyone wait quietly outside.

Everyone was suspicious, and when they waited silently, they were filled with great confusion.

Until, the sudden discovery of the soul of the stone rock disappeared, and then returned again in an instant, which makes everyone look down on the hole.

At this time, in the hearts of Zhai Rong, Sana, and Sui, the mystery of Shi Yan has a more intense point. They increasingly feel that Shi Yan is unusual.

It seems that there is no such thing as a fusion of the source flames, and there is no strong person who can enter the source of the righteousness, so they do not know that someone can fall into the magical mystery in an instant, giving the illusion of a soul annihilation.


The boulder was removed, and the stone rock appeared coldly from the hole. Looking at the people in front, the frowning of the invisible, immediately smiled: "This big welcoming squad."

Everyone looked awkward and laughed a few times without saying much.

"I'm not worried about your business." Zi Yao's charming white glanced at him, exaggeratedly patted the tall chest and shouted: "Scared me, didn't sense your soul, thought, what did you think? If it’s not Xia Xiaomei’s explanation, I really have to rush in and see, oh, can you explain it in advance next time, makes people worry that it’s interesting?”

She did not hide the deep feelings of Shiyan.

Many Shenguang martial artists secretly sighed and sighed, and the chest was full of sorrows.

"Heart, you arrange a few strongmen of the League, go to the space gap where we have been, and accept some people." Shi Yan looked serious, said: "Those people come from the fire and rain, Yu Shan Hehe may come in person, I promised them, let Liana help them to train, you first let the war martial artists accept them to the battle star."

"There is a little closer to the place." Zi Yao suddenly interrupted.

Shi Yan took a moment and thought about it. He suddenly said, "That's good. Arrange people from here to accept them and bring them here. Oh, yes, all the materials I need can be obtained?"

"All in one."

"Well, I am here to refine the law and finalize things as soon as possible."



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